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Animal Feed Supplements

Refit Animal Care

Marketing Agency
Refertile Bolus
Rigmin Forte
Rumipulse Bolus
Refit Animal Care is a marketing agency of Animal Feed Supplements.We are market
ing agency cum supplier of cattle feed supplement, animal feed supplement or liv
estock feed supplement in various regions of India. We are manufacturing our pro
ducts at Saharanpur and we are mainly dealing with supply of result oriented fee
d supplements. As in todays life mazor problem related to animals are mainly due
to nutritional deficiencies. So to overcome these deficiencies we have launched
result oriented feed supplements and our products mainly concentrated to fulfil
l the nutritional requirement of livestock which are not completely filled from
todays feed or fodder given by farmers to their animals. Our product mainly cate
gorized into cow feed supplements, buffalo feed supplements, horse or equine fee
d supplements & calf feed supplements. As per the category of the animal we have
the products for growth or overall body development of animals. As well as feed
supplements for reproductive growth. We have feed supplements for treating anoe
strus, repeat breeding, perlaps as well as under develop reproductive organs. We
have feed supplements for digestive system which may include feed supplements f
or rumen development via live yeast culture containing products also products fo
r treating in digestion, anorexia also supplements for improving liver functioni
ng as well as liver development of livestocks animals. we have feed supplements
for treating milk fever, perhaps as well as other problems related to calcium de
ficiences in livestock animals. We also have feed supplements for udder developm
ent teat growth as well as for the growth of calves.

Your priced possessions is our responsibility from now onwards. Yes, you guessed
it right, we are talking about our valuable possessions Animals . Animals form an impo
rtant part of food chain and if that chain breaks, the entire ecosystem will suf
fer. We ensure that this ecosystem chain does not break!!
What is Refit Animal Care?

Refit Animal Care is a distinguished Manufacturer, Exporter, Importer, Supplier

and wholeseller of a wide range of Animal Health Care products and Livestock Fee
d Supplements.
Common Problems Suffered By Animals
The major problems which livestock suffer from are anoestrus, repeat breeding, p
rolapse, dystocia,retention of placenta(ROP),under developed reproductive organs
Other problems related to digestive system and liver like impaction, bloat,indig
estion,anorexia etc.
Some problems related to decreased milk production due to calcium deficiency may
be milk fever, mastitis, shortening of teats etc.
Common problems of livestock which may be prepartum, partum or post partum.
All these problems mainly arise from nutritional deficiencies.
What role do we play?
To overcome these nutritional deficiencies, we have launched result oriented fee
d supplements.
Our products mainly concentrate on fulfilling the nutritional requirement of liv
estock which are not completely filled from today s feed or fodder given by farmers
to their animals. On the basis of category of animals, our products are mainly c
ategorized into cow feed supplements, buffalo feed supplements, horse or equine
feed supplements & calf feed supplements.
On the basis of body system of animals, our products are categorized into produc
ts for digestive system, hepatic system, reproductive system and productive syst
What is our speciality?
We have the products as per the today s problems of livestock as well as the market
demand.Our products are categorized into products containing
Omega3 and 6 fatty acids
Glycogenic precursors as energy booster for animals
Mineral mixture
5 times strong calcium gel
Minerals and vitamins for bringing heat in animals
liquid product with vitamin A,D3,E,H along with C
Herbal liver tonic with silymarine
Prebiotic, amino acids and live yeast culture as sacchromyces cervices.

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