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Gov. A. Pascual cor. Leongson Sts. San Roque Navotas City

S.Y. 2016-2017
Date: _______________

Classes: ____________________________

Content Standard: The learners should be able to demonstrate understanding of;

- the structure and function of plant parts and organelles involved in photosynthesis.
- the structure and function of mitochondrion as the main organelle involved in respiration .
Performance Standard: The learners should be able to;
- design and conduct an investigation to provide evidence that plants can manufacture their own food
In this period, the learners are expected to:
1. Identify the cell structure and functions of plants involved in the food making process.
2. Explain the phases involved in photosynthesis.
3. Appreciate the importance of photosynthesis to the living world.
Learning Competency: The learners should be able to;
- differentiate basic features and importance of photosynthesis and respiration.
Topic: Ecosystem: Flow of energy and matter in ecosystem.
Subtopic: Photosynthesis- The food making process
Through the process of photosynthesis, plants and other chlorophyll-bearing organisms produce food
for themselves.
In photosynthesis, plants capture light energy and convert it into chemical energy stored in food.

The summary equation for photosynthesis is as follows:

Carbon dioxide + water
glucose + oxygen

Photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplast found in the leaves of plants.

Essentially, the two major stages in photosynthesis are:
- Light reaction phase
- Calvin Cycle
Materials: Diagram of Leaf, chloroplasts, and photosynthesis, Projector, Laptop and video clips from youtube
and knowledge channel
References: Knowledge Channel
Science Grade 9 Learners Module pp. 72-78
BIOLOGY textbook by Capco and Yang pp. 88-92
Google for images used for instructional materials

A. Management Of Learning
-Checking of attendance
B. Lesson Proper:
Unlocking of Difficulties: You MEAN the WORD to ME
CHLOROPHYLL A - is a specific form of chlorophyll that absorbs most energy from
wavelengths of violet-blue and orange-red light and reflects green/yellow light, and as
such contributes to the observed green color of most plants.
CHLOROPHYLL B - is a form of chlorophyll that helps in photosynthesis by
absorbing light energy.
PS I - is an integral membrane protein complex that uses light energy to produce the high energy carriers
PS II - is the first protein complex in the light-dependent reactions of oxygenic
NADP+ - Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (C21H29N7O17P3)
responsible for producing NADPH.
NADPH - Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (C21H29N7O17P3) a reduced form of NADP+
used to help turn the carbon dioxide into glucose.
ADP - adenosine diphosphate. An organic compound that is composed of adenosine and two phosphate
groups it is converted to ATP.
ATP - Adenosine Triphosphate transports chemical energy within cells for metabolism
PGAL - Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate, also known as triose phosphate or

3-phosphoglyceraldehyde (C3H7O6P).

Motivation: Activity 1 The Secret Ingredients picture analysis

Provision for integration: Communication, Collaboration, Interpersonal and visual intelligences
(Establishing Teaching-Learning Process and Assessing Prior Knowledge, Creating Awareness)
Students will pick pictures of the three basic requirements / materials needed in the process of making the
following food like vegetable soup, boiled egg, steamed rice and fried chicken.








Rice Grains



Guide Questions:
1. How do these foods were prepared or cooked?
2. What essential things are needed or required to cook food?

Chicken Meat

3. Have you ever seen a flower or tree eat any of these foods?
4. How plants get or make food?
Learners Activity 2:Power Plant
Provision for integration: Critical Thinking, Collaborative
(Delivering the lesson and Exhibiting discoveries)
Students will go to different learning stations by group and will use reading materials (Learners
Module), video clips and charts on the activity sheets provided by the teacher. These reading materials and
video clips contain information about the plant structures and processes involved in photosynthesis. As you
read, watch and analyze the diagram in different learning stations you must answer the questions found in
the activity sheets.
Each group will make a summary of the different concepts they learned from each learning station
which will be presented to the class.

Learning Station 1: Plant structures for photosynthesis (Identifying plant structure for photosynthesis)
Students will label the parts of a chloroplast and the internal structure of a leaf. Write your answer in the

Learning station 2: Photosynthesis (identifying raw materials and products of photosynthesis)

Students will watch a video about photosynthesis song and complete the table below

Learning Station 3: Understanding the Process of Food Making

After watching the video clip on photosynthesis, analyze the diagram and make a concept map of the
entire process by filling up the figures with the processes involved, raw materials used, and end
products of the entire process of food making.

Analysis: (Delivering the lesson and exhibiting discoveries)

1. In which part of the plant does photosynthesis occur?
2. What things are needed in order for photosynthesis to occur?
3. How do plants manufacture food?
4. What are the raw materials needed and products of photosynthesis?
5. How does light reaction different from dark reaction?
Rubric for scoring students activity:

Abstraction: KHub-Photosynthesis video presentation from knowledge channel.

Students will watch a video clip from the Knowledge Channel and check on some concepts they made in
the activity that they find confusing.

Application: Magtanim ay Di Biro- Urban gardening, Gulayan sa Paaralan, Food Always In The Home,
Provision for integration: Localization, Cooperation, Values, Interpersonal
Ask students if they are familiar with the kind of gardening shown in the picture

Guide Questions:
1. Where do you see this kind of gardening?
2. Why do you think our government promote this kind of urban planting?
3. What other programs or movement similar to urban gardening our government or even farmers have
launched or promoted?
4. Why is photosynthesis important in the living world?

IV.ASSESSMENT: Pen and Paper- Reflection

Choose the letter of the correct answer
1. Plants are very unique among other organisms due to their capability to trap sunlight and make their own
food. Which of the following enables plants to trap energy from the sun?
a. epidermis
b. chloroplast
c. cuticle
d. chlorophyll
2. Plants make food by absorbing water and carbon dioxide. Which of the following substances is the origin of
oxygen released as gas by green plants during photosynthesis?
a. water
c. carbon dioxide
b. sugar
d. ribulose-1,5-biphosphate
3. Oxygen and carbon dioxide are gases that cycle out in the ecosystem. Which of the following gases is
important to photosynthesis?
a. ozone gas
b. water vapor
c. oxygen
d. carbon dioxide
4. Photosynthesis can be summarized by which word equation?
a. carbon dioxide + oxygen glucose + water
b. oxygen + glucose carbon dioxide + water
c. carbon dioxide + water glucose + oxygen
d. oxygen + water glucose + carbon dioxide
5. Which of the following best explains why planting trees and putting up urban gardens can help prevent
global warming?
a. Plants produce oxygen during day time and perform transpiration.

b. Plants absorb carbon dioxide that contributes to the rising of earths temperature.
c. Plants perform photosynthesis.
d. Plants use up carbon dioxide during photosynthesis, release oxygen to the environment, and perform
1. Bring different samples of leaves.
2. How will you know that plants can make food?
3. What evidences show that plants manufacture food?
4. What factors may affect the food making process?
Ref. Learners Module pp.79-82
Prepared by:




T. Sora


Blood Oil for Your Body
Blood Oil for Your
Oil for Your Body

Blood Oil
for Your

The engine in your moms car has oil. The oil does
lots of things. It keeps the engine clean and it
keeps things running smoothly. Your blood is a little
like engine oil, but even better. Blood carries

ygen and nutrients to all the cells in your body so
they can grow and stay healthy. It carries waste B
Blood has four key components:

Fluid part of blood

Carries carbon dioxide, hormones and waste
Red blood cells

Contain haemoglobin which carries oxygen

Made in the bone marrow. The more you train the more red blood cells are made.
White blood cells

An important part of the immune system, they produce antibodies and destroy harmful
Made in the bone marrow

Clump together to form clots

Protect the body by stopping bleeding

When exercising blood does the following things:

Transports nutrients and waste

Delivers oxygen to the working muscles
Removes heat (temperature regulation)
Dilutes/carries away lactic acid (acidic balance)

The circulatory system

Blood vessels

There are three types of blood vessel:


Carry blood away from the heart (always oxygenated apart from the pulmonary artery which goes
to the lungs)
Have thick muscular walls
Have small passageways for blood (internal lumen)
Contain blood under high pressure

Carry blood to the heart (always de-oxygenated apart from the pulmonary vein which goes from
the lungs to the heart)
Have thin walls
Have larger internal lumen
Contain blood under low pressure
Have valves to prevent blood flowing backwards

Found in the muscles and lungs

Microscopic one cell thick
Very low blood pressure
Where gas exchange takes place. Oxygen passes through the capillary wall and into the tissues,
carbon dioxide passes from the tissues into the blood

Fluid part of blood

Carries carbon dioxide, hormones and waste
NB The heart is seen from the front in the diagram. So the right side of the heart is shown on the left of the
diagram. The left side is on the right side of the diagram.
The heart is a muscular pump. When it beats it pumps blood to the lungs and around the body. The amount of
blood pumped can be calculated:
heart rate x stroke volume = cardiac output
These increase when exercising. See the 'Exercise and Training' revision bite for effects of exercise on the
circulatory system.
The heart has four chambers. The two atria collect the blood. The two ventriclespump the blood out of the
Valves prevent the blood from flowing backwards.
The septum separates the two sides of the heart.
The right side of the heart pumps de-oxygenated blood (blood not containing oxygen) to the lungs to pick up
oxygen. The left side of the heart pumps the oxygenated blood from the lungs around the rest of the body.

Red blood cells

carries oxygen

Made in the bone marrow. The more you train the

more red blood cells are made.
White blood cells
An important part of the immune system, they
produce antibodies and destroy harmful
Made in the bone marrow
Clump together to form clots
Protect the body by stopping bleeding

hen exercising blood does the following things:
Transports nutrients and waste
Delivers oxygen to the working muscles
Removes heat (temperature regulation)
Dilutes/carries away lactic acid (acidic balance)cts
away from your cells so they stay clean. Blood even
helps you get better when youre sick.

Blood is made in the marrow of certain bones. This

marrow is soft sort of like jelly. Blood vessels in
the bone carry the new blood cells to the rest of
your body. The engine in your moms car has oil.
The oil does lots of things. It keeps the engine
clean and it keeps things running smoothly. Your
blood is a little like engine oil, but even better.
Blood carries oxygen and nutrients to all the cells
in your body so they can grow and stay healthy. It
carries waste products away from your cells so
they stay clean. Blood even helps you get better
when youre sick.
Blood is made in the marrow of certain bones. This
marrow is soft sort of like jelly. Blood vessels in
the bone carry the new blood cells to the rest of
your body.

The engine in your moms car has oil. The oil does lots of things. It keeps the engine clean a

d it keeps things running smoothly. Your blood is a little like engine oil, but even better.
Blood carries oxygen and nutrients to all the cells

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