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2017 Tentative Agreement


Nova Scotia
Teachers Union

Gains over September 2016 Tentative Agreement

An additional $60 million (approximately) in wages, benefits and classroom

An additional $17.2 million in salary increases. This was accomplished by moving
ahead the first pay increase by 4 months and adjusting the wage pattern (2%
increase on April 1, 2017 and a 1% increase on April 1, 2018).
Government will not change position on long service award so we are taking back
1% of our service over course of agreement. As a result teachers will now receive
two paid days off to be used during the school year. ($8.3 million cost to provide
substitute teachers)
$20 million to be invested to improve classroom conditions as part of the Partnership
on Systemic Working Conditions ($10 million annually for next two years). An
arbitrator will now settle any disputes that arise as part of this process.
$12.7 million to replace stolen marking and preparation time.
$2.4 million to provide substitute coverage while teachers conduct one-on-one

Other highlights
Current P-6 class size caps will now be enshrined in collective agreement.
Inclusive Education Commission - this independent province-wide body will be

launched to improve support for special needs students.

A commitment to evaluate placing a system wide time delay on PowerSchool
between when marks are entered and when they are visible to parents and students.

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