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The Analysis of Length of Stay MDR TB Inpatient in West Nusa Tenggara

General Hospital
Salim S Thalib
Magister Program Hospital Administration in Public Health Faculty University of Indonesia
Corresponding author:


Safety, Efficiency, and hospital service quality could decrease if MDR TB patients have
prolonged Average Length of Stay (ALOS). Lengthy ALOS could cause an increase in
treatment cost, workload, health care Associated Infections (HAIs) occurences, and morbidity
as well as mortality in the MDR TB Patients. Lenghty ALOS caused by limited number of
well-trained doctors, lack of clinical pathway, frequently late availability of MDR TB drugs,
slow laboratory turnaround time, patient with severe comorbidity such as, malnourished, HIV
positive, Diabetus, and drug allergies, external references not optimally executed, primary
health care refuse treating patient caused by lack of proper training. Lack of periodic
evaluation toward MDR TB treatment. The objective of this research is to assess the average
time of treating MDR TB inpatients. This research could be used as reference in measuring
the quality of hospital treatment. Using qualitative method, by reviewing MDR TB patients
medical record which hospitalized in West Nusa Tenggara General Hospital from 2015 to
Keywords: ALOS, MDR TB.

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