Newsletter 18 250117

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Primary School Newsletter

Newsletter 18
Wednesday 25th January 2017
Spring Term 2017

Finances an appeal

I am sure that you have heard

that schools finances are under

increasing pressure, in the same

way that
other public services

are. There is increased pressure

on tightening
our spending as
are reduced, quite
The Governors and

I are dedicated to high quality
for all at Sandiway

Primary School and we are

Roberts Bakery Visit

Two ambassadors from Roberts Bakery visited us this week to lead a free
workshop for the children in Year 5 so they could have a go at baking their
own bread. The children had a lesson on the chemistry of bread baking
and the practical aspects of combining the ingredients, mixing, kneading,
proving and baking. In addition, the children were very interested to hear
how the bakery that we see (and smell) has developed from humble
beginnings. They also worked through with the children the financial
aspects of the business. Thank you to Roberts Bakery!

School Uniform
Reminder from the school office:
a uniform order will be placed this
Friday (27th January); if you would
like to order any uniform, please
complete a pink order form
(available from the office) and
return to Mrs Forster.

PTA Meeting
Many thanks to the PTA
Committee and all parents who
always looking at the best ways
supported the PTA last term. The
to use our school budget to fund PTA Committee met this week to
the provision in the best way
make plans for future events.
They will soon be adding more
detail to their web site page to
The reduction in finances to
explain what will be happening.
schools puts huge pressure on
The Committee also plan to
developments to school buildings document the money raised and
and resources for the children
how it has been and will be spent
when we have to prioritise funds for the benefit of your children. It
towards high quality teaching and was a very small group of parents
support staff. I am appealing to
who met (only 5 parents out of
parents and friends of the school 157 families) if you feel you can
for any ways that you can help
offer your time and support,
us. I am particularly wanting to
please chat to me and I can pass
focus on the outdoor provision for your details on.
the Reception Class. In the past,
businesses have come forward
Canal and River Trust
with offers of match-funding,
We welcomed two volunteers
grants, donations, sponsorships, from the Trust into school this
etc. I know that businesses are
week, who met with all the
also under increased financial
children in assembly to remind
pressure, but I also know that
our children of the importance of
businesses still like to support
water safety around waterways in

the education
of our future
our county.

Please get in touch

with me,
if you think you can
Mr Chris Priddey (Headteacher)

This week our Spiritual, Moral, Social and

Cultural focus is:

Having an opinion is something we
encourage, but we must also understand
that others may have a different view.
This week we have been looking at
different views and also the skills of
listening to others as they give their
views and opinions.

Dates for your diary

Upcoming events are highlighted in red
27/1/17 Year 4 girls football final
3/2/17 European Day of Languages
6/2/17 Y4 Burwardsley (1 night)
Residential Visit
7/2/17 Y3 Burwardsley (1 night)
Residential visit
15/2/17 PTA Spring term Disco
17/2/17 Children break up for half term
27/2/17 Children return to school
2/3/17 World Book Day
8-10/3/17 Y5 Conway Centre Residential
15/3/17 Parents Evening
16/3/17 Parents Evening
31/3/17 Children break up for the Easter

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