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DeMorris Stroud

My Teaching Philosophy
DeMorris Strouds Teaching Philosophy: I believe teachers
who express curiosity and passion about the subject areas they
are teaching their students will motivate students to learn and
choose the best choices for the direction of their development.
W.B. Yeats captured this when he said "Education is not the
filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire" As an educator, I
intend to make a difference by lighting the fire under each one
of my students propelling them forth in their destiny.

DeMorris Stroud

Title: Twilight Literature Focus Unit (LFU)

Grade and Subject: 8th Grade English Language Arts
This lesson allows for in-depth conversations about characterization and plot
development. The lesson will help students understand story structures. The girls will
already be interested in the dramatic love story; therefore, we will use the boys
dissatisfaction about vampires, werewolves, and romance to help build conversations
about whether or not Edward Cullens is a believable character and why his
characteristics seems impossible to live up to.
This classroom consists of 22 students. 59% of our classroom is African American,
27% Caucasian, and the remaining 14% of the students are Hispanic and Other. The
other classes are divided evenly among the students specific learning needs. Most of
our students come from single parent homes with parents who have not received any
Student Background, Culture, form of higher education. Students are allowed to have their laptops and iPads in
and Context class to take notes and complete assignments. This classroom also has a set of
Chromebook along with a SMART board. These devices aid in showing students how
to properly interpret different types of text. Approximately 35% of our students have
specific learning needs such as struggling with reading, English Language Learners,
and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.
This lesson has been developed to personally accommodate the specific learning
needs of our students. Approximately 35% of our students have specific learning
needs such as struggling with reading, English Language Learners, and Attention
Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. The Vocabulary in this unit from Stephenie Meyers
Twilight will support our students in making practical and effective uses of context
clues in decoding and comprehending difficult words. The context clues in the
handouts will provide our students with a preview of the upcoming vocabulary and
words in the forthcoming chapters. Our students will also be responsible for
journaling about the assigned chapter for homework. After submitting their journals
Mr. Stroud and Ms. Robinson will read the students journals and personally respond
within their journals and return them back to the student. Through journaling, our
students will be able to connect with the reading as they complete the chapters. This
will provide the opportunity for group and classroom discussion. Lastly, our students
will be able to be to discuss the parts of speech used in the novel. As the students see
pieces from their chapters in their tasks, learning English Language Grammar will
become more relevant and personal to our students.
How do a characters actions give insight to his or her personality?
How does the authors use of relationships impact conflict and plot development?
Purpose of the Lesson: Central
How has humanity been shaped by history and historical events?
Can one truly be a human, but possess no humanity?
How can humanity be defined?

DeMorris Stroud

Learning Objective(s)


Students will be able to

Verbally describe how the relationship between Edward and Bella developed
Identify the plot, characters, and conflicts, form the novel
Apply and interpret reading strategies
Explain how a persons actions reveal characteristics
Properly identify the parts of speech

Students will be able to identify and explain the parts of speech in the reading.
Students will be able to apply the proper use of English grammar in their journals
about the assigned readings.
Students will be able to describe the characteristics of the main characters, while being
able to identify the parts of speech such as the subject, predicate, preposition, and
apply correct punctuation use such as comma usage and semi-colons.
Before starting the lesson, the students will be introduced to the vocabulary terms by
completing an activity.


Syntax or

Allusion, characterization (indirect vs direct), foreshadowing, figurative language,

idiom, imagery, plot, tone, theme
Students will demonstrate reading and comprehension through responding daily in
their journals to the assigned readings.
Students will demonstrate listening by listening to the audio link of the book.
Students will demonstrate writing by journaling a detailed response daily in their
writing journals
Students will demonstrate speaking by participating in group/class discussion about
the chapters.
Students will also be demonstrating an understanding of vocabulary through
journaling and class discussion about the assigned chapter for homework. After
defining their vocabulary, the students will use the vocabulary in their journals. Mr.
Stroud and Ms. Robinson will read the students journals and personally respond
within their journals and return them back to the student. Through journaling, our
students will be able to understand the vocabularies connection with the reading as
they complete the chapters.

DeMorris Stroud
ELAGSE8RL3: Analyze how particular lines of dialogue or incidents in a story or
drama propel the action, reveal aspects of a character, or provoke a decision.
ELAGSE8SL3: Delineate a speakers argument and specific claims, evaluating the
soundness of the reasoning and relevance and sufficiency of the evidence and
identifying when irrelevant evidence is introduced.
GSE - Georgia Standards of

Formal and Informal Assessment

ELAGSE8L5: Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships,

and nuances in word meanings.

We will formally and informally assess our students. Our students will be informally
assessed through their writing journals and their group and partner work. Students will
document a summary of their readings in their journals and respond to the provided
questions from their instructors. We will formally assess our students through a unit
test at the end of the book along with a rubric scored assigned essay.


We will introduce the students to this lesson by pulling from their prior knowledge
Strategies &
Harry Potter and by showing them a clip about Twilight before we introduce the
(Length of
Learning Tasks
students to the book. While watching the clip we will pose questions to the students
that Support
that will help spark a conversation. This should take about 10 minutes.
Diverse Student
Body This unit will be over a course of two weeks. Any time the students are to work with a
(Length of peer, the groups will already be randomly generated by us. When students enter the
time) classroom, there will always be an essential question on the board, and they will be
expected to respond to the prompt. The students will be listening to the audio version
of Twilight in class as well as following along with the text on their provided iPads.
The students will be able to see and hear the words.
Week one
Day one: The students will work on two handouts that will help them easily transition
through the book Twilight. The Literary Terms worksheet will help students define the
terminology before indulging in the book. The Pre-Reading Quickwrite worksheet
will also be given to the students. Once they complete the first assignment, they will
then complete both writing prompts about how to compares Twilight and Harry
Day two: When the students come into the classroom they will respond to the essential
question. We will start listening to chapters one and two the audio version of Twilight
in class. Students will read chapter three for homework. They will record their
reactions in their journal.
Day three: When the students come into the classroom they will respond to the

DeMorris Stroud
essential question. The students will be given a handout on Figurative Speech, and
they will spend the first ten minutes completing it. We will briefly discuss it before
moving on. We will continue listening to chapters four and five in class. Students will
read chapter six for homework. They will record their reactions in their journal.
Day four: When the students come into the classroom they will respond to the
essential question. We will continue reading chapters seven and eight in class.
Students will read chapter nine for homework. They will record their reactions in their
Day five: When the students come into the classroom they will respond to the
essential question. The students will be given a handout on Point of View, and they
will spend the first ten to fifteen minutes completing it. We will briefly discuss it
before moving on. The students will read chapter ten and eleven in class. Students will
read chapter twelve for homework. They will record their reactions in their journal.
Week two
Day six: When the students come into the classroom they will respond to the essential
question. We will read chapter thirteen and fourteen in class. Students will read
chapter fifteen for homework. They will record their reactions in their journal.
Day seven: When the students come into the classroom they will respond to the
essential question. The students will be given a handout on Idioms, and they will
spend the first ten minutes completing it. We will briefly discuss it before moving on.
We will pick up reading chapter sixteen and seventeen in class. Students will read
chapter eighteen for homework. They will record their reactions in their journal.
Day eight: When the students come into the classroom they will respond to the
essential question. We will read chapter nineteen and twenty in class. Students will
read chapter twenty-one through twenty-four for homework. They will record their
reactions in their journal.
Day nine: We will have a Socratic Seminar about Twilight. We, the teachers, will
remove ourselves from the discussion while still facilitate the class.
Day ten: When the students come into the classroom they are to sharpen their pencils
and review their notes they have taken on the book. The students will then be given
the remaining class time to complete the test over Twilight. For the students who
finish early they will know to take out a book and read silently.
The students will show their understanding by making a 70 or above on the test over
Closure Twilight. They will also be expected to engage in the open conversations. Students
(Length of will be able to make it through large chapter books, they will be comfortable
time) generating open discussion that are led by the students, and this lesson will improve
their reading skills.

DeMorris Stroud
The Following accommodations will ensure the success of our students with specific
learning needs:
Our students who struggle with reading will receive Extra time on Phonics and
develop a visual graphic organizer road map of the reading. They will also be
provided with additional time in small-group or individual instruction.

Differentiation, Modification(s),
and Accommodation(s)

Our English Language Learners will receive repeated instruction and the Teacher(s)
will speak slowly and clearly, while allowing them thinking time, and providing them
with handouts that will help them organize their notes. They will also be encouraged
by the teacher to underline and highlight important information.
Our students with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder will receive duplicated
notes, Time Management aids, Extra time for processing instructional material and
assessments, and effective seating. They will be provided clarification and
simplification of directions. They will also receive support by being provided with
reworded prompts with more clarification.


Detailed bulleted list: all of the materials/resources/links/technology needs for this
lesson. Attach all instructional handouts, presentations, citation/copy of texts and
assessment items.
Each student will be provided with the following materials:
Class set of Stephenie Meyers Twilight Book
Audio link of the book
Materials Chromebooks
Short video clips from the movie pertaining to our daily task
Handout with chapter questions to guide writing

DeMorris Stroud

DeMorris Stroud
Georgia State University
Gladys Yarbrough, P.H.D.
December 5th 2016

DeMorris Stroud
Focus unit paper
I Love teaching when the learning in the classroom is tangible to the students. When I can
feel it in the pace of our discussion, debates, and lectures I know that I am doing my job as a
teacher. Teaching is not about giving work to students, but teachers attempt to change the course
and life of each student assigned to them. Teachers are the ones who have been given the
opportunity to "Make a difference" in the lives of students. The greatest part is that each student
has the ability to also change the course of their teachers lives and impact their school and
community. I believe that student-oriented teaching promotes learning that both purposeful and
empowering. As a teacher, it is my responsibility to learn who my students are and tailor my
curriculum around my students needs for the perpetual success in my classroom. Assessing my
students will strengthen the ability to provide exactly what they need to ensure their individual
success. I will also embrace case based teaching, argumentation, and cooperative problem
solving and lay the groundwork for life long collaborative practices for their success. I believe
that teachers who express curiosity and passion about the subject areas they are teaching their
students will motivate students to learn and choose the best choices for the direction of their
development as students. W.B. Yeats captured this when he said "Education is not the filling of a
pail, but the lighting of a fire" As an educator, I intend to light to fire under each one of my
students propelling them forth in their destiny.
This lesson has been developed to personally accommodate the specific learning needs of
our students. Approximately 35% of our students have specific learning needs such as struggling
with reading, English Language Learners, and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. The
Vocabulary in this unit from Stephenie Meyers Twilight will support our students in making
practical and effective uses of context clues in decoding and comprehending difficult words. The
context clues in the handouts will provide our students with a preview of the upcoming

DeMorris Stroud
vocabulary and words in the forthcoming chapters.
My students will also be responsible for journaling about the assigned chapter for
homework. After submitting their journals Mr. Stroud and Ms. Robinson will read the students
journals and personally respond within their journals and return them back to the student.
Through journaling, our students will be able to connect with the reading as they complete the
chapters. This will provide the opportunity for group and classroom discussion. Lastly, our
students will be able to be to discuss the parts of speech used in the novel. As the students see
pieces from their chapters in their tasks, learning English Language Grammar will become more
relevant and personal to our students. We compared the stories of the Harry Potter series and
The Twilight Saga. Each one of the students were provided with class sets of Twilight and they
also received an online audio version of each chapter to follow along with on their laptops or
iPads. The Instructional focus will be identified through the students ability to explain how
characters actions give insight into their personality, explain how the author uses relationships to
impact conflict and plot development, analyze how history has shaped humanity, and explain the
difference between being a human, but possessing no humanity. Students will be able to access
the story online via the provided link for the audio version of the book. The students will be
introduced to this lesson by pulling from their prior knowledge Harry Potter and by viewing a
clip about Twilight in class before we introduce the students to the book. While watching the clip
multiple questions will be presented to the students that will help spark a conversation.
Our students who struggle with reading will receive Extra time on Phonics and develop a
visual graphic organizer road map of the reading. They will also be provided with additional time
in small-group or individual instruction. Our English Language Learners will receive repeated
instruction and the Teacher(s) will speak slowly and clearly, while allowing them thinking time,
and providing them with handouts that will help them organize their notes. They will also be

DeMorris Stroud
encouraged by the teacher to underline and highlight important information. Our students with
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder will receive duplicated notes, Time Management aids,
Extra time for processing instructional material and assessments, and effective seating. They will
be provided clarification and simplification of directions. They will also receive support by being
provided with reworded prompts with more clarification.
I will formally and informally assess my students. My students will be informally
assessed through their writing journals and their group and partner work. I will use the students
artifacts to demonstrate the students mastery of the literature. They will also document a
summary and response to their assigned readings in their journals and respond to the provided
questions. At the end of the unit, I will formally assess my students through a unit test at the end
of the book along with a rubric scored assigned essay. This will allow me to properly monitor my
students progress and understanding of the literature.
The schedule for my class will be as followed: During the first week on day one the
students will work on two handouts that will help them easily transition through the book
Twilight. The Literary Terms worksheet will help students define the terminology before
indulging in the book. The Pre-Reading Quick write worksheet will also be given to the
students. Once they complete the first assignment, they will then complete both writing prompts
about how to compares Twilight and Harry Potter. On the second day the students will come into
the classroom and respond to the essential question. We will start listening to chapters one and
two the audio version of Twilight in class. Students will read chapter three for homework. They
will record their reactions in their journal. On the third day the students will come into the
classroom and will respond to the essential question. The students will be given a handout on
Figurative Speech, and they will spend the first ten minutes completing it. We will briefly discuss
it before moving on. We will continue listening to chapters four and five in class. Students will

DeMorris Stroud
read chapter six for homework. They will record their reactions in their journal. On the fourth
day the students will come into the classroom and will respond to the essential question. We will
continue reading chapters seven and eight in class. Students will read chapter nine for
homework. They will record their reactions in their journal. On the fifth day the students will
come into the classroom and will respond to the essential question. The students will be given a
handout on Point of View, and they will spend the first ten to fifteen minutes completing it. We
will briefly discuss it before moving on. The students will read chapter ten and eleven in class.
Students will read chapter twelve for homework. They will record their reactions in their journal.
On day six the students will come into the classroom and respond to the essential question. We
will read chapter thirteen and fourteen in class. Students will read chapter fifteen for homework.
They will record their reactions in their journal. On the seventh day when the students arrive
they will come into the classroom and respond to the essential question. The students will be
given a handout on Idioms, and they will spend the first ten minutes completing it. We will
briefly discuss it before moving on. We will pick up reading chapter sixteen and seventeen in
class. Students will read chapter eighteen for homework. They will record their reactions in their
journal. On day eight when the students come into the classroom they will respond to the
essential question. We will begin reading chapter nineteen and twenty in class. Students will read
chapter twenty-one through twenty-four for homework. They will record their reactions in their
journal. When we arrive to the ninth day we will have a Socratic Seminar about Twilight. We, the
teachers, will remove ourselves from the discussion and the students will facilitate the class.
Lastly, on day ten when the students arrive into the classroom they will be instructed to sharpen
their pencils and review their notes they have taken on the book. The students will then be given
the remaining class time to complete the test over Twilight. The students who finish early they
will be directed to take out a book and read silently.

DeMorris Stroud

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