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1. Link the sentences with the correct relative pronoun: who, which, that, where,

Romeo and Juliet were two lovers. Their parents hated each other.
This is Mrs Jones. Her son won the championship last year.
I am looking after some children. They are terribly spoilt. (Two ways!)
This is the story about a man. His wife suddenly losses her memory.
A man brought in a small girl. Her hand had been cut by glass.
Tom came to the party in jeans. This surprised the other guests.
The Smiths were given rooms in the hotel. Their house had been destroyed in the
He wanted to come at 2. a.m. This did not suit me at all.
I saw a boy yesterday. He was wearing a blue jacket and jeans.
This is a story of a group of boys. Their plane crashed on an uninhabited island.
He spoke in French. But the people did not know French. (The people)
I was given an address by a man. I met this man on a train.
A man answered the phone. He said Tom was out.

2. In most of the lines of the following text, there are mistakes involving relative
clauses. Cross out the wrong word and put the correct word.
Many great discoveries what have been made by scientist were the result of serendipity
that is probably better known as good luck. For example, take the case of penicillin, the
worlds first anti-biotic, that was discovered in 1939. It all began eleven years earlier
when some mould came through a window into laboratory which Alexander Fleming was
working. The mould ended up on a dish which Fleming was using in an experiment. The
dish was covered with a bacterium what is called staphylococcus. Fleming noticed that
there were no bacteria near the mould and that the mould, which is known as Penecillium
notatum, also killed other bacteria. In 1939, Florey and Chain, whom were working at
Oxford, finally succeeded in isolating the substance in the mould who was killing the
bacteria. In 1945, Fleming, Florey and Chain were awarded the Nobel Prize for discovery
what was since saved millions of lives.

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