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Drew Jackson

Mr. Salow
English 11
Annotated Bibliography
The topic of year round school is a very debated topic throughout the education system.
Many are for the ideas behind helping students of both sides. Many people on the side for year
round school believe that it will help students keep a better memory of their classes, they forget
less about what they are learning and working on. Many people arguing against year round
school believe that the system is fine the way it is, you shouldnt fix something that isnt broken.
As schools across the US are changing their schedules to year round calendars, this is becoming
a more controversial topic. How are both sides of the scheduling trying to persuade and convince
us that their side is better? Now there is many factors that have to be taken in for each schedule
such as price, teachers, students, and even how the community would react to the sudden change.

Works Cited
Lyttle, Leighanne. Year-Round versus Traditional Schools. March 3, 2011. Web.

21 Nov. 2016.
Generally conclusive, the literature indicates that year-round schools
benefits far outweigh those in traditional calendar schools. This essay use mostly logic and
statistics to persuade year round schools. The research convinces that year round schools
help increase student grades throughout the school. The essay does not use many ethos to
convince, it does show that year round school is more expensive for the district. This essay
shows the benefits non-beneficial aspects of year round school. The essay shows that to
persuade the reader of year-round school by mostly statistics and proven studies.

Naylor, Charlie. "Revisiting the Issue of Year-Round Schools. BCTF Research Report. Section V.
2012-EI-02." British Columbia Teachers' Federation(2012).
Advocates for a balanced calendar feel that many aspects of learning
improve in a year-round schedule, including student attendance, attitude, and academic
achievement, and that teachers have greater job satisfaction, as well. Opponents to the
balanced calendar argue that there is no substantial increase in academic student
achievement when students are on a year-round schedule as opposed to a traditional
schedule and that the research proposing the benefits of a balanced calendar is limited and
inadequate. In this research the factors providing for year round school argue that the
year round school are no longer needed and that the Agrarian Calendar is no longer the
right system for North America. The Agrarian Calendar is the system believing that school
should close in the spring for planting and open again in late fall for harvesting. This Essay
relates to my topic by explain the defects of the traditional school system. It explains that
the Agrarian Calendar is a myth and that it is no longer effective.
Walker, Karen. "Year-Round School. Research Brief." Education Partnerships, Inc. (2009).

Despite the numerous advantages of a year-round schedule, there are significant

political hurdles to its implementation. The most successful year-round schools are those
where leaders worked closely with staff and families to maximize the benefits, minimize the
costs, and build support for modifying the traditional school calendar. This essay explains
that even though that the year round school may be better, it is not worth the cost and
upkeep required to change calendars over to. Also, it is shown that to improve scores in low
performing schools a change of calendar all year is not needed but that just increasing the
time in school can improve grades. This source is a good option for my paper because it can
show persuasion against year round schools by suggesting an alternative route. This essay
can help even out the arguments against traditional schools.
Pedersen, James M. "Length of School Calendars and Student Achievement in High Schools in
California, Illinois and Texas." Online Submission (2010).
This essay is unuseable, only covers the researching the issue not provide a
side that he joins and does not persuade the reader.
Varner, Lynn W. "Instructional Review Time in Year Round and Traditional Calendar Schools."
Numerous researchers have found positive effects of year round school on
student achievement. This paper shows the facts behind the scores of students that have a
year round calendar system against the students with a traditional calendars. Use much
logical and statistical facts to support. Also, uses some emotion to show how low-income
students score in both systems. This is a good essay for my paper to use because it shows
some emotion when explaining low-income students. Also does a great job showing
statistics from multiple researchers.

Ramos, Barbara K. "Transitioning to Year-Round Education: Satisfaction and Factors of

Choice." Online Submission (2012).
Delisle, Jason, and Ben Miller. "Myths & Misunderstandings: The Undeserved Legacy of
Year-Round Pell Grants." New America Foundation (2015).
The Obama administration made its case for ending the program on those
grounds, claiming year-round Pell Grants failed to encourage students to accelerate their
education and that the program cost substantially more than expected. This essay does not
use much logic to persuade the readers. Instead this research does not provide much
evidence to support their stand against Year round school. Many of the claims that the
author makes, which is not many, are not backed by facts. This article can help my paper
very much by being able to go into detail on how the authors do not do a good job
persuading. Also, It fits well in my paper by explaining how to not persuade readers.

Kneese, Carolyn. "Teaching in Year-Round Schools. ERIC Digest." (2000).

This digest examines the benefits and challenges of teaching in year-round
schools. In this article it examines a new type of school calendar, one that is a mix of both
Big name calendars. The article also explains some of the problems teaching in these year
round calendars. The essay shows that teachers may have a harder time teaching students,
but For teachers who prefer more personal time to more money, it is possible for two
teachers to split one year-round contract. This essay is good for my essay because it brings
a new topic into my paper to talk about. Instead of balancing the attention on kids this
article based it off the teachers.
Sheppard, Morris A. "Year-Round Schools: The Importance of Year-Round Schools. Volume 2.
Final Report. (1975).

Pickerel, Lyn M., and Susan Hubbard. "The Effects of Year-Round Schools on the Hospitality
Industry's Seasonal Labor Force in the State of Tennessee." Journal of Human Resources
in Hospitality & Tourism 1.1 (2002): 49-58.
Ramos, Barbara K. "Transitioning to Year-Round Education: Satisfaction and Factors of
Choice." Online Submission (2012).
Daneshvary, Nasser, and Terrence M. Clauretie. "Efficiency and costs in education: Year-round
versus traditional schedules." Economics of Education Review 20.3 (2001): 279-287.

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