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Japan Earthquake and Tsunami From China

Many of our readers have asked us what the

impact of the tsunami and earthquake were
on China. The simple answer is that there
was little to no impact, the USA felt more
than China did, as the wave rebounded to
the West Coast and killed several Americans.
In China, we did not feel the earthquake or
Earthquake of 7.0 in Haiti: Extreme
hear anything about the horrible tragedy
Photos a Later Week (200,000 dead)
until after it occurred. Nearly 300 Chinese
are missing in Japan, mostly businessmen,
though this doesnt mean they were
casualties of the tsunami. Some 22,000
Chinese living in Japan have been contacted
Impresionantes imgenes de un
tornado en Vietnam
El viento arranc los tejados de las
casas y caus grandes destrozos

The 2010 Haiti earthquake was registered on

January 12, 2010, at 04:53:09 PM local time to
the epicenter (21:53:09 UTC), with epicenter
15 km from Port-au-Prince, the capital of
Haiti . According to the United States
Geological Survey, the quake would have
been magnified by 7.0 degrees and would
have been generated at a depth of 10
A tornado
an industrial estate in
kilometers. A series of replicas
recorded, with the strongest
5.9, 5.5
and of Vietnam on July 28,
the Yen
5.1 degrees. NOAA ruled
out the
News reported. Trees, walls,
hazard in the area. Thisobjects,
roofs ...been
the wind swept the whole area.
the strongest recorded A
in worker
the areawho
thatin the area recorded the
happened in 1770. The US Geological Survey
tornado from the inside of his car. No one was
had recorded at least 33 replicates, with 14 of
injured, according to the Vietnamese media.
them in grades from 5.0 to 5.9. Seismic data
suggest that the earthquake was over the
Enriquillo fault, which was under pressure for
240 years, accumulating a lot of potential
energy, which eventually unleashed a major
earthquake releasing an energy equivalent to
the explosion of 200,000 kilos of
trinitrotoluene (dynamite).

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