Foreskin Restoration FAQ

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Yahoo group for people interested in restoring:
How Long Does it Take to Restore?
Just as the size shape and degree of circumcision varies because of heredity, and the
doctors knife, restoration varies because of the following:
1. Severe circumcision leaving no mobile shaft skin when erect.
2. Minimum circumcision in which there is some to a lot of mobile shaft skin when
3. The consistency and persistence with which the restoree puts moderate tension on
the shaft skin.
4. The procedure can take one to three years, depending on the combination of the
above conditions.
See the next two answers as to the most effective procedures.

What Method is the Best and Which is the Fastest?

There are no best methods. Each man has to decide which method is best for him and
suits his personal habits. A number of manufacturers and suppliers of devices will
make great claims but none of them have been substantiated by scientific study.
The three basic methods are weights, elastics and cones. All of the methods have a
variety of designs. All methods can be made at home. Someone said that foreskin
restoration is a "do it yourself at home project!" There are two or three commercial
weight devices available, the FOREBALLS, the TUGGER/PUD and the B.U.D.
(British Uncircumcising Device). There are a couple of commercial cone or pill tube
devices available. The elastic method is a homemade device, although there are starter
kits available.
The weight devices are stainless steel as a portion will be in contact with the glans
penis and inner foreskin. Stainless steel is the least allergenic. Some homemade
weighted devices use a baby bottle nipple or catheter cup and hang covered lead
weights on them. The weighted devices are in some way taped or fastened to the shaft
skin and they hang down the pant leg.
The elastic devices use a tape to capture the shaft skin and are clipped to a suspender
or similar elastic material and pulled to the sock, over the shoulder, or around the
waist to produce tension.
The cone device or pill tube, require pressure against the glans penis to produce
tension on the shaft skin which is taped up on the device.

All of the devices in one way or another must be released or opened up to urinate
unless they have an opening built-in through which one can urinate.
Some men use a variety of devices over the course of their restoration as their habits
change or lack of progress prompt them to try something else. Others use several
devices alternately or in combination to suit their habits.

What About Surgical Foreskin Restoration?

Surgery is not recommended because of the risks involved, the generally poor results,
and finally the high cost.

What is the Best Regimen?

From recent scientific research on microbiological tissue expansion, as well as over
ten years of dealing with thousands of men and their restorations, some basic
procedures seem to work best.
Moderate cyclical tension propagates more cells than constant excessive tension.
Several factors seem to be involved.
The microbiological studies demonstrate that cyclical tension is more cell productive
than constant tension.
Studies of exercising and muscle gain (body building) indicate that exercise every
other day produces more muscle than daily exercise.
Rhythmic cycling of the body, sleep and exercise patterns seem to be essential to good
Both personal restoration achievements and correspondence from thousands of men
over the last ten years, attest to the results of cyclical tension (the foreskin under
tension for a period of time, and then resting for a period of time) for best results.
Constant "24 hours a day" tension does not tend to produce the quickest results.
It appears from all this evidence that a good fast production regime is to apply
moderate tension (8-14 oz) for 10-12 hours a day, and then for the remainder of the
day, use a retainer to keep the glans covered. Five days a week seems also to be
acceptable for results. The tension need only be five days a week while awake.
To 'force' yourself to a 24 hour 7 day a week regimen is counter productive for several
1. We all need to bathe, urinate and enjoy sexual activities.
2. Although we all want instant results, restoration does not happen that way. It took
about 20 years to grow enough 'covering' to keep your body intact. So it will take
some time to permanently lengthen your shaft tissue so that it will cover your glans.

Do I Have to Do This Forever?

No, the skin gained by foreskin restoration is made of skin cells that are in addition to
the ones you start with. So you do not need to be restoring for the rest of your life.
Men who have completed their restoration report a loss in length of between 0-10%
several years after finishing their restoration so you may want to grow a little extra
before you stop. On the other hand you can start up again at any time!

Of What is the Shaft and Foreskin Tissue Composed?

It is composed of several layers of dermis, a single layer muscle (the Dartos muscle),
connective tissue, blood vessels, nerves, etc. It therefore takes time to elongate the
nerves and connective tissue and add new muscle and layers of dermis, blood vessels,
Time and patience is required to accomplish this process. The structure of the penile
shaft and foreskin (prepuce) is one of the few unique structures on a male body. It
contracts to just cover you when flaccid and expands (stretches) to cover you when
erect. (The only other 'elastic' tissues are the eyelids and the various sphincter muscles
of the body.)

What Did I Lose When I Was Circumcised? (And What Can I Gain By
The Foreskin of the penis is a complex structure composed of inner (mucosal) skin,
outer (shaft) skin, and numerous specialized nerves, muscles, and blood vessels. The
frenulum, which is on the underside of the glans, is a web of skin that is similar to
what connects your tongue to the floor of your mouth. This may have been be
anywhere from fully intact to completely removed depending on how you where
circumcised. This cannot be restored, however both inner and outer skin can be
regrown. For a comprehensive list of what was lost and what can be restored see The
Lost List. See the two papers on anatomy on the recommended reading page for a
more detailed explanations with pictures.

What Kind of Tape is the Best to Use?

The tape you use needs to be the best for you. Because of the variety of skin types,
some tape may not suit you and your skin. It is acknowledged that the tissue from the
edge of the tape to the body will be stretched and usually will become red. Especially
on the dorsal side because of the stretching and the rubbing on your clothing. This
redness usually goes away when you have your 'rest' period from tensioning each
Except for a few tapes, Tegaderm, Rejuveness, Elastoplast, which are elastic, most
other tapes are 'fixed' tapes, that is they do not allow the tissue under them to stretch.
Micropore, and several other tapes can be ordered from Grogan's healthcare at a
discount if you mention "restoration" in the special comments section of the order

form. Rejuveness can be ordered online and they also offer a discount on an order of 4
rolls if you mention that you are restoring.
A lot of men usually use Micropore which is a paper tape to apply extension devices.
One disadvantage is that paper tape does not have much tensile strength and must be
doubled at least to hold devices. It is reasonably easy to remove. If it is used for a
retainer it will not be too satisfactory as it will roll up on itself and make a narrow
'string' and 'bite' into the skin causing pain.
Fabric tapes like J&J Waterproof have the ability to generally retain their shape,
especially the width, and are good for retainers, but will leave a residue.
If you are having trouble removing the tape try some of the following techniques:
1. Have a tab folded back if you are making a tape ring, this will easily allow you to
remove the tape.
2. Slowly pull the skin away from the tape with your thumb.
3. Soak the tape on your penis in warm water until it's soaked. Then wait a few
minutes and remove the tape
4. Rub oil on and into the tape. (Hand lotion, olive oil, aloe vera, vitamin E).
5. Some men have found it helpful to apply some oil to the skin before applying the
tape, wiping off the excess with a dry cloth.
6. There are two products that will remove tape residue are Goo Gone and Di-SolveIt. After using, you need to wash twith soap and water. Do not use these without
testing a small amount on your skin first to see if you are sensitive to them.

Foreskin Restoration Dictionary

KOT - Keep on Tugging

Grower - someone who's penis is short when flaccid (and hence "grows" a lot
to become erect)
Shower - someone who's penis is long when flaccid (and hence "shows" a lot
before becoming erect)

Yahoo group for people interested in restoring:

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