Mr. Demorris Stroud Philosophy of Teaching

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DeMorris Stroud Philosophy of

I Love teaching when the learning in my classroom is tangible to the
students. When I can feel it in the pace of our discussion, debates, and
lectures I know that I am doing my job as a teacher. Teaching is not about
giving work to students, but teachers attempt to change the course and life of
each student assigned to them. Teachers are the ones who have been given the
gift to "Make a difference" in the lives of the students. The greatest part is
that each student has the ability to also change the course of their teachers
lives and impact their school and community.
I believe that learner-oriented teaching promotes learning that both
purposeful and empowering. As a teacher, it is my responsibility to learn who
my learners are and tailor my curriculum around my learners needs for the
perpetual success in my classroom. By assessing my learners ends i now have
the ability to provide exactly what they need to ensure their individual
success. I will also embrace case based teaching, argumentation, and
cooperative problem solving and lay the groundwork for life long
collaborative practices for their success.
I believe that teachers who express curiosity and passion about the subject
areas they are teaching their learners will motivate students to learn and
choose the best choices for the direction of their development as learners.
W.B. Yeats captured this when he said "Education is not the filling of a pail,
but the lighting of a fire" As an educator, I intend to light to fire under each
one of my students propelling them forth in their destiny.

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