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NAME__Hassaan Raza_______________________
This assessment is intended for students who for whatever reason, were not wholly
successful with the online 3DGamelab assessment or feel that they have learned more
than their grade would demonstrate.
Please answer the following questions:
1. How did you spend your time learning during the hour of class time provided each
block for online study?
AIM Videos
Other 3dGamelab assignments (storyline based)
2. What evidence have you collected/produced to show other learning in French 9?
(please be specific - speak to tasks above OR projects/activities completed in class)
In french i have done journals, presentations, and worksheets to prove my other learning
3. Do you think your assessment should be higher? What do you think you deserve
and why? ________________it should be higher because i spent most my time on
things like quizlet and aim and some things in the class were a follow through of
grade 9
To improve your 3dGamelab mark and/or to complete the Demonstration of Learning
mark you will need to submit six pieces of evidence. Three will need to be written and
three should be spoken. Spoken evidence can be shown by presenting for me in person
on the assessment day (Jan 27 - please arrange a time) OR by submitting a recording/video
of your evidence.* Please complete the following to go with your pieces of evidence.
The pieces of evidence I have chosen are:
(please choose items that show something you have learned in French 9)
Written #1:
_Journal 30________________________________________________________________

I chose this piece because it shows that I can __use vocabulary and know how to utilize the
words properly
Written #2:
__A story about my
I chose this piece because it shows that I can _use proper vocabulary and put my words in
where they are supposed to go
Written #3:
I chose this piece because it shows that I can __Use words in the right places and know how
to describe things with them
Spoken #1:
_Narrator Scene in the play
I chose this piece because it shows that I can ____say my french words properly with the
proper tone_
Spoken #2:
__Read One Of My Journals
I chose this piece because it shows that I can _say my french words properly with the
proper tone and accent

Spoken #3:
__Family Oral
I chose this piece because it shows that I can __Say my french words with the proper tone
and accent along with saying them correctly
Evidence does not have to created, It can simply be something you have done that you feel
shows your learning. However,samples should be carefully chosen if you wish to improve
your current letter grade. Your grade on your final assessment will be taken into account
when making
WRITTEN Written samples should be in paragraph form and not worksheets.

Journal entries that show understanding of present/past tense/future and/or

vocabulary completed in class - Entries should be neatly copied from your journal
and attached to the form (please include the goal that you chose)
Samples of writing from anything you completed in class (including written projects
like the clothing unit)

SPOKEN: Spoken samples should show your knowledge of French pronunciation and
should show your understanding of structures we have covered in class. Much of the
spoken evidence can also be the topic of your written evidence, as well.

A section from the play

Describing yourself
Describing your family
Describing where you live
Describing your activities
A story you have told
A summary that you have written

All evidence should be submitted on/before Jan 26 unless you have made special
arrangements to come into class on the assessment day - Jan 27

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