"Wait at Dover For Mam'selle" Reply: "Recalled To Life" - To Meet The Lady and Bring Her To Her Dad and Response Is Maybe A Acceptance

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identify the allusions.

3. Answer the following about the section read:
*What was the attitude of British and French nobility concerning the future of their rule?
The people attitudes where dichotomy believing they had everything before them but
nothing before them too , nothing was to get better or worse
*In France, what was a common punishment for not kneeling to honor monks?
Cut off hands, tear out tongue, and burned alive
*What was the crime situation in England at this time?
Burglaries by armed men, highway robberies in capital every night, and people getting shot
and killed because of these situations

Bellwork: What were the conditions in France that lead to the revolution? (setting-time)
Conflict between monarchy and nobility, bankruptcy, and droughts in harvest
Read A Tale of Two Cities-The Mail (chapter 2) and answer the following:
1.How did passengers on the Dover mail interact with each other? Why did they act this
They didnt trust each other and were scared that some passengers were apart of the
2. What was the guards initial reaction to the arrival of Jerry Cruncher?
He was scared because the guards were scared as well
3. Who is Crunchers message for, and what is this gentlemans occupation?
Representative Jarvis Lorry at tellson's bank - businessman
4. What was Crunchers message, and what was the reply? What do you think these
messages mean?

"Wait at Dover for Mam'selle" reply: Recalled to life - to meet the lady and
bring her to her dad and response is maybe a acceptance
HW: Chapter 3-Cornell Notes
What is Crunchers reaction to the message he is to take to Tellsons?
Confused, worried
What questions does Mr. Lorry ask the spectre? What is the spectres answer? What do you
think this means?
Buried how long? Answer: 18 minutes ; brought back to life?
Write a 50 word summary.

Chapter three consist of Mr. Lorry reflection on how digging someone who was put in the grave
alive for 18 years may look like while Coach makes his way to Dover. Mr. Lorry haunts himself
by trying to imagine the deads man face and him asking the man how he cares to live while the
man doesn't know.

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