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Annotated Bibliography

Primary Sources
Borden, Louise. Interview. 21 Dec. 2016. Louise Borden is the author of His name was Raoul
Wallenberg. She was incredibly kind and offered me help with my project in many ways.
She had insightful answer and was very kind to take time out of her busy schedule. She
knows Nina Lagergren, Wallenberg's sister personally. I got many quotes that I used in
my project from her.
Borden, Louise, and Raoul Wallenberg. His Name Was Raoul Wallenberg. This quote helped me
answer the question I had that was "In which order did Wallenberg distribute the SchutzPasses? How did he do it?" This primary source was used on the home page of my
Carlberg, Ingrid. "Raoul Wallenberg's Biographer Uncovers Important Clues to What Happened
in His Final Daysr." Smithsonian, 15 Jan. 2016., Accessed 1 Nov. 2016. This
article provided me with amazing primary sources in pictures, and the author, Ingrid
Carlberg was an interview possibility. I used these pictures in a tab on my website.
Dachau Concentration Camp. Wikipedia,
Accessed 7 Jan. 2017. This image of a concentration camp helped me with my timeline.
It was the first concentration camp that opened, and I wanted to show that on my
Dardel, Guy Von. "Letter from Guy Von Dardel to President Harry Truman regarding His
Brother Raoul Wallenberg." Received by Harry S. Truman, 27 Mar. 1947. National

Archives Catalog, Accessed 30 Oct. 2016. Letter. This

letter from Guy Von Dardel to the president of the United States was an amazing primary
source, and it helped me understand that even his brother did not know where he was.
This is an amazing primary source, and I used it on one of my website pages.
Elizabeth Steinhardt's Schutz-Pass., Accessed 6 Jan. 2017. This photograph of a
Schutz-Pass that Raoul Wallenberg created in the time of the Holocaust helped me
understand what a Schutz-pass looked like. I used in in my website on my "SchutzPass"page.
Eva Lederer's Schutz-Pass., Accessed 7 Jan. 2017. This Swedish
Schutz-Pass that Wallenberg created helped me understand what a Schutz-Pass looked
like. I used this image in my "Schutz-Pass" page on my website.
Gilbert, Sam. Nazis Stacked the Bodies. 12 May 1945. Historytb, Accessed 18 Jan. 2017. This
photograph truly portrays the Holocaust: horrible. This rare image shows the bodies of
many Jews that the Nazis kiled, all stacked up. I put this image in my website because I
wanted people to know how truly awful the Holocaust was. This picture is a primary
source, and I sued it on my "background of era" page.
A Group of SS officers Converse Outside at a Construction site in the Hinzert Concentration
Camp. Wikimedia, This image of
officers talking outside of Buchenwald Hinzert concentration camp was used on my

"Background of Era" tab. This primary source image helped me understand what a
horrible place such as this concentration camp looked like.
Himmler besichtigt die Gefangenenlager in Russland. Heinrich Himmler inspects a prisoner of
war camp in Russia, circa... - NARA - 540164. Wikimedia,
nd._Heinrich_Himmler_inspects_a_prisoner_of_war_camp_in_Russia,_circa...__NARA_-_540164.jpg. Accessed 7 Jan. 2017. This image helped me understand how
they kept the Jewish people in the concentration camps. That is horrible that the Nazis
kept them behind fences, like caged animals. I used this primary source image in my
Hitler. Wikimedia,,_Adolf_Hitler_retouched.jpg. Accessed 7 Jan. 2017. I used this image on my
website. It was very helpful to my project. It helped me get an image in my head of what
Hitler looked like.
Jewish German Passport., This Jewish Passport was not a Schutz-Pass. It was what
Germans had BEFORE Schutz-Passes. They had to be stamped with a red J to show the
person was Jewish. I used this image on my timeline.
Jude Star. Wikipedia, Accessed 7 Jan. 2017. This is the star
that Jewish people were required to wear. If you were caught without it, you could be as
worse as killed. This image helped me with my timeline. I used it there too.

Judith Kepgaola's Schutz-Pass. Schutz-Pass,

9&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=231. This photograph of a Schutz-Pass that Raoul
Wallenberg created in the time of the Holocaust helped me understand what a Schutzpass looked like. I used in in my website on my "Schutz-Pass"page.
Lili Katz's Schutz-Pass., This photograph of
a Schutz-Pass that Raoul Wallenberg created in the time of the Holocaust helped me
understand what a Schutz-pass looked like. I used in in my website on my "SchutzPass"page.
Linnea, Sharon. E-mail interview. 11 Dec. 2016. I did this interview with author Sharon Linnea
on December 11, 2016. It helped me understand many new things about Raoul
Wallenberg, such as the fact that he most likely saved over 100,000 Jews due tot he fact
that he was very confident. I have documented the whole interview over email. This was
a secondary source.
Matz, Johan. "Cables in Cipher, the Raoul Wallenberg Case and SwedishSoviet Diplomatic
Communication 19441947." 2013. Cables in Cipher, the Raoul Wallenberg Case and
SwedishSoviet Diplomatic Communication 19441947, 2013, pp. 344-56. INFOhio,
earch&password=discovery. Accessed 23 Oct. 2016. This academic journal helped me
understand more about the Soviet Union's relationship with the Nazis, and the Jews as
well. This primary source was an excellent way to review just about everything I needed
to learn about Raoul Wallenberg.

Mcarthur, Debra. E-mail interview. 13 Dec. 2016. This interview with author Debra Mcarthur
was very helpful to my research process. She helped me understand many things about
Raoul. This was a secondary source.
Miller, Helen W. Letter to Minister of Foreign Affairs. 14 July 1949. Michigan Wallenberg
Legacy, Accessed 19 Jan. 2017.
This letter regarding Raoul Wallenberg from Helen W. Miller, the Supervisor, requesting
information on Raoul Wallenberg was used in my project on my "What Happened to
Raoul Wallenberg" page. It was a very useful primary source.
"The Missing Hero." Boy's Life, by R.E. Hood. MasterFILE Premier, Accessed 27 Nov. 2016. Originally
published in Boy's Life, Apr. 1992, pp. 22-26. This article in a Boy's Life issue helped me
understand the way in which Raoul Wallenberg impacted the lives of many people and
showed that Jews were people too to many people that did not recognize it. It also gave
me details about his capture. This was a vital primary source.
The Night of Broken Glass. Wikimedia,,_Magdeburg,_zerst%C3%B6rtes_j%C3%BCdisches_Gesch%C3%A4ft.jpg. The
Night of Broken Glass was a massive attack on Jews that was coordinated by the Nazis. I
used this image on my timeline, and I learned from this picture that people can be really
Oscar Wallis Frau's Schutz-Pass., Accessed 7 Jan. 2017. This photograph of a Schutz-

Pass that Raoul Wallenberg created in the time of the Holocaust helped me understand
what a Schutz-pass looked like. I used in in my website on my "Schutz-Pass"page.
Price, Sean. "Raoul Wallenberg." The Holocaust Magazine, 1997, p. 20. Middle Search Plus.
Accessed 23 Oct. 2016. This magazine article helped me understand other peoples
perception of Raoul Wallenberg saving the Jews with fake passports was like. There was
a black and white photograph as well, which is another primary source.
Public Domain: Buchenwald Concentration Camp, WWII (NARA). Flicker, Accessed 7 Jan. 2017. This is what a
concentration camp looked like. I used this public domain image on my timeline.
Raoul and His Mother Maj in 1916. Raoul Wallenberg: One Man Can Make a Difference, Accessed 18 Jan. 2017. This photograph of
Wallenberg and his mother was used on my "Early Life" page. This picture helped me
understand how Wallenberg grew up so kind, and did what he did during the Holocaust.
Raoul Wallenberg., No special type 2013, Accessed 11 Dec. 2016. This website had many primary
source pictures, and helped me understand how Raoul Wallenberg lives on today. I used a
quote from this website.
"Raoul Wallenberg." Encyclopdia Britannica. Research Starters,
U%3d#AN=89409466&db=ers. Originally published in Encyclopdia Britannica, Sept.
2014. Accessed 4 Oct. 2016. This article helped me understand what Raoul Wallenberg
did to help the Jews and how he made passports. I used this as background information,

though it was a very important resource, because it was my first introduction to Raoul
Raoul Wallenberg at Right with Clasped Hands. USHMM, This primary
source image helped me understand how Wallenberg distributed the passports. I always
had an image in my head of what that looked like, but this picture is very valuable. I used
this photograph in my "Thesis " page.
Raoul Wallenberg in his Office in the Swedish Legation. Budapest, Hungary, November 26,
1944. Holocaust Research Project, This image of Raoul
Wallenberg was very useful to my project. It shows him in his office the year he was
captured by the Soviets, which makes this resource very valuable. I will surely use this on
my background tab, for it is a vital resource.
Raoul Wallenberg in the Armed Forces. Old War Movies, Accessed 7
Jan. 2016. This image was used in my timeline. Raoul Wallenberg served in the armed
forces in 1931 against Germany. This primary source photograph of Wallenberg helped
me understand that he really cared about his world, and wanted to make a difference.
Raoul Wallenberg on the Steps of Angell Hall. Raoul Wallenberg Centre, Accessed 19 Jan. 2017. This 1931
photograh of Raoul Wallenberg on the steps of Angell Hall was very useful to my project.
I used it on my "How he got Involved" page on my website.

Raoul Wallenberg's Passport. Wikimedia,'s_diplomatic_passport_001.jpg.
Accessed 8 Jan. 2017. This passport was used on my website in the slideshow on the
"thesis" page. It helped me understand ow a passport from back then looked.
Raoul Wallenberg's passport Photo. June 1944. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Accessed 11 Dec. 2016. I used
this image on my home page of my website. This photo of Raoul Wallenberg is a public
domain primary source, because it was his passport photo in 1944.
Reagan, Ronald. "Statement on the 40th Anniversary of Raoul Wallenberg January 17, 1985." 5
Oct. 1981. Speech. This speech helped me understand how important Raoul Wallenberg
was to the holocaust, and also to show how brave Raoul Wallenberg was to the fight
against Adolf Hitler. I used this speech in my website.
Rosenthall, William A. Raoul Wallenberg. 1980. Lowcountry Digital Library, Accessed 9 Nov. 2016. This photograph on a
postcard was a great primary source for my website. It went on my front page and it
helped me understand how important Raoul Wallenberg really was.
Soviets marching through a town. Wikipedia,
Accessed 7 Jan. 2017. This image helped me understand how the Nazis had such power.
now I know it's because they had weapons to threaten people if they didn't do what they
were told. I used this image on my timeline for my website.
Train Station. Listverse, Accessed 17 Jan. 2017. This image from 1945 showed me where
the Jews were taken to their concentration camp. the train cars were supposed to hold up

yo 50 people, yet the Nazis put no less that two-hundred in them. I used this image on my
"Background of Era" tab.
United States, Congress, House. Raoul Wallenberg Centennial Celebration Act. Government
Printing Office, 2012. Catalog of The U.S. Publications, Accessed 27 Nov. 2016. This act by the U.S.
House of Representatives and Senate helped me understand that everybody else felt the
same way about Raoul Wallenberg and that he deserved a medal for his hard work. This
was a primary source and I used it on a page in my website. It was a very helpful source.

Title from title screen (viewed on Sept. 21, 2012). July 26, 2012 (H.R. 3800). 126 Stat.
1140. Public Law 112-148
Veres, Thomas. Wallenberg in His University Days. Holocaust Education & Archive Research
Team, Accessed 11 Jan.
2017. This photograph of Raoul Wallenberg in his college days was an excellent source
to use in my project. It was published the first year he learned about the Holocaust. This
primary source image will surely be used in my slideshow.
Wallenberg in His University Days. Holocaust Research Project, This photograph
of Raoul Wallenberg in college helped me see what Wallenberg looked like when he was
young. I used this image on my slideshow on my "Thesis" page.
Wallenberg outside the train station in Budapest. Holocaust Research Project, This image helped me
understand how Wallenberg distributed the Schutz-Passes. I now know that he himself

went to train stations to distribute them. This primary source photograph was used on my
background tab.
Young Wallenberg with his Grandfather, Gustav Wallenberg. The Story of Raoul Wallenberg, This picture
helped me understand about who Wallenberg grew up with, and what he looked like
when he was young. I used this image on my "Early Life" tab on my website.

Secondary Sources
Borden, Louise. His Name Was Raoul Wallenberg. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2012. This book
helped me understand more about Raoul Wallenberg and how he grew up, and more
importantly, why he decided to help the Jews. I used this book to discover more about
this man.
Fenyvesi, Charles, and Victoria Pope. "The Angel Was a Spy." U.S. News & World Report, 13
May 1996. INFOhio,
%3d#AN=9605077745&db=mih. Accessed 23 Oct. 2016. This Special Report from the
U.S. News and World Report helped me understand the mysterious story of Raoul
Wallenberg and how we uncovered new evidence that Swedish diplomat Raoul
Wallenberg was a spy for the United States during World War II. It also told me what his
mission was. This was a secondary source.
Kirkus Reviews. Review of Raoul Wallenberg: The Biography. Raoul Wallenberg: The
Biography, by Ingrid Carlberg. EBSCOhost,

%3d#AN=111642284&db=aph. Accessed 27 Nov. 2016. This review of Ingrid Carlberg's
book, Raoul Wallenberg: The Biography helped me learn things like that he found a
paying job as foreign director of a Swedish food import company owned by a Hungarian
Jew. That was the position he held when, in June 1944, he was tapped to carry out a
rescue mission for the American War Refugee Board, in alliance with Sweden.
Multilingual, with high-level Hungarian business contacts, he seemed the perfect person:
"highly skilled, of good reputation, [and] a non-Jew." It was a secondary source, but it
was very helpful to my project.
Lagergren, Nina. "Nina Lagergren, 2000 Wallenberg Lecture." 13 Apr. 2014. YouTube, uploaded
by Raoul Wallenberg Medal and Lecture, 13 Apr. 2014,
v=YUnq9PCHjgs. Accessed 27 Nov. 2016. Speech. Nina Lagergren is Raoul
Wallenberg's half-sister, and her speech inspired me and helped me understand how
important Raoul Wallenberg was to the success of saving so many Jews. I used a clip of
this speech in my project.
Levine, Jason. "Adolf Hitler." Jewish Virtual Library, 2016, Accessed 11 Dec. 2016. This
website helped me understand Hitler's life, and how he became the horrible person he
was. There were primary source newspapers that I used on my website.

Louise Borden. Randomly Reading, Accessed 6 Jan. 2017. This photograph of my
interviewee was used in my "Interviews" tab.
Matz, Johan. "Sweden, the United States, and Raoul Wallenberg's Mission to Hungary in 1944."
Journal of the Cold War Studies, vol. 14, no. 3, 2012, pp. 97-148. INFOhio, Accessed 23 Oct. 2016. This article
helps me understand about Raoul Wallenberg and his relationships with the Soviet Union,
and his many missions, including his mission to Hungary, which is the main article. this
is a secondary source.
McArthur, Debra. Raoul Wallenberg: Rescuing Thousands from the Nazi's Grasp. Enslow
Publishers, 2005. This book helped me understand HOW exactly Raoul Wallenberg got
the passports to the Jes. It is incredible the way he did it. This book also gave me primary
source quotes from people like his sister, and even a few people that he saved! I used this
on my website pages, especially the quotes.
Obama, Barack. "Award Speech." The Great Synagogue, 4 Sept. 2013, Stockholm, Sweden.
Speech. Due to his courageous actions on behalf of the Hungarian Jews, Raoul
Wallenberg has been the subject of numerous humanitarian honors in the decades
following his presumed death. It gives the Raoul Wallenberg Award annually to recognize
persons who carry out those goals. A postage stamp was issued by the U.S. in his honour
in 1997. On July 26, 2012, he was awarded a Congressional Gold Medal by the United
States Congress "in recognition of his achievements and heroic actions during the
Holocaust." I used this speech on my website page: His Impact on History Today.

"Raoul Wallenberg." Middle Search Plus, InfOhio. This encyclopedia on InfOhio was a great
source to sum up what Raoul Wallenberg did to help save the Jews. I used this as
background information.
"Raoul Wallenberg: One Person Can Make a Difference." The Wallenberg Legacy, 27 Feb. 2014, Accessed 24 Jan. 2017. This video clip helped me understand
more about Wallenberg's Legacy and how he helped Hungarian Jews. I used this video
clip on my Thesis page on my website.
Rosenquist, James. Raoul Wallenberg. 1984. National Portrait Gallery,
Accessed 9 Nov. 2016. This portrait of Raoul Wallenberg represents almost everything
about him. It helped me understand the depth of Wallenberg and how he helped the Jews.
I used this picture on my website.

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