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Click Listen to hear the question. Click the correct answer.

What is this?

a table sign

a list of safety rules

a work schedule

To talk about the future, use will or be going to with a verb.

Use the future tense when you want to:

predict the future

You will have many grandchildren.
He's going to be a good father.

promise or offer to do something

I'll read this later.

talk about definite future plans

I'm going to get the job at the caf.

Alejandro tried to fix a loose shelf in the kitchen of the restaurant. He fell and
injured his leg. An ambulance came to the restaurant.
In this scene, Alejandro tells the ambulance paramedic about the accident. Mr. Miller
says Alejandro is lying about what happened.
Listen for the answer to this question:
Why doesn't Alejandro want to go to the hospital?
Alejandro: I don't need an ambulance. I'm okay. Oh, God, my leg!
Paramedic: Sir, just lie still. What happened?
Alejandro: I walked into the back room. I noticed that the shelf was loose so I screwed it in
but the shelf broke and it fell on me.
Mr. Miller: That's not true. He broke that shelf. He's a liar.
Alejandro: I don't want to go to the hospital. I don't have enough money.
Paramedic: Don't worry about the money right now. The restaurant must have insurance.
Mr. Miller: [Laughs] No, no, no, no, no. I'm not paying for his hospital bill. He's a liar. He
quit this afternoon and got another job.
Paramedic: Now is not the time to argue, sir.
Mr. Miller: I'm just letting you know. If you lie, I'll take you to court. I'm not paying one cent
for your medical care.

Alejandro: I can't believe I broke my leg.

Sofia: You're lucky it's only a broken leg.
Nurse: And it's not a bad break, Alejandro. It will heal soon.
Alejandro: But my new job starts in two weeks. And my boss blames me for the accident.
How am I going to pay for this?
Nurse: Your boss has workers' compensation which will pay for your injuries.
Alejandro: Workers' compensation. What is that?
Nurse: Workers' compensation is insurance. Your employer will pay for your medical care
in four different situations. The first situation is when you are hurt on the job. This is what
you should get, Alejandro. It pays for ambulance, hospital, medication, time away from work
and other related costs.
The second type of care you can get is rehabilitation, care that helps you get well.
A third type of care is for permanent injuries. An employer has to pay for new job training a
worker needs.
The fourth situation relates to death on the job.
Alejandro: Death?
Nurse: Unfortunately, sometimes people die on the job. And when a worker dies, a
worker's family gets help.
Alejandro: Wow. Workers' compensation is great. But I know my boss won't pay for
Nurse: He has to. It's the law. You have rights, Alejandro. If your boss gives you any
trouble, you can call the State Division of Workers' Compensation. They have information
and assistance officers there to help.
Alejandro: And how can I get in touch with them?
Nurse: You can find the number in the government section of the telephone book or on the
Sofia: Thank you. We'll call them first thing in the morning.
Nurse: One more thing. It's possible you might have to go to court.
Alejandro: Go to court? With a judge?
Nurse: Sometimes you have to fight for your rights.
Alejandro: Fight?
Sofia: In court all you have to do is tell the truth.
Alejandro: Yes, tell the truth.

--------------Mr. Miller: Never! I will never pay for Alejandro's bill!

Ms. Parsons: Well, Mr. Miller, perhaps you and Mr. Cordero will have to go to court to
solve this.
Mr. Miller: It was all his fault and he was drunk!
Ms. Parsons: Aye, Mr. Cordero, we have tried everything.
And your boss insists that you lied about what happened.
Alejandro: Really? There's no other way?
Ms. Parsons: Mr. Cordero, if what you said happened is the truth, you have nothing to
worry about.
All you have to do is tell the truth.

When you go to work, it is important to know your rights. One of your rights as
an employee is access to workers' compensation the day you start your new
job. If you are injured at work, workers' compensation is available to you.
Workers' compensation is insurance and it can protect you in four ways:
1. When you get hurt on the job, it pays for the ambulance, hospital,
medication, time-off from work, and other related costs.
2. It pays for rehabilitation, or care that helps you get well.
3. It pays for new job training in case of permanent injuries.
4. It also pays for costs related to accidental death. If a worker dies on the
job, a worker's family gets help.
Information on workers' compensation can be found in the phone directory, or
on the Internet.

Court officer: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so
help you God?
Mr. Miller: Certainly. I'm no liar.
Judge: So, Mr. Miller, please tell us what happened on the day of the accident.
Mr. Miller: Yes, Your Honor.
On the day of the accident I left my home at four P.M. I got in my car and drove down to the
I drove past Rick's bar.
That's when I saw Alejandro walking in. So I got curious because none of my employees
drink before work.
So I parked the car, got out, walked over to the bar and opened the door. Then I looked
around for Alejandro. He was at the bar. He ordered a whiskey and he drank it. Then he
drank a tequila. Then he drank a Vodka!
Oh! I was very angry!
Mr. Miller: I left and I went to the restaurant. Later that day Alejandro came to work.
He was very, very drunk.
He walked up to me and said, "I quit."
He threw it at me and went over to the kitchen area.
He made a mess of everything. He wouldn't listen to me.

Alejandro: I'm hungry!

Mr. Miller: Alejandro! You're drunk!You need to sit down and rest!
Mr. Miller: He pushed me down. He tried to hit me.

Alejandro: Ah! Leave me alone!

Mr. Miller: He missed.

Alejandro: I'm hungry!

Mr. Miller: The shelf broke and everything came tumbling down on him. Your Honor, he
was drunk and his medical expenses aren't my responsibility!
Judge: Thank you, Mr. Miller. You may sit down.
Sofia: What a liar. He makes me so angry. You didn't go to the bar.
Alejandro: Sofia, I went to the bar.
Sofia: You did?
Alejandro: But I won't tell them.
Sofia: Alejandro, you have to tell them the truth.
Alejandro: But we need the money.
Judge: Mr. Alejandro Cordero, could you please come to the stand.
Sofia: You have to be honest, Alejandro!
Alejandro: It'll be okay.
Court officer: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so
help you God?
Alejandro: I do.
Judge: Is it true, Mr. Cordero, that you went to a bar on the day of the accident?
Wizard: And freeze!

When did Mr. Miller say he left his home on the day of the accident?
He left his home in the afternoon.
How did Mr. Miller get to the restaurant?
He drove to the restaurant.
What did Mr. Miller say in court about his employees?
His employees never drink any alcohol before work.
According to Mr. Miller, who went into the bar on the day of the accident?
Both Mr. Miller and Alejandro went into Rick's bar.
What did Mr. Miller say he saw in the bar?
He watched Alejandro drink whiskey, tequila, and vodka.
Where did Mr. Miller say he went on the day of the accident?
Mr. Miller left the bar and went to the restaurant.

What did Mr. Miller say Alejandro did later?

Later at work, Alejandro quit his job and threw his apron at Mr. Miller.
What did Mr. Miller say happened at the restaurant?
Alejandro pushed Mr. Miller, but did not hit Mr. Miller.
Which sentence did Mr. Miller say?
His medical expenses aren't my responsibility.

A judge listens to both sides and decides who wins. A judge decides what
the punishment or the reward will be.
A bailiff is a court security officer. A bailiff keeps order and makes sure
everyone follows courtroom rules.
Court Reporter
A court reporter is a person who records what people say in a courtroom.
They must be excellent listeners and write down every detail.
The defendant is the person who is blamed for, or accused of doing
something wrong. Another person sues, or takes the defendant to court.
The plaintiff accuses another person of doing something wrong. The
plaintiff sues the other person, or brings a lawsuit against the person.
A witness is a person who knows, or saw something important to the
facts. A witness must testify, or tell the court what he knows or saw.
Regular Past Tense Verbs
Rule: Add "-ed" to the simple form of the verb
I, You


to the restaurant

He, She,


for a friend.



3 drinks at the bar.

Irregular Past Tense Verbs

These verbs do not follow a rule. You need to learn
the special past tense forms of irregular verbs.

I, You


to the restaurant
yesterday. (go)

She, It


a friend. (see)



3 drinks at the bar.


Past Tense Questions

Use did and the simple form of the verb
for both regular and irregular verbs.


I, you

walk to the restaurant?

he, she, it

see a friend yesterday?

we, they

order a drink last night?

Negative Past Tense Sentences

Use did and the simple form of the verb
for both regular and irregular verbs.

I, You

did not go to the restaurant.

He, She, It

didn't see my boss yesterday.

We, They

didn't have 3 drinks at the bar.

In court, you must take an oath, or promise to tell the truth. Lying in court is a crime
called perjury.
Alejandro doesn't want to tell the truth. He is afraid the judge will believe Mr. Miller's
story if she knows he went to a bar. But, if he lies under oath, Alejandro could go to
jail for committing a crime.
While you watch the video, listen for the answer to this question:
What lie does Alejandro tell?
Alejandro lied when he said he did not go into the bar on the day of the accident.
Alejandro drove to work.
Rick, the bartender, is the witness who comes to court and tells the judge the truth.
Rick told the judge that Alejandro ordered beer on that day.
The judge decided the accident was the fault of Mr. Miller and his restaurant.
The judge decided Alejandro should get workers' compensation because he was not
drunk on the day of the accident.
Both Mr. Miller and Alejandro lied under oath. They both committed perjury.
The judge said perjury is not a serious crime.
The judge said Alejandro must pay a fine of $5000.
The judge sentenced Mr. Miller to six months in jail.

Choice B: Alejandro tells the truth.

Alejandro has a right to get workers' compensation because he was injured on the
job. The money will pay for his medical bills.
Ms. Parsons told Alejandro, "You have nothing to worry about. All you have to do in
court is tell the truth."
Let's see what happens when Alejandro tells the truth.
While you watch the video, listen for past tense verbs.
What happened in court? What was each man's story? What was the judge's decision?
Wizard: Wait! We have one more choice. Choice B, Alejandro tells the truth. I like that one.
Let's see what happens.
And action!
--------------Judge: Sir, please answer the question. Did you go to the bar on the day of the accident?
Alejandro: Yes, Your Honor, I went to the bar before I went back to work.
On that day I got off the bus and walked toward work. Then I saw Rick's bar.

I was happy about my wife having a baby and my promotion so I went in.
Judge: Quiet, please. So you did go into the bar.
Alejandro: Yes, I did. I went in the bar, sat down, told Rick about all my good news and
ordered a lemonade.
Judge: You only ordered a lemonade?
Did you drink any alcohol?
Alejandro: No, Your Honor. I only drank lemonade and went to work.
Judge: But your boss says he saw you drink. Only one of you can be telling the truth.
Mr. Cordero, you may return to your seat.
Mr. Rick Fleming, please come to the stand.
Rick: So then I saw Alejandro come into the bar.
Judge: So you saw Mr. Cordero walk into your bar?
Rick: Yes, Your Honor. He sat down and ordered a lemonade.
Judge: I see. Is that all that he ordered?
Rick: Yes, Your Honor. He only drank lemonade.
Judge: Thank you. You may sit down.
Mr. Cordero and Mr. Miller, could you both please approach the podium?
My decision lies with the defendant. Mr. Alejandro Cordero, I award you full benefits from
workers' compensation to be provided by Cosmo Miller.
This court is in recess.

What happened in court? What stories were told? What did the judge decide?
Sofia: How do you feel?
Alejandro: My leg feels so much better.
Sofia: I am so happy for you, Alejandro. You finally get to be an assistant manager.
Alejandro: My first day as an assistant manager. But I'm very nervous.
Sofia: I understand but you'll do a great job.
Alejandro: What if I don't? What if I fail?
Sofia: Oh, you'll do just fine, Alejandro. I'm very proud of you.
Now go. I'll see you later. Bye.
Alejandro: Bye.
Wizard: Alejandro is ready to begin his new job as an assistant manager. Will he do a good
job? You'll have to watch the next show and find out. But first, let's review what we've

We've learned that workers have many rights if they get hurt at work. Huh, but they have to
tell the truth.
We've also learned how to talk about the past. We use regular verbs.
We've also seen some irregular verbs.
So remember to practice what you saw and heard in this episode and your English will
Come back and join me to see what happens to Alejandro on the next English For All!

Wizard: Hello and welcome back to English For All. In today's episode you're going to learn
about commands. Commands are used to tell somebody what to do. For example, Wizard
Number Two, appear!
Please, Mr. Wizard, sit down.
Please, Mr. Wizard, stand up. See?
You'll also learn let's. Let's is used when we want to do something with another person. For
example, Mr. Wizard, let's sit down.
Mr. Wizard, let's stand up.
In today's episode we will also cover supervisors and teamwork. Do you have a good
supervisor where you work? Maybe you're a supervisor. Do you think teamwork is
important on the job? Well, it's time for our story so please pay close attention.
Mr. Wizard, let's disappear!

Alejandro's First Day as Assistant Manager

Alejandro's new boss, Mrs. Gilmore, wishes him good luck on his first day as
assistant manager at the restaurant. Alejandro tells the workers to open the
restaurant. Everyone except Trung, the busboy, is ready to work. Trung is taking
a break. He does not want to obey Alejandro and get back to work.
Customers are upset, so Alejandro does Trung's job and brings them coffee.
But, there are two types of coffee: with caffeine and without caffeine. Coffee
without caffeine is called decaf.
While you watch the video, listen for the answer to this question:
What kind of coffee does the customer want?

Mrs. Gilmore: So Alejandro, are you ready for your first day?

Alejandro: Yes, I am.

Mrs. Gilmore: Good. I want to give you Jo's information.
Alejandro: Great.
Who's Joe?
Mrs. Gilmore: Jo is the assistant manager at La Adelitabut now manages Lozano's when
I'm not around. If you have any problems, Jo can help you.
Alejandro: Great.
Mrs. Gilmore: Good luck.
Alejandro: Thanks.
--------------Alejandro: Carmen, please put out the placemats.
Carmen: Okay.
Alejandro: Paul, it's time to open the restaurant. Please unlock the front door.
Paul: Okay.
Alejandro: Pavel, please cut the vegetables for the salad.
Customer: I just don't believe this. I don't believe this.
Look. We've been waiting here for five minutes and this table still hasn't been cleaned. We
don't have all day.
Alejandro: Sir, ma'am, I'll have this table ready for you in a minute. Excuse me.
Where's Trung?
Carmen: I don't know.
Customer: I've never had such bad service in all my life. Why don't we just get out.
Alejandro: Trung, what are you doing? Get in there right now. There are customers
Trung: I'm taking my break.
Alejandro: I didn't say you could take a break.
Get up off your seat, go into the dining room and clean off the table!
Trung: You were a bus boy! You know how to clean tables! You go in there and do it!
Carmen: That couple's really upset. I think they're going to leave.
Alejandro: I apologize sir, ma'am. I'll have this ready in a few.
There you go. Please, have a seat.
Customer: Yeah, bring us two cups of fresh coffee.

Alejandro: Yes, sir.

There's your coffee, sir.
Customer: About time. Is this decaf?
Alejandro: I'm sorry, sir. Did you say decaf?
Customer: Weren't you listening? Yes!
I've had it up to here. Let's go.
Come on. I've had it.
Alejandro: I'm sorry, sir.
Customer: I'm sorry, too. Come on. Let's just go.
Alejandro: Really I am sorry, sir.
Customer: I'll tell you what. We're never coming back here again! Never!
Alejandro: But sir, I Trung: Hello, Mrs. Gilmore.
Mrs. Gilmore: Hi Trung.
Trung: Alejandro, why did you pour his coffee? I'm the busboy. You're the assistant
Decaf. Straight black. The way you like it, Mrs. Gilmore.
Mrs. Gilmore: Thank you, Trung.
Trung: So, how was your day?
Mrs. Gilmore: Well, this is not what I had planned to find when I came back.

Life Skills: Teamwork Getting Ready

Read about the video you will watch.

At home Alejandro tells his wife, Sofia, about his awful first day as assistant
manager. Sofia thinks Alejandro needs to ask Mrs. Gilmore for advice. Alejandro
doesn't want to ask his new boss for help. He thinks he just needs more time.
Sofia talks about people helping each other at work. This is called teamwork.
Alejandro remembers his co-workers helping each other at his old restaurant.
Alejandro finds the paper Mrs. Gilmore gave him on the first day. She told him
to call Jo if he needs help. Alejandro likes the idea of asking Jo for advice.
While you watch the video, listen for the answer to this question:
Why does Sofia think Alejandro did not ask Mrs. Gilmore for advice?

Alejandro: It was awful.
Sofia: What did Mrs. Gilmore say?
Alejandro: Mrs. Gilmore said that I may not be ready to be an assistant manager.
Sofia: Oh, Alejandro did you ask her for advice?
Alejandro: I don't need advice.
Sofia: There's nothing wrong with asking for advice when you need it.
Alejandro: All I need is a little time. It'll be okay.
Sofia: Well I have a feeling you didn't ask her for advice because she's a woman. I know
Alejandro: That's not true.
Sofia: Well, man, woman, it doesn't matter. People need to help each other out, especially
at work. It's called teamwork. Everyone works together.
Alejandro: Teamwork. Like when I was a bus boy and I would help Elsie with her
customers. And then she would help Juan, the cook, prepare the food and so on.
Sofia: Exactly, and the important part of teamwork is asking for help when you need it.
Alejandro: I'll be okay.
--------------Alejandro: Joe...
Jo: Come in. May I help you?
Alejandro: Hi, I'm Alejandro. I'm the new assistant manager at La Adelita.
Jo: Oh yes. Have a seat. Mrs. Gilmore told me about you. So how may I help you?
Alejandro: Well, I'm looking for Joe. I wanted to ask him a few questions.
Jo: I'm Jo.
Alejandro: You're Joe?
Jo: Yes, it's short for Josephine. So what can I do for you today?
Alejandro: So you're Joe?
Jo: Yes, I'm Jo.
Alejandro: But you're a - you're the manager?
Jo: Yes, I am. So you have some questions?
Alejandro: Oh, well Wizard: ...and freeze!

Life Skills: Teamwork Comprehension Check

Why does Sofia think Alejandro did not ask Mrs. Gilmore for advice?
Because Mrs. Gilmore is a woman.
What does Alejandro mean when he says, "I don't need advice. All I need is time"?
He knows what to do, but he needs more time to practice.
Why is Alejandro surprised when he meets Jo?
Alejandro thought Jo was a man.
What does Jo mean when she says, "I'm Jo. Yes, it's short for Josephine"?
Her first name is Josephine, but Jo is the short version of Josephine.

Sofia and Alejandro talk about teamwork. What do they say teamwork means?
Click the three correct answers.

People help each other out.

Come to work late because other people will do your job.

Everyone works together.

Prepare all the food for the cook and the customers.

Do only your job and never help other people at work.

Ask for help if you need it.

Tell the supervisor if you need to take a break.

People who work together are a team and the efforts they contribute are
their work. Combined, these words are teamwork. Teamwork is an important
part of the job. Teamwork means everyone works to obtain a common goal.

Each person's contributions are good for the team and good for the company.
Arriving to work on time, maintaining a positive attitude, and doing your job well
are the first steps to building strong teamwork. Strong teamwork improves the
quality of work for everyone.
Teamwork also means you feel comfortable asking for help. You can ask your
supervisors and co-workers for advice any time you need it. Good supervisors
will provide direction and support. They show team members how to be their
very best. Good co-workers make the job safer, easier, and more pleasant.
Everyone working together makes the job more rewarding and helps the
every job













La Adelita
Dining Room Work
























Wizard: So, Alejandro's having problems with the restaurant. Hm. And he looks
uncomfortable asking Jo for help. Hm. Is it because she's a woman? Is it because she's
younger than he is? Ha. Ha. Ha. We'll find out in a minute if Alejandro's too proud to ask for
But now today's lesson: Commands!
We use commands to give instructions and when we want someone to do something. Let's

Alejandro: Get up off your seat, go into the dining room and clean off the
Customer: Bring us two cups of fresh coffee.
Wizard: When we add please to a command, it's more polite.

Alejandro: Carmen, please put out the placemats.

Carmen: Okay.
Wizard: Great. We also learned about let's. We uselet's when we want to do something
with another person. Now let's watch and listen.

Customer: I've had it up to here. Let's go.

Use a command to tell someone to do something.
How to form a Command
Use a simple verb with no subject.

Clean the windows.

Open the door.
Give that customer a menu.
Negative Commands
Use a negative command to tell someone NOT to do something.
How to form a Negative Command
Use Don't before a verb with no subject.

Don't close the window.

Don't use that dirty mop.
Don't come to work late.
Polite Commands
Add please before or after a command to make it polite and friendlier.

Please clean the windows.

Clean the windows, please.
Please don't close the door.
Don't close the door, please.
Invitations using Let's
Use Let's and a simple verb to ask someone to do something with you.

Let's cook dinner.

Let's go to the movies.
How to form the Negative
Use not between Let's and the verb

Let's not go to a restaurant.

Let's not have coffee here.
Using Commands and Let's

Use a command for:


Write your name at the top of the page.

Don't write anything below this line.

Clean your room now!

Don't turn on the T.V.

Please call me if you have any problems.

Please don't hesitate to ask questions.

Watch out! Be careful! Don't slip!

Use Let's for invitations to do something with you.

Let's go to that new restaurant.

Making Choices Getting Ready (A)

Choice A: Alejandro does not ask for advice.

Alejandro isn't comfortable asking Mrs. Gilmore for help with his problems. So,
he went to see Jo, the manager at the other restaurant. He was surprised to find
Jo was a woman, not a man. If Alejandro is too proud or embarrassed to ask for
help, how can he learn to be a good assistant manager?
Alejandro does not tell Jo the truth about his job. He tells her everything is great
and he leaves. At the restaurant, the problems are still the same. Alejandro
brings coffee to customers because Trung is not around. Mrs. Gilmore sees this
and is not happy. She gives Alejandro bad news after the restaurant closes.
While you watch the video, listen for the answer to this question:
What does Jo say about the time she first started work?
Choice A: Alejandro does not ask for advice.
Wizard: Alejandro's having problems. But will he ask for help? It's time for you to make a
choice for him.
Choice A, Alejandro does not ask for help.
Okay. Let's see what happens.
And action!
--------------Jo: So you have some questions?
Alejandro: Oh, well.
No, I don't have any questions. I just wanted to meet you. Everything is running very
Jo: Really. When I started it was very difficult for me. Everything was confusing and hectic.
Alejandro: Oh, everything is just great.
Jo: No problems with Trung the busboy? He can be difficult sometimes.

Alejandro: None at all.

Jo: Well, great. It's a pleasure to meet you.
Alejandro: Nice meeting you.
Jo: Good luck.
Alejandro: Thank you.
--------------Customer: Could someone get me some coffee?
Alejandro: Bring some coffee to the lady.
Waiter: Look, I'm not the busboy.
Alejandro: Where is Trung? I'll be right with you, ma'am.
Here you go.
Alejandro: You wanted to see me?
Mrs. Gilmore: Alejandro, please sit down. Every time I see you you're doing busboy work.
You do very well as a busboy but as an assistant manager? I don't think it's working out. I
have to let you go. I'm sorry.
--------------Wizard: Poor Alejandro! He did not ask for help, and now look at him!

Making Choices Comprehension Check A

What does Jo say about the time she first started work?
When I started it was very difficult for me.
Jo says when she started, "Everything was confusing and hectic." What does
she mean?
She didn't understand everything and she felt rushed and too busy.
Whose job is it to bring coffee to the customers?
Trung, the busboy, should bring coffee to the customers.
Alejandro tells the waiter to bring a customer coffee. What does the waiter say to
Look, I'm not the busboy.
What does Alejandro mean when he tells a customer, "I'll be right with you
I will take care of you in a minute.

What does Mrs. Gilmore mean when she tells Alejandro, "But as an assistant
manager, I don't think it's working out"?
You are not a good assistant manager.
What does Mrs. Gilmore mean when she tells Alejandro, "I have to let you go"?
I have to fire you.

Mrs. Gilmore said that I may not be ready to be an assistant manager.

And he looks uncomfortable asking Jo for help.
Is it because she's younger than he is?

Making Choices Getting Ready (B)

Choice B: Alejandro asks for advice.

Alejandro admits that he has a hard time asking a woman for advice. Jo says
asking for help is part of teamwork. She helps him with his questions and
Jo tells Alejandro why Trung has a bad attitude. She reminds Alejandro he is the
boss. If Trung doesn't listen to him, Alejandro can fire Trung.
Listen for the answer to this question:
Why does Jo think Trung was difficult?

Wizard: Wait a minute! We have one more choice. Let's see what it is again. Choice B,
Alejandro does ask for help. I like that one much better. Let's see what happens when
Alejandro makes this choice. And action!
--------------Jo: So you have some questions.
Alejandro: Well, to tell you the truth, I'm having a difficult time. I'm a little embarrassed to
ask but I can use some advice.
Jo: Embarrassed, why?
Alejandro: Well, I hate to admit it but it's hard for me to ask for advice from...a woman.
Jo: Well, don't be embarrassed. It's not hard for me to give advice to a man.
Alejandro: Okay.
Jo: Asking for help can be difficult, but I've learned that it's an important part of teamwork.

So, what kind of problems are you having?

Alejandro: Well, it's hard to keep up with ...
Jo: Okay, and when you're done counting receipts, make sure you put them in the folder.
Alejandro: Oh yes, I understand it now.
Jo: Oh, and one more thing. Make sure that you always tell your coworkers that they're
doing a good job.
Alejandro: Yes, you're right.
Jo: Is there anything else?
Alejandro: Well, I had a problem with the busboy today. He was giving me some trouble.
Jo: Oh, Trung?
Alejandro: Yes.
Jo: Yeah, he can be difficult. He probably thought he was going to be the next assistant
manager. But Alejandro, you're the boss when Mrs. Gilmore is out and if Trung doesn't want
to listen to you, then he shouldn't be here.
Alejandro: You mean I may have to fire him?
Jo: As assistant manager, you're allowed to fire employees, if it's justified, and this
Alejandro: Really?
Jo: Having responsibilities isn't always easy, I know.
Alejandro: I'm learning that quickly.
Jo: Well, if you have any other questions, call me.
Alejandro: Well, thank you very much for your help.
Jo: You're welcome.
Alejandro: Thanks.
--------------Alejandro: Everybody, can we all come together please?
I know my first day was not perfect but I just want you to know that I'm happy about
Paul, you're an excellent waiter.
Lena, you are great with your customers.
Pavel, your food is delicious.
And Carmen, you are the most gracious hostess I've ever seen.
Carmen: Thank you.

Alejandro: As for Trung, I'm glad you brought the newspaper in today. Please turn to page
14 of the classifieds. Now read what it says right there in the job section.
Trung: Busboy needed. Day shift. Cosmo's restaurant. What's this about?
Alejandro: That was my old job. They need a busboy. If you aren't happy here, I suggest
you go over there.
Trung: Maybe I will.
Alejandro: All right, if you don't want to stay here, take off the apron and leave.
Do you want to stay or go?
Trung: I think I want to stay.
Alejandro: Great. I'm happy to have you on our team. But if you want to stay, we have to
learn to work together, help each other, and take breaks only when I give you permission.
Does everyone understand? Okay, let's open up the restaurant.
Reza: The food here is really good. It just melts in your mouth.
Alejandro: Is everything okay here, guys?
Reza: This place is amazing, Alejandro. You are an excellent manager.
Alejandro: Thanks, Reza, but I'm not the manager.
Elsie: Not yet, but soon Alejandro.
Reza: Hey Alejandro, maybe then you can get us a job here, eh?
Alejandro: Of course.
Paul: I think we're done.
Alejandro: Great.
Thank you for your hard work. I'll see you tomorrow.
Can I help you, Trung?
Trung: Yes, um, I just wanted to thank you for giving me another chance.
Alejandro: You're welcome.
Trung: You're a great assistant manager.
Alejandro: Thank you. Keep up the good work, huh?
Trung: I will.
Sofia: Hi.
Alejandro: Hi, honey.
Sofia: So how did it go?
Alejandro: Very well, thanks to you.

Sofia: Oh Alejandro. I knew you could do it.

Alejandro: Are we ready to celebrate?
Sofia: Of course.
Alejandro: Let's go.

Making Choices Comprehension Check B

Jo said Trung probably thought he was going to get Alejandro's job.
Alejandro admits that it's hard for him to ask for advice from a woman.
Jo says asking for help is easy.
Trung has a bad attitude because he got a promotion.
Alejandro is surprised to learn he can fire Trung.
Jo says to make sure you always tell your co-workers they're doing a bad
Alejandro tells Carmen to apply for his old job at Cosmo's restaurant.
Trung decides he wants to stay at the restaurant.

Wizard: Oh I like happy endings! Alejandro asked for help. You know, asking questions and
working together is important at work, isn't it?
Now let's review some of the grammar we learned today. We learned about commands,
when we tell others what to do, and the use of let's, when we want to do things together.
Now remember to practice your English. Practice with a friend or a group and you will learn
Well, see you next time here on English For All!

Managing Family Life

Wizard: Abracadabra, zing! Abracadabra, zoom!
Oh, excuse me. I was just reading about the latest spells and potions. Welcome back to
English For All.
In this series of episodes you will learn about managing family life like renting a place to live
or connecting a phone line in your new apartment.
But before we begin, there's something I have to tell you. No, there's something I must tell

Today we will learn the expressions of necessity: have to and must.

We use these words when it is necessary to do something.
Oh, here come the Pushkins now. Karina, Victor and their little son, Max. It looks like they
need some information.
I think they've come to right place

In this story you will learn

to use community resources such as friends, newspapers, and signs to look

for an apartment.

the importance of reading a lease before signing it.

how to talk about what you need to do using have to.

I have to find a bigger apartment.

how to talk about obligations using must.

I must work to pay the bills.


to have enough or sufficient money to pay for


local area where a person lives.


a list of advertisements in the newspaper; classifieds.


in the neighborhood; close in distance.


how big or small a person or a thing is.


a one-room apartment.

the price; amount of Money.


short form of a word; letters that represent a word but

do not spell the word.

loud; not quiet.


a structure with walls and a roof such as an office or

apartment complex; edifice.

to pay to use property belonging to someone else.

The Pushkins Look for an Apartment

Karina and Victor must find an apartment to rent. They look at the apartment
listings in the newspaper. Victor cannot understand the abbreviations so Karina
explains them.
Karina and Victor look at many apartments, but they all have a problem. One
apartment is on a busy street, one is too expensive, and one is too noisy. Will they
find an apartment?
While you watch the video, listen for the answer to this question:
How many bedrooms do Victor and Karina need?
Wizard: Can I help you?
Victor: Yes, we are looking for an apartment.
Karina: And we need to find a newspaper with a list of apartments for rent.
Wizard: Oh yes.
The city papers have listings but you should also look at neighborhood papers. Do you
want to live near here?
Karina: Well, we both work close by and we don't have a car, so we must find an
apartment near here. And also my mother lives near here and she takes care of Max when
we're at work.
Wizard: Hi.
What size apartment are you looking for?
Victor: Now we live in a studio apartment and it's too small. Our new apartment must have
two bedrooms.
Karina: And it has to cost less than $800 a month. That is all we can afford.
Victor: And it has to have a hot tub.
Okay, maybe it doesn't have to have a hot tub.
We will take these then.
Wizard: Sure.
--------------Television: Do you have housing problems? Do you need a new roof? Well I, Herman
Hedley, attorney at law, can help. Because I, Herman Hedley, am the "I Can Man". So give
me a call Karina: Here's one.
Victor: Aagh!
Karina: What?

Victor: What language is this? It is not Russian. It is not English. I do not understand these
Karina: These are abbreviations to save space in the paper.
Victor: How am I supposed to understand abbreviations?
Karina: Victor, you must look here. Apt. See? That means apartment.
BR - Bedroom.
AC - That means air conditioning.
LDRY - That means laundry.
Victor: Oh, now I understand. I need to find an APT with an HT.
Karina: HT? What is an HT?
Victor: Hot tub!
Karina: Oh!
--Victor: Well, here it is.
Max: Look at all the cars!
Karina: Victor, we cannot live here. There are too many cars.
--Victor: Not bad, huh?
Guitar Guy: You guys are moving in? Cool, man, because we party up here every night,
man, every night!
Pinky: Yeah, see ya tonight, bye!
Karina: No.
--Victor: I like this one.
Karina: This one's too expensive.
--Victor: Are you sure?
Karina: No!

Learn New Words

move in

to start to live in a new home.


to write your name.


rental agreement; rental contract.


usual; customary.

force; urge.

lots of light; airy; sunny.


a person, especially a man, who rents land, a building, or

an apartment to a tenant

the person who rents the apartment; the residente.


location; residence.


the owner of an

to start to live in
a new home



the person who

rents the
apartment; the



move in



to write your

The Pushkins Find an Apartment

The Pushkins finally find an apartment they like. The landlord says they have to
sign the lease right away to get it.
The lease is long, and Victor and Karina don't understand it. The landlord pressures
them to sign without reading it. He says he will rent the apartment to another
person if they don't sign. Victor wants to sign, but Karina wants to wait.
While you watch the video, listen for the answer to this question:
Can the Pushkins afford the apartment?
Apartment manager: Isn't it great, huh? This apartment is perfect for a young family like
yourselves. And at only $599.99 you have to rent it, huh? It's a great deal!
Victor: It's a little small but it is not bad. It's the best apartment we've seen. And we've seen
many apartments.
Apartment manager: So what do you say, huh? It's all ready to go. You can move in
tomorrow. Come here, let me show you the bedroom.
Victor: Did you hear that? We can move in tomorrow.
Karina: I know.
Victor: And we can afford it!
Karina: I know, but Victor: Okay, we'll take it.
Apartment manager: Great. You people are going to be very happy here.
Now all you have to do is sign the lease.

Karina: It is long.
Victor: This lease shall evidence the complete terms and conditions under which the
parties who's signatures appear below have agreed. This is more confusing than
Apartment manager: You don't have to pay attention to all that legal stuff. It's just your
standard lease.
Rent's due the first of the month. No pets. No loud music.
You know, the basic stuff. All you need to do is sign it and it's yours.
Karina: Yes, but I think someone needs to help us really understand this.
Victor: Karina, please. I will do the talking. We will bring it back tomorrow.
Apartment manager: Sure, you need some time to think about it. I understand these
things. It's just that, well, by tomorrow the apartment may be rented.
Victor: Rented?
Apartment manager: Yeah, to somebody else. You see in order to get the apartment, you
must sign the lease. If you do not sign the lease, then I have to show the apartment to other
people. And if other people want it, which they will, then I have to rent it to them.
Hey, I don't want to put any pressure on you good people. You don't have to sign now but if
you don't, somebody else will.

Lease Agreement
This lease for Apartment #12-B at 104 Market Street, Los Angeles, is entered
into this 28 day of May, 2008 between Oliver Slick, (Landlord), and Victor and
Karina Pushkin (Tenants).
Conditions of lease:

1. Term
The term of this lease is for one year beginning on June 1, 2008 and
ending on May 31, 2009.
2. Rent
Tenants will pay Landlord $1,100 per month on the first day of each month.
An additional fee of $20 will be charged if rent is not received in full before
the 2nd day of the month.
3. Security Deposit
Tenants will pay Landlord a one-time fee of $500. Money will be returned
to tenants after an inspection of vacated apartment shows no damage to

4. Utilities
Tenants will make all arrangements and pay for gas, electric, telephone
and other utility services. Landlord will pay for trash disposal.
5. Pets
Tenants will not keep or maintain any pet.
6. Good Condition Receipt
Tenants agree that the apartment is in good, clean and sanitary condition.


Oliver Slick - May 28,

Signature / Date

Signature / Date


air conditioning



























Wizard: Oh boy! What a salesman! He sure understands expressions of necessity - have

to andmust. Let's watch.
Apartment Manager: In order to get the apartment, you must sign the lease.
If you do not sign the lease, then I have to show the apartment to other people.
Wizard: Have to and must mean almost the same thing but must is a little stronger.
When we have to do something, we usually have a choice. For example, do Karina and
Victor have to sign the lease right now? If they don't, somebody else can take the
apartment. If they do, they will sign a lease they do not understand.
When we must do something, we usually don't have a choice. Karina and Victor must make
a decision. They do not have a choice about that.

Use have to or must

to talk about necessary actions or obligations.
We don't own a car. I have to walk to work.
Max is 6 years old. He must go to school.

How to form sentences: Use a simple verb after have to or must.

Victor has to sign the lease.
The Pushkins must work to pay the rent.

When an action is not necessary

use negative sentences with have to.
Today is a holiday. Max doesn't have to go to school.
The Pushkins don't have to find a 3-bedroom apartment.

How to form sentences: Use a simple verb after the negative form of have to.
Victor doesn't have to sign the lease now.
We don't have to walk. The bus is coming.

When an action is not allowed or prohibited

use a negative sentence with must.
You must not drive without a driver's license.
The child must not go near the fire.

How to form sentences: Use not or never after must.

You must never sign something you don't understand.
Children must not play in the street.
When an action is not necessary, use a negative sentence with have to.
When an action is not allowed, use a negative sentence with must.

Karina: But Victor Victor: Karina, please. Who is the man here? Who knows best?
Karina: You do.
Victor: That's right. Where do I sign?
Oliver Slick: Right here. And right here. Congratulations. It's great to have you.
--------------Jason: Hey, Victor, Karina, this is your day off. Shouldn't you be out looking for
Victor: We found an apartment.
Jason: You did? Well congratulations.
Karina: But we had a question.
Jason: What is it?
Karina: You tell him.
Victor: We signed the lease and it seemed very long. Is this normal?
Jason: Let me look at it. Whoa. This is the longest lease I've ever seen.
Karina: He said it was standard.
Jason: I don't know about that. Usually it's just a couple of pages. You read all this?
Karina: No.
Victor: What is the problem? It is just a lease.
Jason: I think you may be in for some surprises.
--------------Oliver Slick: Good morning.
Karina: Good morning.
Oliver Slick: I'm here for breakfast.
Karina: Breakfast?
Oliver Slick: Well yes, right here Page 17, article 96. Per provisions as described herein,
said occupant, that's you, shall provide said management, that's me, before noon
nourishment. That's breakfast at any and all times that management desires. That's now.
--------------Oliver Slick: Here you go. My laundry. Oh, it's right here. Page 33, article 190.
Can you do it by two? No bleach, no starch, huh?
--------------Karina: What?
Oliver Slick: This is for you. It's to wash my car. Page 54, article 317.

--------------Wizard: Ouch! Poor Karina and Victor. They signed a lease they did not understand and
look what happened. They must do what the lease says. I'm sure they feel bad they did not
understand the lease before they signed.

Choice B: The Pushkins don't sign the lease and look for a different apartment.

Victor and Karina ask a friend to help read the lease and they decide not to sign it.
But now they must look for an apartment again!
They find the perfect apartment and talk to the manager. When they tell him they
have a little boy, the manager says the apartment is not available. He says it is
Neighbors in the building tell the Pushkins the manager won't rent to families with
children. Is this fair? Can a manager say no because you have a child?
While you watch the video, listen for the answer to this question:
Which apartment is for rent?
The Pushkins don't sign the lease and look for a different apartment.
Wizard: Let's go back and see what happens when they make a different decision. And
--------------Oliver Slick: If you don't, someone else will.
Karina: But, Victor?
Victor: Karina, who is the man here? Who knows best?
Karina: You do. But Victor, we need to understand this completely before we sign it.
Victor: But someone else will take the apartment.
Karina: Then they will take it. We have to take our time.
Victor: I think we will bring it back tomorrow.
--------------Jason: It sure is a good thing you didn't sign this lease. I've never seen anything like it.
Karina: It really says we must make his breakfast and do his laundry and wash his car?
Jason: Yes, it does.
--------------Karina: Point your toes, Amanda.
Head up, Stacy, head up.
And finished. One final bow.
Good job everyone. Thank you!
Samantha: Hey, Karina, we're going to get some coffee next door. Do you want to join us?

Karina: I'd love to but I have to go look for an apartment with Victor.
Samantha: I didn't know you were looking for a place.
Karina: We've been looking for a long time.
Samantha: Oh, I saw a For Rent sign around the corner on Rose Street yesterday. The
building looks really great.
Karina: Really?
Samantha: Yeah! One block over. You should check it out.
Karina: I will, thank you.
Samantha: Bye bye.
Karina: Bye.
--------------Karina: Hi. Excuse me, do you know which apartment is for rent?
Alejandro: Yes, that one. Number six.
Karina: Thank you.
Karina: Oh, Victor, it's perfect. Bright, big and we can afford it.
Victor: Yes, it is bright and yes it is big and yes we can afford it. But, it's not perfect.
Karina: Why not?
Victor: No hot tub.
Karina: Oh, Victor. Let's go talk to the manager.
Manager: Yeah?
Karina: We would like to rent apartment six.
Victor: And we would like to see the lease.
Manager: Do you have any children?
Karina: Yes, a beautiful four-year old boy. He would love it here.
Manager: I'm sorry. Number six is already rented.
Karina: What?
Manager: It's rented!
Karina: But wait, are you sure?
Manager: Hey, lady, it's rented. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to finish my cigar before it
gets cold.
Karina: Oh, Victor. We're never going to find an apartment.
Victor: And it was perfect.

Alejandro: Excuse me. Did he tell you it was rented?

Karina: Yes.
Sofia: That apartment is not rented. That sign has been out for a week.
Karina: But he just said it was rented.
Alejandro: You said you have a little boy, right?
Karina: Yes.
Alejandro: When we moved in, the building was owned by a nice couple. Very fair. But six
months ago they sold it.
Sofia: It's terrible.
Alejandro: The manager doesn't like to rent to people with children. He thinks children are
noisy and break things.
Sofia: I think when you said you had a kid, he pretended it was rented.
Karina: Because of little Max? But he doesn't break things. Okay, maybe he does but if he
does we will fix them.
Victor: It isn't fair.
Sofia: Oh, it's not only unfair. It's against the law.
Karina: Oh, what can we do?
Sofia: You can fight them.
Karina: We can?
Alejandro: Not can, you must.
Victor: But how?

the person who

rents the
apartment, the

short form of a
word, letters that
represent a word
but do not spell
the word



a structure with
walls and a roof
such as an office
or apartment
complex, edifice

to write your


the person who

rents the
apartment; the

the price,
amount of




Wizard: Hocus pocus ah! Hocus pocus eh! Hocus pocus ee! Ho, oh ... Oh, excuse me. I
just had to finish this article. Ten love spells that never fail.
Today I saw the most beautiful sorceress. Her name was Rosalinda. Ah, Rosalinda.
Rosalinda! Ro Well, Karina and Victor learned that they must understand a lease before they sign it. But
what if they can't even get a lease because the landlord was breaking the law? Hm.
Sometimes renters have to fight for their rights. What do you think the Pushkins will do? To
find out the answer you'll have to wait until next time.
Besides, I have to practice my love spells.
Hocus pocus ah! Hocus pocus ee!

Using Information Services

Wizard: Wow! This new magic wand really works! Ha. Ha.
Oh, hello. Welcome back to the show. In today's episode, you will learn how to use
information services like the library or the Internet and the words can andcould.
These words are used to express ability, can in the present tense now, could in the past
tense before.
Let me demonstrate. With my new magic wand I can go from here - to here.
And back to here! Before I had this wand, I could not do that.
But back to the story. Karina and Victor found out they couldn't rent an apartment because
the landlord doesn't like children. But this is against the law.
I love this wand!
In today's episode we will find out how they get information they need to fight a manager
who is breaking the law.
Let's watch.

In this unit you will learn

to use a library, the Internet, or a government agency for information.

about the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

how to talk about abilities using can and could.

Marta can play the piano well.

When I was young, I could run fast.

a lawyer; a person who takes care of legal problems.


a valid reason to go to court.


just; right; truthful.


a public building with books, computers, and

information resources.
break the law

to do something illegal or against the law.


to communicate with; get in touch with.

phone book

a book that contains telephone numbers for people,

businesses, and agencies.

to recommend something; to give advice.

What Can We Do?

Karina and Victor found a perfect apartment. When they told the manager they
have a son, he said the apartment wasn't available. Friendly neighbors tell the
Pushkins the manager is breaking the law. They suggest going to a lawyer to fight.
Karina and Victor meet with an attorney, but they can't afford to hire him. Then they
talk to a police officer and he suggests they contact HUD - the Housing and Urban
Development office. He tells them they can get information about HUD at a library.
While you watch the video, listen for the answer to this question:
How much money does Herman Hedley want to charge the Pushkins to help
them with their case?

What Can We Do?

Karina: What can we do?
Sofia: You can fight them.
Karina: We can?
Alejandro: No, not can, you must.
Victor: But how?
Sofia: Maybe a lawyer can help.
--------------Herman Hedley: Well, you have a case!

Karina: We do?
Lawyer: Definitely a great case and I, Herman Hedley, attorney at law, can help you.
Just like I helped all of these people. The Wilsons. They couldn't move into the apartment
they wanted. But now, thanks to Herman Hedley, they can.
The Moynahans. They couldn't buy the house they wanted. But now, thanks to Herman
Hedley, they can.
Mrs. Baily. She couldn't divorce her husband. But now, thanks to Herman Hedley, she can.
And do you know why I was able to help all of these people?
Because Herman Hedley is THE "I Can Man."
Victor: I have a question.
Herman Hedley: I can answer it.
Victor: How much does "I Can" cost?
Herman Hedley: For you? Only $600.
--------------Karina: Six hundred dollars?
Victor: Hm. No wonder he can.
Karina: Oh, Victor. What are we going to do?
Victor: What can we do? Find a new apartment.
Karina: But it isn't fair. We can't let them get away with it. We have to fight.
Victor: For $600? We cannot afford to fight.
Karina: But they broke the law.
Karina: Victor, they broke the law!
Karina: Excuse me.
Police officer: Yes, ma'am.
Karina: We need your help.
Police officer: What's the problem?
Karina: A man would not rent us an apartment because we have a small child. That is
against the law, yes?
Police officer: Well, if that's the reason he wouldn't rent to you, yes it is.
Karina: Good. Then you can arrest him.
Police officer: No, I can't do that.
Karina: Why not? He broke the law.

Police officer: Maybe he broke the law. That's something that the Housing and Urban
Development office has to decide. I suggest that you contact them.
Karina: Well how do we do that?
Police officer: Try the phone book or call 4-1-1 or try the library.
Victor: The library?
Police officer: There's one about a block away. I'm sure they have all the information you
Karina: Thank you.
Police officer: You're welcome.

Vocabulary Part 2 Learn New Words


important documents or papers that must be


on the Internet.

an expression of unhappiness; an objection to


to submit forms officially.


to give more information or details about something.


to depend on someone; to expect someone to do the

right thing.

to not agree to do something; to say no.


to act like something is true when it's really not.


to arrange or plan an appointment.


a meeting with a judge, in court.


the main authority in a court of law.

credit history

a record of how someone has repaid loans, credit

cards, and other debts.
Getting Information at the Library

Victor and Karina go to the library to get information about the Department of
Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The librarian shows them the HUD
homepage on the Internet. A homepage is the first screen you see on a
company or organization's website.
Victor and Karina are excited to learn how quick and easy it is to file a complaint
online. The librarian is very helpful.
While you watch the video, listen for the answer to this question:
What does the librarian use to find information first ?
Librarian: May I help you?
Karina: Yes. We need to contact the Housing and Urban Development office.
Librarian: Okay. Let's begin right here. The good old phone book is one of the best places
to find the information you need.
Here we are, HUD.
Karina: HUD?
Librarian: Yes. The Department of Housing and Urban Development. Do you want to file a
Karina: How did you know?

Librarian: Most people don't call HUD just to say hello. But you will have to fill out the right
Victor: Forms?
Librarian: Hmm mmm. But did you know, HUD has a website. You can download the forms
right on the Internet.
Karina: Internet? But we don't even have a computer yet.
Librarian: Oh, we have computers just around the corner. Let me show you.
Librarian: This is the HUD homepage.
Now we're going to find Los Angeles. File a complaint. File a complaint right here.
Here you put your name, address, phone and all that. And down here you explain what
Karina: They told us that it was already rented, but it is still for rent.
Librarian: Ah. Here we go. Told housing was not available when in fact it was.
And here you explain why you think that happened.
Karina: Because you have children. Ha! They did break the law.
Librarian: I think you have a case.
That means you could win.
Victor: Tell me please, how much does this cost?
Librarian: Nothing. It's free. And look, you can send your complaint to HUD right here
Karina: Right now?
Librarian: Yes. The Internet is that easy.
Good luck. I'll be over there if you need me.
Karina: Did you hear, Victor? She thinks we can win.

Life Skills Comprehension Check

The librarian tells Victor and Karina "You will need to fill out the right forms."
What does fill out mean?
When Karina says she wants to contact HUD, what does the librarian ask?
Do you want to file a complaint?

The librarian tells the Pushkins they can submit the forms online. What does she
Victor and Karina can use the Internet to send their form.
The librarian says "I think you have a case." What do you think she means?
She thinks the Pushkins will win.
How much will it cost Victor and Karina to send their form using the Internet?
It will cost nothing. Sending the form using the Internet is free.
At the end of this video, how do Victor and Karina feel about filing a complaint
form with HUD?
They feel confident about filing a complaint.
Let's begin right here. The good old _____ is one of the best places to find the
information you need.
phone book
HUD? Yes. The Department of Housing and Urban Development. Do you want to
file a _____?
But, you will have to fill out the right _____.
This is the HUD homepage. Now we're going to find Los Angeles . . ._____ a
Here you put your name, address, phone and all that, and down here you _____
what happened.
I think you have a _____. That means you could win.
And look. You can send your complaint to HUD right here _____.

Using Information to Fight for Housing Rights

Knowing where to go for information is an important skill you must learn. For
example, if you have a problem when trying to rent an apartment, like the
Pushkins did, there is information available to help you learn about your rights.
You can find information about government agencies and other services in your
phone book or at your local library. You can also obtain information on the
Internet. Most local libraries have computers for the public to use.

When you are looking for an apartment, or if you are already a renter, you have
both rights and responsibilities. Specific housing laws vary from state to state,
but federal laws apply everywhere.
Federal law in the U.S. prohibits housing discrimination based on race, color,
national origin, religion, sex, family status, or disability. If you have been trying
to rent a home or apartment and you believe your rights have been violated,
you can file a housing complaint.
There are many ways to file a complaint:

You can contact the Department of Housing and Urban Development

(HUD) office near you. Find the telephone number in the government
section of the phone book. A representative can explain how to file a

You can file a complaint using an online form. Go to the HUD website to
do this.

You can print out a form from the Internet, complete it, and bring it to your
local HUD office.

You can mail your completed form to the Office of Fair Housing and
Equal Opportunity, Department of Housing and Urban Development near

You can also use a lawyer to file a complaint for you but, this will
probably cost you more.

Life Skills Reading Comprehension

Information can help you learn about your rights.
People who don't own computers can never use Internet resources.
A federal law is a law that applies anywhere in the U.S.
Landlords can refuse to rent property to any person they don't like.
A landlord cannot refuse to rent to a person just because he or she is in a

The reading explains that "knowing where to go for information is an

important skill." What do you think skillmeans?
an ability or talent
Specific housing laws vary from state to state. What doesvary mean?
to change
An example of discrimination based on family status is . . .
The landlord doesn't rent to you because you have children.
How can you file a complaint form online?
Go to the HUD website.
Which service will probably not be free?
An attorney.

Life Skills Housing Complaint Form

U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development
Housing Discrimination Information

June 20, 2008

Your Name:

Victor and Karina Pushkin

Your Address:

2150 Alta Vista Road, Apt. #30

City, State,
Zip Code:

Los Angeles, CA

Phone Number:

(310) 555-6739

Best Time to Call:


Who else can we call if you are not available?

Alejandro or Sofia Cordero
Contact Name

(310) 555-2146
Telephone Number

1. What happened to you? How were you discriminated against?

When Mr. Greedo learned that we have a small child, he told us the apartment
was already rented. But it was not rented.

2. Why do you believe you were discriminated against?

It is a violation of federal law to refuse housing rights for any of the

following reasons: - race - color - religion - sex - national origin - familial
status (families with children under 18) - disability.
Familial status: families with children under 18

3. Who do you believe discriminated against you?

Lyle Greedo
476 Bernardo Ave., Apt. #15
Los Angeles, CA 90004

4. When did this discrimination occur?

May 2008
Date of Discrimination

5. Where did this discrimination occur?

476 Bernardo Ave., Apt. #6
Los Angeles, CA 90004
Location of Discrimination

Life Skills Housing Complaint Form Activity

What is this?

a complaint form
What is Victor and Karina's apartment number right now ?
apartment #30
When is the best time to call the Pushkins
What was the reason for housing discrimination?
familial status (Familial status: families with children under 18).
Who was responsible for the discrimination?
Lyle Greedo
What apartment on Bernardo Ave. do the Pushkins want to rent?
apartment #6
When did the Pushkins fill out this form?
June 2008
When did the discrimination occur?
May 2008
On what street does Mr. Greedo live?
Bernardo Ave.
Who can HUD call if Victor and Karina are not available?
Alejandro or Sofia Cordero
Wizard: Decisions, decisions.
The Pushkins know how to fight for the apartment. They found all the information they
needed, but will they fight? Hm. We'll find that out in just a second.
But first, let's review the expressions of ability: can andcould.
--------------Herman Hedley: The Moynahans. They couldn't buy the house they wanted.
But now, thanks to Herman Hedley, they can.
Mrs. Baily. She couldn't divorce her husband.
But now, thanks to Herman Hedley, she can.

Can: Expressing Ability in the Present Tense

Use can to talk about abilities you have.

The negative form is can't or can not.
Use the simple form of the verb after can.

Max can speak English and Russian.

Ahmed can run very fast.
I can't type quickly.

Grammar Lesson: can and could

Which two sentences use can correctly?
Martin can play the piano well when he was a child. Wrong.
Karina can dance very well.
Janet can't understand the grammar

Complete the sentence.

Maria can _____ very well.

Could: Expressing Ability in the Past Tense

Use could to talk about abilities you had.

The negative form is couldn't or could not.
Use the simple form of the verb after could.
When I was a child, I could run quickly.
She could speak two languages as a child.
We couldn't find an apartment last month.
Which sentences use could correctly?
Karla could draw well before she went to art school.
Victor couldn't speak English when he was in Russia.
They couldn't went to the party last week.
Juan could understood the grammar.

Complete the sentence correctly.

Five years ago, Ahmed couldn't _____ English.




Making Choices Getting Ready (A)

The Pushkins Decide Not to Fight for the Apartment
Victor tells Karina that he doesn't want the government to have their
information. He doesn't want to fight for the old apartment. Karina accepts that
he knows best and they decide to look for another apartment.
Later when Karina is looking for a new apartment, she sees a family moving into
the apartment they originally wanted to rent. She asks the couple if they had
problems renting the apartment because of their young daughter. They explain
the manager had pretended the apartment was rented at first. Then they filed a
complaint with HUD. Now the family has moved into the apartment.
While you watch the video, listen for the answer to this question:
What does the couple say about how
HUD responded to their complaint?
The Pushkins Decide Not to Fight for the Apartment
Wizard: Herman Hedley really knows how to say I can. But what are the Pushkins to do?
Do they submit their forms to HUD?
Or do they give up the fight and look for another apartment? Hm.
Option one, they do not contact HUD. Let's see what happens. And action!
--------------Victor: We should look for another apartment.
Karina: But they broke the law.
Victor: Then someone else can fight them. I don't want the government to have our
Karina: But...
Victor: Karina. Karina. Who knows best?
Karina: Back to the apartment listings.

Making Choices Comprehension Check A

The couple says that HUD was great.
HUD told the apartment manager that he didn't have to rent to the couple.
The man tells Karina "It was not easy, but it was worth it." This means he is
happy they fought for the apartment.
The correct answer has been checked. Now press Next.

The Pushkins Decide to

Fight for the Apartment
Karina is not afraid of the government. She clicks the mouse to send the complaint
form to HUD. Later, they receive a phone call from HUD. The HUD representative
schedules an administrative hearing, a meeting with a judge to listen to their case.
Two days later the Pushkins meet with the HUD representative, the apartment
manager, and a judge to discuss their complaint. The manager must give the true
reason he refused to rent to the Pushkins.
While you watch the video, listen for the answer to this question:
What excuse does Mr. Greedo give for refusing to rent the apartment to the
Wizard: Oh no!
That family got the Pushkin's apartment.
Let's see what happens if Karina and Victor use different information to make their decision.
And action!
--------------Victor: We should look for another apartment.
Karina: But they broke the law.
Victor: Then someone else can fight them. I don't want the government to have our
Karina: But Victor: Karina. Karina. Who knows best?
Karina: Oh Victor, don't be scared. I think it'll be okay. There. Now it is done.
Karina: Hello.
Sue: Can I speak with Karina Pushkin, please?

Karina: This is Karina.

Sue: Hi, my name is Sue Blake at the local HUD office. You filed a complaint online?
Karina: Yes, yes we did.
Sue: I'm calling to say I think you have a case.
Karina: We do?
Sue: Yes, a landlord cannot refuse to rent an apartment because you have children.
I'd like to schedule an administrative hearing.
Karina: And administrative hearing?
Sue: Yes, a meeting with an administrative law judge. It won't take very long.
Karina: Oh, when will this hearing be?
Sue: Let's see.
Can you make it the day after tomorrow?
Karina: The day after tomorrow?
Sue: I'm sorry, is that a problem?
Karina: No, it's great! It's just so soon!
Sue: Great. I'll call you tomorrow with more details. Bye-bye.
--------------Judge: Hm. Now can you tell me
Mr. Greedo, why did you tell the Pushkins the apartment was rented?
Mr. Greedo: Well you see, uh, I thought it was rented.
Sue: Don't you know if your apartments are rented? After all, you are the manager.
Mr. Greedo: Look, people come by every day to look at apartments. I can't remember
Sue: But the Pushkins wanted the apartment.
Mr. Greedo: Yeah, well, their credit isn't very good.
Karina: We have good credit.
Judge: Their credit history is excellent.
Sue: The truth is when you heard the Pushkins had a little boy, you pretended the
apartment was rented.
Judge: Is that true, Mr. Greedo?
Karina: Yes, is that true?
Judge: Mr. Greedo. Is that true?

Mr. Greedo: Stop it! Stop it! Yeah, it's true. It's all true!
That's why I didn't rent to them. And I'm happy I didn't.
You want to live with THAT? Huh!? You want to live with that?
Judge: Mr. Greedo, that is a little boy. And you will have to live with him. And please
remember you were once a little boy too!
I find in favor of the Pushkins. They can move in immediately with a one-year lease.
And for their troubles, the first month's rent will be waived.
Mr. Greedo: What?
Karina: What?
Sue: That means the first month's rent is free.
Karina: Victor, did you hear that? We won!
Max: We won! We won! We won! We won!
Mr. Greedo: Just you wait.

Making Choices Comprehension Check B

What excuse does Mr. Greedo give for refusing to rent the apartment to
the Pushkins?
He says the Pushkins have bad credit.

He says the Pushkins are too noisy.

He says the Pushkins don't have jobs.

What does Sue Blake from HUD think about the Pushkins' case?
She doesn't give her opinion.

She thinks they have a case.

She doesn't think they have a good case.

Sue Blake says "I'd like to schedule an administrative hearing." What does
schedule mean in this sentence?
to plan or organize

to cancel

to change the date and time

What is an administrative hearing?

a meeting with a judge

an appointment with a lawyer

a meeting with a HUD representative

Sue Blake says, "A landlord cannot refuse to rent an apartment because
you have children." What does this mean?
A landlord cannot say you must move in to the apartment because you have
A landlord cannot say he will sell an apartment because you have children.

A landlord cannot say he will not rent an apartment because you have
How does Mr. Greedo respond to Max?
He thinks Max is funny.

He apologizes to Max.

He doesn't like Max because he thinks he is a noisy child.

What does Sue Blake mean when she says, " pretended the
apartment was rented."?
You forgot you rented the apartment to someone else.

You remembered it was rented to someone else.

You said the apartment was rented, but that was not true.

The judge says: "I find in favor of the Pushkins." What do you think this
The Pushkins lose their case.

The Pushkins win their case.

The Pushkins must schedule another hearing.

What does the judge mean when she says the Pushkins' first month's rent
will be waived?
They have to pay their first month's rent.

The Pushkins don't have to pay their first month's rent.

They get a discount on their first month's rent.

What does the judge say is excellent?

the Pushkins' family history

Mr. Greedo's memory

the Pushkins' credit history

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