Invocation of Archangel Michael

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Invocation of Archangel Michael 56 comments

Greetings, Angel-workers!
This year has been fairly active concerning our house gods. First, we worked with Samael for the protection of our home. Then we
called upon Iophiel to bring prosperity into the house. Now, we turn our attention to another old and trusted friend of the family (in
fact, the first archangel with whom I built a relationship): St. Michael.

St. Michael Slays the Dragon

Michael is the Archangel of the Sun the representative of Gods Light here on Earth. He is the highest archangel (besides
Metatron himself) and sits at the right-hand of the Divine Throne. Some traditions also consider him an Angel of Fire and/or an
Angel of Mercury. As the Angel of the Sun, he is the General of the Heavenly Armies, the High Priest of the Celestial Temple,
Patron of Israel and the quintessential Guardian Angel. He is patron to soldiers (especially para-troopers and pilots), police officers
and warriors of all types. It was Michael who defeated Lucifer in single combat, and cast the Dragon down from Heaven.
In his Mercurial aspect, he judges the dead with his scales and guides the souls to Paradise or Gehenna according to their deeds in
life. (Legend has it he also brings the souls out of Gehenna to rest on the Sabbath, and perhaps liberates souls from there once
they have paid their karmic debt.) He is a benevolent Angel of Death, and carries the souls of the righteous to heaven. As
an archangel with chthonic associations, he is an angel of war and plague as well as of protection and healing. In some traditions,
Michael is considered a divine physician and healer on par with Raphael. He is patron of EMTs, emergency workers and all first
We knew that offerings to Michael were long overdue. It would have been great to perform the rite on/near midsummer, but we
were unable to do that. The next Sunday was also a no-go, as it stormed non-stop all day, and I just didnt like the idea of making
offerings to the Sun while the sky was dark and stormy. So we put it off for an extra week, and that actually allowed us more time
to properly prepare.

Talisman of Michael

Part of the preparation was the re-construction of Michaels Talisman. Many of you have seen that Talisman, because a photo of it
is included on my Facebook and Myspace accounts. However, the Talisman itself has become lost after two moves. (Other
Talismans that were stored with it are still here, but Michaels has vanished.) Therefore, on the Wednesday before the ritual, on an
hour of Sol, my wife painted a new version on consecrated paper. On dawn of the following Sunday, I performed the Solomonic
talisman consecration found on p. 320-322 of Secrets of the Magickal Grimoires or the Key of Solomon, Book I, Chapter 8.
Note that the Psalm verse written in the circumference is Psalm 113 verse 5: Who is like unto the Lord our God, who is on high.
I feel that Michael led me to this Psalm, because his name translates into English as Who is like unto God? The entire Psalm
seems very much in sympathy with Michael as well (it even mentions the Sun), so I consider this Michaels Psalm:
Praise ye the Lord. Praise, O ye servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord.
Blessed be the name of the Lord from this time forth and for evermore.
From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the Lords name is to be praised.
The Lord is high above all nations, and his glory above the heavens.
Who is like unto the Lord our God, who dwelleth on high,
Who humbleth himself to behold the things that are in heaven, and in the earth!
He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth the needy out of the dunghill;
That he may set him with princes, even with the princes of his people.
He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children. Praise ye the Lord.
With the consecration completed, we set about preparing the offerings that would be used for the invocation at noon of the same
day. Here is the ritual that I followed:

Offering Ritual for Archangel Michael

It is best to choose a Sunday when Sol is well aspected in the heavens, and he should be above the horizon at the time of working.
Dawn or Noon are best. The most powerful time of year to do this ritual is when Sol resides in the sign of Leo. It can also be done
to good effect upon Michaels feast days: September 29th (Western) or November 8th (Eastern).
On Saturday evening, cover a table or altar with a gold, yellow or white cloth. Place a talisman and/or image of Archangel Michael
upon the altar. (If it is a talisman, place it in the center. If an image, set it toward the east facing westward.) You will need a censor
and an incense of Sol.
(Note: I use three ingredients for incense of Sol: 1 part frankincense, 1 part copal, 1/2 part benzoin. You may also use standard
Church incense.)

Also prepare all elements of the offering to Sol: Six yellow seven-day candles. Six glasses of water. A glass of milk, A glass of red
wine. A plate with six pieces of bread and honey. Also add citrus fruits, pomegranate, hot peppers, fruits that are dried in the sun
(raisins, dates, etc) and/or solar flowers (red or yellow roses, sunflowers, daisies, etc) all in groups of six. (Note that the herb
Angelica is especially sacred to Michael.) You may also offer Michael red meat or rooster (not chicken) meat thoroughly cooked.
On Sunday just before sunrise or noon, wash yourself and don the white robe. At sunrise or noon, set the offering to Sol upon the
table. If one of the yellow candles occupies the center, place it directly upon the talisman if there is one. Place a glass of water
beside each candle. Around this arrange the food offerings. You may also add any gift offerings for Michael, or items you wish
for him to touch such as golden jewelery or trinkets, talismans, stones, oils, written prayers or petitions, etc.
Light the candles and the censor with the proper exorcisms, and add fresh incense to the coal. Then exorcise and consecrate the
offerings with the sprinkler and censor.
Then move to the eastern side of the working space, facing outward. If you have a consecrated bell or trumpet, sound it and recite
the following call (or one similar to it):
In whatsoever place ye may be, ye spirit(s), who are invited to this feast, [NNN] come ye and be ready to receive our offerings,
presents, and sacrifices!
Move to the south and repeat first sounding the bell or trumpet, then the call. Do this again in the west and the north.
Finally, return to standing west of the altar facing eastward, and recite the following invocations:

Prayer to YHVH Eloah vDaath

YHVH Eloah vDaath, God of all Knowledge, who wearest the Sun as a jewel upon Thy finger. Thou who art the Light of the World,
the LVX that shineth in the darkness. Thou radiant God who delights in warmth and brightness, granting life and heat to all created
things. From whose face the creatures of darkness and ignorance must flee in terror. In your Name are all evil spirits expelled,
all sickness abated, all unhappiness transformed into joy. I ask that you bless and sanctify this offering, that it may be pleasing
unto You and Your Angels.
I ask, also, that you send to me the holy Archangel Michael: who sitteth upon thy right hand, judge of souls, protector of Israel,
driver of the Chariot of the Sun. May he also enjoy these offerings, and be pleased with them, and bear our prayers of
thanksgiving unto Thy Celestial Throne. Amen + Amen + Amen + Amen + Amen + Amen +
The Penitential Psalms
(Note: For any other Solar Angel, I would recite six Psalms related to Sol. However, Michael prefers to be summoned via the
seven Penitential Psalms.)
Psalm 6 (O Lord, rebuke me not in thine anger, neither chasten me in thy hot displeasure.)
Psalm 32 (Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.)
Psalm 38 (O Lord, rebuke me not in thy wrath: neither chasten me in thy hot displeasure.)
Psalm 51 (Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness)
Psalm 102 (Hear my prayer, O Lord, and let my cry come unto thee.)
Psalm 130 (Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, O Lord)
Psalm 143 (Hear my prayer, O Lord, give ear to my supplications)
Invitation to Michael
I invoke thee, St. Michael! Holy Archangel of the Solar sphere! I call upon thee within thy realm of Beauty and Majesty!
Michael, Mighty, Pure, Wise, Prudent, Intelligent, Prince of the World, Light of the Stars, Golden and Splendorous, Phoebus
shining over the whole World!
Michael, who art High Priest of the Celestial Temple. Mighty General of the Heavenly Hosts! Celestial Guardian Angel! You who
cast down the fearsome Dragon and broke the Serpent beneath thy foot! Who sitteth at the right hand of God and weigheth the
Souls in the Scales of Truth.
O Michael, when I have called upon you in times of need, you have answered. You have banished darkness from my home,
dispelled storms and saved the lives of loved ones. You have been a faithful friend and protector of my family, and have brought
honor and glory into our lives. For all of this we thank you!

Come thou forth and partake of these offerings, which we have prepared in thy honour and to the glory of YHVH Eloah vDaath. May
you find them pleasing and empowering. I ask that you offer your blessings to my home and family, and bear our offerings and
prayers of thanksgiving to the Divine Court. We petition thee for strength and protection in all of our undertakings, and that the
light of thy wisdom should guide and keep us at all times. In the name of YHVH Eloah vDaath. Amen.
Repeat the Invitation six times. Then, share in the feast you have offered to the Angel taking bites of each food item and sips of
the wine and milk. Leave the offerings in place until the yellow candle burns completely away (and no less than six days). Place the
remains in a natural place, into running water or at a crossroads.


Ritual of Michael Journal Entry

Altar to St. Michael

I began by fasting from before midnight on Saturday night until after the invocation was performed at noon the next day. At the
dawn of Sunday morning, I took a simplified ritual bath and consecrated the Talisman. Then I erected the altar to Michael:
beginning with a covering of golden yellow cloth. The large full-color icon was painted by my wife Carrie Mikell. Plus I found a few
of my own favorite Michael engravings and paintings to print out and place with it. In front of these we set various talismans of Sol
as well as our written petitions to Michael. (Each petition was written with consecrated pen on consecrated paper, then folded three
times a multiple of six toward ourselves.) In the center of the altar rested the Talisman with a yellow seven day candle set over
Then we went outside and fired up the grill. We used natural wood charcoal, and I added Angelica and solar incense to the coals. I
cooked a steak until it was well done (it smelled wonderful!). That was placed on a plate and garnished with six havenero peppers
and six banana peppers (all appropriately yellow color). This was then surrounded by the other solar offerings: a pomegranate cut
into six pieces, six sunflowers, a dozen yellow/red hybrid roses (in two sets of six), and six stalks of wheat. We then added a bowl
of citrus fruit (grapefruit, orange and lemon) and a plate of fresh bread covered with organic honey and garnished with sun-dried
tomatoes and apricots again, every one in groups of six. (The honey was very thick and had to be spread on the bread like
butter. Its the best honey Ive ever tasted.) Finally, we added a glass of red wine and a glass of milk. There was hardly room on
the altar top for all of it! (NOTE: Since performing this ritual, I have learned to include the angels sacred number of candles as
well as a glass of water by each one. This is not to say the single candle is not effective in a pinch. But I should have at least
included a glass of water.)

Offerings to St. Michael

I followed the ritual as I have it written except for only using one candle and no water. I put on a gold Michael medallion that has
become standard for me whenever I work with him, and the blinds were already opened to let the sunlight into the room. I lit the
candle and the censor with the proper Solomonic exorcisms, and consecrated the offering with holy water and incense. I performed
the invocations (burning even more incense), then called everyone in the house to come and share Michaels feast. We each took a
bite of most everything on the altar (a couple of us even bit into the haveneros to impress Michael) and sipped the wine and milk.
We will leave the offerings on the altar for at least six days or until we see visible signs that Michael is well done with his meal.
Then, as before, we will take the remains to a local river and cast them into the running water.
UPDATE: Michael seems to be pleased and (his Icon) is now back home by the
front door. It was interesting: Usually, when you remove something like a poster or large painting from your wall, it leaves a big
blank spot that nags at your consciousness for a few days. However, this did not happen when I removed Michaels Icon from its
place. The entire week his Icon rested on the altar in the Temple, he also seemed to STILL be by the front door. (This was
mentioned by every adult in the house none of whom even noticed that Michaels Icon was gone at first.) There was never a
nagging blank-spot feeling there. Now he is back home again, like he never moved. (Except now he has a brand new charged
Talisman behind him, and a copy of the ritual I used to call him down.)
We did indeed take the offerings to the river after six days. I actually had to remove the fruit items from the altar after 5 days, as
they began to mold. (A sure sign the spirit is done with them.) Everything else rested there until the sixth day, and then all was
taken to the river. I have a picture that I will add here later.

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