Chad Belling Supervisor Evaluation 2

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Department of Educational Leadership EAL 698 or RaLd 635 Semester: Pall__ Spring 2X, Summer vear: 2017 Summative Evaluation for Principal Interns sun (Ca [ethan baw [[2SJ1 intemsnip Site Disderck 98) superior tLeadher Wanson Performance Seale: _ Unsatistactory Developing Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Deficient in Demonstrates understanding | Demoustates specific | Demonstrates exceptional performance and ofknowledge aud skills | understanding of understanding of understanding of underlying the components | knowledge and skills and | knowledge and skills and knowledge and skills of the principal licensure implements components of | implements components ‘unlrlying the and generally implements | the principal licensure ata_| ofthe principal licensure components ofthe | them well consistently high level; | ata consistently high principe licensure. shows attribute of level shows attributes of | secamplshed practice, | accomplished practice ata | aualiatively high lv I. CORE LEADERSHIP COMPETENCIES > |= For all Minnesota Administrative licenses £} 0| # 2s 2/2) 83/5 Please evaluate the Intern’s knowledge and skills in 3 = e z 2 3 = the following areas: a) 2/28 88° a S| sisdadz Leads demonstrate leadership by collaboratively assessing and improving, caltue, an climate; | demonstrate leadership by providing purpose and direction for | indivigoals and groups: % model shared leadership ané decision-making stretegies; demonstrate an understanding of issues affecting eivcation; through a visioning process, formulate strategic plans and goals with staff and community: set priotities in the context of stakeholder needs 7. serve asa spokesperson for the welfare of all eamers ina | snvitcatural context | 8. understand how education is impacted by local, state, national, and international events 9. demonsrate the ability to facilitate and motivate others ___ demonstrate the ability to implement change or educational reform, B. Organizational management 1. -demoustrate an understanding of organizational systems; 2. define and use processes for gathering, analyzing, managing and using data to plan and make decisions for program evaluation; x 3. plan and schedule personal and organizational work, establish procedure to regulate activities and projects, and delegate and empower others at appropriate levels 4, demonstrate the ability to analyze need and allocate personnel and material resonrces; | ; 5. K-12 Principal Competencies Page Lof $ Ed 698 or Edt 635, Last reviewed August 13, 2008 Please evaluate the Intern’s knowledge and skills in the following areas: [Unsatisfactory z J 28 eae PELE [Eads 5. develop and manage budgets and maintain accurate fiscal records; 66. demonstrate an understanding of facilities development planning and management; 7._understand and use technology as a management toa C. Diversity leadership 1. demonstrate an understanding and a recognition of the significance of diversity, and respond to the needs of diverse learners: ‘create and monitor a positive learning environment for all stmdents; ‘reate and monitor a positive working environment for all staff, ‘promote sensitivity of diversity throughout the school community: demonstrate the ability to adapt educational programming to the needs of diverse constituencies: D. Poi and La develop. adjust, and implement policy to meet local, state, and federal sequirements and constitutional provisions, standards, and regulatory applications; 2. recognize and apply standards of care involving civil and criminal liability for negligence, harassment, and intentoual torts; 3. demonstrate an understanding of state, fedecal and case law goveming general education, special educatioa, and community education E. Political Influence and Governance 1. exhibit an understanding of school districts asa political system, including govemance models, 2. demonstrate the ability to involve stakeholders in the development of ‘educational policy; 3, understand the role and coordination of socal agencies and man 4, demonstrate the ability to alga coustitiences in support of priorities ‘and build coalitions for programmatic and financial support F Communication 1 fosmulate and carry out plas for internal and extemal communications; demonstrate facilitation sils; recognize and apply an understanding of individual and group behavior in nomnal and sressfil situations; 4. facilitate teamwork: demonstrate an understanding of conflict resolution and problem solving strategies; 6. make presentations that are clear and easy to understand 7. respond, review, end summarize information for grow 8, commonicate appropriately (speaking, listening, and writing) for different andiences— students, teachers, parenls, community, and other stakebolders: 9._understsad and utilize appropriate communication technology. 2 3 G Community relations 1. articulate organizational purpose and priorities to the commnnity and media; ‘request and respond to commanity feedback, demonstrate the ability to build community consensus; relate political initiatives to stakeholder, including parental involvement programs: 5._ identify and interact with intemal and extemal public: Page 20f5 Last revised May 18, 2020 K-12 Principal Competencies dtd 698 or Edd 635, Please evaluate the Intern’s knowledge and skills in the following areas: Unsatisfactory jects Expectations jExceeds {0 Opportunity) [expectations Developing © understand and respond to the news media: 7. promote a postive image of schools and the schoo! district 8, monitor and address perceptions about school-community issues; continued on next page 9. demonstrate the ability to identify and articulate crtieal community issues which may impact local education. 1H. Curriculum planning and development for the success of all Tearners 1. demonstrate the ability to enhance teaching and learning through curriculum assessment and strategic planning forall leamers, including pre-K, elementary, middle, high school, special education and adult levels; 2. demonstrate the ability to provide planning and methods to anticipate trends and educational implications demonstrate the ability to develop, implement, and monitor procedires to align, sequence, and articulate curriculum and validate curricular procedures; 4, demoustrate the ability to identify instructional objectives and use valid and reliable performance indicators and evaluative procedures to measure performance outcoines; 5. appropriately use learning technologies; 6. demonstrate an understanding of alternative instructional designs, cuuriculum, behavior management, and assessment accommodations ‘and modifications; 7. demoustate an understanding ofthe urgency of global competitiveness, T._Tnstructional management for the success ofall Tearners 1, demonstrate an understanding of research of learuing and instrctional strategies:

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