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Chronological Bible Reading: Exodus 22-24; Matthew 19
Monday, January 30

2 Cor. 7:6 Nevertheless God, that comforteth those that are cast down, comforted us
God of All Comfort and Care:
Who comforts like you do? My lost friends live in such dire distress. What
would I do if I were like them, and did not know you? What fear of death I
would have! What anxiety about the future. What foreboding over the cruelty
others can do to me. Lord, speak peace through the cross of Christ to
__________ and __________. Redeem them and rescue them now.
Yet Lord, some of your distressed and depressed children are no better off!
You tell them sweet promises from the Word, whisper sweet comfort in their ear,
and they still act like they never hear you. They listen to the voice of the charmer
and deceiver, but not to yours. What a shame to be saved and still feel lost!
Let me give you praise and hallelujahs today. Lift up my countenance as
a testimony to others. Let me then say, there may be no balm in Gilead, but
there is balm in God. My creator is Jehovah-rophi, the LORD-who-heals. There is
no physician so good as the Great Physician.
Give me consolation so I can pass it on. Shed abroad your joy in my heart,
so it might prime the pump for more joy out from the well of your riches in
glory in Christ Jesus. Help me follow your principle-prescriptions!
I do not need to go to earthly acquaintances, and try to drown my sorrows
in human relationships; I need to go to my God. I do not need something to
numb the wound, but I need to bring pain in all its painfulness to you.
Psa. 94:19 In the multitude of my thoughts within me thy comforts delight my soul.
Do they? They should, even above every other care or consideration. Help
me give a positive and cheering witness for you today. Do so Lord for the sake of
your Son, for he is worthy. He is so worthy to be praised! Amen.
Chronological Bible Reading: Exodus 31-33, Matthew 21:24-46
Thursday, February 2

Eph. 3:10-11 To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly
places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God, according to the eternal
purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord:

OH, the unsearchable riches of Christ, wealth that can never be told!
Riches exhaustless of mercy and grace, precious, more precious than gold!
Oh, the unsearchable riches of Christ! Who shall their greatness declare?
Jewels whose luster our lives may adorn, pearls that the poorest may wear!
Oh, the unsearchable riches of Christ! Freely, how freely they flow,
Making the souls of the faithful and true happy wherever they go!
Oh, the unsearchable riches of Christ! Who would not gladly endure
Trials, afflictions, and crosses on earth, riches like these to secure!
Precious, more precious, wealth that can never be told!
Oh, the unsearchable riches of Christ! Precious, more precious than gold.
Fanny Crosby, 1882


Chronological Bible Reading: Exodus 25-27; Matthew 20
Tuesday, January 31

Chronological Bible Reading: Exodus 28-30; Matthew 21:1-23
Wednesday, February 1

Matt. 27:32 And as they came out, they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name: him
they compelled to bear his cross.

Rom. 15:13 Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye
may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.

Mighty Savior:
Even the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel. They did not exempt you
from the agonies of dying on the cross, but only reduced the work of carrying it.
They compelled an African named Simon. And just so, Lord. This world is
redeemed by price, by Christ and Christ alone. But it also has to be reached by
your power manifested in the suffering and labor of the saints, as well as those of
Jesus. The church has to suffer so the gospel can be spread; the church has to be
hurt for the gospel to be heard! I must likewise be willing to be compelled.
Col. 1:24 Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up that which is behind of
the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for his bodys sake, which is the church:
That is what a prayer focus on the cross will bring mea focus on my own
application. There is nothing behind (lacking; a deficit) in the price, because Jesus
paid it all. But there is something yet missing in the manifested power. Lord,
you have my permission. Manifest it in my life, even through suffering.
I am determined: you will not bear the cross alone. I consecrate myself this
year to carrying the cross with you until the last shame has been poured-out on
your cause, and you reign forever and ever!
I see in Simons carrying the cross a picture of what I have to do to reach
my generation. I see now how you did not suffer to exclude my suffering. You
did not bear a cross so I could escape one, but so through you I can endure. You
exempted me from the power of sin, but not from the province of sorrow. You
took the curse of my cross, but have not removed the cross of the curse. How
glorious you are in what you bear and what you share! Amen.

God of Hope:
I have a great need for the power of the Holy Spirit to be continually
manifest in my life. It is necessary simply for my spiritual growth in grace. The
power to be filled with joy and peace from believing, and the power to abound in
hopeI it owe to the Holy Spirit.
Eph. 3:16 That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be
strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man;
To keep me happy and make me holy, there must be a manifestation of
your power inside me. Then, to invade the territories of the enemy, I need that
same power on the outside. And the power I have for external ministry is
proportional to the power I yield-to inside. I know how much of your energy
I have on the inside, by how much influence for Christ I have on others on the
outside. I recognize, when my heart is warm within from revival, I start to see sin
melt in my life. Lord, continue to make it so!
Make me rich in the things of God. Make me strong with your Spirits
energy. Put me on the attack against the enemy. You will not get out of me what
is not put into me. Out of an empty heart I cannot speak things full of Christ.
The first thing I have to do is look to my own life, and pray you will bless me,
and make your face shine upon me.
Live with me Lord, and work in my heart! Your Spirit can be grieved and
vexed, and even quenched, so I ask your forgiveness now for the many
provocations he has received this day. I bow before you and ask for revival,
because Jesus blood both bought and brought forgiveness for my sins. Amen.


Chronological Bible Reading: Exodus 34-36; Matthew 22:1-23
Friday, February 3


Chronological Bible Reading: Exodus 37-38; Matthew 22:24-46
Saturday, February 4

Heb. 10:25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some
is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.
Lord, You Are Our Blessing!
Graciously bless our church to which I belong. Let us know the power of
prayer, both today and on Sunday. Especially pour out an intense spirit of prayer
and supplication on the members of our church. Give us a soul-agony for the
glory of God, and do not let it stop until we see revival. Send us Lordby a
mighty winda groundswell of intense desire to see you glorified, and may we
band together as servants in fellowship to invite others to hear the preaching this
Sunday. Help us be constantly aware of our duties to our dying Lord, and resolve
the prayers of our church will ascend before you like fragrant perfume. For Lord,
you are our blessing!
Lord, convert our friends that are so unsaved. Oh mighty power of God, let
no one come to our church this Sundayeven accidentally or casuallywithout
seeing the Holy Spirit is here. May the Spirit of God work mightily by our
ministries, from our worship team, to our Sunday School classes, to our
HarvestKids, to when we speak privately with individuals. Lord, glorify yourself!
Come and mark us with your blood as being consecrated to your Eternal
Purpose. As we have been buried with you by baptism into death, so make us
really dead to the world and alive only to Christ today!
Since you tell us to pray for everyone, I now especially pray for
__________ and __________ who are lost. Keep them entirely dissatisfied until
they find satisfaction in you, then let your mercies descend to keep them in peace.
May deception be broken to splinters, and truth and righteousness win the day!
Grant that it may be so for Jesus sake, for so we ask it in his name. Amen.

Psa. 81:1 Sing aloud unto God our strength: make a joyful noise unto the God of Jacob.
O God of Jacob:
You are due my highest praise. Your acts of love speak louder than my
words of gratitude. Do not let me be guilty of lack of enthusiasm in praise! I
should Sing aloud, because I am a debtor. Help my voice express my thankfulness,
and my heart in prayer not be silent this day.
You delivered me out of Egypt. You sustained me in the wilderness. You
are preserving me from my foes in Canaan. I should give honor to those I trust,
so let me give honor first of all to you.
The joyful shout is way too little. If I am slack in praise or silent in
thanksgiving I am sinning. Give me full bursts of praise! The gods of the lost can
be worshipped well-enough with classical or contemporary music, but you Lord
can only be adored from the heart. The best music for your service is that which
gives heart-priority, and gets my whole soul into praise. You do not want me to
serve with misery, but with music.
I owe all to you. By the power of your Spirit, help me cast every false god
out of my heart. You proved your good will on the cross. You have proven your
power in the resurrection of Jesus. Now it remains only for me to believe, and
to ask things in faith, in keeping with your will and ability to respond as a great
king. My expectations can never exceed your capacity.
Psa. 81:10 I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt:
open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.
I believe you can do great things for an obedient people. Help me walk in
faith, maintaining uncompromised fellowship and communion through prayer.
Then let me praise you, because I really am already so blessed. Amen.

Focus Verse (for memorization & meditation)Prayer Diary link available online at




JANUARY 29, 2017





Welcome to our visitors! Please take connection cards from the back of the pew
in front of you, fill out the visitor portion, and put it in the offering plate. You are
our guest and wed like to know you are here!


Mark 1:35 And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and
departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.




GIVE GOD THE FIRST PART OF EVERY DAY. The first commitment is
to a daily quiet time with God. Our weekly Prayer Diary provides a template for daily


1 Cor 16:2 Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God
hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come.
asked. Ten percent is a miniscule amount in our affluent society, but it must come
off the top in order to show that God is our priority. We want the blessing of the
firstfruits (first devotion, first dime and first day) to flow out to the rest of our


Heb 10:25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is;
but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.
with a group of believers around the word of God every Sunday in our church.


Keeping Christ at the center (your core relationship of worship to God)

Keeping the body of Christ a priority (your congregational relationship of
walking with us)
Basing beliefs and actions on the mind of Christ (your church relationship in
the Word)


Ministerio Hispao La Cosecha 10:45A.M. en el saln 6. Servicio en Ingls
traducido en Espaol 9:00A.M.
Blueprint Exposure Luncheon 12:30P.M. in the Gym. Discover The
Creators Design for Women (womens study). All Harvest ladies invited!
Lords Supper Services 8:00, 9:00, 11:00A.M. When we observe the Lords
Supper we invite your children to sit in the service with you, so there are no
HarvestKids classes today.
1 Corinthians study! Learn how to live by faith, not by the flesh.
Jr & Sr High in the Mezzanine for their deeper, in-depth Bible study
SNS Sunday Night Stars kids ministry during evening service
Mens Workout 5:30A.M. in the Gym Tuesday & Thursday mornings
Proverbs & Prayer Lunch meeting weekly, Noon-1:00P.M.
Womens Zumba & Kickboxing Wed, Thurs & Sat mornings 9:00A.M, Gym
Walking in the Spirit 7:00-8:15P.M. evening service for adults
AWANA our Bible Club for kids 2 yrs-6th grade 7:00-8:15P.M.
Baptisms In our SuperSunday Super Service! Sign-up TODAY in the lobby!
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 9:00A.M.-3:00P.M.
GIRL P.O.W.E.R. & BOYS TO MEN Conference for all 6th-12th Graders
Worship, guest speaker, power lunch & activities! Harvest youth are encouraged
to bring a friend for EPIC speakers and a time of personal growth and vision,
but please register online for your free lunch and free t-shirt!


2017 Prayer Diary Challenge Start using the Prayer Diary each morning as
your springboard for devotions. Sit down and do what? Read thru your Bible,
10 pages a day! Stop each day on the page that has a 0 (10, 20, 30...).
Consider BEING a gift by GIVING a gift and support a Zambia child for a
year at $28 a month, or only $336 for the entire year!

Baptists tend to ridicule liturgical churches that use "prepared prayers" because
they lack spontaneity. But for many Baptists, their prayers are so predictable they are
no more spontaneous than written-out prayers. The result is we end up praying the
same things over and over.
This daily Prayer Diary will prompt you on a wide range of prayer requests you
might not normally think of, while forcing you to articulate a deeper devotion to
God. We have included a daily Bible reading schedule. This plan will take you
through the Bible chronologically in a year.
Do not read ahead and do not try to catch up. Use each day as it comes. Then
you can know that on any given day, dozens of other people are lifting their hearts in
the same mind to God. Pray what is written, but use what is prayed as a springboard
for your own relationship with God. You learn to pray by praying.

Secret prayer is the secret of prayer, the soul of prayer, the seal of prayer, the
strength of prayer. If you do not pray alone you do not pray at all. Our Lord Jesus
Christ would go nowhere till He had prayed. He would attempt nothing till He had
Oh, says one, I live in the spirit of prayer, and therefore I do not need times
and seasons for prayer. And do you think that Christ did not live in the spirit of
prayer? Yet He had to have his special time and place to pray. Do not fall under the
injurious notion that because your spirit cries to God in prayer all day long, therefore
there must not be some season for more immediately coming into Gods presence. If
you imagine this, I am afraid that it will prove a snare to your feet. The Lord Jesus
Christ, who knew better than you do that the main thing is the spirit of prayer rather
than the act of prayer, yet Himself retired into desert places to maintain the act and
exercise of prayer. Be spiritual. Be baptized into the spirit of prayer. But do not be
deceived by the enemy, who can steal a spirit away while we dream that we only
spiritualize it. We had better preserve the very bones of prayerthe posture, the
time, placerather than let it all ooze away into an impalpable mental condition.
God keep us prayerful. He will do so if He makes us like His dear Son.
Charles H. Spurgeon, 1834-92

Prayer Diary link available online at

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