2014 Chapter 13 Test

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Chapter 13-Westward Expansion Test

Friday, March 21, 2014

Key Terms Matching-On your Scantron, mark the letter for the term that matches the description.
A. Annex

B. Destiny

C. Expansion

D. Frontier

E. Manifest

51. Land that forms the furtherest extent of a nations settled regions
52. Extending of a nation beyond its existing borders
53. To add on
54. Evident or obvious
55. The seeming inevitable course of events; going to happen
Key People Matching-On your Scantron, mark the letter for the person/pair that matches the
A. Sam Houston
D. Joseph Smith

B. James K. Polk

C. James Marshall

E. Marcus and Narcissa Whitman

56. Missionaries who moved to Oregon and were eventually killed by the Cayuse
57. Commanded the Texans during the Texas War for Independence; became the first president of the
Republic of Texas
58. Elected as the US President in 1844; he is connected to US expansion and Manifest Destiny in the 1840s
59. A New York farmer who, in 1830, founded the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
60. In January 1848, he discovered gold at Sutters Mill near Sacramento
Multiple Choice-On your Scantron, clearly mark the letter of the one that best answers the question
or completes the statement.
61. In the early 1800s, the Great Plains were unattractive to many settlers because
A. there were millions of buffalo in the region.
B. the land was covered with grass that had deep roots.
C. the region was already overpopulated.
D. they wanted to settle east of the frontier.
62. Before the lands in the Southwest became part of the United States they were under the control of
A. Mexico.
B. France.
C. Russia.
D. Britain.
63. How did the belief in Manifest Destiny contribute to the United States westward expansion?
A. Americans believed they could learn important values from other cultures.
B. The United States government believed it should invade and conquer Mexico.
C. Americans believed they should spread liberty and self-government across the continent.

D. The United States government believed it had a duty to prevent slavery in new territories.
Franks 1

Chapter 13-Westward Expansion Test

Friday, March 21, 2014

64. Which of the following people, who established the America Fur Company, was responsible for
making the Northwest more accessible to later settlers and missionaries?
A. John Jacob Astor

B. Jedediah Smith

C. William Becknell

D. Joseph Smith

65. The mountain men of the Northwest were

A. French soldiers.

B. silver miners.

C. cotton farmers.

D. trappers.

66. The experience of women in the West can BEST be described as one of __________ work and a
generally __________ status than women in the East.
A. easy, lower
B. hard, higher
C. hard, lower
D. easy, higher
67. Texan settlers revolted against the Mexican government after
A. Spain encouraged more American settlers to move to Texas.
B. Santa Anna gained power and set up a dictatorship.
C. the United States tried to buy Texas and failed.
D. the Texan army attacked the Mexicans at the Alamo.
68. Which of the following happened first?
A. The annexation of Texas
B. The election of James K. Polk
C. The Texans declared independence from Mexico
D. The Mexican-American War
69. Which of the following BEST describes Mexico's attitude toward the annexation of Texas as an
American state?
A. Mexico was in favor of it because they believed it would improve trade with the US.
B. Mexico was against it because they thought Texas would dam the Rio Grande River.
C. Mexico was against it because they had never officially recognized Texas's independence.
D. Mexico was against it because the US tried to set the boundary of Texas at the Texas River.
70. The main reason the United States went to war with Mexico was because of the
A. Mexican interference with American trade.
B. desire to abolish slavery in Texas.
C. Mexican attacks on American settlers.
D. desire to obtain more territory.
Franks 2

Chapter 13-Westward Expansion Test

Friday, March 21, 2014
71. Which of the following did the United States acquire as a result of the Mexican-American War?
A. Oregon

B. North Dakota

C. New Mexico

D. Washington

72. Why did the Mormons move west to settle in Utah?

A. They hoped to find gold in the desert valleys.
B. They sought jobs on the transcontinental railroad.
C. They wanted to convert Native Americans to Christianity.
D. They hoped to escape religious persecution.
73. People who came to California in search of gold were called
A. gold-rushers.

B. forty-niners.

C. boomers.

D. placer miners.

74. What general effects did the gold rush have on many Native Americans in California?
A. They shared equally in the newfound wealth.
B. They got jobs in the mines and in mining towns.
C. They lost their lives and lands.
D. They fought the miners and gained freedom.
75. Which statement BEST explains why California developed a diverse population?
A. Many English-speaking settlers migrated there from eastern states.
B. Many Chinese people migrated there to work on the railroad.
C. State laws banning racial discrimination attracted many African Americans.
D. Gold seekers came from all over the world and became permanent residents.
76. The idea of Manifest Destiny was a cause of all of the following EXCEPT
A. the Mexican-American War.
B. the annexation of Oregon.
C. Texas War for Independence against Mexico.
D. the Gadsden Purchase.
True and False-If the statement is true, mark A on your Scantron. If the statement is false, mark B
on your Scantron.
77. The Oregon Trail was about 2,000 miles long and ran from Missouri to Oregon.
A. True

B. False

78. In 1836, Texas gained its independence from the United States when soldiers captured Santa
Anna and forced him to sign a treaty.
A. True

B. False

79. All northerners, southerners, and westerners supported the Mexican-American War.
A. True

B. False
Franks 3

Chapter 13-Westward Expansion Test

Friday, March 21, 2014
80. Chinese immigrants faced prejudice and were only given menial or lower level jobs.
A. True

B. False

81. Some southerners took their slaves to California, and slavery quickly took root there.

A. True

B. False

Map Skills-Use the map to answer questions thirty-two and thirty-three.

82. With which country did the US negotiate to gain the Oregon Country?
A. France
B. Mexico
C. Spain
D. Britain
83. Which statement below is best expressed based on the map above?
A. The United States wound up being a very small country.
B. The United States should have fought Spain for control of all of Louisiana.
C. The United States achieved Manifest Destiny with the Gadsden Purchase.
D. The United States expanded from the West to the East.
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