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Why Entrepreneurship?
Mushtak Al-Atabi


Course structure and assessment

MOOCs and educa7on in 21st Century
The course philosophy
Personal note from the lecturer
Entrepreneurship and CDIO
Brain Rewiring
Teams and Projects

Course Structure & Assessment

The course runs for 14 weeks
Total expected learning hours is 120 hours
Lectures will be every Wednesday 8-10 am (Malaysia
7me) and will be recorded and uploaded online.
Assessment will be 50% for the coursework and 50%
for the nal exam
Students will need to maintain a porVolio of learning
A Project represents a central piece of the coursework

Massive Open Online Courses
Promise to transform the world educa7onal
Currently we have 900 online students from
more than 100 countries and 100 students on
We would like to create as much interac7on
between students for maximum learning

Why entrepreneurship?
Making money or making a dierence?
Making the world a beYer place through

Transforming our mindset to awaken the

entrepreneur within
Conver7ng challenges into opportuni7es
Op7mis7c and roman7c
Prac7cal and hands on

Dream big, be dierent and have fun.

Entrepreneurs Story

In 1990, Jerry Sternin was sent by Save the

Children to ght severe malnutri7on in rural
communi7es of Vietnam.
The Vietnamese foreign minister gave him just six
months to make a dierence.
Malnutri7on in Vietnam is caused by
poor sanita7on
lack of educa7on

What would you do in such situa7on?

Search for the Entrepreneur

Are there any very poor families whose children were
bigger and healthier than the typical child?
Mothers of the healthiest children were doing things

Feeding their children smaller por7ons of food, more o^en

during the day.
Taking brine shrimp from the rice paddies and greens from
sweet potatoes grown in their gardens and adding these
to their daily soups or rice dishes (even though most
people avoided these low class foods)
When serving their children, they were ladling from the
boYom of the pot, making sure the kids got the shrimp
and greens that had seYled during cooking

Bright Spots


65% ReducFon in MalnutriFon

Personal Note
Why am I doing this module?
A journey to zero
Educa7on is done for free- Zero tui7on fees
Have Zero impact on Job Market

Sustainable value

Entrepreneurship and CDIO

A System Approach to Entrepreneurship


On a piece of paper
Draw a car
Draw a trivoslone
You saw cars (image) and learnt what are they
called (name)
You have not seen a trivoslone (no image in your
brain), so you cannot name it.
It does not exist! I just made it up!

Thinking Mental Model

When observing something, a baby will start by
giving it a name or nding about its name
baby will then classify it (good, bad, hot, cold)
the baby will make a decision (cry, play,

Thinking Exercise
What is this?
What do you think of it?
What should we do with it?

Problems vs OpportuniFes and

The story of the Opportunity Fund
Solving Ps is a des7na7on, realising
opportuni7es is a journey
Mission milestones
Making Detroit Fit!

Problems vs OpportuniFes and

The Opportunity Banknote
Course pledge

Thinking Exercise Again

Let us repeat the same exercise
without using any nega7ve terms
What is this?
BlaYella Asahinai

What do you think of it?

Flyer, resilient, brown, antenna, six legged,
winged, protein

What can we do with it?

Thinking- Mental Model


Brain Rewiring
So now we know the brain thinks, let us see how can
we rewire it
Rewiring your brain will enable you to create a state of
mind that will enable the change in the world
Our brains are built to respond to nega7ve s7mulus
(danger, threats) and we need to train them to behave
otherwise to iden7fy opportuni7es
From now un7l the end of the module, you will need
to report and share three things that you are grateful
This will build synapses in the brain

What are You Supposed to Do?

Think of a project
Complete the ac7vity
Form a team
Interact with other par7cipants
Submit homework on 7me

Teams and Projects

Teams and Projects

You will report three (new) things that you are
grateful for daily. This will be done on the
Brain Rewiring page
You will ac7vely replace the word problem;
p-word with opportunity or challenge in both
your spoken and wriYen communica7ons
You will ac7vely get yourself into a team and
choose a project

ReecFon QuesFons
What did you learn today?
What will you do dierently from now on?
Will it help you if we stream the lecture live?

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