Show: Doble Kara: Date Start Time End Time Running Time

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Name: Yves Jude Nakpil

Section: ABM-2

Show: Doble Kara

Of all stories, Doble Kara is one of coincidences and horrible luck. It all started
with Laura, a poor woman from a poor family. Her mother was sick and dying. She
had no choice but to resort to one of worst kind of jobs out there, prostitution. Of
course, being a courtesan, she had a high and awful chance to become pregnant.
Then the time came when she was impregnated by man named Antonio Dela Rosa.
She carried twins. Ishmael, her true lover, accepted her still though. Antonio, the
true father of Lauras unborn children, also had her spouse, Lucille, carrying a child.
The spouses, Laura and Lucille, COINCIDENTALLY, gave birth to their respective
children on the same day. Unfortunately, Lucilles child died because of premature
birth. Laura and Ishmael then built up their family with their twins, Kara and Sara.
However, Kara was diagnosed with Leukemia. Them being poverty-stricken, parents
had no choice but to give Kara to the care of her true biological father, Antonio.
Lucille, still down for her childs death, accepts Kara wholeheartedly. Their family
then went out of the country in order to let Kara heal from her illness.
Years later, Sara is now a young adult determined to slip away from the hands
of poverty while Kara is a spoilt lady and lesser in terms kindness. Rivalry sparked
between the two sisters as they aspire to become what they want to be in life. The
story goes on, a story full of deception, ambition, lust, familial love and wealthdriven actions. Love, identity and family is tested as the story nears its completion.
Dec. 29, 2016
Dec. 30, 2016
Dec. 31, 2016
Jan. 2, 2017
Jan. 3, 2017
Jan. 4, 2017
Jan. 5, 2017
Jan. 6, 2017

1. Conflict

3:17 PM
3:20 PM
3:19 PM
3:20 PM
3:17 PM

4:10 PM
4:10 PM
4:10 PM
4:11 PM
4:12 PM


Kara and Sara argue with each other even though they have the same

intentions of receiving justice.

Julio is nowhere to be found as her sister, Patricia, gave him up to the

Julio is arrested for Alexs crimes and is hospitalized.
Julio dies which voids the arrest case and frees Alex from any charges.

Evidences against Alex are still unknown.

Alex still is a free woman. Alex refuses any help given to her by her halfbrother, Sebastian.

2. Ego-Involvement

Patricia contemplates on whether she would betray and turn in her brother,
Julio, and soon to be sister in law, Alex, to the authorities for his wrong

Julio is determined to cover up for Alexs actions in order to protect her.
Sara is more aggressive in finding justice in their case with Alex.
Kara is collective and calm in looking for evidences against Alex.
Sebastian wants to help both of two sides. Alex, being his half-sister, and
Kara, being his wife, Seb wants to help in the best of his abilities.

3. Sex

Sara wears sexy clothing compared to her sister, Kara.

4. Self-preservation

Conflicts between family members of characters in the show are always

shown but among those conflicts, the resolutions always go at the top.
Kara and Saras family, when gathered, represents the value of familial love

which most Filipinos cherish.

Sara is a great figure for women of all ages. Sara being independent and
strong to bring justice for her family, she has become a good idol for girls and

even for the poor.

Kara represents meek and collective women throughout the span of five days

of watching. She also can be considered a good mother figure to idolize.

Sebastian shows the kind people of society determined to help everyone in

5. Recognition

The show has the same timeline as the real world.

The New Year episode showed how the characters still celebrate certain
events like most of the audience do even though being late a day or two.

6. Curiosity

The manhunt of Julio went in for days.

The possibility of Patricia betraying her brothers trust made me excited for

the next episodes to come.

The question of who is the truly culprit behind the kidnapping is still at hand.
Tension built up in the ER scene after Julio was shot. Questions on whether he

will live or not popped in and out.

Will Alex ever confess to honor her husbands death?

7. Escape

Kara and Saras family New Year gathering presented various scenes which

portrays the Filipino spirit of familial love.

Sara still jokes around even when times become serious.
Coffee breaks, lunches and dinners of the characters in the show, give
temporary consolation to the audience for it shows how the characters are
still calm even when surrounded by conflict.

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