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Mugenda, O. and Mugenda, A. (2003) Research Methods. Act Press, Nairobi.

Mugenda M. O. and Mugenda A. (2003), Research Methods: Qualitative and

Quantitative Approaches, African Centre for Technology Studies, Nairobi, Kenya
Mugenda, O.M. and Mugenda, A.G. (1999) Research Methods: Quantitative and Qualitative
Approaches. Acts Press, Nairobi.
Mugenda O.M. & Mugenda A.G. (2003). Research Methods Quantitative and
qualitative approaches. Nairobi: Acts Press.
Mugenda, O. M. & Mugenda, A. G. (2003). Research methods: Quantitative and
qualitative Approaches. Nairobi: African Centre for Technology Studies.

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