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?,7 WAR 1946

P h i b G r r 3 / A l 6 r 3 ; AJi^HiBIt)tB^FORCBS, PACIFIC ffW$:•- %

' ^ " : % w '•
Serial: 013 c/o Fleet Post Office
San Francisco, Califorai
24 February 1 % 6

From: Commander Amphibious Group THREE, ,.'•• , . . . ;

(Formerly ComPhibGrp 1 1 and CTG 5 4 « l l rK ' •/"; v!
To : Chief of Naval Operations, '•_:-' ' ^-'-'---'''-:-/ k[;
Via : ( l ) Comniander Amphibious Forced,•.pacific FleeW
, ' . i;.. (2) Conmander^in^Chief, U. S / P a c i f i c F l e e t / / ^
Subject: < Action Report on t h e Occupation of KUR^-HIHDSHBIA.
; ;••••.. •:" • . a'• n d M A T S U I A M A A r e a s , •; •". •> '<.,•':•.''y.-;.^: /'• .:-..-.^;"-:--.-^

Reference: , ( a ) P a c F l t Conf* l t r . 1 C L - 4 5 * ^ -'•• -•••• ''-••' . ^'

••.: ; "-, ••:.-;.'••".('b) C o m F I F T H F l e e t Q ^ l a n N o * 6 * 4 5 r

Enclosure: - (A)/Subject Report,

1. , On compliance with references, enclosure (A) is

Forwarded herewith• .

Copies, with enclosure, tos




Serial: 613 c/o F l e e t Post Office,

San F r a n c i s c o , California
24Febru&ry 1946.

Subject: Action Report on the Occupation of KURiS
and- ^I/.TSUY/uviA


.':•' ' ( 1 ) (Advance Copy) • ComDesPac
(3) (Advance Conv) VICFOA .
CNO ./•. . (5) ^dConiPhibsPac (2)
CinCPac . " (3) CoaPhibGrp 1 (2)
ComFIFTHFleet (5; CoinPhibGrp.2 (2)
ComoEVlNTHFleet (1) CoiiiPhibSes^Fron , (1) .
C' /"* TD
•.(1) ' ' CoiTtlinPac (1) ••
Cir&AFPac -(2) isCoiiiOKINx.^^ (1)
ComPhibsPac (5) .. ConiUSTsPhibsPac (1) ,
ComG-on 6th Ariny (2) ' ' Coi::i,SCUPh£bsPac (i)
CbmGen Z Corps ComTr an s Honl4 (Temp) (1)
CofflC-en" 24th Div ' (I)'" CoraTransItoni6 (Temp)' (1)
Coii'iGen 41 s t Liv . CD Naval v/ar College (iy
ComServPac u) Ai^iSCOL (1)
ComSerlton 10 (1^ C&GSSchool (1)
CoraServDiv 103 (1) K&r Co i"ps S cho 01 (1)
ComSubpac'. ,, (I) • OoiiiPhibTraPac (2)
CoiaAirrac (1) .War Diary • (3)


• G« S . . B-LiLLiiRU,' J r
Lieutenant, US2IR,
Flag Secretary,
C O M MA H J « A M P^H I ^ 1 0 U. S G S O U P •¥ L E V £ U




Part I
Part II
.sk Organization ..: ' , . /••-•
B: - Operations •: •; ^ - : . ^ , ; : / . ' : -'. ... •

C • - ' M i s s i o n , pXans and ..assumptions:

D - CH,n i o r c e s a t o u t s e t of ^ctiox. -Oraitteci

E - ^neniy f o r c e s encountered - OnLtted


Part IV - Ctoittod

Part V - Quit cod

Part VI

ix - Guni'irc andtd.r Support Operations

B - Ampnibious action

1. Troops and Car^o

2. Lancing Craft

- 3» ^ i n e s l e e p i n g , UnocrtJ-ltor Dorcolition
4 . Landing of Troops and Cargo
5» C a s u a l t i e s

C.1 Special
1. Coi'iibat I n f o m a t i o r Center - OmitJfed
2 . CoDCLunications
1. S&okv, Csoioujfla^e, deception - Ondtted
4 . navigation 1
5. Engineering - Omitted
6. Logistics
7. ;..
D - Special Features - Or.dtted

Part VII XL PiiitFOr^^CL i.ND '






1, This report- covers the Naval Phases of the Amphibious

Operations in connection with the mounting,,.movement, • and landing

of the TENTH CORPS assigned to the occupation of the KURE-HIRO**

SHIMA and KATSUYAKA Areas of JAPAN, following the termination of

hostilities. The period covered begins with 5 September-1945 the

date that Ccnmandcr Amphibious Group ELEVEN arrived in Manila and

,relieved Commander Amphibious Group FOURTEEN as Commander Central

Occupation Group (CTG 54.11). The period ends on 31' October 1945

with departure of CTG 54.11 from HIRO WAN for TOKYO to assume the

duties of CTF 54, .Commander Amphibious Forces JAPAN. The oper~

ations involved were undertaken in compliance with directives as

listed in Part II of this report,

2. Task Group 54.11, CENTRAL Occupation Croup, under com­

mand offtearAdmiral Bertram J, Bodgers, USN, Commander Amphibious

Group ELEVEN, was organized for the operation in accordance with

CTF 54, Commander FIFTH .imphibious; Force, Operation Plan A15Q1-45.

The TENTH CORPS, U. St Arm/, Coteman4e4 bv Major General F. S.

Sibert, US^, consistied of the TIMTH CORPS Headquarters, CORPS '

troops, the 24th Infantry Division, and the 41st Infantry Division.

These Units were mounted in the l^ Area, and moved progress­

ively to the KUIS-HIROSHm^MATSUIAKA Area in accordance with move­

ment orders issued by Commander CENTRAL. Occupation Group,

3, . CTF 54 Operation plan designated KURS as the first port

to be occupied, on 22.October 1945, by the TENTH CORPS Headquarters,

Corps Troops, and^the 41st Infantry Division, based on availability

of turn-around transports and extensive minesweeping required* A

change in plan to occupy KU?JS overland from KIRO, thus consider­

ably reducing the initial minesweeping required, plus the diversion

of TransRon 16 for the lift of the 41st Infantry Division, permitted

a revision of initial landing date to 3 October 1945. Typhoons and

minesweeping difficulties enforced a postponement of "F" day to 7

October, with initial landings by two battalions, for security pur­

poses, actually being effected on 6 October, The Plan designated

KOCHI to be occupied, on 25 October, by the 24 Infantry Division

(less 21st RCT), By CinCafPac directive MATSUY^A was substituted

for KOCHI and the landing at MITSUHAKA in the HATSUYAik:A .Irea was

effected on 22 October. The Plan designatGd;QKiiYiii:A to be occupied,

on an indeterminate date, by the 21st Regimental Combat Team, The

21st RCT was landed at HIRO on 22 October and proceeded overland

MATSUYAM^ - Part (I) - Brief


for the occupation of OKAIAMA* ;

4» No Japanese opposition was encountered during any of the

ot>bve landings,, which were accomplished without serious difficulty*.

Fire support, ships and air support, units were present9 and standing

b#- on••call, to support the landings at HIRO-and'MITSUH&MA,. but no

siipoting-was required. ...•'• • ,


(I) - 2

FART II - Prel

List of Directives

Major Plans and Orders Covering Participation of

Commander CENTRAL Occupation Group

in the Occupation of the KURE~HIROSH1MA


(1) Commander-in-Chief, U. S; Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean

Areas Operation Plan No* 12-45 (Revised), Serial OOO5&L7/

of 14 August 1945. (Covering U. S. Pacific Fleet operations

in the occupation of the Japanese Empire and Japanese held

positions in the Pacific Ocean Areas)*

(2) Commander FIFTH Fleet Operation Plan No. 6-45, Serial 000165,

of 27 August 1945. (Covering FIFTH Fleet operations in assist­

ing and supporting the occupation of the Japanese Empire with­

in the FIFTH Fleet zone of responsibility)•

(3) Commander FIFTH Fleet Operation Plan No. 9-45, Serial 00301,

of 18 September 1945 and despatch 181215 of September 1945*

(Covering FIFTH Fleet operations in Japanese waters and at

designated locations ashore in conjunction with United States

Army Forces).

(4) Commander FIFTH Amphibious Force Operation Plan No. A15O1-45,

Serial A0003, of 28 August 1945* (Covering FIFTH Amphibious

Force operations within the zone of SIXTH Army responsibility

in the occupation of KYUSHU, SH1K0KU,. Western HONSHU and ad­

jacent vffshore islands).

(5) CTP 51, Commander Southwestern JAPAN Force Operation Plan No.

7-<-45, despatch 191440, of September 1945 • (Covering naval

operations of TF 51 in area of responsibility assigned FIFTH


(6) Commander Amphibious Group ELEVEN Operation Plan No. A11O5-45,

Serial 0023, of 14 September 1945* (Covering operations ©f .

CENTRAL Occupation Group in landing TENTH Corps in KURE-HIROSH­

IMA and MATSUYAMA. Areas),

(7) CTF 5l> Commander Southwestern JAPAN Force Operation Order No<,

8-45, Despatch 270349 of September 1945. (Covering gunfire

and air support for the landing in the KURE-HIROSHIMA Area).

(II) ­



Part II -Section A

TASK ORGANIZATION - Initial Shipping

54*11 Central Occupation Group - Rear Admiral RODGERS

(a) Group Flagship ~ CALVERT' APA 32 - Comtfr, WARRIS 1 RAGC

(b) 54.10,3 Air Support Control Unit - Comdr. BRAGG

(c) 59,3 X Corps, U.,S> Army ~ Major General SIBERT

X Corps Hdq, and Corps Troops

41st Infantry Division - Major General DOE .

24th Infantry Division - Major General WOODRUFF

54.12 KURE Group -*• Commodore McGOVERN

59.3.1 41st Infantry - Major General DOE

54*12,1 KURE Transport Unit - TransRon 16 (Temp) ­


54? 12.11 TraftsDiv 46 (Temp) - Commodore

• , .. McGOVERN

- ' CECIL ' AH 96 (SF)

D^RKE . APA :. 159





54.12,12 TransDiv 47 (Temp) - Captain HUTTON

- RUTLAND .• . A P A 192 (F)


\ ST MARYS . APA 126


: ; AKA 93 1 AKA •

54,12,13 TransDiv 1$ (Temp) -, Captain ANDREWS



•APA 211 3 APA

AKA 71

AKA 34 2 AKA

(II)(A) - 1

Action Report ~ KURE-4IIR0SHIMA and MATSUXAMA Areas ~ Part I I - Section A

. ...... Task Organization

54*12.14 TransDiv 16 ;(Teftip)- Captain JOHNSON

: ;
BOSQUE ••-- '
D A U P H I N •••••• "APX 97

MEDIA AKA 3 1 , : ; .•,;•;. ;,.,..;,,• I*AKA

54.12#15 Follow-up T r a n s p o r t U n i t - C a p t a i n . PADDOCK'1


;• . • •• SI3LEY ":­ ' ;
• '­"A F A • 206
TELFAIR' ';, ; 210 • APA
•ALUSNDAI$ ' . - APA ' 127 .
- G A G E ' •". : 168 5 APA
/ P i ryi Pit ] i >

BLECTRA ••-. ,',AKA • , 4 , .,

r ;
•.•••• LENIOR; ;
- ; : ••AKA^ ; 7 4
• • - . / : - i • • ••;•••... V - £ . V ^ ; > '

:-. KURE T r a c t o r Unit ...,-•­

\.-Xenip.V Unit - POD

'. , LST 1120 (F)

- 777
•-•• 7 8 7
••;• ••• 9 3 3
:'.:••• 1025
1027 6 LST
54*12.22 LST Group 44 (Temp ). Unit e*
LST 924 (F),.
/- 354
8 1 0 ••"•
1054 _. 4 LST
54.12.23 OOTAUA.JLOI U n i t - COIDLSM F l o t 16 ** Comdr. McKEE

\l 466 5 LSM

(II)(A) -2
•v' Part II - Section ;
;••. Task. Organization

54.12.3 KURB Escort and Control• Unit ~ Lt. LARKIN



PC 1251

PC 1127 2. PC

SC 1312 1 SC


LUDLOW DD43$ (With Follow Up Transports) 1 DD

54.12.5 KURE LCT Unit - ComLCT Group 72 - Lt,, CAMPBELL

LCT 1170 (F)

5 8 9 • • . .
751 :
1139 "
: :
' U 4 6 , . . ..... . . . - y ' J •• •• : •'. • .

54*12^6 KUH5 Beach Unit y hi-m%+ RATAJOi>i/SKI

Platoon 2,: Company BiiKER,, FIFTH Amphibious Force Beach Biu

•54.12.7 KURE Port Director Unit -•Captain BARD . '


54.12.8 KURE Service Unit ~ SerDrv 103 Unit DOG - Comdr,. CALDWELL

VULCAN AR 5 "'•'•' " 1 A R






ix 117 1 IX





LCI 944

(II)(A) w 3


ComPhibGr-Ol-- |"a H-, >*

Action Report 5. .'K and MATSUIAMA, Areas>-ePart IlHSection A
Task Organization

Unit - Lt, .Comdr. COATS.





ATR 9 : 1 ATR


54*28 Tgarispjprt Moyemeri^ Group *^ Rear, Admiral RODGERS

Group Fla^ - CALVBRT - APA 32 1 RAGC

TransRon 16 (Temp)
(as listed under 54*12•1) •, ' 15 APA
5h*2%*\ LST Group 96 (Temp), Unit
(as listed under 54»12«21) 6 1ST

(as listed under 51»3*32) 2 LC(FF)
12 LCS
54.15.1 'l&b'Group; 44 1 1 ^
(as l i s t e d under 54«12l22) 4 1ST ;


22 54.15i5 U n i t *-.• ConiT^ansDiv ><62

, ••;' C a p t , PADDOCK .

BARBELL AH^ 1 3 2 ( F ) :•'•:•. :;•

SWIM ' APA 2 0 6 •••.•• . :; ;
TSLFAIR : APA'21O : ',. -., : : ,'
ALISNDALE APA 127 ( a r r i v e d w i t h TransDiv 38)
? : - • • • • • " " • • • • . ­


;•• ' -j / A
26 October 1 APa

Ai) * 4

Action Report ~, KUEE-HIROSH.B^.. andlf!
'ask Organisation

23 October IjSM Group, 34 Unit' •- L i e u t . Commander-VJEBB

12Q 416
289 429
.', -.- •••••• •••'•*;.•• 3 6 9 " V : - ' - • 1 1 L S M
(plus LSMts 119 r 123, 367 for Mitsuhama)

2? October 54.1^.7 1ST Group '23 Unit - Commander LINTKICUM

LS?T>59 ~*^~*
•809 .

1049 .,-..:... For HIRO 5 LS-T"­

••. - P l u s •••*•" •"• '-••; •;

1018 (F) .(Pontoons)

643 (Pontoons) Cargo for OKATAMA

••-, : 2

25 October 54*15.11 XST Group 99 Unit - Oommander JOHNSON

F ) - ' < - . - • • • " • • . • ' • ' • " •

. r 703
. • . : . : . : . - • - • • • ' ' . • • • : • ­

799 ••••'. ;
••' -- .: l ;
: 7 I B T
(plus LST's 3 9 0 , 6 5 2 , 800,
•:•; - . 8 8 7 , 1048 for MITSUHAMAJ. •'

2 November LST Group. 86 Unit - Commander S<ANB

• LST- 789 (F)

- - : 9 4 2 - ••"••-'••

. 1 1 2 3 •:-.
••- 1 1 4 0

• LSE 414 1'lSM

\ Areas - Part I I - Section
Task Organization

16 October OKITOfA.LSM Unit .-.- Com 13/1 Flot 16

(as l i s t e d under 54.12»23) 5 LSM

24 October OKINAWA LSft/1, ToljLowMip Unit jL - with
Com LSM Group 45 - Lt Commander LUC COY

227 •
. 4 6 9 "••:•:•••••• 4 ISM
(plus LSM 474 {F), 44, 94, 263, 467
30 October: OKINAWi LSM Follow»up Unit 2

i s u 465 •;•. • ' • • ' 1 LSM

1 Novembe r OKINAYilA'.ISM F o l l o w - u p U n i t 3
LSM 440.V,...-(X:i."•,:..-. : ' ' 1 LSM
ETA 3 November ii L S M ' F o l l o w ^ p U n i t 4

ISM 4 3 0 1 LSM
ETA 5 November OKINAWA it 5
ISM 452 1 LSM

(e) 54.13 MATSUYAMA GROUP - Commodore RYAN

59.3*2 24th;,: Infantry Division "(less 21st RCf)

. : •./;•; Major General vifOODRUFF

54.13.2 MiiTSUYAMA Transport Unit, ~ Commodore RYAN

TransRon 14 (Temp) less TransDiv 3B(Temp),


54.13.21 TransDiv ^0 (Temp) - Commodore RYAN


LADDER ^ APA 1 7 8 4 APA
' AKA 8 7
YAMA Areas -. Part II, Section A

Task Organization

54.13*4 .MTSXJYW& Esc6rt and Control Unit - L t , Comdr.

.- "•:•'' :'•'".•'"..:"'"•• ^ ' LAPIDES

NIBLACK • (DD 424) 1 DD •

•"••,.- "
PC-1127 1 PC

.;• PCS ; I/IDO : l pcs


LC3? 751 ­ • 3038 '

• ,ipi^;.iv. • 1139
" '-•••
"••••*"• 'il2|6­ 1 1 4 0
1127 1146
1137 H70 10 LCT.
MATSUYAMA Port Director Unit - Lt. Comdr.

. . -.' , , ; • M E A D O V i B

, t 1 LCI

54.13.B mfeUYAHA:Bea\c|i: Party Unit, - L t . F,- yiHITEHOUSS

.-;.•'.; [' Platp:pn; 1^ Company BAKSR, FIFTH A^hibious
v ': : *' F o r c e ' ' B l B

,.54.13.-.? -v MATSUIAMA Service Unit - SerDiv 1Q3 Unit EASY

. ['•• • ' '••'•;•• • ^ ^ ""!"'.. Comdr.-CULLEM •

BSAVER- - ; (ARG 19)' 1 ARG

BRAZOS • / (AO 4) 1 AO
LCI 1020' •
- -.. .'• 1 LCI

UNITS: . •' '

Arrival Date

21 October
Transport Movement Unit - Commodore RYAN

(As listed under 54.13.2) V 10 APA

5.-AKA ­

23 October
LSM Group 34 (Temp) Uoit - Lt->Camdrr. vlEBB

LSM 119

1 2 3 .•..

36 ' 3 ISM

it*9DT Hiro)


Action Report -. KUEIHII

25 October 54.15.9 LST Group 13 (Temp) Unit - Comdr. USA

"• (As listed under 54.13.31) 5

(Plus LST 975 for OKAYAMA)

25 October 54>15.U 1ST Group 99 (Temp) Unit

(As listed' under 54*13.32) 5 LST

(Plus 7:IST's.for HIRO)

2 November 54'»15*21 LST Group 86 (Temp) Unit - Comdr, SANDS

LST 166

986 Pontoons

1067 Pontoons 3 1ST

(Remainder of Unit for HIRO)

15 October OKINAWA.ISM Unit 1 - with Com LSM Flot 16

Commandei - McKEE
ISM 78
103 ' " . 476 . . . • • ­ .

122 478
•:•... V$> . 499 8 LSfs/I

24 October OKINAWA;}uSM.Unit 2 T w i t h Com ISM G r o u p 4 5

: . . . ' -

L t . Comdi*•• McCOY
- ; • • • : • • • •

IStS. 474
- 283
44 (Via HIRO am).
: 94 (Via HIRO WAN) 5 Lai
31 October (MTTSUHMA). QKINAi/i/A ISM U n i t - ' 3

ISM- 462, . , . . • / . ' . 1 LSk/I

ETA 3 -November OKINAWA ISM U n i t -4

: 1 LSM
LSM;384.. ; . , •

54.13.1 OKAYAMUnit - C a p t a i n WELCH

•£?..3>21 -1 21st RCT (24th Infantry Div.)­

-••••-••'••••• v -• Brig* G e n ? CORT, U S A

54*13.II OKAXAMA Transport Unit - Captain

•••-;•• ' ••.- '. ' . , V i l E L C H

••••• TransDiv 38 (Temp) Captain WELCH

(less SIBlJSy A P ^ 206, plus ­



- 9

•and:MTSUTAMA Areas - Part II Section A

Task Organization

5UX3*12._,.OKlJM&ii--Tractor Unit

' -••'.,:••••• " 1 S T

643 •• , ;
: :975: v 3 1ST
—~: f ' "'
OKAYBk'Escort Unit

1 DD

Central Escort tlnit - Lt. LARKIN

(participated as TU 54.12.3)

(g) 54.11.2 Central UP Unit. - Lt. Comdr. DeBOID

UDT 5 ~ embarked in Wm. M. HOBBY 95)

51.3.3 KURE Covering ^Unit -- Rear Admiral RIGGS

TJJ 5.I..3.32 KURS Fire Support Unit -r Rear Admiral RIGGS

CL 57 (F)
T 5 . T T C\^J"^T
,CL 80 2 CL
FR^3}JKFORD ,; DD 497 Of)
CHAfdPLIN .•.;, DD 601
DD 706
G A I N i i R P ' • " •••' :

LCS(L) (3) GROUP KING ~ ComLCS Flot 5 ­

.': Captain Me ISAAC. •-.

- ' I IC(FF)

Com LGS Group• 13 - Lt.' Comdr, 'JACKSON


Division 25 Division 26 '^



129 '


100 2^


12 LCS

(II)(A) - 10


A c t i o n R e p o r t - KUEE-HIRGSHBU and MATSUYAMA "Are

S e c t i o n (A) - Task Org

TU 5 1 . 3 . 3 3 CARRIER Support U n i t

/ ' ' ' ' • • • •


51.3.3. MITSUH^II/i Covering .Unit - Rear Admiral RIGGS

• 51*3*32' HATSUYaMA Fire, Support Unit •>• Rear Admiral


(Ships assigned KUR3 Fire Support

Unit less FIUNKFORD (DD 497)

2 CL

.5 DD

51.3.34 yiAHSlJIJMA Landing. Support Unit ~

COMPTON DD 7 0 5 ( E )
ROWAN DD 7 8 2 2 DD.
51*3*26 MAT3UYAMA C a r r i e r Support U n i t



(II) (A)




Section (B) ** Operations

1« • T]--,s tasl: assigned to Commander T^sk Group %,.* 11,

Central Occupation Group (Cornj-ittnuer Amphibious Group ELEVEN,

Roar Adrrdn-l Rouxor^.USN),' in connection the occupation

of JAP/iNj-Trvaa' to plan and conduct, the naval'phases for the

occupation of the KURE ,-nd OKAYAK'A Areas in KXUSHU dnd the

KOCHI (later changed to MATSUYAMA) Area in 3HIK0KU by the

TENTH Corps, U. S. Army (Major General Sibert, USA), consist­

ing of t'he TENTH-Corps Headquarters, Corps troops, 41st In­

fantry Division, and the 24th Inf&ntry Division*

2, At the close of hostilities, all Corps elements

were in MINDINAO, Corps Headquarters at DELMONTS on the north

coast, 41st Division"at ZAMBOANGO on. the' southwest coast, and

24th Division at TALOLIA (DAYAO) on the southeast, coast. . '

3- All shipping assigned to mount the TENTH Corps was

turnaround shipping from Phase .1 occupation-missions. • Transport

Squadron 16'(Temporary)^ CommodorG McGOVERN, mpunted the TljMTH • .

Corps Headquarters,; Cqr|>s troop el.e^ien.ts and the..41st Division

at BUGO and ^Ali/BOANGO^' 3,2 to-20 j^e^ember. .Transport Squadron

14 (Temporary), GommQdor^\|fifA^, mou^^ci.Corps elements and the

24th Division at TALOSs/^ ^MINDAitfACX,f-'gunxX' LINGAYEN, LUZON, 8 to •

15 October* TransDiv.62,.Captain'PiU)DOCK, loaded Corps elements

at LINGAYEN,- LUZON5 \2 t-6 17 October. t No organized Tractor•- . ,­

Group was ever formed for mounting the, TENTH Corps. As L^T's

and LSM-'s became available in the PHILIPPINES 4nd-.OKINAWA-on.

turn around, they were loaded in aceprdance with .irmy priorities

and move*J \ forward, Ohl^-r;s|:x'-'LST'i"'S.%er'ei::-'''i:ay'ailable for loading

simultaneously with Transport Squadron 16 and arrived at HIRO

on FOX Day.

4, An advance reconnaissance party consisting of UDT

5 in T7ILLIAM y:. -HOBBY (APD 95) with 41st Division A r t i l l e r y
representatives and Japanese language officers departed LSYTE
on 21 September t o j o i n CTF 54 at VAKA?U preliminary to e n t e r ­
ing t h e HIRO nrea on ? - 2 Day,
5. .ath a t e n t a t i v e FOX Day of 28 September^ J'iovement
Task Group 54.23 consisting of CTG 54.11, (ComPhibGroiip I I ) in
CALVEHT (AfA 32), with Transport Squadron 16 (Temporary)
escorted by CHARLES L,J?RSf,TCE (;xPD | ^ J g | 3 f | t § I : : ; I
for HIRo'7VAN via Route IRON. On 2 l | t t s f c i . | % | ^ ^ ^ 3 4 l
2S was diverted to OKIN..JA by CTF >%? p e n X i g confirmation of

(II)(B) - 1


FOX Day, and arrived there on'25 SepteDb'er,' FOX Day was' finally,

established as 6 October and Task Group 54.26 departed BUCKNER

BAY on 3 October. Unfavorable weather caused a postponement of

FOX P a y t o7 October., • . •••/'•:•• ::"^---[-^'-^i:!;-- '".'•'.:'*•

;6«. : '•'. At, 0800 5 October rendezvous was> effected with CTF %.:

54 in W$0l /MOIBJiiBY (AGC 7) and Gunfire Support Group GomCru-.'' ,

DivTVi/EnrS in ilOUNTPELl^R) off BlMGO S-UIDQ ami-passage, of. the'.

110 miles of swept charinel- to HIRO- IJiJ 'was commended, Ail units

anchored for the night in %Ue swept channel off MtTSUHAMA. and

proceeded at first light 6 October to the transport anchorage. ',; .

off HIRO vMji. ;CbmPhibGroup 11 assumed -the; dutiea of SQPA;(Admin)

and retained that duty 'until 28 October, ' . • •

7. After a conferqnce with the advance reconnaissance

Sj it was determined to proceed immediately with the debark-,

of certain troops in order that a 3eourity force* of at

least battalion strength, w,ould bo established in KURB) Navy Yard .

and at HIRO by'nightfall. FOX Day remained 7 October but no

formal HOW Hour was set. General unloading commenced at 0500

7 October, continued without incident,'and by 1600, 13941 person­

nel, 1681 vehicles and 64$ total cargo had been unioaded,'

Commanding General" 41st Infantry Division (Maj, Gen. DOS) assum­

ed command ashore at 1100 7 October.'.'Commanding General TEITH

CORPS moved to Headquarters ashore "and assumed control of forces

ashore at 1200 # October. All'"transports completed unloading by

2200 8 October and ComTransRon 16 reported to ComServPac for duty

in Magic Ccrpct, The first two task units of LST'S arrived on

7 October, thereafter small task units of I*STfs and LSK's arrived-

every few days until 3 November. " • ­

8, The scheduled date for landing the 2i+th Infantry Div ­

i s i o n ( l e s s 21st Regiment) at KOCHI was 25 October, 0 n 20 Septem­
ber, CinCAFPac directed tliat t h e MATS-UIAlvlA Area po occupied i n t
l i e u of the KOCHI Area, Progress of minesweeping and, troop mount­
ing permitted designation of -22 October as GEORGE Dgy. Advanpe
reconnaissance ©f the' 1'ATSUI^A Area was conducted 11 t o 13 Oct­
ober by T3\!TH Corps representatives and UDT ^ embarked i n W, M,
HOBBY (/iPD 95)*'On 15 October, the Group Beachmaster and Beach
Party t r a n s f e r r e d from HIRO £6 MITSI&AMA and eight LSM1 s enroute
HIRO V'Li'N with Engineer equipment ^ : r e % i v e r t e d i n t o jIvHTSUKtiM^ to
prepare the beaches and exits^;' r "011^19 C%tober 9 I/CTls were t r a n s ­
ferred from HIRO t o MITSUg^A* O n 2A ° " ' t o b c r CALVERT with Com­
manding General TEMX,| (|Sr^s^and CTG^*4,11 embarked proceeded t o
MITSUHAMA and (•Temporary) with the 24th Infcx±try
Division 'iv 62 with Corps elements embarked
arrived tho l a t e afternoon proceeded by CTF 51
Japan Force) in APPALACHIAN • TransDiv­
(II)(B) - 2


Sedtian (B) ­

32 with the 21st RGT Jimbarkod reached

TransDiv 62 was forced to anchor in the swepV

the previous landing, a minimum of personnel were disembarlcec

and unloading of cargo commended immediately but general dis­

embarkation of troops did not commence until 0530 22 October,

Commanding General 24th. Infantry Division (Maj.- Gen, WOODRUFF)

assumeiid command ashore at 1330 22 October. By 2000 24 October

all transports, except for 2 AKA's, were unloaded and ComTrans-

Ron 14 reported to ComServPac for duty in Magic Carpet, At,

HIRO "-JAN the unloading of Corps elements and 21st RCT prc>­

gressed smoothly, the latter debarking by battalions on

successive days and proceeding by train to OKATAICA*

9. On 27 October CTG 54*11 in CALVERT returned to HIRO

WAN, on 28 October relingu^shed SOPA (Admin) to ComServDiv 103

Representative (C*.O, VULCAN) and on 31 October departed HIRO

h?AN for YOKOHAMA in 'company with CTF. 54 in MOUNT MC KINLEI

(AGC-7) preparatory to relieving CTF 54 and CTF 32 as Commander

Forces, FIFTH Fleet, .


'•••- ' A R M S O F JAPAN

... ' Part I I ~ Preliminaries ' ;

/• Section (C) ~ xfcLssion, Plans arid Assumptions

1. The tasks assigned TF 54*11» Central Occupation

Group, Rear Admiral Badgers., (Commander Amphibious Group i

by CTF 54>. Commander FIFTH Amphibious Force Operation Plan No.

A15O1-45 were to:1 ;

(a), Land troops;, and equipment of the TENTH

U* S. Army Corps in KUHE for KUKfr-HIROSHIMA Area, and'in

KOGKI and -ok^

, • • . 1 .• . •• • \ . - . • ; ; . .. ; ; : : .

(b) Support troop operations;

- (c) Control naval gunfire and air support as made ava il»­

able by ComFIFTH Fleet; \ ' ;\ . \ , : " ' ' /

(d) Conduct harbor'and beech clearance as: required tf^

assure1 safe landing and to •X:f?.p44iiJoite d

(e) . BstaiDlislri antir-suJLcide .sqcurity measures; and'safe­

•;•'.• guard shipping: ! at o b j e c t i v e s ; / . v
" ••••:••''
! } ; ;
•; ' • • • • ' - - . . . . - . • r . ' ' ' . - • • • •• ' • • ' : ' • • • ' • ' • • • • ' • ' ' ' • • " . • • • • ' . ' • • . • : - ' • • • • • • • • ' ' • : ,

'"••'':••' (£) ' E s t a b l i s h Port p i r e c t o r Units and''boat pools as

.:'•-...' r e q u i r e d . ' " \ ' - - - \ y .. . : . - . . .; ' • A •{'•'-.." • ; •'-;-••.•;•

• •;• • fg) Initially.rou t te and control amphibious and troop y

' , supply shipping outward from, and in o^vn objective area as
r ;
'•>'• '•'y(iirect;eci b y Q T F - 5 4 ; , •y , • . ' ^ •. . ; : y . _.•".. y y ' / •'. '•-:•••':- ' •'

• (h)y Evacuate personnel a s . d i r e c t e d ; i n order t o a s s i s t in

.•,-'• ,;-.-' t h e O'ccup^tion^ of t h e Japanese :Srapire;v . < ' ;' ^ V
•" ; 2.: , .Commander Amphibious Group KLEViiM Operation Plan /No.
A11O5-45 as;'promulgated provided; f o r : ' ..'. y - '. s ; y -;
'/: ,;. .• (a)L. the,T^ITH-Corps Headquarters, :Corps Troops

i^larrtry ; J§iyi.si6n> - (J. S.»::Army and attached - •

KIRQ:for;^ • '; :;::";; • Q ' - : . ' '

•/. (b) • .Landing the '24th1' Jnf antr,y

'attached units less

* * )|4TSUYAI,'IA AREAS - Part (II)

hk i*^lc|M (C) - Mission and Plans.

"S . *'• .Si'- * 1 * • • •

(c) Landing one RCT of the 24th Infantry Division U. S.

'.Army in HIRO for overland movement to OKAIAiiA, or at such

intermediate point as minesweeping progress permits, by

mutual agreement between CommanderCH'JTRAL OCCUPATION

GROUJ? and Commanding General TENTH Army Corps.

3* The X Corps landings, were originally scheduled as

Phase III landings with tentative dates as follows:

. /. KUl-iS Tox : Day -"22. October .

KOCHI . George Day -• 25 October :

. ,; . OKAyAI',iA Item Day - Undetermined . ' ^

In accordance with CINCAPPAC's desire to occupy the.

KURE-HlROSHBsA Area without delay CIHCP/kC diverted TransRon 1.6 to

lift the 41st Division and minesweeping plans were changed to

sweep through ICJDAKOSUIDO and AKINADA to .HIRO. Progress of

mounting X, Corps Headquarters and' 41 ?t Divis ion ..permit ted setting

a tentative Fox Day of 28 September.' .Adverse 'weather conditions,

with resultant retardation in .miiiesweeping,•'. delayed Fox Dsy until ;

7 October. By;CINCAFPAC; directive ;MJltSUIAJ;iA; was, substituted; for

KOCHI and progress of mounting 'the 24th Division and minesweeping

permitted advancing George Day!to 22;October..,; By mutual agreement

the 21st RCT was landed at HtRO^on-131.October, and moved overland to

occupy OKAYAMA. The basic plan was based on the assumption that

advance reconnaissance of the KURE-HIRO Area would have been con­

ducted by joint teams composed of Army artillery officers and UDT

personnel embarked in APD's scheduled to arrive in the objective

area on:nF^2M Day,.and this was in effect carried out. The prox­

imity of the M/LTSUyAJI4_ Area to the KURS Area and the •.interval be­

tween the scheduled landings permitted conducting extensive re^­

connaissancd of the MTSUYAl:iA Area well in •advance of the landing.

The purpose of,the reconnaissance in each case was to insure, that

all pertinent prevasions of the surrender terms had been carried

out, with particular emphasis on the demilitarization of gun •' .;

batteries capable of firing on the occupation group. From the

moment it was determined toJLipd in FIRO for the occupation of the

KURE-hlROSHIliv Area, it v^^a^Waed that all landing of troops and

equipment vrould have J^e^e', unladed over beaches or docks by use

of landing craft,^sl« docking^fgfcilitiBs for large ships were non- •

existent at bo|^, fSHCJ^nd ^JioUM'JlA. ONDO SBTO STRi^IT, providing

the narrow j^§s%ga jBetwe^en the main island of HONSHU and. KURAKASHI

I-3land(«g^fovidJln.^th'e sj- obtest water route between- KUPuE and HIRO

unsafe for passage b; crs ft. larger than LCLI's, Reconn-

Dped thau LCT's could safely negotiate-'it at most

S T S S D ^ W tide and current.


Action Report - KURE-HIROSHIi^ Part (II) '•

Preliminaries -i Plans.

4. Preliminary estimates for gunfire suj

the use of 2 SB's to remain outside the 100 fathom curve and. co"ver

the entry into BIMGO SUIDO.and 4'CL's, 10 DD's and 18 LCS's to

accompany the transport group to HIRO V>7iN. The excellent progress

made in occupying other sectors of the Japanese Empire, and a

total absence of hostile acts, permitted a downward revision of

gunfire support requirements to eliminate direct support by battle­

ships and to reduce units accompanying the transport group to 2

CL's, 6 DD's and 18 LCS's. Likewise an original estimate of 4

CVS's, outside the 100 fathom curve to furnish air support, was

reduced to 2 CVS's.

5. , Original planning for establishing Port Director

KUEE was based on the assumption that formation of the KURiS Port

Director Unit at OKINAWA-would not be completed in time to meet

the advanced Fox Day of 1 - 3 October. While the KURE Occupation

Group was at OKINAWA awaiting a firm Fox Day all available Port

Director personnel, officer and enlisted were embarked in CALVERT

(APA 32) flagship of Commander Amphibious Group ELEVEN, Captain

Nathan Bard, U.S~N., KIJRS Port Director in RUNELS (APD 85) rend­

ezvoused with the transport group prior to entry into BUI-JGO StylDO.

Upon arrival at HIRO of Service Division 103 Unit-bog on 9 October,

arrangements were made to establish the' Port Director KURS in

VULCAN (AR 5) and Captain Bard assumed all Port Director functions

at 1400 on 12 October. A boat pool of 50 LCVP's was established

at HIRO with boats and personnel taken from TransRon 16 prior to

its departure.

6. Upon arrival at HIRO Commander /imphibious Group

ELSVEN was directed by CTF 54 to assume SOPA (Administrative).

This had been provided for, during planning, by including SOPA .

(Administrative) Instructions as an Appendix to the Administrative

Plan. These Instructions were revised as necessary to deal with

the local situation. On 2& October, Commander Amphibious Group

SL£\\EN was relieved as SOP.A (Administrative) by Commander R.S.

Celdwell, Commanding Officer, ;U.S.S> VULCAN (ComSerDiy 103 Rep­

resentative, KURE).

Part II *- Section D - O w n forces at outset^

;•••• - . .' .."••' '.. O M I T T E D .

Part II - Section ;iITTSD.

(II).(G): - 3


v :
• . •. •;••;• ; •-';•••-':•. . . ? A R T I I I • ;/­


In t h e - f o l l o w i n g ' r e c o r d a l l t i m e s a r e ZONE ITEM (Minus

' a l l courses arid b e a r i n g s a r e t r u e , 1 • •

Each d a y ' s account runs from 0000 t o 2400,

5, September 1%5

AMPHIBIOUS GROUP 3LEra> R e a r . Admiral

RODGERS, a r r i v e d ' i n MANILA BiiY a t . 1030 i n t h e -HENRY T, ALLEN
(AG 90)> a n d ' r e l i e v e d C0J4MANDER AlIPKIBIOUS; GROUP FOURTEEN, Rear
Admiral BRISC05, a s COIIMAND^'Tii3K GROUP:54,11, CMJTRAL
OCCUPATION' GROUP. •. •. •' -'..:-.'. ': ' •.;'•:.,

Planning as d i r e c t e d % COxSIANIHR FIFTH Ai£PHIBIOUS

FORCE, and begun tiy t h e S t a f f of COIfPHIBGRP 1 4 , W s t a k e n , over
by GOMHIIBGRP 1 1 , • -;'

' • • - • 2 - *
~ 8

Planning continued1 aboaind the HENRY T. ALLEI^Jat


''' i '' ' *• ' ' ' '

9 September 1945


VJILLLJ'I ::, HOBBY ( A P D 95) reported for duty* The

'\ELLL,M >I. HOBBY and UDT 5 were ordered to remain at SU3IC to

continue training, CO11 UDT 5 was ordered to proceed to MANILA

and report aboard the HE.-JRY T.. iiLL^ to assist in planning.


(APD' 3^) reported for duty at LISYTE and were ordered to complete

logistics and report RFS date,

4* 10 September 1945

PC 1251 reported f-Jr duty at SUBICA

ordered to proceed to L3YTE to complete

The CHARLES L reported


(Ill) ­

ComPhibGr-11 . ' ' • . :- • •

Action Report - KURE-HIROSHIMA and.CMATSUYAMA AREAS - Part ( i l l )
Chronological Record of Events*.
z i :•: *,• •'.. •"

il I/rV­


a t 1630 in the CECIL (APA 96) with ships of TRANSRON 16 (TEMP.)
l e s s the TALLADEGA, and reported for duty. . .

.COlflANDiR LST GROUP 96 in LST 1120 reported for duty

at LEYTS with LST's 777,- 7B7, 933, 1025, 1027,.. l l 2 0 .

6 !

» 12 September 1945 .

The TALLADEGA arrived at LEYTE at 0730 and proceeded

to MANICANI for docking to replace a damaged screw.

. Ships of TRANSROKf 16 (Temp,) and LST's temporarily .

assigned to COH LST.GROUP 96 replenished logistics at LEYTE/

1. 13 September 1945 ' . •

• ;.-.•. The CHARLES LAVJREMCS and-: DANIEL: T., GRIFFIN further

reported to CQLIl^NDER TR/.NSR0N; 16 for duty.. / , V :,' :

The DANIEL T, GRIFFIN edbarked tm. officers of •'

TRANSRON 16 and departed LEXTE at 1500 f o r & G 0 and ZAMBOANGA.

8. ,14 Sept ember 1 9 4 5 ' ;•'••••••••'-• •

The DANIEL T, GRIFFIN.arrived BUGO at O6OO, disem­

barked TQM. officer's of the LSMA^ES (APA 19$) and WHITESIDE (AKA

90) and sailed for ZAliBOi.NGA, . . . . , •


boardad. tbV HENEtT.V ALLEN ,at IIANILA. .' . ;

••• . C0]iOIAi©SR LST FLOT 5 m L C ( F F ) 7B& arrived MAN

reported for duty and was directed to proceed to, ZAHBGANGA when
re^idy for. eea, about 16 ,Sept ember*

. PC 1251 arrived .LETTS and-reported'readiness'for sea.

At 1000 COMTRANSRON. l ^ i n t h e . CECIL .departed LSYTS

.for:BUGO and ZAI'BQANGA with t ^ ^ S f e o w i n g ships in company: ­

7 departed LEYTE-for ZAMBOANGA

M)S, ST.. WiBX]£?,: YANCEY, and I

sailed in company for BUGO,

(III) - 2


Action Report - KU. - Part (III)





At 1830 the HENRY-T. ALLiSN with COiiEPKlBGRP 11 embarked

departed MANILA for Z A M B O A N G A .

• ; 9« 15 September 1945

The DANIEL T. GRIFFIN arrived • ZAMBOi-NGA with TQM off­

icers of TRANSRON 16.

• The LENAWSE and ^HITESIDE arrived BUGO to load Xth

CORPS troops.

•. , Com LST GROUP:96 departed LEYTS in 1ST 1120 for ZAiffiO-

ANGA with LST's 777, 787, 933, 1025. LST 1027 sailed in company

for BUGO. . • • • ' • • • ' • , ' •

The G/iLVERT (APA 32) arrived at'LEYTE at 0800, ^reported

for duty,, and was directed to expedite logistics and proceed to

ZAMBOANGA to embark COMPHIBGRP 11 and Staff.

10. \h September 1945 - • . '

At 0700 "COMPBIBGRP 11 in the -HISNRY T.ALLEN arrived
ZAMBOANGA. . ' ••• ; . ••••;•

TRANSHON 16 (Temp.) l e s s t h e LSNA13E and

arrived ZAMBOANGA in three sections, under COMTRANSRON 1 6 / C02^-
TPjiNSDIV 47>-and-C0IITR/iNSpIV 48, a t 0800, 1300, and 1400 .respect­
i'/i3lv,, and; commenced loading the 41st BIFArU'RI DIVISION\

LST 1027 arrived BUGO t o load Xth CORPS Troops.

. ' 11«' 17 September 1945 : '
. . The G/iVERT arrived ZAI.I30ANGA, a t 143P. CCS£PHIBGRP 11
s h i f t e d his flag t o t h e CALVERT-. The HJSNRY T..ALLEN with PHIBGR
14 embarked, departed for LJOTS and MANILA at,2000.


f erred from ;the:HENRY T. ..LIEN atoon 1
.to'join the 24th Inf, Di

' At: 1500: COJ; m 1120 arrived -2AMB0ANGA

with LST's 777, 787,

> 3

4 ARSAS - 'Part' (III)

ent s'. •

5 i n .WILLIAM. M. HOBBY (APD 95) departed SUBIC

COM LST FLOT 5 i n LC(FF) 788 departed MANILA a t 1945


Loading of t r a n s p o r t s a t Zaraboanga progressed r a p i d l y

and COKPHIBGR 11 r e p o r t e d by d i s p a t c h t o COMFIFTHPHIBFOR t h a t ships
could be s a i l e d t o meet a FOX DAY of 28 September,

12. 18 September 1945 .

Loading of 41st INF. DIV. a t ZAMBOANGA and Xth CORPS

a t BUGO continued.

The C/LVSRT.with.'COMPHIBGRP O l embarked s a i l e d from

ANGA a t 1830 f o r BUGO/ . ,

SC 1312 r e p o r t e d f o r d u t y a t 0KINAW!. i n damaged con­

d i t i o n a s r e s u l t of a typhoon,"RFS d a t e u n c e r t a i n . Ordered t o
e f f e c t r e p a i r s and a w a i t ' f u r t h e r o r d e r s f / ,

COM LST FLOT 5 enroute to Z/^MBOANGa i n LC(FF) 788 was

d i r e c t e d t o remain a t ZiuilBOANG^ t o s u p e r v i s e l o a d i n g of the. second
group of 5 LST's scheduled t o l i f t t h e 0 s t INF. DIV.
: ;
13. 19 September 1945

The CiiLVERT a r r i v e d BUGO a t 1130.

• • • ' • COM LST GR 96 was designated COMMANDER- Ti.SK UNIT

^ - , 2 8 , 1 ^nd departed ZAJffiOANGA a t 1200 f^r HIRO VAN with LST f s
1\?.O •>"•;,.-777* 787, 933, 1025 and the: l i b e r t y ship SS JASPER F. .
.CROFSEI. ... .. :.••. ';.;.. .. ....\ . , ,: ^­

GOIIT^NSHON 16 departed ZAMBOANGA'at 1500 i n t h e CSCIL

i;r:o?:^3 ; , IflSSOULA, TODDr SKHRBURNS, and BOTETOURT, e s c o r t e d by t h e
CnW^S, LATmENCE bound -fo.r

1800 ^QHT^NSDI%it.7 i n t h e RUTLAND d e p a r t e d ZA14B0­

csc^fie'd by t t i e D/NIJSL T—GRIFFIN.- ; -; •• '•" :• .• .

•t'he ^ILLXlI II. HOBBY with COM UDT' 5 embarked a r r i v e d

and departed f o r BUGO.
« . * * . • ' . • • ' " • • • . •.• ' ' •• • • ' . .•

^.^* CO:iLST FLOT 5 a r r i v e d ZAIIBOaNGil i n LC(FF) 788 a t 1500.


Action Report - KURIjJ-H

Chronological Record "b

During the nighty in view of CTF 52 r s report that mine~

sweeping would in all probability not permit anticipation.of. a 3

October FOX DAI, COM'TASK- -UN-IT 54.28.1 was ordered to proceed to

ABUYOG anchorage, and to divert the SS JASPER F. CROPSEY into BUGO.

14. 20 September 1945 , . . ,

,. The WILLIAM IU . HOBBY/With UDT 5 embarked arrived. BUGO ,
at 0800. : •

At 0815 LST 102? departed BUGO to join TU 54.28.1' at '

1330 at Point HJ (Lat* 09-14 N, 124-28 E ) .

COMTRANSRON 16 with 12 ships of the squadron escorted ,.,.

b;- the CH/kRLSS LAWRENCE arrived BUGO at 1045, embarked Army boats

and departed at, 1600 plus the imiTESIDE for ABUIOG.

, At 1330 the SS JASPER F. CROPSSY arrived at BUGO to

lo'ad Xth CORPS cargo. ' '• • ' ' ; . >':

The Command Post of the Xth CORPS' at DBL MONTS, lilN- •

D/.NAO closed at 1800 and reopened at the same time aboard the

' C A L V K R T . - .. ;'; :,.,-•; ..,.:• • .-••• ,. ° ';••••• [ ;\\.\, .. \ / : , - . j , ' /

:...•" CQIIFIFTKPHIBFOR. confirmed F02 DAY as 28 September and0;

ordered.shipping to be sailed this- date, diverted/ •

if necessary, to OKiiUWih if FOX D A Y were delayed. COIIPHIBGRP 11

ordered CTU 54.28,1 to cancel the diversion to ABUYOG and tp pro­

ceed as originally instructed to HIRO WxiN through Point JP and

along a route- 7 miles to starboard of the iledian Line of .Routes


The rjILLIALI IU HOBBY was sailed from BUGO at 1800 to

proceed to SAN PEDRO BAY for logistics,- thence via Route SQUASH

to OKINAWA for additional logistics and final sailing via route

ZBfC>o join the AUBURIN! in BUNGO SUIDO at 0800 FOX - 2 Day.

15. 21 September 1945

TRiATSR0N 16 less L ^ / ^ ^ ^ f T ffiffe(|>|in 2 sections,

one under COM?Jk>:gM&|^fi^ 16,
at 1400. The p - ; ^'%w^ffi : ^ e ^%iO ) S%% "^psdrect minor repairs;
theliii 7HITSSIDE to fttHpUf wrfw^TOEpLete loading. The Cft-RLES
LA RSNCE proceedeiJ-to' ilANIC/ilTI to effect r e p a i r s to a defective
davit. .
The ?;1LLIAI'I M, -^OBBY arrived SAN PEDRO BAY at 0700 and
departed 1$CO for OKINAWA.

(HI) -5
,-«.. * jk.-,

& & AREAS * Part (III)

:d of Events.

TU 54.28.1 escorted by PC "1251 which joined in LEYTE

GULF passed through Point JP (Lat. 10-46-N, 'long.•" 126^14 3) at

0900,SOA' 8.5 knots , ./ ,l / " ' ' '

The SS JASPER P. CROPSEI was ordered to remain at BUGO

to be sailed by CQlvIFHIBGRP 14 with 4 LST's scheduled'to load at

BUGO on 22 September, . • '

At 1300 COMPHIBGRP 11 in the CULVERT departed BUGO with

the LENA^'EE for A3UY0G. • . . :

. COM LCS(L) (3) FLOT FlV^y Commander of, L O S ( L ) ( 3 ) GROUP

KING in LC(FF) 1083, reported for duty at. OKINAWA with LCS(L)(3)

GROUP 13 plus LCS 2and>3.( He was directed to rendezvous with

TG 54.28 at Point PULLET at.0400 FOI.minus one day.

16• 22 September 1945

The C A L V W and •LENAV.'EE arrived 'at ABUYOG anchorage at


TASK GROUP 54.28 consisting; of CO^L-Ti.CK GROUP 54,liin

CiiVERT with TRi.NSBjON 16 (Temp,) and- escorts GHAlpS LMJRENCE' and

DANIEL T. GRIFFIN was established for movemont of the 41st INF. DIV.

and• Xth CORPS Headquarters to HIRO-^IM, This: T.ASK GROUP less WHITE

SIDE, PiU-.IINA, and GHi'RLJSS L/jmMCK ;got:: underwajr f rom, iiBUIOG anchor­

age at 0551 and sort led on. course 105° in'.cruising forraation 1 ABLE

(Division columns; Interval between columns 1000 yards; /distance

between ships-600 yards;/ Guide in CECIL,;Column TVTO Leader; OTC

in C LVERT m fleet axis 1000 yards ahead of Column Leaders)* ' .

Speed of advance 13 knots* .•'^VHITJi^lDK and 'RJ£[NA overtook and

joined the formation at lbOO. At'1116 in position 10°Jl f 30" N,

125° 53 [ 59-ri E the formation by -C0RPW QUE:^ method came to course

059°. At 1^42 at Transport Po^nt One (Lat/ll 0 06V 051' N, Long.

126° 5?-' 05" E) the formfition came,to eourse 02<D°, and procoeded

along, a track 9-miles starboard of the median line of Rmte IRON,

No further cou'rse or speed change was -made during the day.

Positions of TG .54..28r

10 p 126° 013'

2000 Position 11° 45 12?° 07'- E

17. ;•• 23 September 1945

Both TG 54:/2S>: steaming,at •13;:kncts,: and TU 54.28.1,

steaming at.•;8.5 knotsr proceeded alo|ig Route IRON on course 020°

9 and 7 miles to starboard .Q£it#iWbi£n Line rospectively* At'..

- 6 :..'..• -••• [. ' ' •••

ComPMbGr-ll ; '. * ';

Action Tieport * KUR^KlROSHIMn and l&TSUZtiti,,kKStiS - P a r t . ( I l l )

. . . Chronological Record o f Events. • . • • • •

1330 orders were rec to divert both the

Transport and the Tr. confirmation
of FOX DiiY.

At 1403 in Lot. 15° 28' M, Long/ X2& 9&§0 TG 54.28

cane t o course 359° and increased speed t o 14. k n o t ' s / t o a r r i v e
BUCKNER BAY p r i o r t o dark on 25 September.. -. . : '•

At 1600 in approximate position Lat. 17° 45 r N, Long.

129° 1 5 E, TU 54.28.1 changed to s. course d i r e c t to BUCKNER BAY,..
and radioed. 2TA. ?s 0630.26 .September. . ' - .

. ..' GGSIPHIBGRP 11 "directed.the WIIXLUf M.. K033Y and LCS(L)

(3) 'GROUP KING t o remain a t OKIN/.VJA pending further orders.^

' . The Commanding Officer of t h e CHARLES -Li'^RSMCE n o t i f i e d

GTG 5'4.28 t h a t he expected t o j o i n - t h e Trsk Group a t daylight 24,
September. CTG 54.28 advised him of the convoy's'change of course
and speed. , •*" • ;

In reply to'COKFIFTHPHIBFQ?l's: request for information. '.

concerning t h e e a r l i e s t possible date of release of SC's or PC's,

CO!!PHIBGRP 1 1 rdvised • t<\i81 SC 1312 was avr,ilable for immediate

release a t OKINAWA. • ' ':••• • .:• ' ' '• ••=/•. -'

P o s i t i o n s o f TG 5 4 . 2 8 : .'. ' .; • . .

0800: 1 4 ° 1 5 . 5 ' N , 1 2 7 ° 5 3 J E . •••' . - •­

1200: 1 5 ° 0 3 . 5 ' 1^ 1 2 8 ° 1 0 V E . \
2000: .16° 4 9 * 8 ' N, '12£°-.1.9,2'• S . , ; . .. • -..

,16,. 2 4 S e p t e m b e r 1.945 -..: " • .;•• • '-;.., .,

: The APD.:95> 3VILLI/.H M. HOBBY, with UDT 5 embarked., '.. ,

arrived OKiil/:.^ a t . 0 7 0 0 . ;',.'. • . ;/ .
- "•'.-.•,

. : .'TU 54.'.2b;l- and TG 54.28 continued toward OKjNA^i, s v

lr-ttsr on course 359°' at 14 knots, reducing speed to 13 knots

- a t 0 8 3 5 - . ,• " •...'• ' . . . • ,.,.' ' ••.'•.. ' :' ' ••' • .•••; :• '.•; '

; .')it: 0455 the 'Cj"iySdR;TT.s rs.dar picked: up a surface con­

tact bearing 112° T,::15 miles. .The contact was identified as

the: CKARL2S LAT HENCE- which overtook and joined ^he^rprma-tiori' at .

0730, tcking station 2000 yards ahead of the eolunin Three leader.

The D. .NIEL-.T. GEIFFXiM moved to station 2000 yards ahood of the

Column TVJO Lender.

Positions of TG 54.28;

"(III) ­

Action Report - KURE-HIROSHEfo and .J 3 - Part (III)

Chronological Record of Events

0600: 19° 3 6 . 8 ' ..N,^

1200: $ gQft JH
2000***y f 9r 128

19. 25 j ^ e m b e r 194£
TU 54.28.1 and TG 54.28 continued toward .OKINAWA, l a t t e r
on course 359°^ steaming at 13 Imots.

• ' At 1353 TG 54.28 cane to course 330°V Speed was reduced

to 10 knots a t 1500 and t o 5 knots a t 1503. At 1509 t h e formation
arrived off the entrance t o BUCKNER B/.Y, OKINAWA, and executed
speed zero.

• Pending r e c e i p t of anchorage assignments for the convoy,

t h e C/XVERT. entered the BAY and anchored a t 1800 in Berth LOViS 49.
At 1700- CTG 54.28 ordered TG 54• 28 t o enter t h e Bi.Y and anchor a t
discretion in the tvro northern rows of L0V3 ;jichorages,.' IJ.1 ships
were anchored a t 1918.

- Positions of TG 54.28: .

" 0800: 24° 54' N, Long. 12&° 09 f 3 .

1200: 25° 3'-.5] N, Long. 128° 08' 3 .


- 26 Sept ember ,1945 -..-•, . .

TG 54.28'remained a t anchor in BUCKM3H BAY, OKElAVfA.­

TU 54.28.1 entered BUGKNER 3i,Y and anchored a t 0730.

The liTE-LLIixH M. HOBBY with UDT 5"and 24 Arjay observers

embarked, sailed from BUCKNER BiJ &t 1200 for ^AKAYAiiA., routed .
through Point VODKA thence 8 miles t o starboard of Route ZINC to
15. knots-. STA WAKAYAMA 0900 28 September.

GTU 54.15.1 (COM LST GROUP 44) in LvST 924 with LST's
354, 810, -1.045•> and SS JASPER F. CROPSSY departed BUGO a t 1400
for HIRO WAN,; r c ^ e d 7 miles to starboard of Routes IRON, SULPHUR,
and '2ING t o . Foitot pyLLST. STA Point PULLST 0400 3 October.

,•' Ttl'54,18,10,. TRAMSRON 14 (Temp.) l e s s DUPLIN AKA 87,

BIRGIT. ikKA 24, WAoHBURN AKA 1 0 8 , and; SIDO^IA ;,KA 42 p l u s ROZANE
AKA 3 7 , e s c o r t e d by TOLLBERG APD 1 ^ d e p a r t e d WXiXMit, a t 1700
for LETTS via routes N l T I O M | J p WIN.': 3TA; LSYTS 1800 1 October.
C0MPH1BGRP 11 ^ ^ ^ A ^ ^ f e s W ^ * ! ^ 0 ' complete boat and boat crew
^ ^ ^ % h e K ' r ^ a s ^ ^ ^ W e ^ ^ ^ W p a c e to l i f t following Army .
nS -'Part (III)

boats from TALOfl. to, j\^TSUIiJi/i: '28 LCJi(6), 5 LCM(3)/ 2 LOVP, 1

Jig Boati and 1. FS boat, • .-' • • - ' .-'•'''•' ,: .

• .. , *. C011FIFTHPHI3F0R >dyiaed COMPKIBSP\C t h a t SO 1312 was

available f o r r e l e a s e on 26 September* '

' TG 54.28 rnd. TU 54.28.1 remained a t BUCKNJS BAY, OKINAWA.

Ships of TG 54.28 topped off fuol o i l supply. . ;­

TU 54.15.1 continued alnng Route IRON toward objective.

. -:TU 54.18.11, Conmiander FLUCK, in DUPLIN (AKA'B?) with

T'&SlIBpN (AKA 108) and BIRGIT (AK;V 24), «'ill of THANSRON 14 (Tetop,)
escorted by'ra-fiilNGEI^(DE 746) departed XiWXiJUi: cit'1400 for LSYTS
NITROGEN and IRON. ETA.LJiXT^ 140C 2 October.

CO:.?f 11-NSOT 14; enrouto L3TTS,- reported by radio t o COM-*­

PHIBGRP 11 for duty and advised th&t the.Souadroil's .boats wore a t
SUBIC B.'T. COMFHIBGRP 11 directed COimUNSRON 14 t o divert t h e
TliLFAIR and .SIBLET t o LINGATM and recorafaended diversion of other
ships as necessary t o SUBIG,to embark .boats. •

The WILLIiJl IL H0I3BY arrived Mi&Xiu*J> a t 0900 and r e ­
ported to. CokFIFTHFHIBFOR. • . - •• • ;: '.-•..;.

: CO'-JI mm .LSI! PLOT 5 in LC(FF) 628 with GOI

GROUP 45 in LSM 474 Reported t o . C^PRIBGR? 11 at'OKIHAT*7A with LSH's
474, 111, 112, 283, 344, 440, 467, 476, 478, ,499 having previously
reported t o t h e FORT DIRECTOR OKIrliWi:for loading. ' . ' •' ' :
" " . pO:^PniBGRP 11 hdviscd GTU 54.15.1,-who was proceeding
along Route IRON. toward the ,;,dbjoctive, to reraajji south of the lat~'
itude of the passing typhoon center by reducing speed or bhanging
course u n t i l able to proceed safely t o destination.

/ : \/;C01^TRANSR0N .14 and GO^I'iilBGRP 14;- diverted t h e TliLFAIR

and SIBLEY.- to •LHa^YEM :w,ith' orders to, stop, f i r s t at era- .
bark boats,-:;and'; then at KNXU, for l o g i s t i c s . /}j?TA.SUBIC 1200 1
October ,' .. ' , ' . : . , ••., . •.. "-'•'. ''.••'' -••..

GOKTRANSRON 14 diverted TU 54.18,11 as follows: The

:-JLl t h r e e ships wore ordered, t o continue' on t o L"uYTE a f t e r
ing boats a t SUBIC.
ComFhil * V*
* « ' - • • • * •

Action iieport -:*KURE-HIBOSHBak;anci ¥J^^Sp^(x *&*'*%'*iy-i"Jfei|b (III)­

" Chronol(jgjffc§. ^ e e ^ d f ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 8 ! * -I ^ '
— r^ ^.—•^•^v.op­
^ ^ ?•

In view of the threatening TYPHOON,, ships of TG 54.28

and TU 54.28-.1- sortied from BUCKiJEIi B,,Y and steamed to the south

and west of OKINAWA GUNTO. TG 54.28.was underway:at 1330, formed

cruising disposition 1 ABLE and passed through Point ABLE- (180°

3300 yards from TSUKEN LIGHT) on course 180° speed 5 knots. At

1555 course' was changed to 225°. At 1625 speed was increased to

7 knots and at 1715 in Lat. 25° 56' N,. 12.7° 551 30" E the formation

came to course 270° and remained on this course until 0539 29 Sep~"

tember. At 2000/the TASK GROUP was in.Lat. 25° 56' N, Long. 127°

3 4 ' - E . • . • '•-, . ";' ' • ; / ' • _ •-. . , •: ' - . - . . •

23. 29 September 1945,

A typhoon still threatened the OKIIJAWA Area. TG 54.28

and TU 54^2B.l continued to steam south and west of-OKINAWA5 COM

LCS(L)(3) FLOT 5 Was directed to remain in BUCKLER B!X with LCS(L)

(3) GROUr KING until ordered to sail for the objective; loading

of LSM's of'FLOT 5 at OKINAWA was delayed.

Positions of TG 54/28:

0800:' 25° 51.5 1^6° :25

1200: 25° 49' 126° 58,
2000: 25° 58.5 127° 07
GTU 54.28.1 reported his,position at 1030 as Lat. 25°

27.5' 1-T, Long. 126° 01,5' B, course 270°, speed 8.6 knots.

CTU 54*15.1 enroute from BUGO to the objective maneuvered

to keep south of the typhoon-center. ..•;...

2 4 / " 30 September 1945 . . ,';/:- •;.-.'

At 0839 in approximate position Lat. 27 P 04' N, Long.

126°° 27 S, TG 54.28 came to course 080° and proceeded toward the

•objective at 12 knots, routed to pass between 0KIN0YI51ABU JII1A

arjd YORQN JILI/i to join Route ZINC at Point GQ0S&. Speed was in-

created to 13.5 knots at 1250. At 2330£ when the formation was in

approxiinate position Lat * 29° "43.2' N, Long. 129° 44.2' E orders

wore received from CaiFIFTHPHIBFOH to delpy FOX Dry until 6 Oct­

ober. At 2345 the formation came to 113°" and, at 0105 to 233°,

to raturu to. BUGKNEIl BAI," . \ ' . ' " •

of TG 54*28:

0800; 26° 59 r N, 126° 23' S.

1200: 27°-10.5' 127° 08,5' E.

129° 00.1'" E.

(Ill) -10
Action Report -, - Part '(III)
Chronological Record of Events.

TU 54-2B>1/ meanwhile, had been ordered to

the objective^ and at Q900 in™position La.tV 26° 39-'N, Long.. 124°

23' hed altered course to 080° and increased speed to 8.6 knots,

proceeding north of Y0R0NJIMA to join Route ZINC at 130° East.

COI^PIIIBGRP ,11 ordered the Task. .Unit to return to, BUCKKfER/BAt-when

delay of FOX DAY .was received. • \. ; , ' •'

. : - In view of the postponement1 of FOX DAI,. COH LCS(L)(3)

FLOT 5/ previously,ordered to proceed when weather permitted, was

directed to remain at BUCKNER BAY., The PD OKINAWA was advised of

the revised FOX DAY and requested to delay sailing orders of HIRO

bound LSM's accordingly',. COiMFIFTHPHIBFQR was requested to amend

orders to ships and craft, proceeding,to HIRO from ports in the

EMPIRE. No diversion orders were sent to TU 54*15*1 pending

receipt of the convoys position course and speed. . . . <

•.-• 25> ;" 1'October 1945 ' . . ;; .

At 1200 the TG 54.28 arrived off the entrance-"to- BUCK­

NEK BAY and proceeded to anchorages previously occupied, The

CALVERT anchored at 1258. . . ' .; -. :;..••'

•TU 54.28T1.. arrived in BUGKtf&i BAY prior ;to dark.

, v The WILLIAM H. HOBBY with UDT 5 and 54 Army officers

aboard arrived at Point BUI^Q at 0^00 and was, led by the TRACI: '•=

t o .HIRC3 W i N ; a n c h o r a g e * •.••••••"•• '• . - : • , .': .

':,. : ...• . TRANSBON. 1 4 less. DUPLIN, BHIGIT, and, WiSHBUTtil,- having

been diverted by COM TKAMSRQN 1 4 , arrived SUBIC 'BAY at I3OO, ' ;'

embarked boats and departed for LEYTE via> Si-J& FERMANI)O.: The •'..-.

R and SIBLEY proceeded to L I N i

. ; , No position report was received 'from TU 54»

26:. •'2\0ctober: 1945 : : - • • / ••-.".

TG 54.28 remained a t anchor i n BUCpJERB/iY.

replenishment of fresh provisions from the FLSETI!JOODv

••'•..'• :J T h i r t o e n o f f i c e r s &nd 25 men of t h e KUIIS,;POHT'DIIlECTOIl

'Jm:\.-. einbarked on.the. CULVERT. "•'.••_'• . . ' ; . ' . .'•"•.

••'ltfiL;?H TA^BOT: (DD 3 9 0 ) and COGHLAN (DD 606) a r r i v e d

BUC AL7' BAY, t r a n s f e r r e d 9 o f f i c e r s and 5 e n l i s t e d men t o t h e

TiJH1i1Jr.uA, and lepartod &t 1645 f o r SASI23O. The o f f i c e r s r.nd

men i/vt.c- members o r a Navy i n t e l l i g e n ^ s a t ^ a x i ^ r Q C G o J i n ^ t o i n ­
s p e c t t h e KUiuS rfcvy Yard.

^ .- (III) - 11

Action Report - BiA A R S K S - Part (III)

Chronological Record of Events. ' . •

..-'• ". TU 54.28.1 departed BUCKN13R BAY at 1800 for HIRO WAN,

routed 7 miles to starboard of Route ZINC* SOA 8,4 knots. ETA

Point PULLET O5O4OO. .

TU 54.28.2, C0HLCS(L)(3) FLOT 5 in LC(FF) 1083 with

LCS(L)(3) GKOUF KING, departed BUCKNER B/Y $£ 1800 for HIRO KAN,

routed 8 miles to starboard of Route ZINC., SOA S.S knots. This

Task Unrb' was ordered to rendezvous at Point PULLET with CTG 54.28 .
in CALVKR.T at 050100 and to follow transports through, the swept

channel to HIRO WAN.• •

• . TU 54.15.1 reported its noon.position as Lat. 25° 21' N,

Long. 130° 39'• .3, course 005°, SGA 10,9 knots. The Task Unit-'was

ordered to pa.just speed to rendezvous at Point PULLET at O5O4OO with

TU 54.28.1 and to proceed with it through the'swept' channel to

HHK) WM.'. . ' • .• \ ." •

The DUPLIN, nASHBURN, and BIRGIT arrived SUBIC B/.Y to

embark boats.and proceed'on to L^ITS. " • '

27. 3 Qctober:1945- •'' ••• • : •'.

TU 54.28.1, 54*28*2, ana54.15.1 continued enroute to

the objective. . ,;.^ .' /' •-.'

•"•., TR':.NSRON 14 less the TELFivIR, I^, DUFLIN, .^.SHBURN..

and BIRGIT arrive! LEYTS at 1100. ' \ •

SC 1312 was released from duty with COMPHIBGRP 11 and

directed t o report t o CinCFac PEAliL f o r further orders.

• ' ) ; At 0800 TG. 54*28 l e s s t h e CixLVSRT got underway and sor­

t i e d froin.BUCKIIER B..I under t h e t a c t i c a l command of COICTE..NSRON 16
Outside the BAY, t r a n s p o r t s formed -cruising d i s p o s i t i o n 1 ABLE on
course 075°, sp'eed 12 knots. CTG 54.11 in t h e CiiLVERT departed
BURNER B/,1 a t 0932 to overtake the transports;, At 1155 the CKL-
ViilflT arrived on s t a t i o n in t h e transport formation, and CTG 54.11
as,-;, t a c t i c a l command, designating 'the CECIL as guide, course
O':';-!_. speed 12 knots.- The 'Group passed through Point PIDGEON and ^'-.-. 13.56 to 050°, bringing the formation onto a
tvacx p a r a l l e l -to Route ZING and 9 miles to starboard of. t h e

Carrier TASK GROUP 58,10 Wrvs picked up b y r ? d a r a t 2250

bearing C'3 -G .rr"J^, 13~l/2 miles from t h e Transport Group, on course
22C°, speed A;:! knots. At 2211. TG 54*28 turned l e f t to 010°; TG 58.
10. turned}1 of;,. bo. 130 o y / At; 2249;.'after t h e two groups h?d passed
well c l e a r , TG••54*28. returned to. base course.'050°, on a t r a c k 2
miles west cf : the rtoute^H^Mlftdxan Linev "; .'; • . • • • • •

( I l l ) -"12
A c t i o n Report.--,
K . U R ^ Part (III)

C h r o n o l o g i c a l R e c o r d of.'• E v e n t s .

. Positions .of .TG .54.28:-, '

.". 1200: . 26°.20' • N, Long. 128°' 30'' S.

2000; 27° 21*5' N, Long. 129° 58' E, , .,. .'

,. ,' 26.'.'4 October, 1945 ^- .' ^ • \ ' : '• /

TU's '54,28.1, .54v28.g,-54*15.1 and TG 54-28 continued

toward the objective. •'••.;

At 0229, TG 54«28 came'-to course 021° on a track 9 miles

to starboard of the median line from Point GOOSE to Point CAPON.

The course '.was changed to 016° at 0850. Increasing head winds, .

slowed speed, of advance.- To compensate speed was increased, to ,.-.

13,5 knots'at 1326. ' At 1440-TU 54•28.1 was picked up by radar

bearing 013° 10 miles from the CALV3RT,

. During the afternoon wind velocity increased to 38

knots/'direction .015°' ;• '-' ' •;

• ' / . • ' • . . • •

At 1-7301word was received,from CTF 54 that FOX Day was

delayed until 7 October because of a' threatening typhoon. CTG /

54.11 ordered TG 54»28 to r e t e speed to 7 knots at 1744; to

come to course O25(Q at 1745; ai^d to remain south and, east of

Point PULLET until the. weath'er con^tiitiQns clarified, ready to

proceed into the INMND $$At Spee4 was increased to 9 knots at.

2 0 3 . 0 t o a f f o r d ' b e t t e r m a n e u v e r a b i l i t y . ••; ' . '•.•"•.'••

.' TU 54^28.2 was ordered to disregard rendezvous with

TG 54*28 and to proceed through BUNGO SUIDO swept channel to

shelt-ered anchqrage in USUIvI MAN.,....'; '

TU's 54.28.2 and 54.15.1 were directed to cancel their

rendezvous and to operate west end south of Point"PULLET.

Positions of TG 54.28: •

6800: 29 17' K, 131° 26' E.

1200: 29° 50f N, 131° 45'-3.

2000: 31° 16' N, 132° 15r E.

Reported 0800 position of TU 54.15.1 31 34' N,

00' E. '

5 October 1945

A.t 0349 V'jord was rec n

should"p?js Point BUNGO at 0700 eaf

as practicable. To comply, TG course to u00°

(HI) - 13

Action Report ~ KURB-HlROSHim' andMATSUYAMA AREAS - Part (III)

Chronological Record.of Events.

0242, increased speed to 10 knots at 0329 and to 12 knots at 0345.

At 0409 course was changed to 345°. Orders to form cruising dis­

position Dog (double column) were executed at 0631.

Units entered BUNGQ SUIDO in following arder: TU 51.3.

32 (Gunfire Support Unit) lead by ELLYSON; TU 54.28.2 (LCS Unit);


GROUP 36 in LSM'420 with LSM's 62, 337/< 338 and 354 from. T'sAKAYAMA,

TG 54.28 lead by TRACY.

TG 54.28 began entering P/JNGO at 0839 and passed the

BASSET'with 5 LSM's in the swept channel. At Point CARDIFF trans­

ports formed single column astern of CALVERT. The TASK GROUP pro­

ceeded through the channel at .15 knots reducing speed to 11 knots

in the restricted area between 33-31•5 N a n d 33-38.5 N.

With the exception of TU 54.28,2 which anchored in

.USUKU HAN, all units which entered BUNGO SUIDO in the morning of

5 October anchored for the night in the swept channel between lat­

itudes 33° 42 f M and 33° 50f N. The CiLVSRT anchored at 1612

5000 yards bearing 186 from the-Southern tip of. TJRI SHII3A.

During theL evening Japanese"pilots and interpreters

were transferred from the GAINARD to the MT. MCKINLEY, . 1ONTFSLISR,

CALVERT, CECIL, RUTLAND and :TALLADSGA.; •' r " :' ' . -.

• A total of 7 floating mines were sighted by units pass­

ing through the swept channel on 5 October. Of these one ¥/as sunk

by gunfire. . • , .

. . Position reports from TU's 54.15.1 indicated

that they would be unable-to reach USUKU WAN. prior to dark, The

Task Units were ordered to rendezvous at'first light 6 October at

Point BUNGO and proceed via swept channel to HIRO. WAN.,

COM LST FLOT 5 in LC(FF) 788 departed ZilMBOANGA for

El^'nA to confer with COMPKIBGRP 14 regarding the loading of LST1s

£•;: 1,'OIC-AYEN. ^ / ' ; ; ,

-•'^ 6 October 1945

- . :TF 54 designated CTG 54.11 OTC of the movements of a l l
unitcr e c e p o i n g the liT. MCKINLEY. and HARVESON from the swept channel
anrb^ras- t o HIRO WAN. . In compliance with orders from CTG 54.11,
TU- 5A•#'•'•£ Lr-'iS' by the ELLYSON got, underway a t 0600 followed a t ;
0625 \ss "i±z CAJ^ERT'lead by theTR^CY. TMNSR0N l6 : with CHARLES ••
I..V :K.Ci.C.S, D.;K.:<L, a1,' GRIFFIN and. RUNELS were underway a t O63O. The
Action Report ~, - Part (III)

Chronological Recor

CTG 54.11 arrived in' the AKI MADA\anchorage at O&35 .

and assumed duties as SOP/1 (Admin). The MT. MClCOILSI withQTF

54 embarked, Gunfire Support ships, 'and Transports anchored in

assigned berths in AKI'NADH.1 Already present in the inner bay

near HIRO were minesweepers^ of TG 52*7, Guinea Pig-ships (cargo

vessels used to test swept- channels) of TG '52.11, TIJ 54»18..15

(12 LCT's), TWhKOUI ;UTFvll^), PC 1127, OSMOND INGEAM (APD 35)y

the T^LLiAM M. HOBBY with UDT 5 embarked;: "and LSM 386 with a

naval bomb-disposal team embarked. TU 54.28.2 arrived in AKI'

NADA at 1147 and anchored west of assigned transports berths.

At 1240 the'JICARILLA, POTAMiTQKI and PRESERVER arrived and • .

anchored near "CCS Group. . ; .

After a conference aboard the CBCILNvith advance re­

connaissance parties, CTG 54.11 directed transports to move in

to inner anchorages and prepare to unload. . .....

, /J.1 LSM's dompleteci. ninlbading and assisted transports

throughout the night. • "•-:•/-"'• •

Transports fueled il!S'S of TG 52,7 during the "ni^it.

•:,....•/. TU'-s 54.15.1 and 54.2S.1 were1 unable to reach HIRO. :,

WAK prior to dark and anchored.j#y th©; swept channel south of

VJBX SHIlui'i. In passing through the swept channel LSTfs sighted

and s a n k y m ^ n e s . • -. ' • •'.- / • • •. • ••'••','' '" • •

PC. 1127 was ''released, and directed' to'' report to CinG

P a c f o r o r d e r s . ... . •••; . '.-..•... ^-'•'••/ •••• •. » . •• '',- . • .

.. ,: ';The BIRGIT and •W^kBU^I: of TR^WSRON 1<S;; arrived

f o r l o g i s t i c s . ' .-. ' • ; • " ' ; ' • • .••.'••.• •'' v •'•:. '.:.'' -•;";•..' -. •'.".•'' ; v

' ' 31. 7 O c t o b e r 1945 • ' • • :' ' ' '•":;• •''/::-) .

•'.•;••- : .Gunfire support batteries and circuits- were manned

at 0400and remained in a ready status until 1200.

i r : :
C • - / ' - y ••'::•: '••"•;'•'•'•-•::' .;_ ; - : x " " . - V . -'••,;. • ' ' • .-.. ••-.\ ' ; v ' • • • / ; , - , : .

Unloading began at 0500 and continued.without incident,

Tvr ibOO 13-941 personnel, 1681 vehicles and- 64$ oi"••••total cargo had

Leev: unloaded. ]By 2000 ;APAfs were 75/^ unloaded, AKA's. 58^ \

'; .TU!s 54r2a.l and 54.15.1 arrived at 0^00. All LST's

ndj with the(exception of LST 810, Were unloaded and
:ji od
: 2 2 0 0 : . - ^ ^,;^'; :
: ' . y " . v - :
. •. • :
.: ^. •••••-; •' \ ' '."• •.- • •.. •,; :'•

; ; !LST 1054 was

parts were directed to assign 50 l>i

: . . ' " •••• • ' • • , • : : ,:- :

/••• : ^ ( I I I ) ­
ri/>MA'AREAS - Part ( I I I )
\ * .Chronological Record of. Events.


were of 1SOQ* The APD's were directed to report to

CinCPac for further orders; the PC to- await sailing orders to .

PEARL.. .;'• ..: .•.. ',.' : \ . ; '• ••••••.•••• .; " • .' .

The CECIL-J. D O U E was -directed-to-report to CTU 51.3.3

for duty after the VULCAN, with SerDiv 103 Unit DOG embarked, had

entered ^ G O SLTIDO,. about 1200. ;." . • . - ­

The.. Commanding General of the i+lst Inf. Div, assumed

command ashore at 1100* , ';•

The LENA?/EE was designated to receive personnel eli­

gible for discharge. .' .,..-'

COJiLSTFLOT 5 In LC(FF)- 788 arrived at J m N l U to con­

fer with COMPHIBGftOUP 14.

Departures from KIRQ J ? ^ ;

0600 •• ESMOND fe )/

0600 BASSETT. (APD 73) with :.COM LSI! GROUP 36 in LSM

. 420 plus as?.0;s-62| 337^ 33.6 and 354 for WiKAlAM/i.

0600 . LSM 386 for- SASE30i ; -'N ': ';•, '. . " . •

Arrivals, at Hgg)

- 0800 TU's 54-28.1 and,54»15.'l> a- t o t a l of. 10-LST's .'

• • plus l i b e r t y ship JASPER F. CROPSSI.

32. . 8 October 1945 • . .: . . •: . -'

Unloading continued without incident. By 2200 a l l

transports were unloaded. . - ' ,••_•. ... .,' ";:

GTG 54*11 relinquished and ComGen 1,0th Corps assumed

c ^ t r o l of forces ashore a t 081200..
NASAKu JEi* v/as designated s s a recreation island and
•'> ' i ^ recreation p a r t i e s were authorized.

'0^1 LOS PLOT 5 with LGS GROUP KING WPS released by

.. 1 >l 0000. CTF 54 directed CTG 54.11 t o s a i l t h e Group

. : r: v 11 notified CTI1 51 that gunfire end a i r support

> 1 j ' i b e r required a t FI-10 ' ' T ^ .

(III) - 16

Aoticn, Report - KUi

-. CTF 54,cancelled PC 1251 orders to proceed PEARL and

directed the PC to report by dispatch to ComMarianas for duty.

Departure of LST's and LCS GROUP KING was delayed

pending improvement .of weather conditions.

Ships of TRAMSRON 14 scheduled to load at TALOH* less

DUPLIN and;!VASK3URN arrived at TaLOtlP.. . : / '•"••',•

.Departures from HIRO V^Ns -• .

•None. ;; ' •• • •

Arraval s _at.„ HJ:ROL WAN: . . • y

1400 Japanese c r u i s e r • YAKUMO and T r a n s p o r t No. 19

, - .• ; • • t o a r r i v a l of t a n k e r SAUGATUCK. • . (

\ ;33.. . 9 October 1945 . / • ' ' '

.; Scheduled departure a t 0600 of LST r-ROUPS 44 and 96

'for LINaXS^. end pf LCS GROUP KING f o r SNIYSTOK was postponed 24
hours because of t h e impending typhoon.

CTF 54 cancelled p r e v i o u s . o r d e r s t o LCS GROUP KING .

and d i r e c t e d them r e p o r t t o COl^FIFTH FLi££T i n cdmpliance with

orders'from CinCPac. '. . ' . ''•-.;. . ..': ' . •

The Y^KIB-IO was inspected by r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s of CTU

5I.3«3. and was found t o be completely d e m i l i t a r i z e d .

•• . . LST 20P and t h e merchant ship 'YtiJJIlSR KIDDE a r r i v e d a t •

Point BUIIGO unannounced. In view of t h e impending typhoon t h e
LST was d i r e c t e d t o a n c h o r ; i n SUJ'UHO \ti$ and -th-e'WALTER KIDDS i n '
U3UKI WAN u n t i l weather permitted passage t o HIRO .WAN. .'• •' ,

-'•••' CinCPac d i r e c t e d t h e . CHi-iHLSS LA^R®ICE and DANIEL .

••.-hV.FFIIf t o yroceed t o 1OIL/* and r e p o r t t o C0MFH3XSJ^FR0N f o r duty,

•"• In compliance with orders from CTF 54 COMTRANSRON 16

ro;:..)r;..-d t o XomServPac.forrduty i n .2^-iGrIG GixRPET 'with a l l APA^s
XJCS y/JPKIN, The DAUPHN/ MEDIA and. ?;:MIi^ : were: d i r e c t e d t o , ..
p:• -oc 3ci. t o LING/,YEN as routed. by CTG 5 4 . 1 1 . The TOLL/vND, v7inTBSIDE,

Y..-i'.Zy:z-"w,d. TODD, reported t o CihGPa^c for duty f . ',; ' • . . .

" h - 5U;:,AHNEH.,.with GfflBEiiUjand WiLTER WkM' departed BUNGO5

, rr" 1 : ;l ;'.^ . .••:c..r.:i'hiKAYiiI.^.i, and r e p o r t e d to^,COMSSCOETCAEFORCE for duty, :­

• 'Typhoon, c o n d i t i o n 1 wa
winds did not i n c r e a s e during the
:' / -. • tin). - .i1
Action Report -%K - Part ( i l l )
Record' of'jSvents,

COM 1ST FLOT 5 -in L C C F F ) 788 departed riANILA for SUBIC

and LING/TEN. ' . • •

Departures from HIRO WAN:

None. : ' '

Arrivals at HIRQ I^AN;- ' •

1300. vrjLCJJ (AR 5) with SarDiv .103 Rep-embarked,


Upon arrival the SAUG*-TUCK, fueled the Japanese

cruiser IAKUMO and Transport No. 19.

34. 10 October 1945

Ships and craft in HIRO WAN observed typhoon condition

1 throughout the day, LCT's and small boats took shelter in KURE.

The departure of LST GROUPS 44 and % was again postponed 24 hours.

At 1720 wind increased to 30.knots from, the northeast, typhoon con­

dition 2 was set at 1722. At 2000 the barometer reached the lowest

point 29.25. Wind velocitydecreased after 2000. No damage was :

reported. • • :

To facilitate routing ships" through BUNCO SUIDO CTG

54.11 requested CJ.T 5±. to station a control vessel at Point BUNGO

to provide charts and swept channel information to incoming ships.


0700 ' Cruiser-YiJCUIiO and Transport No. 19 forKURS.

N o n e - . . •• . - • • • • •

35 v i i ^ O c t o b er_l_945 . •- ••.-.• ^ „

At 0013 secured from typhoon c o n d i t i o n .2.

.. / / T I & N S R » - ^ X/JlJCEJ and TffllTESIDE

d e p a r t e d HIRO T^AN a s ;shown below. •• •

LGT GROUP 72 was; r e l e a s e d b y CTG 54.11 and d i r e c t e d t o

r e p o r t t o CG KURE Base for' duty w i t h ' 533rd EBSR..

CTF 51 d i r e c t e d WESSON (DB1B4); r e p o r t t o OTG 54.11 f o r

duty a s! v e s s e l L.t_jjntranee a t BUNCO SUIDO.

(III) - 18

ComPhibGr-11 •
a c t i o n . Report...- KURS-MROSHB^- and JIATSUYAMA AREAS - P a r t (ill)'
* - v '• ' ' G^rpnpiQgical.'Record-of'-jSvents.

06.Q0. C0MTR,vNSR0N'l6\in CSCIL'with DEUSL, DARKE, L3N­

!im& and BOSQUE f o r GUAM t o j o i n l&GIC CARPET.

0630 .OTiTRANSDIV • 48 i n TALLAJ3EG/. w i t h DICKENS and


0645 CTU 5 4 . 1 8 . 2 4 , COM LST GROUP 44 i n LST 924 with

COK LST. GROUP 96 i n LST -1120 p l u s LST's 354, •
777, 787, 890,. 933, 1 0 2 5 / 1027 f o r MANILA, t o
' • r o p o r t to.. (DOliPHIBGRP 14 f o r l o a d i n g :

0700 ..PRATT-..VICTORY1 and-iiaRATHOli f o r

' 0730 COJiTRANSDIV 47 i n RUTLAI©-with'HIGHL/.NDS, ST. ,


OKINAWA t o j o i n I4AGIC CARPET and l i f t typlrioon

s u r v i v o r s .

.••••'•' • Proceeding i n companjr' f o r MANILA t o r e p o r t t o C0I4PKIB­

GRP 14- -DiiUPHIN-, 1EDIA, PA^OTA e s c o r t e d by CHi'.-RUiS LA\;®i2JCii and
DANIEL T. GRIFFIN. E s c o r t s t o r e p o r t . . t o

083Q LCT 751 and VHX&liM U. HOBBY with advanced

v roconnaisance party to

: ;
A-rivalf:.6t,HIR0• WSi

Merchant ship H!AL£SR KIDDE. --.­

1£47 . LST. 202 with ACQRN 52 embarked.

• ' • • '


Lib-ort^. parties- to HIROSHB-Ih by LCl-f were" inaugurated.

. ^ At 1400'Captain-.-Nathan^BARD i n the, VULCAN assumed

d u t i e s a s P o r t D i r e c t o r HIRO- .TilAN - KURE." ' \ ; ,; ' " '
. • * • . : • - • - - • . . • • : • • . . ' 1 :' • ' ' , . ' • • - •

; . .." : D e p a r t u r e s f r o m H l R O .WAN-:- •:.'• • ' - •v : -•• ; -• :

. ;0600 PC 1251 for. GU/,H to'; report to ComMarianas for

: 0600 JICARILLA (APT 1Q4) and TRES^RVER (i^RS 8) f o r

' i v . t o : r e p o r t t o CTG 51.9 f o r . s a l v a g e work

A r r i v a l s a t HIRQ "*AN: \

1340 Japanese CV HOSHO Lei from SaUGATUCK.

(HI) ­
Action Report :- .KliRjS-HIROSKIM;, and I&TSUYAM AREAS - P a r t (ill)
Chronological Record of ISyents.

1600 .CECIL J. DOYLE (D3368) to report to CTU 51.3-3.

1600 VJSSSON (D2 184)to report to COMPHIBGRP 11 for

duty as control vessel,at Point BUNGO.


The WESSON reported on station at BUNGO .SUIDO at 1515

as KSCI5 and shortly thereafter challenged the Japanese D'O KAi/IISHIMA

and granted permission for the ship to proceed on to KOREA.

Daily courier service to ^ K A Y A M A - from HIRO VJAN was

inaugurated by the departure of the GAIN; RD at 0900. Courier ships

scheduled to arrive -VvVJC/iYAli'i 0800 on day after leaving HIRO, and

to depart WAKAXAilA-- at 1600 the same day, arriving HIRO VJAN at 1500

the next day. . • •

The TELFAIR departed MANILA to load at LING; .YEN commen­

cing 14 October. . . .

Departures from HIRQ filjN: ;. . •

0600 VSSSON (DS 184) to take station at Point BUNGO as

En.tranee Control vessel.

0900 GAINARD (DD 706) for IAi^A on courier trip.

Arrivals at HIRO- ?vAN: -. •'

1500 WILLIAM 11. HOBBY (APD 95) from 1ILTSUHAMA.

,1700 YAKUTAT (AVP 32) to establish seaplane base.

1700 SIIJS: (APD 50) with strategic bombing experts


, 1715 LOT 751 from KITSUHAJ1A. ^ •

• • • • • • " • ( . • • •

- 38. 14 October 1945 . ' v

- COM LSL£ FL0T16 in LSM 498 with LSH 78, 103, 112, 122,

253., 309, 440> 462, 466, 476, 478, 499 entered BUNGO SUIDO at 0800

but failed to reach HIRO WAN prior to darkness and anchored for the

night in.IYO NADA swept channel near Point CLAYPOOL.

Courier plane service between liAK/'.YAJIA and HIRO I'JkN was


(III) - 20

Action -Report"'- KUJG-KIROSHIHii and WiTSWAltti AREA^ - " P a r t (III)
Chronological Record of E v e n t s .

TASK UNIT 54*15.6, COM LSI I GROUP 34 i n LSM 116 d e p a r t e d

ZAMBOiVNGA a t 1700 with LSM 120, 28?, 357, 35B, 3 6 9 , 4 1 5 , 416, 429,
4 # 1 , 433, loaded a t ZAMBOANGA&rid L S i ' s 119, 1 2 3 , 367 loaded a t
TALOMO, LSM 418 was u n a b l e t o s a i l . / . •

LST 166 d e p a r t e d BIJOO a t 1800 f o r -TAL0M0. •

TU 5 4 . 1 5 . 9 COSt LST GROUP 13 i n LST 4#1 w i t h LST's . ,

73'4, 7B5, 7BB, 953, and 975 a r r i v e d T/iLOMO f o r l o a d i n g a t 0800.
LST 166 d e p a r t e d BUGO a t 1S00 t o proceed TiiLOMO.

Departures, from FIIRO HAN:

. 0900 JOHN'R*. PIERG1S (VD 753) f o r WAKmHA on c o u r i e r >

trip. "•••..'. •« '

1200 TiOLLIi'J-: LL. KOBBT .(APD-95) with UDT 5 embarked '

.: - f or GUAM. ' ' ••. , t • : •

A r r i v a l s a t HIRQ WAN: ' . i•

None. . :


Action Ti^6Ytm^t\MW^W5^W^miM^MTS\JYsMi AR&,S - Part ( i l l )

Chronological Record of Events *

T H I S P k G E •• B L A M K

(in) >-,22;
Action Report. - KURlMIIRQSHBia. and
Chronological Record of Events.

39* 15 October 1945

Representative of X Corps inspected the 13 LSM'o
under the command of COKLSKFLOT 16 off MITSUKiiMiV and directed •'
LSM's 78, 103, 122, 253, 440, 476, 473, 499, to unload at
MITSUHiiKA.. '• ' > . ..
• • • . •

LSM's 493 (F) 112, 309, 462 and 466 remained off

MITSUHAMA prepared to proceed to HIRO W A K at first light 16 OCTOBER.

Japanese under supervision of CG X Corps began

dumping torpedos in MEKO SSTO.


Departures from-HIRO \u*N:

0547 COMLCSFLOT 5 i n LC(FF) 1083 w i t h LC(FF)

1081 and 12 LCS of Group KIiiG for SUBIC
and Mi*NILn t o r e p o r t t o CTF 7 4 .

0623 CTU 54.IS.26 Captain KINGSUND i n TOLLAND

with LiNC^I, I^iltSSlDS and TODD for SUBIC
and_MiiHILA. TODD t o c a l l a t OKIN/u/A
• . enroute.,

.0650 TAWiiKONI (ATF 4.14) f o r OKINAHA t o

. r e p o r t to- QTG 51*9. ' ,'•

0741 Japanese CV HOSKO fo'SAEEI, JALIUT,


.0830 LCT 751 for MITSUH/JiA with Group 11 Beach

Master, embarked.

0900 'ROWAN'(DD 782) for • WAKAYiiMA on c o u r i e r t r i p

A r r i v a l s a t HIRQ WAN;

1500 GAINiiRD (DD 706) from )iiAKiil±Mk on c o u r i e r


•l600"VA|IDENBURGK' (APB 48) to report to SSRDIV

103 Rep as r e l i e f for LST 1054. . '
1615 COMLSMGROUP 36 i n LSM 420. with LSM's 337
and 338 escorted bv: PCS I46O. LSM's
unloaded elements -of 533rd EBSR.
1460 reported to CTSJJ4 f p-^qr dutvj
1700 KERN (AQG 2)
( I I I ) - 23
andMATSUIAHA AREAS - P a r t ( I I I )
Chronological Record of E v e n t s . . • •• . . ­

CTU 54.13.2 ~ Commodore RYAN with TRANSRON Ik (temp) l e s s

WAN* , . . . . ••• . . . ••' . ••' • • . .

40, . 16 October,, 1945 ­

CTG 54.11 and COMGEN. X Corps;departed HIRO WAN in the

RIMiELS to inspect MITSUHAMA area1 in preparation...£or landing the 24th

Infantry Division,

D e p a r t u r e s ' f r o n v H I R O 'WAN;' .'••••:

0600, CCaffiSiaSRP. 36 iri LSM -420 .with LSM's 337 and

for '

•; . 0900 CMFLIN (DD '601) on, c o u r i e r t r i p t o W/JCAYALJA

A r r i v a l s a t KIRO W*$i\ '

,; 1030 C(MLSMFLOT 16 inLSM 498 with LSM's 112, 309

V: •.,•'••' 462and

"' ). ' I500: JOHN R, PIERCE %W 753) from WAKMiMh. on
•; c o u r i e r . ; t r i p , ' . i . 1 - - ^ ,:.,:.•... ', '• •

ALLEWDA3^S AH, 127 : and GRIGGS APA 310 departed LEYTE at

0600 to join TRAWSRON 14 at 1530 11-06-05 N. long,. 126-52­

0 5 E . - ' •• ;.:;, V -• . ': ••••"•.. - ' v " ' . : '' ; - :

. - '

CTU 54»15/9 COLiLSTGROtJP 13 in. 1ST 4 ^ with 1ST's 734,

705> 7-SS, 953 and 975 departed TliHMO a t 1630 f<?r MlTSUHiilvLi v i a
.TAOLpBAN*/- LST 975 loaded f o r WA^YAMA, t o unload a t HIRO WAN.
1ST 166 was not ready t o s a i l , •.',.. ..• : .^

41* 17 October 1945 ' ; ' / .'.

CTG 54»11 and CG X Corps returned to'HIRO V7AN a t 1330
aboard t h a RtMELS. , • , / . . , • -.'•. .
The V^I\iDEi:3IEGK r e l i e v e d LST 1054 as boat pool mother
ship and area mail s h i p ,

COMCRUDIV 12 completed i n s p e c t i o n of Japanese Nav&l

v e s s e l s a t KURE. ^ 4. tf* " ^'\ ^

( I l l ) - 24
Action Report - art '(ill)
Chronological R e c o r d of • Events «••

Departures from HIRO WAN: ,: .....,„•., , X .

0900., . CECIL J.. DOYLE PE 368 onr C ourler t r i p to

WAKAYAMA. . , • " .

, 1200 CCMLSMFIOT 16 i n IgM 498 with LSMJ s 112, 30 %

462, 466 t o MITSUHAMAto join LSM's 78, 103,
122;. 253, 440; 476, 478, .499.
at .HIRO V
: 1500 .ROVfAH (DD; 782) from WAKAYB& on courier t r i p

• 1700 GEMSBACK (IX 11^), COSS^TOT (AG 77)

.••• (AS 22) vdth CaiSUBRON 13 embarked, and
-.;./ COUGAL ARS 8 to report to.SERDIV 10Q Rep,

1715 Liberty ship -THSOPORS FOSTER..

The TilLITA AKS 8 arrived USUKI YW t o provision

/ CTU 5k.l$+5' Capt • PADDOCK i n BARN^iIELL departed XI»vYEN' a t

O6OO with mFAXft; Bl^CTRA; .TENSION, •Lgi^DlR HND CSPHEUS escorted by
LUDL017 for HIRO M|\f, SIBISX sailed:independently t o j o i n t h e TU on
18 October, : ' •
M* - 18 October 1945; . ' ' - .
• CTG 54.11 and CG X Corps departed ?!IRQ by t r a i n t o inspect
facilities a t OKixYAMA, . ' •'. •' ; .";•,•. . . :.,.

Surface courier t r i p s from HIRO WAN to VtJC*Y/il-iiV were reduced

effective 18 October, t o 2 t r i p s per week leaving HIEO WAN on Mondays ' •
"and Thursdays* _ ' •.' , . .

COMLSMFLOT 16 departed MITSUHi^ a t 060Q with 13•• LSM»s

for Okinawa*
departures frogi BIRO V&N:• •'> '.". . ^ ;-...._ • ,'.

0600 1ST 1 0 5 4 for"SASKBOv E n g i n $ t r o u b l e caTised

.: j ••••• •' LST t o a n c h o r , f o r n i g h t i n USUKI WART, t o e f f e c t
; ; :
- ' ;-; .•-••• '•••'•, repairs,' " ••'••:• ­:', •; ..' ' :
. •"• ' : ' . . • - . .



r 25

Chronological Bepojrci of Events,

A r r i v a l s a t KIBO raAN:' . . .

150* CHAMKLIN (DD 601) from M^YAMA on c o u r i e r

., CTF 51 confirmed George. Day a s 22 October#

CTU '51<3«3 r e p o r t e d f o r duty a s Commander Hu

/Covering U n i t t .

' - CTU 5 4 . X 5 . 1 1 , COM LST GROUP'99 i n LST 1066 T/ith

3 9 7 / 4 9 5 , 539, 637, 703 and 79? f o r HIHD i ^ and 1ST*s 3 9 0 , 652,
BOO, £87 and,.lOAS for.MITSUKAHA departed- LINGL.YJEN a t 1700.

" 13T 166 departed. TALQUD a t 0900/to rendezvous ivith

TU 51,15^21 i n Lat» 1 7 b OO'N, 119° 5.1« E. a t 1S00, 23 O c t o b e r .

43. 19 October 1 9 4 5 , , .•'

' CTG 54*11 and CG X Corps r e t u r n e d t o xHIRO from OKAYiiMA*

MC GINTI (DE 365)^re^ev;ed; VslSSSOH.^DS .184) a s KECP a t

.Point BUNGQV - ^JSSSOit d e p a r t e d BUNGO ^ 1 1 ) 6 ^ / 1 3 0 0 f o r V^KANOURA WAN..

••"'•'• . ' D e p a r t u r e s ' f r o m HIRO 'UM: r • •

:. ••;• ; 0 9 0 0 . ^

1300 LCT's-1012/1126, 1127, U37, U33, 1139,

b, 1H6 and 1170 for M
A r r i v a l s a t KIRQ. Ivi^N: : . • .- -: • .. '•'

' 1500 CECIL J . DOIIE, (DS 3 6 8 ) . from " ^ K ^ i i K u o n

• courier t r i p , .. : , .;•'••'• .'

1700 ' Merchant ship IDA M, T.JIHELL with elements

of Acorn 52 Unit embarked, :. .

; ; • : CTU 51t3.26'in, BJGiST SQv^D •(C\b;il3).. with PURDi;(DD 7U3)

reported t o CTU 51,3*3 for duty as Carrier Support. Unit f o r MITSU-
EiMii. landing... • ." ' ,• • ;, . \

(III) - 26

Action Report - KURE-HI

44. 20 October 1945*

The SAUG-ATUCK completed fueling minesleepers inSUKUMO

KO and •departed at first light for YOIfOHiiMA to report to C0L3SERDIV


Departures from HIRO l/ANt , •


await arrival of TRANSRON 14*

0600 ATR 9 for USUKI WAN to await arrival of

T R A N S R O N 14. - .-.'.'.­

©600 Japanese Transport Number 160 for^KURE.

. .'• 0900 •FRANKFORD (DP 497) for P3ARL via K)K0SUKA

' . and SAIPAN.

1245 PC/ 1127 for MIlSUHiiMA to proceed on 21 October

to distribute charts to TtUNSRON 14 at Point

C/iWTER. •.-."•

•Arrivals at HIRO :iCAN; ; . • . '.

1200 Japanese Sub 1-402 to report SERDIV 103 Rep.

to serve as fuel storage for mine'sweepers',

1317 \ TALITA (AKS •#) to report to SEHD1V 103 Rep,

. . • CTU 5X>3.26 AIR SUPPORT'UNIT) d e p a r t e d Yokosuka

a t 1100 for Point PULIET.

'. CTU 5 1 . 3 . 3 4 {COIIDSSRON 63 i n COMPTON DD 705) w i t h ROWAN

(DD 732) r e p o r t e d f or duty a s MITSUHAM^V LANDING .SUPPORT UNIT. The
u n i t was o r d e r e d t o proceed t o MITSUHAMA Tdth t h e G^iLVERT on 21 October,

45. 21 October 1945.

George Day s h i p p i n g passed P o i n t BUNGO as f o l l o w s : TG 5 1 , 1

(CTF 51 ((Vice Admiral OLDENDORF)) i n APPiiLAGHIAH w i t h COIvELL) a t _
0614; TU f s 54.13*2 ; and TU 5 4 . 1 3 . 1 1 ( t r a n s p o r t s c a r r y i n g t r o o p s f o r •.•"•.-
MITSUHi:LyA.and/OKAIA!.iA) a t : 0 6 3 0 ; TU 54,15*5 tCOliTRA!JS.DiV 62 w i t h t r a n s - ,
p o r t s c a r r y i n g X Corps elements f o r HIRO) a t 0650«

The TRACY met IU 5 4 . 1 3 . 2 a t Point BUNGO and p r e c e d e d t r a n s p o r t s

through t h e channel* .
: : :
• • . ' • • ' ' ' • • ' ' ' ' • • . • . . . • - • • . • • • - ' ' ' ­ \ ' ' ; • •

• • , _ .'; , (III) ­ 27 ._ _ . „ «»« m

ComPhibGr-11 '
Action Report - /v %d pg!§U*[M± AREAS - P a r t (III)
of Events.

1 tf* , . . , ,
'*'' The PQJTAWATGkll followed transports through t h e channel
prepared t o render assistance t o any ship in difficulty..
ATR 9 sortied from USUKI WAN and preceded transports
through swept channel to MITSUH/11A searching for mines»

PC .1127 d i s t r i b u t e d anchorage charts to a l l ships a t

Point. CANTER* , • ­
At 1015 CULVERT, with CTG 54.11 and CG X Corps embarked,
l e f t HIRO WAN for MITSUHAHA.. The Po^t Director HIRO iJAM assumed
duties of SOPA (ADMIN) HIRO YJAN, •••••'.

, TU 54.13.2 arrived MITSUHA& a t 1615. ' Unloading of cargo

commenced a t 2100,; . - .

TU 54.15•5 anchored a t 1630 i n v i c i n i t y off Point .DEXTER.

• TR^NSDIV 38 with'troops for OKXIiMU plus. .ALLENDAIJE (iiPA 127)

anchored i n AKI NADA at ; .1737^
':'. ' Departuros from.HIRO \UM.::, -:;. y .'•--.-'. .

1015 CAX^ERTy CTU 51.3*34 i n CQLiPTOK (DD 705) with

ROm.N-^D 7B2)v I C I ' 9 4 4 w i t h KITSUHAM* P o r t
D i r e c t o r U n i t , and PCS 1460 a l l f o r MITSUHyiMA.

A r r i v a l s a t HIRO %it:"'-"):-!: : - • '., ' . ' •

0S00 j a p t r a n s p o r t YiiKUZE and E s c o r t Number J?..9 t o

. '.fuel* • • , ;. . . ' ••• .

1600 G^ilNARD (DD 706) from V^iK.iyAMi. on c o u r i e r t r i p >

1630 y LOT-1170 from LITSUHB^A,

; " 1737:" : .COMTRid\fSDIV 38 i n B^MSTABIE (APA 93) w i t h

, : MIFFLIN (APii 207) } NEV/.KEKT (APA 217) and BIRGIT
:(AKA 24) c a r r y i n g ^2lst-RGT:plus"ALLEliPiilE (iiPA 1 ^ )
••;•'• w i t h X Corp-'g elements and e s c o r t EDISON (DD 4 3 9 ) .

Arrival3,. at 1 MITSUH/MA: ' ' ,'. •

1230 CALVERT (APA 3 2 ) , COMFTON (DD 7 0 5 ) , ROWAN (DD 7 8 2 ) ,

IS' 1460 and LCI 9 4 4 . '•• :


Action Report ^..KIJRE^HIRpSIiBfll _

Chronological •'Record o

1600 TU 5 1 . 1 , CTF 5 1 i n APPALACHIAN w i t h COYflSXL

(BE .549).',, :.--•••'-•

1630 TU 5 ^ 1 3 . 2 , COlIT
. • / with-.-.50IXINGE?t,. GRIGGS, L,xNDER, DUPLIN,' .S
G ^ S V I L L S / S U I I T E R , T/iBO&i, QKANOGAN, BLuDSN,
b y NIBLiiGK, PC. 1 1 2 7 , a n d PQTAl/ATOlil,

46 22' O c t o b e r GEXBGJ5.DAT- ,• V •" ."

TU 51.3.26 PUGST SOJJW (OVil 113) and PURDI (DD 734)

arrived off BUNGO'SUIDD- a t 0600 to provide Carrier Support to MISU* ' '
HA}^ landing.. CKAMPLIN (DD 601) jolhSd-the: Tas£' Unit at Point IULLST
^t•1600,and. relieved PURDYf .PURDI reported to CTU 51.3.3 When roliGV
ed and vi.o tir^cteu . to. proceed to HIRQT/AK during daylight 23 October,
.•.,..'• •'•"•• . TU 54.13.2' cbntihuedvinloading cargo .throughout the night
'HOW Hour for.personnel landing ivas designated as.0830. The f i r s t
wave h i t the beach "'at 0831. At 2©00 iipA'swere 28% uiiloaded; AKA*s

. The 2/+th Infantry t)ivi$ipn Corniaander/ Major General

v:ip0DRUFF>. assumed, control.,cisjaore ^

' "Fire Support c i r c u i t s and gun batteries'.were manned a t

jp and were seerred at 1200, At 2142 CTG 54.11 informed CTU 51*3,3
''that gunfire' and a i r support ships were no longer required-for the
HISUfiiiiL "landing. The .HJGST SOUM) and' .CJUICPLIN departed Point PULLET
for IOKQPUKA 'at ' 2300'f '".>.:' . ' / - , •

Departures froy i

1225 i corps
. arid •- staff embarked.
• 1445:- IClBLaCK (Dp. 424)/for ^HIRO.;^ to complete
" •; . logistics.. • •••• *-::: • •'•;:' '•••-' ;
- ' ' "'• •_* •

. 1515 .KTR 9 f o r HIRO ~'!nU i o r e p o r t t o SERDIV 1 0 3

Arrivals at k l T ^

LCT 1170' from KIRO Yld


&l AREAS - Part (III)

jgical Record of Events.

HIRO iJAN • . - ,.' • .

Departures from HIjD VfriN; . ;

0600 Ctl^IPLIN (DD 601) to r e l i e v e PURDX i n TU 51.3.26.

0700 Japanese Transport YUKAZE and Escort Number 59 ..:'

f o r F U S A N . • " • • • '

0800 KIT 1170 for' MITSUHAMA. • .

0900 JOHN R. PIERCE (DD 753) f o r iuK/i¥iiH/x on c o u r i e r . :


Arrivals a t KIHO XjlM: • • - . .;

0900 , . CCraAHSDIV -62 i n Bi.RNl^EIX (APA 132) with SIB­

•• JM (A?A 206)> T E L F A I R - ( A P A 2 1 0 ) , ' CEPHSUS (Mt 18),
' . E1SCTEA (AKA k), WINSTON (i,Ka 94) and LENulR
(AKA 74) t o - u n l o a d •£ Corps t r o o p s and equipment*
tf (DD-•-.438) • • :
1430 ROI&N. (DD 782) m t h CG X CORPS and staff from

1600 3JARIN AF 33 t o r e p o r t t o SERDIV 103 Rep f t o

p r o v i s i o n s h i p s a t KIFtO VJAM*
-• ' ' 17G0 NIBUCK (DD 424)-from MITSUHAMA f o r l o g i s t i c s ,

1745 hTR :9"-filojn.MITSUHAM*i- t o r e p o r t t o SERDIV K>3 Rep#

Anchored i n IYO N^DA t ..-.•. • • . : . . , •

TU 5 4 . 1 5 . 6 COMLSISROUP 34 w i t h 1 1 LSK' s f o r HIRO VIAN and 3

f o r iIIT5UHAMii p a s s e d Po^.nt BUN&O a t 1100 and anchored for t h e n i g h t i n
110 NAD^U - " _ '-' : •: ,; . \ .....,' . ;

47. 23 October 1945. ; •; . ^ • • .

' ' •- - Unloading of 24th I n f a n t r y D i v i s i o n from s h i p s of TRiiNSROK

14 (Temp) continued throughout t h e -day. By 2000 5 APA's and 3 AKAls. were
c o m p l e t e l y unloc'ided. Remairdrig iiPA '.-a- were &0% unloaded; xiKii!s 23^*

(in) v;30

Action Report •*­


Departures from MITSUHiAla:

0e00 COVffiLL (DD 547) for WAI

1600 COMlNPiiC in DOYLE (EMS 34) for SaSSBO.
Arrivals a t HIT5UH.>HA:

0830 LSM's 119, 123, 367 from OKINAWA. ,LSM's

completed unloading p r i o r dark and anchored
t o await rendezvous with LS1I Group 34*

0900 Merchant Ship JASPSR CROPSEY from HIRO WAN.

1105 COMINPAC in DOY1# DMS 34 t o confer with CTF.

• . 1330 JAMES C. .'OVENS- (DD 776) t o report to CTF 5 1 .

• / H I R O WxU';•• • - .•.'.'.•

The Commanding General of the OKAYAM Task Force, Brig*

General CORT assumed command ashore at O73G«

Unloading of the 21st BCT from ships of TRaNSDIV 38• (Temp)
was completed a t 1100,
' Ships of TU 54fl5*5 continued to unload elements of X
Corps. By 2000 1'AP& ..and 1 AKA were complotely unloaded• Remaining
APA's were 67^ unloaded; i i f e

11 LSM's of TU 54»15*6 also conpleted unloading.

Departures from HIRQ WiNt • -. ~. •.'.'• •.••/

1030 Japanese DD HARUZUKI and N,iO:Ki.ZE for SAEKI*.

Arrivals- a t '

0900; Japanese transport EuMlKAZE for fuel.

1100 TU 54.15.6 GO^i'iG-ROUP 34 in LSM. 116 with ISM's

120/289, 357, 35^, 369, 4J-5, 416, 429, 4S1

• . and 483 from-OKINAUA. . .' S: .

1500; FURDY(DD 734) to report to CTU: 51.3.3. •

1600 Merchant- ship JOHN HANSON with 1500 Japanese


(III) •

Action Report .-r ^RJ^Std^S'lS^. aj^dv A AREAS T- Part (III)

of Events*

23 October (Con't)

1730 Merchant Ship JAMES DSVEREUX from JINSEN,

Anchored in 1Y0 .

Following ships passed:>through BCJNGO; SUIDO during th

morning and anchored prior dark in t


c a r r y i n g NCB.Units, f o r A C O R N , 5 2 . •;:••

CO. XSM3ROUP 45 in ISM 474 with imis 283 and 467 for

MITSUMA plus ISM's 44, 94, HI,. 227/286, 469 £or HIBO.

SERDIV 103 Unit Easy in BEAVER (ARG 19) with B&A.ZOS

AO 4, i'MIPSTOCK 10 49 and LCI .1020 for MISUHAKAv

• Philippine Departures; , . . . .

Departure of. TU 54*15,21 delayed until 0600, 25 October

LST 166-joined'the Task Unit'in.LINGAXSN, ;

48. 24 October 1945.: - ;; - : :

'. • ••••• M I T S U H A M / i , , ; •.:•. .; ; ,

Unloading of the 24th^Infantry Division continued. By

2000 all transports were Unloaded, with the exception of the WASHBURN

and DUPLIN which were ^%, and 60$ unloaded respectively. •

>' XSLPs 283, 467 and 474 completed unloading during the

day* LSMf s 44 and 94 arrived for unloading at 1900 from.HIRO.

COMTRANSRO'N 14 was directed to report-with all APA's

of ^lis temporary TransRon less the'CRITTSNDEN to C0M3ERVPAC- for duty

in MAGIC C/vRPET. -....;- > ..:;,•; ;\: : :r- '

AKA'sofTRj^NSRON 14 ,(?emp) were directed to report to»

CINCPAC for further orders*

•. V PC 1127; reported to for further orders in

compliance with orders from CINCBiCv

Departures, from MITSUHAM/u

0800 CTF 51 i n ^FP.J^CKLiN w i t h CQMDSSRON' 63 i n

?TON (DD 705) p l u s JAMES C. OVENS (DD 77 6 )
HIRO tiJi.
fU '
(III) - 32
ComPhibGr~ll **^#fa

Action/Report * IOJRE-HIROSHIMA and iMw

Chronological Record of

Arrivals at

.J 0$15. COM\LSM GROUP 45 i n LS&/I 474 with LSM's 2 8 3 ,

• a n d 4^7 from OKINAWA, ' ••••••

090Q GAINiiRD (DD : 706) from HIRO \m.. t o r e l i e v e ; v .

-', / COMPTAON a s , s u p p o r t ship* \

0915 LAUDERDAU3 (APA 1 7 9 ) , Merchant Ships BEATRICE

,••.-. VICTORY and'Sil!UEL G. HOVE ''carrying-NCB u n i t s
a l l t o d e s t i n a t i o n s ,

1300 SIDRVDIV 103 UNIT -EASY1 in^BEAVER "(ARG 19) with

. . BRAZOS (AO 4 ) , ^IIPSTOCK (YO 49) and LCI 1020 f

1900 LSM's 44 and 94 of Group 45 from HIRO WAN t o

* complete unloading* , •;

HIRO '-WAN .. : : .. .. *•'

. A l l t r a n s p o r t s ' o f TU.54* 15*5 "•completed u n l o a d i n g a t 1800

4 LSM1 s o f Group 45 cor:apleted,unloadirig*

Ap; (Afii Igf) and-COMTRANSDIV 62 i n the

VffiJLL (APix 132) v/ere directed t o report 1 t o > GOMBERVPAG- for duty i n
Magic Carpet. ' ; / . . . .;. -v-. . ,

: . ' i'iKii's of TIX 54.15.5 were dirocted t o r e p o r t t o CIIICRiC

f o r f u r t h e r o r d e r s . . • ... „ . ; . :. / • . • - . • . • • . - .•'•.•.• •• ; \ • . . :
: •, '.-•.

.-.-.:.•. LUDLOVy (DD 438), EDISON (DD 439), arid NIB^CK (DD 424)
were released from escort vdi;ty. f o r assignment' by CTF -:54#
• • • • ' ' • • . . , " " . . • . , . ^

; . D e p a r t u r e s ' f r o m - H I R Q WM':- .'.^'•.-"••-.'•.- ;

;:'••• "'• 1530 ZBIVs 4 4 a n d 9 4 t o u n l o a d a t MITSUHAiiA. .

: '••'. Arrivals a t H

1100 LSM's 4 4 , 94> l l l j 227/ 286 and 469 of Group

; -.' 45:. ;
1200 Japanese DD's YOIZUKI, KAYA, KIRU,' TS^ITA from
KUK3 t o f u e l .

(III) - 3

Action ReportI \ K & and LfATSUYAMA 'AREAS - P a r t ( I I I )

$r&noiLof;;ical Record of Events*'

-» — _ — ^. — — « . — — Y — — - . — — —

49. 25 October 1945.

MITSUHAUA , .. . . •

; OOMTRANSRON 14 .reported t o CO1333EVPAC with a l l ARi's of

h i s temporary TransRon, l e s s t h e CRITTEWDEN (APA 77) f o r duty i n MAGIC

The DIJPLIN and -.WASH-BURN continued t o unload and were

15% unloaded by 20Q0, . . ­

Transport beach parties were secured at 1100,

" • . . • • . • • • ' ' \

COMTRi^SRON 14 released PC 1127 and PCS 1460 from control


The BSAVEFL (iiRG 19) was d e s i g n a t e d m a i l s h i p f o r t h e

MITSUHAMA a r e a , ' . •• .. - : , '

TRilNSRQN 14 d o l i v e r e d 13' LCVP and 2 LCPL to: LCI 1020 t o

e s t a b l i s h a . b o a t pool•; S2RDIV"• 103 Unit EiSJ provided a l l personnel
t o man t h e boat p o o l , • • ' .< • j

Departure : ,from-if

0600 GOMTRiiNSRON- 14 i n O30RGS CMER (APA 27) f o r

0730 LSI's 119, 123, 367 to rendezvous with (XMLSK

, GROUP 34 and" proceed t o OKINAV/ii.
; '0,900. CTOTEIJDEN (APn 77) f o r OKINAWA.

,1200 ROi^AN (DD 782) f o r I^IGiYAMA. JOHN R. PISRCE

:-. (DD 753) ' f o r HIRO T^AN.

A r r i v a l s a t KETSUHMU;. . •_.'•.' ;

0900 ./ROWAN• (DD.7B2) from HIRO .WAN on c o u r i e r t r i p

,y , t o iyAKAYAMA> / . • / .

DHH R. PIERCE (DD 753) from WAKAIAMA on Cviirioer

|ip to HIRO \m. ; . :/-• .• .

is, * £• ^

54* 15.9 CDiaLSTGR0UP13 in LST 483, with LST's

734, '785, 7B8 (with pontoons), 953 and 975

from WiOMO, 2 LST'S beached at 2300 to

commence unloading^

( H I ) - 34
Chronological Record, of I

1730 1ST'5 $52 (SO), 390, $00,>$87 (with pontoons)

• and 104^ i'rom TU 54.X5*11 out'of LINGAYEN,
. . - • - . H I R Q friAN • • • • • • . ••": ' • • - :.:.:.; ; , , • • . . ••

CQMTRaNSPIV: 62 in B/iRMVDEIX" (APA 132) and the ;iLLENDAt£

(APA 127) reported t o COlBERVPAG-for-duty i n Magic^ Carpet.

CEFHEUS (AKA 1 S ) / E L E C T R A (AKA 4 ) , WINSTON (AKA 94),

and LENICE (iiKA 74) reported to CINCPnC for further o r d e r s . . ' • • •
The ^ (AKS 8) conipleted issuing provisions to ships
Departures from HIRO WAN; ' ' '

.. . 0600- C0IiiLSM3R0UP 34 i n ESH 116, vjith LSM's 120,

289,, 357, 353,. 369, 415, 4.29, 4B3 for.OKI-:
NA^l.- LSM 416 with : defective shaft, and
ISM 481 not retracted, did.not s a i l .
0900. ROVJAN (DD. 782) for t^iKAX/iMA on courier" t r i p .

0900 Japanese, W IOIZUKI for MANIU/ DD ? S

Arrivals at;RXEQ -Vf/vK:/- ' '!••,':'

•,.-.HAGfT,. T A K A N E , / ; T A K E ; HABUTO, t r a n s p o r t THSUK- ,
. - USHI 3ARU' from."KOBEi • , ,' . . . , .

:•:. 1300 JOHN R. PIERCE (DD 753) from VJAKAYAHA on c o u r ­

ier trip, ; • • • '-;• : -;•;•"•"• ' ";
1600 : .CIRCE(AKA 25). w i t h P o r t D i r e c t o r Conimuni- •
cation Units aboard.

1800 ,TU 5 4 . 1 5 . U , ; COMLSTGROUP- 9 9 " l n 1ST 1066 w i t h

, ..; LST's :3?7, 495, 539, 637/ .703 arid 799,
50, 26 October 1945»

DUPLJ-I] completed msi


(HI) - "35 .

$1A Areas. - Part (III)

ord of EventSi

LS.T!-s 481., 734 and 785 completed unloading«

Thq Port Director in the E3AVEH (ARG 19) assumed full,

port director duties at 1200.

D e p a r t u r e s from MIT5UHAMA: '

0600 1ST 975 t o HIRO WAN.

.' . r r \ • • • • : . . • . • ' • . • • . •

;.. • 0745 CTU 54.1&.3 in LSM 283 with LSM« s 44, 94 and
467 to join 6-'LSMfs from KIRO and proceed to

1045 ELECTRiv (AKA 4) f u r U. S . A.

1115 LSM 474 t o o v e r t a k e ^ 5 4 . I B . 3 *

1330 LOT 1 1 2 7 ; . 1 1 3 7 . 1139, 1146 f o r HIRO WAN,

143O\ DUPLIN (AK/i 87) f o r HIRO' VftN.

Arrivals at M U ' /'

0730 CC^TR^JSRQN 1 4 i n , GEORGE CLY1SR (APA 27) from

O73Q BLECTRA (Ap:^.)' frqni: HIRO:'."WAN, to embark pass­

engers for'U,' S. A, •

1115 ADMIRAL BEBON (AP 120) with Fleet Replace­

ments, escorted by SMITH (DD 37B) from SASEBO.

. H I R O W i N , - •••• ; -. .. ' '

Seven I ^ T ' s of TU 54.15 #11 p l u s 1ST 975 (with OIUYAMA

cargo) continued t o unload*., \ ' .•. • •

Departures from HIRO WA3)fc .

060Q - .SPECTRA (AKA 4) f o r U . S . ii.

0600 LSM's 1 1 1 , 2 2 7 / 2 B 6 , 4 1 6 , 4 ^ 9 , 4B1 t o j o i n

. . . TU 54*13.3 f o r OKINAV/Af'.

0600, COMTRA^SRON 14 i n GEORGE CLYMER (^PA 27) f o r

0 K N : :
' ^

PURDt 734) and CECIL.. J.. DOIXJS (DB 368) for

Action Report •«•• s - Part (III)


Departures HIRO WAN (Con*t)

. 0600 , BARNVtlELL (APA- 132) for the MARIANAS*

0600 Merchant' ship JOHN HANSON for OKINAWA*

•0630 -ICARIN A F 3 3 for SASEiBO.,

• 0700 "SNOKEE (AO 69) for YOKOHAMA,,

0800 Japanese DD's SUGA, KASHI, KABA, K3YTI,


for SAEKI, ' ' ' • '

Arrivals at HIRO yJAN; • '.' ....

0900 LST 975 from HITSUHM1A.

1000 Japanese DD SHIOKAZE from'KURE.

•1500-' GAGE (APA 168)from TINIAN to be partially

unloaded and sailed for SASEBO*

1500 FIpERLIHG (tE 640).

.1600 TAPPAHANNQQ|( (AO 43) to report to SERDIV

^ 103 '

1630 Merchant ship FERDINAND L, SILGOX.

.1645 Merchant shig JOSEPH K.. TOOIE. %

1700 „, ICT's 1127, 1137, 1139 and U 4 6 from MITSU-

Anchored in IYO NADA:

' TU 54^15.7;-COM LST

•;SHAUli. ;(AK 118) to provision minesweepers.

• Departures from the. PHILI^PII^S:,

0130 TU '54,15..21 GOMLSTGROUP 86 i n I3T 789 (F)

with LSJ's 57

and 108

•era) - 3.7
xilTSUHAIilA ..
# • • • •

TASHBURN (AKA 108) completed unloading.

*LST's 481, .734,'785, 7^8 of TU 54.15.9 and 652, 8,00,..

887, 1048 of TU 54,1*5,11 completed unloading a n d / r e t r a c t e d . LST's
788 and 887 dropped pontoon causeways .for JUTSUK/JIA.. LST's 390 and
953 beached and oonunenced,unloading.

Company Baker Fifth.Amphibious Beach Bn. was released

and personnel embarked in t h e TALIT/ for PEiUlL.

CTG 54.11 in the C/iLVSRT departed. HITSUH/JIA at 1615

for HIRO WAN; C0L1SERVDIV 103 Unit EAST assumed duties of SOPA
(Admin). ' : - . \

D e p a r t u r e s from I

0622 Merchant>ship-SidtttEIi G. HOVtE f o r YOKOSUKA,

0730 ADitHLIi BEWSON (AP 120) f o r HIRO V&N.

0800 SHITH (DD 378) t o SASSBO.


w i t h GRIGGS ( A P A l i O ) , LidfDm (APA 1 7 8 ) , ­
andBOLLINGSR (hPii 234) a l l f o r t h e liARIANA
' t o j o i n Magic C a r p e t . SILV/vNIii (AKA 44)
s a i l e d i n compant7 u n d e r CIIICPAC o r d e r s f p r
" the, l^RlAiUS." ••'.', •

0815 SUMTER (APA 52) and BLAD^ (iiPA 63) f o r

MANILA t o j o i n iiagic C a r p e t . -..'••

0905 0K/i;H0G;iI • (APA 220) and SLMORS (APA 42) f o r

'.: BUCKNSR BAY t o j o i n Hagic C a r p e t .

0915 -JiCT's' 1126. and 1140 f o r KIRO WM,

1615 CTG 5 4 . 1 1 i n CALVSRT (;,PA 3 2 ) w i t h &.INARD

, (DD 706) f o r HIRD\W3t, ' • . ^ .

A r r i v a l s a t MITSUH/^iA: ' .' ^ ' ;. . '

TI (AKi\ 87) from HIRO VAK,

Action Report * Part ( I I I )
Chronological Record

1600 TALITA (AKS 8> from HIRQ K M to embark pass­

engers for PEARL.


LST's 1066, 397, 495, 539, 637, 703 and 799 of TU

54.11 completed unloading, -LST's 1018/643, 809, 830, 1049 of

TU 54.15.7 plus LST,975 continued to unload throughout, the night

to complete on 28 October. • LST's 6.69 and 811 expected to unload


Departures from HIRO TJAN; '

0600 A L L S N O A L S (APA 27) for SApR. N&/ KENT

(APA 217) and SIBLBY <APA^206)... for MANUS,

all three to join Hagic Carpet.

0615 BARNSTi\3LE (/.PA 93) and TKLF/.IR (/.PA 210)

for MANILA to join .Ida'gic- Carpet.

......". P615 DUELIIJ (AKA 87) for itLTSUHiUI/,,­

1400 .TiiLITA-(AKS 8) for PS/RL via !HTSUH;,Ii/..

Arrivals a%; KIRQ -W/illi

0900 3SJS0N '(AP:120)' fron ICCTSUH,.1IA.

1000 TU 54.15.7 COMtBTGroup 23 in LST 1018 .(F)
with LST's 643 both vdth OKAI^L'. cargo plus
LST's 669, 809, 811, 830, and 1049 from
ilO, 3UNG0, and LEYTE. ,
• 1400 LCT's 1126 and 1140 from MITSUH/.MA,

1830 '" i n CALVISRT (APA 32) w i t h GAINARD

•• ;.(DD 706) from MITSUHAMA.

52. 28 October 1945

At 0000 COMGHUDIV 12, Rear Admiral RIGGS, as CTG

55.y assumed duties of Area Commander HlRO-i&TSUI/iw^ A R S A GROUP.

MITSUJ^MA '• . •• • •

LST 953 completed unloading but'developed engine

trouble estimated RFS at 312400.. LST '390,.continued to-unload.

ComPhibGr-11 . . ' . . . ' . . . . • • • . . , :

Action Report - KURE-HIROSHIia and'i^ATSUTAi'lA' Areas - Part ; ( i l l )

> Chronological Rec-prd of Events.

•»"•• Departures fffim: MITSUHAMA;" '

0600 TALITA (AKS, 8) for PBkHL.

0600 GRANVILLE (APA 171) for GUADALCANAL to join

. •.-.-. •,- '-Magic Carpet...- ... '..._"_ .

•'•• . ' .' • 0 6 3 0 P C 1 1 2 7 a n d PCS. 1 4 6 0 f o r S A I P K N , l a t t e r f o r

• o n w a r d pouting t o P3/,HL.

0800 COM LST Group.13 in LST .481 for HIRO WAN.

1500 ROWAN (DD 782) for HIRO WAN,

• .-••• - ; Arrivals a t HIT5UMI1A: '' . \ . . '.

• ; 1400 ROWAN (DD, 782) on courier trip from WAKAYAMA.

.. H I R O W A I J . . ' ..••:•• • . ' . '

O O M S E R V D I V 1 0 3 R e p r e s e n t a t i v e ; Coraniander CiiLDV^ELL,
assumed duties o f SOP/;. U d m i n j , : :--:", [••"

: :

• . • •. • • \ •. • • • •. ' -

All LST's of TLJ 54.15*7 completed unloading except

L S T ' a . 6 6 9 and 8 1 1 . :• ^-; \ v

" i;V ; ;

'. • • D e p a r t u r e s firom^ HlRQ ifAN'

• • .. - 0600'v CBPHEUS ; (AKA 1 8 ) f o r SM FRi^fCISCO. • ,

COJiLSTGroup 13 i n LST 481 from IJITSUHAMA.

1630 •'ROViT/iN (DD 782) from 1UKAIAMA on c o u r i e r
'.-. . •. '•'• • t ••. r i p ; i / '. .•• ' .. '••. ... . . ••-• '. . • ' •' •

1645 SHAtIWi (AK- 118) to report to SERDIV 103 R©p.


29 October J

HIRQ imN : .

LST's 669 and 811 completed unloading. LST 669 de-r

parted for MITSUIiA;IA to join TU 54.18.7 s a i l i n g for OKEJA1VA 30 .
October. LST's 643 and 1018 delivered pantoan f.visawys t o
Port Director HIRO MiM-ffi®'

(III) - 40

Action Report - KUrS-HIROSHIWi and kivTSUYAM Areas-- Part (III)

•>• •"'•' Chrorplogical Record of E v e n t s .

CTF 54 released COMLSTGROUP 23 in LST 1018 with "

COMLSTGROUP 13 in LST 431 and ISVs 643, 809, 811, 830, 953 (at

Mitsuhaina) and 1049.from TF 54 and directed them report to ADCOM- .

PHIB3PAC ikARIANAS for further orders.

C.TG 54.11 recommenced, to CTF 51 that the HECP vessel

at Point BUftGO be directed to:

report for duty to the Port Director

HIRO WAN ( f f )
Departures from KIRQ WAN;

0600 CTU .54.18.6, COIvaLSTGROUP 99 in LST 1066

••.-•." with LST's 397, 495, 539, 637, 703, 799

and 975 for MANILA.

,. 0600 EURYALE (AS 22) and C O U C A L (ASR 8) for

•> > . SASSEO. ,.: , . •'• . . :• ';

0900 GAINARD (DD 706) for WiKAYAUk' on courier

trip. . '. •

-' 1415 LST 669 for kITSUKALA to join TU 54-18.7.

A r r i v a l s at H I R Q W A N : '••; .

1800 . LCI 944 frooi klTSUHAMA with Port Director ~

perspnnei embarked. .

All ISTfs completed unloading. L3T '953 developed

engine trouble delaying her RFS date until 2400 31 October, LST

.669 was-substituted for LST 953 in ;TU 54,13.7 scheduled to depart

for OKINAvVA 30 October. 1ST 953 was directed to report to A D C O M ­

P K I B S P A C iiJiItlAiJAS f o r f u r t h e r 1 o r d e r s . '•• ;
.; . .'.-, :­

The PQTAEkTOivII (ATK .109) was directed to report .to

the Port Directbr kITSUHAkA for temporary duty.

' Departures from MITSUKakA:::

- .0730 LST1s 652, 734, 78$, 800, 887 ana 1048, to

• ;. . ' jpin TU. $4>.18.6 for MANILA.. \, ... •

0900 LAUBERikLS (APA 179) and merchant ship

,•;•;.. :BSATKIC3 VICTORY for G U ^ .

1600 LCI 944.


,ction Report - KURE-HIROSEDI/,. and IIATSUrH^ /-reas - Part ( I I I )
Chronological Record of

Arrivals at MITSUH/-HA-;

1630, LST- 669 from HIRO WAN to join TU 54•18.7.

Anchored in IYO N..DA:

LSM 462 and 465 inbound from OKIN/:V&.

54. 30 October 1945

CO:rLCTGuOU? 72 and LCT's 569, 5 9 1 / 7 5 1 , 1012, 1126,

1127, 1137, 113S, 1139, 1140, 1146, 1170 were released f r o a TF 54
and TG 54.11 and directed t o report t o C?G 55.3 for duty.


Departures from HIR0| WAN:'

0600 BIRGIT. (A&k 24) for 0X1NA1AA. *

..'...- 0600 WINSTON (AKA 94) f o r PEARL.

0855 GAGS (/,PA 168) e^c<Drted by RQV^AIJ. (DD 7S2>

•..'.-.. for SASEBO.:,.',-. ;.:. C:'--- : ' . \
0900 LUDLC&; (DD 438) and ^XBL;.CK (DD 424) f o r

0915 FIEBERLING (DB 640) for S, IPAW. .' '

• 1005 ADMIRi^L BMS0N (kP 120) escorted by SpISON

(DD 439) for l&K^'^a. 3SDIS0N to' continue

' o n t o HAGOYA. . •

Arrivals a t HIRO:'WM} ': . . '. '

1245 LSI's 462 and 465 from QKW&Ii., ...

. 1500 LCT 751 from MITSUMil -with Navy Beach Party
and pontoon'personnel and equipment.

1515.. CTU 5 4 . i a . 16, G011LSMGRCTIP 26 i n LSll 102,

with LSMrs 55, 114, I 4 6 / 4 2 7 from lU'.GOI^ for
l i g h t e r a g e duty,,

1530 :PURDY(DD 734) from'IOKOSU&;.

- 42
r Report - KURS-HIROSHIM/i and Jfo (Ill)
Chronological Record of.Events.

MITSUHAjlA . •. • ;..

.. •••-. /ill Navy Beach Party and pontoon personnel and equip­
ment were withdrawn and army assumed unloading c o n t r o l .

Departures from MITgUIi'%?

0700 CTU 54.18.7 i n LST 785, with LST's 390 and

669 for OKliJiiWi,.

1115 LCT 751 with-ifevy beach party and pontoon

personnel and equipment for HIRQ V7AN..

Arrivals at JSIT3UKAM,.: '

- None.

55. 31 October 1945

CTU 54.20.1 consisting of CTF 51 in the ,\P77£.\CHIAN

(AGC 7) and CTG 54.11 in the CiXVItET (•P;1 32) escorted by the HAR­

VSSON (D3. 316) departed HIRO W..M at 310630 fer YOKORlik.

}& GItin (DS 365) relieved ABSRCROISIS (DS 343) as :

HECP at Point 3UNG0 at Q600.' Tlie 4,315RaRQ^IE de^rted" for i^KAYA15A.

The HSCP was placed .under, the control of the Port

Director HIRO WAN by. CTF 51. ' " • •• v •

LSM T s 462 and 465 were"released from TF 54 to CTF 51•

LSS 114 while underway for fueling, 900 yards north­

west of main anchorage,'" was' damaged by an,underwater external

explosion presumed to be, a mine. Leaks were brought under control

One man was .reported1 missingv, six nen suffered-mild blast effects.

The LSM. was directed to submit a detailed report to-, the Area .

Commander (CTG 55.3). • .. >

•Departures "from HIRO v/iiN: .,

0630' TU 54.20.1 for YOKO

0645 CIRCS ( A ^ 25) for NA

. 0700 '; LSM 462 for HITSUHAMA.

(Ill) ­

Action Report - KURE-HIROSKi:i/\ and MkTSUX'M Areas - £art-(III)

• Chronological, Record-of Events.

Arrivals at KIRO wAN;

1000 LCT 1020 from MITSUH/iMA for Port Director

' conference. • '

departures from :IiIXSUKi:-].'IA; •

0730 TA30RA (AKA 45)' ff)V OKINAWA.

0?30 LCI 1020 for'KIRO WAN.'

A r r i v a l s a t r;£LTSUHJdU*?• •-•.: ;..'•.••• •,'

0900 LSid 462 to complete unloading.

Anchored in 1YQ jIADA; •..,..; -.i-..;,-:. -:'

LSI! 44Q from ^ A for HlftO •\il$L

Upon departure p 54.11 f rom-HIRO > ' ^ , the

er part of the X'Corps- l i f t s ; : t ^v-"OKAXAIii., and l&TSWJMi
had been completed. , ^
.• Scheduled amphibious l i f t s yet t o a r r i v e included
the ••following shipping:

ETA 1 November from

LSM 440 for'KIRO HAH,.': . ' ;. .:
: :
ET/r 2 November from LING-ii. JSN: /•- ./ ; ,, .- '/. ,:/V
-• TtJ 54>15-2i; COM L5T.GROUP 86 i n LST 7^9^ with
• LST's 57, 942, 10^3/1123> 1140 sndLSH 414 a l l
for HIRO W:N, plus LST's 1 6 6 , 9^6, -and IO67 for
iiii.^ the l a s t two carrying pontoons for

KPA- 3 November from OKIUA^V:

ISI-: 430 for HIRO WAN,

LSM 384 for lIITSUft.21*.

Ill) - 44

Action Report - KURE-HI^OSHE\'J:> and I-i

Chronological Record' of Events.

STA 5. November from OKINAI;<A:

LSI! 452 for HIRO WAIT-.

In addition, army priorities called for a lift of

8 LST T s from LIN&.YEW and 6 LST's from

Upon completion of these lifts, amphibious army-

lifts from the PHILIPPINES (including 1 i»PA from TliJLiN) to the

Central Occupation Area tot?l:


To HIRO WAN 23 11 45 25
33 16 58 43

(III) -45




i L Y - ' . - : Ordnance


(IV) - 1




V - Damage

• This fia-rt'-oinitted.



Part VI ~ Special Comments and Information

Section A - Gunfire and. Air Support Operations

1*. Naval Gunfire Support ­

Task Unit 53,3*32, consisting of MONTPELIER (F), BILOXI,


under command qf Roar R, S. Riggs,' USN, was assigned to

furnish naval gunfire • support in the event that is whs required,

This unit was not under command of CTG 54.11* but was directed to

furnish support as requested by that Commander. The control of gun­

fire, and the responsibility for the use of gunfire, however, were

vested in CTG 54.11. CTU 51.3.32 cooperated in every way with CTG

54«Hj but the departure from previous practice of placing firo

support ships directly under the iimphibious Commander, is not con­

sidered to be good. Due to this departure, planning for gunfire

support had to be done on the assumption that the Commander Fire

Support would agree with the plan devised by the .Amphibious Coi^­

mander, as-opportunity for collaberatioh, was not afforddd.

During tfte landings no opposition was encountered and,

consequently no fire support; was required* Ships were assigned

sector coverage of the coastline'and adjacent islands, with areas

of responsibility, in the event that counter battery or support­

ing fires were required-. Guns and communications were manned at

0400 local time on both FOX and GEORGE Days, and were secured at

noon each day, after it became apparent that opposition would not

be encountered.­

••'. 2. Report of Air Support Unit 13, Amphibious Group ELEVEN.

(a) Air observers from the Carrier Group were instructed,

by Commander Support Air, Central Occupation Group, and

carried out searches in the I^AKUNI, HIROSHIMA, KUKS, NII-

GAfA, AND OKAYAMA Areas and to reconnoitre the main rail

lines,.highways, coastlines, and airfields, to determine ^

possible vehicular, rail, ship> boat, aircraft, or/per­

sonnel movement. They were also instructed to report any.,

identification of destruction of. supplies or installation

and any other activities of a suspicious nature. The FOX

day afternoon flights .were,cancelled dueNto unfavorable

. weather conditions,^ ; ; •'-• ' s -: - .!^; V :

(b) (Air support for^KURB area secured per C?T.r,G.o 54*11 Dis­

patfeh 080627.

Action Heport - KIHE-HIROSHIMA iMV MATSUYAIIA -. Par (VI) - Special

Consents and Information - Section (A) - Gunfire

and Air Support Operations.

(c), Air•observers and photo planes were instructed to

fly iissions in the Mitsuhama areas similar to those

flo^n in the Kure Area. .. ./.....

(d) Air Support Control £pr ^iatsuhiinia area were secured

C.T.C-. 54.11 dispatch 221242.

(GJ Air Support nets were fully manned to support the

landings in-the event •oj.^position developed.

(VI) (A). ­



Part VI - Special Consents and Information

Section B - Amphibious Action

1. Troops..and Car^o - ,

(a) Troops, equipment and supplies of the 41st Infantry

Division were loaded in ship's of TransRon' 16 at Z A M B O ­

A N G A , MINDANAO .16 - 19 September 1945. TENTH CORPS Head

quarters was loaded in specified ships of TrsnsRon 16 at

BUGO, MINDANAO. Ships loaded at 2M30ANGA' were 'required

to proceed to BUGO to load Army LCM's-. Loading at iiAM-

BOANGA was somewhat handicapped by lack .of LCM T s, the

normal LQI complement .-having being discharged at SAMAR

to make room for the Army LCK's. Total lift in TransRon

16 was 17,4£& troops and 16024 tons,. This lift'was un­

loaded at HIRO and KURB. - . ­

(b) Troops, equipment and supplies of the 24th Infantry

Division were loaded in ships of TransRon 14 at T A L O M A

( D A V A O ) MINDANAO, -.10 - 15 October 1945. The number of

Army LGSi's lifted was not as large as the number lifted

by TransRon 16, and, since they'were lifted from T A L O M A ,

were available to assist in loading at that port. Total

lift m TransRon 14 was Jif^|^ troops .and 14 5 751 tons.

This Il£t w a r u ^ o a ^ ^ ^

(c) Coincident with-loading of; the 24th Infantry Divi­

sion at TALQMA,. TransDiv 62 (Temp,) loaded TENTH CORPS

troops and equipment at L I N G A X E N 12 - 17 October 1945.

This TransDiv rendezvoused with TransRon 14 and proceed­

ed in company. Off I^TSUZaMA fransDivs 62 and 3B, the

ladder carrying the 21st RCT for OKlC&JLx, broke off and

proceeded to HIRO for unloading.

(a) A total of 10 LSTrs were able to load at•'MINDANAO, 5

at ZA'iiiBOixNGA: and $ at BUGO, in time to arrive at: tnc obr

jectivo on, 7 October.; These LST's lifted a to­

tal, of 1622 porsonncil and 392 vehicles and 840' long tons

c a r g o . , .; • • , • • • • • • • • " ' • • • . . .

(e) Throughout the remainder of ;0ctober LST's and LSMis

operated on turn-around from pools;in the PHILIPPINES and

OKINAWA bringing forward additional Corps troops and

equipment for a total of 58 LST and 43 LSil lifts.

(vi) (B) -;


Action Report1 Part (VI) - Special

Comment rind Information - Section (B) Amphibious


2. .'Landing Crafts

(a) Types and Nupbers.'

TransRon 16 (HJRO) Trcjislton 14 (l^TSUY^i/Lii)

1. • 12 LCT's .9 LCT's
2. 362 LCVP's . •..,. 25S LCVP's
• n'/ TpUfo
3. 46 LCM's .
4. 27 LCP(L)'s . 18'XCP(L.)'s
5«­ 14 ICP(R)!s 11 LCP.(R)«s
Of the landing boats carried, appr,oxini:..t-cly 100 LCM's,

20 LCVP^s and several f,CS*,s> ; LCCIs, and »J" boate belong­

ed to the Army Engineer Boat'and Sbiore Itegintents and. wore

left at the objective-.; •^ The 12 LCT's used at HIRO had '

been tre.nsferred from.the W^AYAJ.Cii ^rea. .and' "were "wait­

ing at HIRO with-the 'K\Jm_.Syjh&p ^roup ;(T.G, 52.7) ^hen ,

the transpoits arrived* The3e were the only craft

larger than L&x's used at HIBO"except auring the night

of 6 - 7 October when 5 Lolvl's, which had arrived from

Yi'iiCA^aiL*. v\?ith the engineering equipment, v^ere used to^ .

assist unloading transports prior to departing on turn­

around at 0700 7 October. Nine of the LCT T s were sent

to I^TSUYiilJA to assist TransRon 14 in unloaaing.

(b) Launching, loading and operations

(1) No difficulties were experienced in launching­

' and loacing boats ct either HlliO or iuiTSUYt^iiA due (

to the fairly sheltered anchorages available. V«reat­

her did nob interfere with landing craft operations

at oither'location except on 9 - 10 October at HIRO

when Typhoon conditions were set during passage of

a typiioon. All boats were hoisted and no casual-iS

ties were suffered*

(2) Landing craft, including LCT f s were able to use

, ONJJQ STRiilT between the main island of HONSHU and

KUPJIHASHI. Owing to the absence of beaches and hards

in the KURS Navy lard area all wheeled vehicles were

unloaded over the KURE Naval 'hlr Station Ramp at :

HIRO. LSLI's, LCT's and all small craft used this .

455 of this rarnp to beach and LST r s beached direct-

of-the airfield where slots had been '

the seawall. . . •

) three general areas:

' were used _or unloading. LST s, LSIw's, ana LCT's

(VI)(B) -2


Action Report KUHE-HIROSKB^A

Coiahients and Information - Sec
Action. .

were unloaded-at BAISHIHJI beach to. the northward,

small craft in the small port of MLTSUHAMA and in the

MATSUYAliA West Air Field "Basin. ; Approaches to the

beach were hampered by the strong currents . in the area.

The.£e,, were no docks in either the HIRO or MATSUYAivlA

areas capable of taking transports or cargo vessels and

all unloading was necessarily via smaller craft. Some

Japanese tugs and barges were requisitioned by the Army

to assits in unloading liberty ships.

(c) Control

Initial debarkations of troops were'made by boat waves to pre­

serve order and prevent, confusion at the limited landing areas

employed. Transport squadron's used their own control, craft,

augmented by: two control vessels (PC/SC types).

3. . , Minesweeping, Underwater Demolition.

(a)- Minesweeping was performed ty'.'IG 52.7 KUKE Sweep Group,

\ as directed by CTF 56. Requests .f^r minesweeping from Com­

mander CENTRAL Ocoupation Group- were- directed to ComFIFTH

.'. PhibFor who in' turn'forwarded these requests to CTF 56. In

addition, CPG 52 f 7 furnished information by,dispatch and con­

ference relative-- to area? swept, The ,-BUNGO Sweep Group'con­

ductod sweeping operations froru the one hundred fathosi curve

through BUNGD SITIDQ and, the JNL^TD SEA to: HI30-, in-accordance

with instmotions from Commander Hine- Craft, Pacific, Oper­

ation Order j+5. A channel. with minimum width of 4000

yards extended from the 100 fathom curve for & distance of

'slightly-.more'than one hundred miles to the beaches at HIED..

. In addition tile/entire area inside the 10 fathom curve was

swept in AKI NADA, and about 30 square miles of approach

and anchorage area was oxtonded. form the main cnannel off

, GOGO. ISLAND":to: the beaches of MITSuGU^AMA; for the iilTSUYA^IA

occupation. Put-to the presence of "pressure-type" mines in

the area, CTG 52.11 covered the entire area of operations

with special, expendable, cargo vessels. These Vessels were

called "guinea pigs", and the"operations were known as "gui­

nea-pigging". It is considered .that the minesweeping. in the

. . HtECHMiATStJXAMA area, and approaches thereto, was, excellent, :

and done under, conditions',of. hazard and hardships Xiuring the

.period of this report there were no known U^ bK vessels mined

, in. the area. ; . ,.' : .' ~\ . .

(b) Underv^ater Demolition perfc rmed tncir functions in

accordance v*ith the basic p


fjj« *

(VI)(B) -3

n"''Report| Part P
"oirjnerits an ection (B) Amphibious

Landing of Troops and Cargo

(a) Landing at Hiro .

1. Beaches were established at the Kure Naval Air

field: Red Beach One on the end of the landing fi­

eld; Red Beach Two on.the slanting stone sea-wall

at right angles to the sea-plane•ramp; Red Beach

Three on sea-plane ramp. The sea wall at Red Beach

One was knocked down and slots'were made for LST's ­

Green Beach was established across the river from

the Air Station. ..

2. Unloading began °n 7 October and so did the rain.

By 9 October Red Beach One was secured when all

LST's present .vere unloaded. The lancing area and

exits were seas of'mud, vehicles bogging down to ' ,

. hubs,- requiring tractors to pull them out. On Red

Beach Three difficulty was encountered the first

afternoon due .to tide dropping., leaving craft be­

ached., lifter thatj by having craft retrach as tide

"-'ebbed-,- no difficult.y, v:as ./ivet in'the. unloading. Ve­

hicles, stores -, and personnel, were unloaded at Red

Beach Three'. Stores:,and oil were unloaded on Green

• B e a c h , •• ' ; • . • / ' • ."''. ' .-• •••';;••••'•... ­

3» On the evening of S October Transport Bejachmas.t­

ers secured,•being relieved by Beach Party Flato­

on "B" which,,: under supervision of ..Group Beachmaster

• and Staff, operated beaches until secured 13 October,

' 4» Al.o.rost five days of heavy rains., winds and large

• • tidal drops slowed the unloading process but -no ser­

ious casualties or losses 6ccured to any personnel

or equipment. / . ;'

(b) Mit'suhania Area Landing: .

. 1. Beaches ior the'Mitsuhama Area were established

as follows: Red Beach One, Two-and--Three on the

. strip of beach at B A I S H J N J I , to the northward of-

Mitsuhama: Green Beach at the Ferry Landing and.sea­

wall .arba^iLLsuhama; Yellow Beach at Matsuhama West

Air •FfeiBiiWoam Basin.

J e prepared ior the landing by

fig'up sand ranps to the railroad right-of­

(VI)(B) -i,

(2) .id)




(1) Seapane E^mp •

(2) R u n w a y s -.-vV ;• ' ••••.-,

(3) Naval Air Assembly and Repair Facilities.,


Action Report - KW^^M'S^Mim^Pf^cg^^ f^tni)- - Special

Comments and Inl'orjaaxjfJkftlfjBcpJn Jjf) Amphibious

Action., '

y and laying wire mesh over the ramps* Vehicles

were to be routed'to the right-of-way,, thence along

it to one of two exits to main highway* Pontoon

causeways' -which were to have arrived prior to the

date of land-ing, 22 October, did not arrive for

several days afterwards, ii/lien they did, they were

installed and used by succeeding LST s. The tides

rose from 6 to 11—| feet during the landing periodi

Ships, not unloaded in tjlme were left high-and dry

at low tide without any damage to hulls as beach

had an excellent smooth sand bottom. Green Beach

comprised the landing floats and seawall area at

Mitsuhama. No difficulties were encountered at any

time inunloading there. .'Yellow beach had a narrow

channel leading to it and ramps were"used to guide

boats .in/ night landings here were difficult due. to

rock entrance and- narrow approach:

3. On George Day, 22 October, troops of the 24th Inf.

Div, (less 21s,t HCT) were landed over ail beaches

without undue 'difficulty, .Tropps were moved from

Red Beach area by means of tranis" and trucks, dur­

ing the day Xo^ioving, supplies were unloaded on the

beaches and moved by trucks to dumps. • Jap labor >'.'

parties were useq to:a great'extent in loading the

trucks at beaches/ • , •

h. The Group .Beachmaster was located in a building

in.the center of .Red Beach :Area where, with radio

and visual signalling to all ships and control boats,

radio to all beaches •• and a telephone line to Army '

Headquarters, all trafiic were rapidjLy handled.,

•The'Group Beachmaster and Staff were landed, on ,15

October, and established a week before the date of

scheduled landing. Contract and liaison with the "•

Army was made. All this- preliminary-work enabled

them to .be. prepared,when troops came in. On 25 Oct*-.

ober Transport Beach'parties "were secured. On 30

October all beaches were turned over, to the Army

Shore ''Parties and the ..Group Beachmaster and Staff. ,.

secured and, returned to-Hiro to rejoin the Flagship;

From experience, gained on these landings it is recom­

mended- that the

sent Group" Beachmaster | « | f ? |l

•<VI)(B) -5

'HIE0&H3H - Part (VI) - Special

*"• vCouaehts ana Infoiimation - Section (E; Ainphioious

"Action. • " • . . . . • • •

1 MoHM, and l P h M . The present allowance of Ik: ana Sk

insufficient to do a j~b properly ana tney do not have

the technical ability to Keep equipment in repair. 'L^n

pccasions arose 7;here the men of rates indicated "vvere

needed. •

Casualties: .

(a) All casualties from the occupation.lorces in the

event of opposed landings wer© initially,

designated transports by aiiibulance boat-s. •. Casualty ev­

acuation LST(K) 'S Here not provided., because the lilJ.i~

hood of resistance to the lanci^s seened rw;.ote. The

Beach Party inecieaL sections hovjeVer, iverc sent ashore.

The landings, in the'-KUKE-HIRO area ;v.ere ikiopposed^ and

no casualties developed. Hospital facilities were esta­

blished at -KI.RG lor' the landing' forces within twenty-four

hours-of the landings',;. Thirty-one bed patients of'the

Tenth Corps Headquarters and the Forty-First Division

vjere retained on the transports and. evacuatec. to rear

bases. The najoraty ii* these patients .'"were afflicted

h infectious j
jaundice and ^malaria, ./and- too ill

to go ashore. Maval. •personnel' T-; provided Kith ade­

quate nedicai care'by their ovjn ships-", •.

(b) The^ landings' at iilTSUHAiiA were uneventful and no casual­

ties developed./ -. , ...




Part VI - Special Commehts and Information

Section C - Special Comments

r .• • • \ , . • •• • •• •• •

Combat Information Center - Omitted.

2. Commutiica t ions ',.• .

(a) Whil4 the Operation Plan Communication Annex provid­

ed all neclessary assault frequencies,- the absence of opp­

osition tcj the landings made their full use unnecessary.

All circuits were manned on MINU& QMS DAI and secured

whenever possible thereafter as the* situation developed.

(b) • Circuit discipline was very satisfactory. CW oper­

ators experienced difficulty in copying plain language

transmissions resulting £rom.rela:catldn of security re­

strictions', due to the transition from wartime •,to peace­

time procedure. '.. \ \

v ' • v

(c) Naval and Landing Force communication elements main­

tained close liaison during the'fanning stages resulting

in efficient and satisfactory cpmniunications at the object­

ive. • ^ ..;"-. ''• . r'/::r.'::.:' '.'".• "':'''•[•• ' . ' • r ' . ':

(d) The use; of an RiiGC during actual assault against

opposition w0uld have been epctremely difficult. Space

and material ilimitations dp hot .permit" the actual use of

the numerous .circuits required or provided for efficient

combat operation. The. complete facilities of an AGC are

required for successful amphibious combat operations.

Camouflage, Deception - Omitted.

4. Navigation
. ' '• • . . ' • • • • •

(a) Under orders from CTF 54 to depart PHILIP-INSS in

time to meet a; Fox Day of 28 September for the KUR3 Occu­

pation, should? progress of minesweeping permit movement

Task Group 54.J28 composed of Commander Amphibious Group

ELEVEN (CTG 54U1) in CALVSRT with Transiibn 16 (T.Gi 54*

12.1) escortedlby LAVOT^CE (APD 37) and GRIFFIN (;PD 3'8)

sortied f rom AlfUYOG Anchorage,. LEYTE at 0600/1 on 22 Sept­

ember and proceeded via route IRON". At 1330/1 ..-23 Sept­

ember orders, wfre received from CTF 54 to divert to OKIN­

T.G. 54..28 arrived

Section. C - Special.' Comments

(b) In view of a threatening typhook l'G 54.28 sortied

•6UCKNER BAY at XftQ/yi 26 September -t \\d r e t i r e d westward
•from QKIUAliA. 29 September was spenH steaming in the
area to the west ancf/ northwest of .dKIJNAWA pending pass­
age, of the typhoon -jfliich failed t o recurve and passed
well to-the southwajftj -of':iQKIltetikr ;

(c) At 0840 1 on ^c. Sept ember from a | oroximat e posi­

tion Lat. •27-04 I;:,Long 126-27 TG 54.2 $" came t o course
080 T and :^roce^a e d-toward o b j e c t i v e ^ routed to pass
between OlCJ^jy.Srv^BU.JB-m-and YORON J I U to join route
Zincy in meet a t e n t a t i v e Po: K^' of 3 October.
At 2330/1 3p.^^'jpfbember orders, were re- 3e±t.-e1 from CTF
54 deley'p^:f v^ i)ay t o 6 ^ctober^ coy-^e••\;a,ri reversed
and TG-* f4.,&?.. v ©turned t o 3UCKWSR B:T, fcrrl-l^g at 12Q0A
; 1 O c t o b e r , ' .'.-•. ;.:•• .'•..••• , :_ : •:•': ^ • . " • . ' ,

(d> At J - 0 G ^ 3 . October TG:5^2S sort iieti'??$<•

BAY ana fro'Reeded toward the. o b j e c t i v e via rou't^ Zinc,
Dv-rjjig t\ie afteirrioon of 4;0ct6ber th^ : weather a ^
.^t• ^d rrrsL^iy axid at;- 173P/1: word was • y eceived f ro,^
!; ^ del ayir g F o x ' Oaj , u n t i l 7 -October ^ ecause of a ^i
#iing typhoon. J G 54.2^ :re;duced speUd and m a i n t a ^
/a course of 025 a T ;in ord«r to : keep Reasonably, well
J ^ t h e eastward of KYUSHU but ^ o t to get too
from:.-•:.v JQQ SUIDO should; the weather iModerate and
ai-rede.4 Agnation of .ifeOctober as Fox. ,C'j)ayv'';

^f ^ ^ °349/lv 5i: October orders, w e r ^ r e e e i v e d :"rom CTF


54 t r ( a t transports should 'pass PointyiBUNGQ : at (v5')0/l or

^ f f d o n thereafter as practicable. '.>«fc- 54.28 entered

SUIDG swept channel a t 0^39/ tiding preceeled by

Gunfire Support Group and-.CTF 5i^ in APPAUCJ"AN.

( 7 ) . The BUM50 SUIDO and IY0 NADA sijfept ^channel

ifOOO yards in width and extended foi^UO'miles' fitom the

100 fathom curve off BUNOO SUIDO t o ; AKI NADA and i-^BD

^.TM. A destroyer marked the seawarU entrance a t Point

BUNCO and the channel was marked hy old Japanese buoys

and temporary Duoys planted by the HUI'IGO Sweep Grcu^*".

(g) In v i of the delayed enfranatf into BUIJGO SUIDG

i t was ibl with the speed r e s t r i c t i o n s in f orve ,
to SUIDO prior n i g h t f a l l and a l l units
swept channel off lit 1TSUHAL1A for the
/ i V -O d i f f i c u l t i e s were experienced in t r a n s i t i n g
J^cf SUIDO on the morning of 6 October.

- 2
ComPfribGr-ll l
Action Report - KUR3-HIR0SHBIA AND MATSui
Section C— Special Comments

5« Engineering - Omitted. • .­

6. LogjLstics ,
\ ( ) - SUPPORT '; ' • .'• • •

.. Authority for the logistics support of the Central

Occupation;Group was derived from CinCPac and CinCPoa

Oplan No. 12-45 (Revised), Com Fifth Fleet Op!an No.

6-45 and- Com Fifth Phib For Oplan No. Al501-45. The

following agencies, through CinCPae, ComServForPac and

ComPhilSeaFron furnished the logistic support:

(1) CojiServRonTen (less ServDivs 101 and 102)

(2j GomServDiv 103

(3) ComServDiv 104 •"

(4) Comraandant Operating Base, Okinawa

(5) ComServEon 6 .

(6) CbmServRon 7
At ifenila and Leyte ships of the Central Occupation
£ were supplied and provisioned, in so far as possible,
a t the following l e v e l s : ., • -:

,'•.'• ( I ) him® - to-authorized capacity , -,-:

(2) Sjoares (Machinery, Ordnance and Slectronics) -.

:to ^authorized, capacity ., ;

'(-?) Fuels and lubricants - to authorized capacity

(4) Clothing - 90 days; also full aJ.iowance;,special

• clothing described in Art % 1149-0 BuSandA Hemo..

;• 509, February 1945

(5) General Stores, liedical Stores and Ship's Store

g^-. 90 days

(6) Provisions - Fresh to capacity; sufficient dry

to sgbsist ship's persj>3g:igj3fi^?ra9O ^ . a ^ endurance

and troops for 60 day

(7) Fresh.Water - to capac


• Section C *. Special Comments


ServDiv 103 Rep KURE (CO, USS VULCAN (AR 5) provided

logistics at Kure-Kiro from vessels assigned to ServDiv

103, ;Unit DOG. \ ' . ' .- —

:"•••". v. .; Serv$iv 103 Rep MATSUYAMA. (CO,, USS B3AV3R (ARG 19))

'-.provided'logistics at ^tsuyama'.frbm vessels assigned to

ServDiv 1,03, Unit 3ASY. .*'" : '

. • •'•• - . , BbthvGomTransRon 14 (Temp) and ComTransRon 16 (Temp)

accorded the fullest cooperation in,providing fuel and sup­

plies prior to departure of transport's to rear areas.

When,authorized by CTG 5Q.3^ Japanese repatriation

ships were fueled by SerDiv 103 Unit DOG at Kure-Hiro.

The USS, VANDER3URGH (ARB, 48)-provided Post Office

and housing facilities. J

Small boat pool was organized and,operated by SerDiv

103 Unit DOG. / "; *' :'';

? • . M e d i c a l • ; •.'••••• '•• :: ":: '; , - ; " • •

• ,••• ; ";. Public health cori(ftti6ris';iiivthe occupation areas were.

most unsatisfactory, and offered a definite hazard to.the health of

personnel of the occupation forces. The incidence of typhpid fever "

and diphtheria in the civilian ppnulatioh was high. "All personnel

of the occupation forces were cautioned to abstaiij—frpm eating-

native foods and drinking untreated water. Fresh water aboard ships

was chlorinated and salt water was used only for head flushing pur*­

poses. these measures were employed to avert a spread of baciliary

dysentery. . No epidemic developed;• The naval personnel were immun­

ized against cholera and typhus fever, and typhoid booster inject­

ions were brought up to date, None of these-diseases were reported

in the forces afloat.

Part CO') - Section D - Special Features - Chatted.,

- 4




Part VII -Personnel Performance and Casualties

1* No performance of duty under combat conditions was

quired of personnel, and their conduct during the landing and oc

cupation was, on the whole, good. Strict measures /were taken to

prevent looting or molestation of the Japanese*

2, Casualties are covered in Part VI - (C),

(VII) ­

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