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Chapter 5

1. What are the peoples reactions to the broken wine cask?

They fight for the spilled wine
2. The spilled wine is a symbol of what?
Blood that will spill later in the story
3. What is the power that has ground the people down? What does this tell us about
conditions in France?
Hunger created by monarchs in power
4. Describe Defarge and his wife.

husband says "not my affair"? rescued Dr. because was his servant
wife doesn't do anything but knit but have a sense she is always watching
5. Why do the men in the wine shop refer to each other as Jacques? (Look up the word
jacquerie for a hint.)

code for being a part in the revolution, Jacquerie is because aristocracy called all peasants
Jacque because they didn't care about their names and was dehumanizing them
6. Why have Mr. Lorry and Miss Manette come to Defarges wine shop? Why was
Defarge chosen for this duty?
Defarge offered to take Dr. manette in with him because he used to be his servant who is loyal
7. Why do you think Defarge shows Dr. Manette to the Jacques?
To show what the people in power do how she is in oppression and to make them more
angry and to revolt

Bellwork: What other world events were happening at the same time as the French
revolution? (setting-time)

Bastille and the Great Fear, Estates only had one vote, National Assembly
succeeded, Reign of terror, feudalism and unfair taxation

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