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1st Position-heels together and turned out at an 180 degree angle

2nd position-feet at least hip width apart, with heels in line with each other at a 180 degree angle
3rd Position-heel of one foot to the arch of the other foot, turned out in an 180 degree angle
4th Position- feet about a dancer foot distance apart, turned out at an 180 degree angle
Arabesque- stand on one leg with other leg extended out behind the body, in line with the nose
(or bun), want to get leg as high up as possible

Releve- rising into the balls of the feet
Balanc- (down, up, down) brush one foot out to the side and step down (plie on to it) then being
the other foot (leg) behind it and step up, bring the first foot off the floor, then drop the first foot
down and pile down onto it
Balanoire- the working leg (the leg not near the barre) swings backwards and forward through
1st position
Battement- (to beat) to kick the leg up and to the front, side, or back (usually as a grand
battement-as high as you can kick it without bending the standing leg)
Changement- (to change) jump up and change feet, back goes to front and front goes to back
Passe- bring the toes up the leg to the knee and then down the back of the leg and down to the
Retire- bring the toes up the leg to the knee (like passe) but then place toes back in the same
place they came from
Coupe- (to cut) place working legs foot on standing legs ankle, toes to ankle and heel pushing
Tendu- (to stretch) brush the leg out to the front, side, or back and bring your foot to a point,
turned out, but with toes touching the floor
Degage- (to disengage) foot of the working leg brushes out like a tendu, but comes off the floor a
couple of inches
Rond de jambe- (circle of the leg) tendu foot out to the front then bring it around the side of the
body, in a circle, to the and pass through 1st position to bring it the front again
Fondu- (to melt) bend the knee of the supporting leg, wile the working leg is either in coupe or
extended outwards

Frappe- (to strike or whip) place foot in coupe and then slide the toes down the ankle until they
brush the floor and brush them out in a quick strike against the floor going into a degage and
then bring the foot back into coupe
Demi-plie- (semi-bend) bend knees while keeping the heels on the ground, only go halfway
Grand Plie- full bending of knees, heels come of the floor (except for in 2nd position)
Saute- (to jump) jump up in the air and land back in were you started from
Jete- (to throw) coupe in fondu back, then brush the foot out and to the side (in a small jump) and
land with the other foot behind in back coupe fondu
Tombe- (to fall) bring back foot to the side and plie down on it, letting the other foot come off
the floor in a low arabesque
Pique- (to prick) a pointed foot out in tendu is lifted and taps the floor very quickly in a pricking
Pirouette- to turn with the leg in passe, starts from a demi-plie and ends in either 5th or 4th

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