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DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND HIGHWAYS WEN JAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY laa Specific Discharge Curve Rainfall Intensity Duration Curve Isohyet of Probable 1-day Rainfall DE MARCH 2003 Project for the Enhancement of Capabilities in Flood Control and Sabo Engineering of the DPWH FOREWORD Together with the “Manual on Flood Control Planning’, this supplementary volume is prepared under the Project for the Enhancement of Capabilities on Flood Control and ‘Sabo Engineering of DPWH, a Project Type Technical Cooperation from Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). In planning for flood control or road infrastructure projects, insufficient hydrological information is one of the difficulties encountered. Due to the inadequacy or the absence of rainfall stations in some areas in the country, computation of design discharge for the structures has little basis. ‘These supplementary documents will help enable solve these difficulties. The following attachments are provided as aids to the planners to have a starting point in planning the project of different return periods. 1. Specific discharge curves are included in Attachment 4.1, covering Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. The information required to make this curves are derived from different projects previously undertaken through foreign assistance. Specific discharge curves is used in Chapter 4 Design Discharge under 4.4. 2. The location maps of climatic and synoptic PAGASA stations for runoff calculation are indicated in Attachment 4.2. From the maps, the selected synoptic station is located to determine easily what stations are near to the target river basin. 3. When the selected synoptic rainfall station is located in or near to the target river basin, the RIDF of the station is necessary to prepare the design hyetograph for runoff computation. The RIDF of the selected rainfall stations are indicated in Attachment 4.3. 4. When the selected PAGASA synoptic station is not located in or near the target river basin, the design hyetograph can be established by reading the values from the maps of specific coefficient and the daily rainfall corresponding to the given design flood frequency. These are shown in Attachment 4.4 for specific coefficient and Attachment 4.5 for daily rainfall. Attachments 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5 are used in the preparation of design hyetograph for the Rational Method and Unit Hydrograph Method, items 4.5.1 and 4.5.2, respectively, of Chapter 4 Design Discharge Completion and printing of this supplementary manual will not be possible without the financial and technical assistance of Japan Intemational Cooperation Agency (JICA). Thus, special thanks is extended to JICA by the Department of Public Works and Highways for this undertaking. Table of Contents Specific Discharge Curve (1:2-YR RETURN PERIOD) Specific Discharge Curve (1:5-YR RETURN PERIOD) Specific Discharge Curve (1:10-YR RETURN PERIOD) Specific Discharge Curve (1:25-YR RETURN PERIOD) Specific Discharge Curve (1:50-YR RETURN PERIOD) Specific Discharge Curve (1:100-YR RETURN PERIOD) PAGASA Synoptic Stations PAGASA Climatic Stations PAGASA Climatic Stations Location of Selected Synoptic and Climatic Pagasa Stations Location of Selected Synoptic and Climatic Pagasa Stations Location of Selected Synoptic and Climatic Pagasa Stations 222 Vigan Synoptic Station 223 Laoag Synoptic Station 232 Aparri Synoptic Station 233 Tuguegarao Synoptic Station 324 Iba Synoptic Station 325 Dagupan Synoptic Station 328 Baguio Synoptic Station 330 Cabanatuan Synoptic Station 333 Baler Synoptic Station 425 Port Area Synoptic Station 427 Tayabas Synoptic Station 429 NAIA Synoptic Station 430 Science Garden Synoptic Station 432 Ambulong Synoptic Station 434 Infanta Synoptic Station 435 Alabat Synoptic Station 440 Daet Synoptic Station 444 Legaspi Synoptic Station 446 Virac Synoptic Station 536 Romblon Synoptic Station 526 Coron Synoptic Station 531 San Jose Synoptic Station 538 Roxas Synoptic Station 543 Masbate Synoptic Station 546 Catarman Synoptic Station 548 Catbalogan Synoptic Station 550 Tacloban Synoptic Station 558 Guiuan Synoptic Station 618 Puerto Princesa Synoptic Station 630 Cuyo Synoptic Station 637 lloilo Synoptic Station 642 Dumaguete Synoptic Station A4t-4 A44-2 A44-3 A44-4 A44-5 A41-6 A42-1 A42-2 A42-3 A42-4 A42-5 A42-6 A43-1 A43-2 A43-3 A43-4 A43-5 A43-6 A43-7 A43-8 A43-9 A43-10 A43-11 A43-12 A43-13 A43-14 A43-15 A43-16 A43-17 A43-18 A43-19 A43-20 A43-21 A4,3-22 A43-23 43-24 43-25 A43-26 A43-27 A43-28 A4,3-29 A4,3-30 A43-31 A4.3-32 644 Tagbilaran Synoptic Station 646 Mactan Synoptic Station 648 Maasin Synoptic Station 653 Surigao Synoptic Station 741 Dipolog Synoptic Station 748 Cagayan de Oro Synoptic Station 751 Malaybalay Synoptic Station 753 Davao Synoptic Station 755 Hinatuan Synoptic Station 826 Zambonga Synoptic Station 851 Gen Santos Synoptic Station ISO- Specific Coefficient ISO- Specific Coefficient 8 |SO- Specific Coefficient B Isohyet of Probable 1 day ~ 2 yr rainfall Isohyet of Probable 1 day — 2 yr rainfall Isohyet of Probable 1 day — 2 yr rainfall Isohyet of Probable 1 day — 5 yr rainfall Isohyet of Probable 1 day —5 yr rainfall Isohyet of Probable 1 day — 6 yr rainfall Isohyet of Probable 1 day — 10 yr rainfall Isohyet of Probable 1 day — 10 yr rainfall Isohyet of Probable 1 day — 10 yr rainfall Isohyet of Probable 1 day — 25 yr rainfall Isohyet of Probable 1 day — 25 yr rainfall Isohyet of Probable 1 day — 25 yr rainfall Isohyet of Probable 1 day — 50 yr rainfall Isohyet of Probable 1 day ~ 50 yr rainfall Isohyet of Probable 1 day — 50 yr rainfall Isohyet of Probable 1 day — 100 yr rainfall Isohyet of Probable 1 day ~ 100 yr rainfall Isohyet of Probable 1 day ~ 100 yr rainfall A43-33 A43-34 43-35 A43-36 A43-37 A4.3-38 A43-39 A43-40 A43-41 A43-42 A43-43 A44—1 A44-2 A44—3 A45-1 A45-2 A45-3 A45—4 A45-5 A45-6 A45-7 A45-8 A45-9 A45-10 A45—11 A45-12 A45-13 A45—14 A45-15 A45-16 A45-17 A45~18 ATTACHMENT 4.1 Specific Discharge Curve (dordad NUNLIY YA-z}) SAUND SOUVHOSIC D141I9adS uy "y aay WwOUIYD}eD 00't ‘euepuyy—§ ssehesi,— uozn— seg sonny ojeqz}o9 seg ony uesnby useg sonny ueojoBey AD OHO] ul UIseR JAY Uuiseg Jon uebueqetH-60n, Juiseg Jenny sneyer seg sony Keued sejonen-uogerent luenp ues-eupjueyi-Bise seg Jonny e6uedweg seg Jenny usseqy-uequieg-e|q00eS uiseg sonny ueAeGed useg soapy ouby looooox xX OOoOoOo4aa4 seg Jeaty 52027 i | eUePUIN, eee o o TI= SeAeSIA funy; ‘b eBieyosiq ayloeds A41-1 (GOlMAd NYNL3Y YA-S:1) SAUND SOUVHOSIG O141IDadS ty “y Boay juOWIYOIED 00" oo} oO 4 voz —— lise senry oyeqe}09 useg Jonny uesny sre=o ] oeuepuin luseg Jeary ueojobe AID pou! uiseR soar useg Jerry ueBueget}-60), Juseg Jerry sneer urseg sonny Aeued SeyoneN-uogeren venp ueg-eupey-f1seq a eBueduieg useg Jenny ueoeqy-uequeg-elqooes, seg, useg Jenny uekeBeo, seg Jonny ouBy joooooxxoOooogaa luseq Jon 82007 eupysjus"d eBseyosig aysoods A4L-2 2 (GOldad NUN.LAY YA-0b-}) SAUND JOUVHOSIG SI4INadS un] ty Boxy quoUNYDIED 000" ob Uuyseg Jeane o1eqe}09 urseg sary uesndy lujseg sonra ueojo6e ‘Alo ojo ul seg sonny, seg soapy uebueqey 4-60), auiseg sony sneer uyseg sony Aeued ‘se}OAEN-UOgEIeN _wenp ueg-eupveyt-Bised Uuyseg Jenyy B6ueduied useg, ‘yjseg Jonny uekeBeg ujseg soayy ouby useg enn 6027 oooooxxooo0o04a4 001 stapys/u ‘b eBseyosiq oyjoods, A41-3 (dolad NYNL3Y YA-sz:}) SAUND JOUWHOSIG d14ID3dS Wy “y Bory juEWIYDIED, o00'001 000 00" oor on b oeuepuyy— sekesi,-—— vozn] —— seg Jonny o1eqe}09 uiseg senry ueojobe), AND OOH UL UNSER 4eARY luseg sony uebuegeiH-B01) ausseg Jenny sneer seg sonny feueg SBIONEN-LogeIEW Uuenp ueg-eupew-Biseq uiseg Jenny eBuedweg useg Jonny Ueseqy-uequieg-eiqooeg Uiseg sonny uekeBeo uiseg Jenny ouby use soapy Be0e7 jo oo oo x ODHOoOoa a -unyjsjeut"b oBseyosiq ay!00eds A41-4 (Gontad NYNL3Y YA-0S:1) SAYND JOUVHOSIG D1sI9adS uy “y eaay IuOWYDIED 000'001 00‘ o00't oor on oevepuiW— sekesi —— oz —— urseg Jeary o1eqei09 urseg Jenny uesnBy seg soa ueojobe, Ag o} ujseg JAR ujseg Jonny ueBueqenH-Go suiseg Jenny snejer uiseg Jenny Koved ‘se|oneN-uoge| uuenp ueg-eunweyi-6:sed lseg soapy eSuedwed uses, Jen Ueoeqy-uequieg-e1qooeg ujseg Jenny uekeBeg useg Jenny ouby uiseg soars 82007 ooooox xX OOo8oaaa OsZt =o oeuePUIN, oor sunys/uu ‘b eBueyosiq ayjoeds A41-5 (Gonad NYNLIY YA-001:1) SAUND SOYVHOSIO JIsIDads any 'y Boxy qweUysreD 000001 o00't 001 oO oeuepuW— sekesiq — voz] — Uyseg sonny oveqeiog uiseg Jonny uesndy ise Jenry Uecjobe Aud oyoit uj uiseg ser ise Jerry ueBueqe HBO), Juyseg sony anejer Uuyseg sonny Aeueg ‘SejoneN-UOgerEW uenp ueg-eupeW-Bised uyseg Jonny e6uedwieg vuseg Jenny uekeBeo useg Jeary ouBy ujseg Jonny 62027 loooooxxoo000044 DOr=9 oeuepuln WLb=o ‘sefesi,, tunys/u 'b eBreyosiq ayioeds A41-6 ATTACHMENT 4.2 Location of Selected Synoptic and Climatic PAGASA Station PAGASA SYNOPTIC STATIONS Station ID) Station Name Latitude | Longitude Years of Record 851 | General Santos South Cotobato oe o7 | i2srti | Otvanst | 31-De000 132 _|Itbayat Batanes 20°45 | 12148 | OtJan-o1 | _ 31-Dec-00 195 _ [Basco Batanes 20°27 | 12168 | Ot~Jan-61 | 31-Dec-00 ‘222 |Vigan locos Sur 34 | 12023 | Otten | 31-Deo-00 223 [Laoag llocos Norte 411 | 12032 | otlanet | 31-Deo-00 232 [Aparri Cagayan qe22 | 12°38 | Otvan-6t | 31-Dec-00 233 [Tuguegerao Cagayan araT_| 12144 | Otvan61 | 31-Dec-00 324 |Ibe Zambales 1820 | 19°58 | Otvan61 | 31-Dec-00 325 _ [Dagupan City Pangasinan ter03 | 120°20 | Otven61 | 31-Dec-00 328 _ [Baguio City Benguet 16°25 | 120°36 | Otvan-6t | _31-Dec-00 330 |[Cabanatuan Nueva Ecja 16°29 | 120°68 | Otvian-6t | 91-Dec-00 333 [Baler Quezon 16°46 | 121734 | Otven-6t | 91-Dec-00 336 _ |Casiguran Quezon qe17 | 1207 | Otvanot | 31-Dec-00 425 __ [Port Area Mania 74°35] 120"69_| Otalan-61 | _31-Dec00 “427 |Tayabes Quezon 3a 02 | 12135 | Otien-71_ | 31-Dec00 428 [Sangley Point Cavite 74°30 | 120°55_| OtJan-73 | _31-Dec-00 428__ |NAIA(MIA) Pasay City west | tarot | otvJan6t | 31-Dec-00 430 [Science Garden Quezon City 4°39 | 12103 | OtJen-6t | 31-Dec-00 431 [Calapan Oriental Mindoro 3°25 | 12011 | Otvan-61 | 31-Dec-00 432 [Ambulong Batangas 7405 | 121'03_| Otvan6t | 31-Dec-00 434__[Infanta Quezon 1445 | 121730 | Otvan6t | 31-Dec-00 435 __[Alabat Quezon taror | 12201 | Otvan-6t | 31-Dec-00 ‘440 [Daet Camarines Norte tao7_| 122°68 | Otvan-6t | 31-Dec-00 “444 [Legaspi Gity Albay 13°08 | 123°44 | Otvan6t | _91-Deo00 446 |Virac Radar Catanduanes 73°69 | 12619 | Otwian-68 | 21-Dec-00 “447__|Virae Synop Catanduanes 13°35 | 12614 | Otwan-O1 | 21-Deo-00 631 [San Jose Occidental Mindoro aat_| 1202 | otvanet | 3t-Deo00 36 [Romblon Romblon 13s | 1216 | Otvian-61 | 97-Deo00 538 [Roxas City Aklan aras_ | 12°45 | Otvan6t | _31-Dec-00 543 [Masbate Masbate awa | 12937 | Otvanot | 31-Deo00 ‘546 [Catarman Northern Samar ya20 | 124738 | otvan6t | 31-Dec-00 ‘548 |Catbalogan Western Samar ara7_| 12°53 | Otvane | 31-Deo-00 550 | Tacioban City Leyte a1] 12602 | otvane | _31-Deo-00 858 |[Guluan Easter Samar tio2 | 126744 | Otven-73 | 31-Dee-00 618 [Puerto Prinsesa Palawan 09° 45, 116° 44 | Otvan6t 31-Dec-00, eso [euyo Palawan 7 W051 | 121702] OtJan-61 | 31-Dee-00 637 _|[licllo Cty Nello oraz | 12234 | Otvan-ot | 21-Deo.00 642 [Dumaguete City Negros Oriental 0916 | 123°18 | Otvan6t | o1-Dec-00 44 __[Tagbilaran Boholt 09°38 | _123°52 | Otvanei | 27-Deo00 648 __|Mactan International Airport Cebu 10° 18 72368 | Otvan-72 | 31-Deo-00 ‘648 __[Maasin Southern Leyte roros | 12460 | Otvan71 | 31-Deo00 653 [Surigao Surigao dol Norte [_os48 | 126°30 | Otvan-61 | 31-De0-00 741__ [Dipolog Zamboanga del Norte [08° 36 12321 | O1Jan61 ‘31-Deo-00 748 [Cagayan de oro Misamis Oriental | 08" 20 124° 38 | 01-Jan-61 ‘31-Dec-00 751 |Malaybalay Bukidnon [ros 00 [12505 | orwan-et_| 31-Deo00 753 [Davao City Davao Del Sur | or-o7 | 125°30_| Otvanst_| _31-Dec-00 785 __[Hinatuan Surigao Del Sur [0822 | 126°20_ | otvanet | 91-Dec-00 836 [Zamboanga City Zamboanga Del Sur 06°54 | 12204 | Otven-61 | 31-Doc-00 A421 PAGASA CLIMATIC SATIONS Station ID Station Name Latitude | Longitude Years of Record (0537 |San Roque Bacon Sorsogon 43°01 | 12402 | January-72 | December-00 (0538 |Sorsogon Sorsogon 12°58 [124700 | January-73 | December-o4 (0616 [San Carlos City Negros Occidental to 29 | 123° 25 | January-71 | Devember-00 0617 _[Sipalay Negros Occidental 09 45 | 122"24 | Vanuary-71 | December-67 (0702 |Dagohoy Bohol os" 54 [124° 16 | vanuary-63 | December-00 (0703 |Guindulman Bohot 09°48 | 124729 | January-75 | December-00 0705 [Bes Ubay Bohol 40°03] 124° 28 | January-78 | December-0o (0708 _ |Pob.Bilar Bohol 09°43 | 124°07_| anuary-75 | December-00 (0713 _|Tinangran Tubigon Bohol os 67 | 423° | January-66 | Decomber-00 (0714 [Bogo Medellin Milling Co. Cebu 1403 | 124" 00 | January-66 | December-00 (0716 [Kal Anan Tabogon Cebu 10°09 | 12408 | January-80 | December-00 0717 _ [Mantalongon Dalaguote Cebu oer 47 | 423°27 | January-66 | December-00 0718 |Taytay Badian Cebu 09°52 | 129°24 | January-80 | December-00 (0720 |Nonas Bayawan_Negfos Oriental 09°22 | 122°48 | Janvary-67 | December-00 (0721 [Siaton Negros Oriental osro4 | 429°02 | January-67 | December-00 (0802 [Barangay Olot Tolosa Leyte 11704 [425702 | January-84 | December-00 (0805 |Bnac Biliran Leyte av27 | 424728 | January-77 | Devember-00 (0806 _[Casilda Merida Leyte jors5 | 124°33 | Januery-71 | December-00 (0807 |Inopacan Leyte 40°31 | 424°44 | January-80 | December-00 (0808 |Pob. Dagami Leyte a04 [424754 | January-77 | December-00 (0813 [Allen Northern Samar 42°30 | 424747 | January-71 | December-08 0815 _|Anahawan Southern Leyte 10°16 125° 15 | January-84 | December-08 (0816 [Otikon Libagon Southem Leyte 10°18 [425"03 | January-70 | December-00 (0905 |Dapitan City Zamboanga Del Norte 08°39 | 128°25 | January-66 | Deoember-00 (0906 |Sindangan Zamboanga Del Norte 08°14 | 122°59 | January-78 | December-00 1018 [Alubijid Misamis Oriental unknown [unknown | January-60 | December.00 1020 _ |Sison Surigao Del Norte 0s 40 [12613 | January-81 | December-00 1021 _|Snat Magpayong Mainit Surigao Del Norte | unknown | unknown | January-61 | December-00 1106 _|[Cantilan Surigao Del Sur os" 20 | 125° 51 | January-66 | December-06 ¥201 [Baroy Lanao Del Norte | osro2 [12347 | Venuary-72 | December-96 1202 _|Kapatagan Lanao Del Norte orst 723°46 | vanuary-71 | December-00 1204 _|Parang Maguindanao or 23 | 424° 16 | anuary-72 | December-00 0101 [Bangued Abra 1736 | 20°37 | Jenvary-74 | December-00 0102 _|Cosili bangued Abra 17° 08 120° 37_|_January-80 | December-00 (0108 _ |Balatoc Mines Itogon Benguot 1622 | 120°41 | January-61 | December-00 (0112 _ [San Roque Santiago llocos Sur 17°16 | 120"25 | January-71 | Oecember.00 0113 | Sinait locos Sur 17° 82_|_120°27_| Janvary-69 | December-00 0116 [Masalep Tubao La Union 16°24 120° 25 | January-66 | December-00 (0117 _ |Balungao Pangasinan 18°84 | 120° 40_| January-71 | December-00 ‘0118 [Barrio Binalonan Pangasinan te05 | 720°33 | January-72 | December-00 (0119 [Mabini Pangasinan 76°04 | 119°56 | January68 | ~December-99 (0304 |Makinabang Baliwag Bulacan 14°55 | 420"°53_| January-69 | December-00 A42-2 PAGASA CLIMATIC SATIONS Station 1D] Station Name Latitude | Longitude Years of Record | 0311 __|San Isidro Nueva Eola 15°18 | 120°54 | Januay-73 | December-04 0317 _|Bolawon Sta Cruz Zambales 15°46 2 January75 | _December-96 0318 _|Pelawig Zambales 15°26 | 19°64 | Januay-75 | December-00 (0320 [Sta Rita Elem Sch. Cabangan Zambales | 15°10 | 12003 | January-75 | December-05 (0822 |Western Luzon Agri College(Former ZNAS) | 14°58 | 120"09 | January-75 | December-00 0403 _|Lobo Batangas _| 13°38 121° 12_| January-69 | December-09 (0405 _|Wawa Nasugbu Batangas ~14°05| 120°38 | January-72 | December-00 (0406 [Barrio Maitim Amadeo Cavite 14708__| 120°57 | January-85 | December-00 0407 _|Mabolo Elem Sch. Bacoor Cavite 14°27 420° 66 | January-76 | December-09 (0412 _ |Tilk Lubang Occidental Mindoro 13°49) 120°12 | vanuary-66 | Desember-08 0413 [Brookes Point Palawan 08°05 | 117°60_| vanvary-66 | December-00 (0415 _|Bos0-Boso Antipolo Rizal 1438 | 12114 | vanuay-72 | December-00 (0417 _ Sitio Tabak Montalban Rizal 14°48 | 12141 | vanuary-76 | Decomber.06 (0507 _|Naglabong Tiwi Albay 19°38 | 129°30 | January-71 | December-00 (0513 _ [Sto Domingo Albay 13°14 | 120°47_| vJanuary-67 | December00 0517 _ |Paracale Cam.Norte [er | 12°47 | January-74 | December-o4 (0521 _|Garamoan Cam.Sur 13°47 | 128°62_| January-72 | December.00 (0523 _|Pob Pasacao CamarinesSur 13°31_| 12302 | vanuary-69 | December.67_| (0525 Sta Cruz San Nicholas Baao Cam Sur 13°27 | 12327 | January-69 | Decomber-00, (0530 _/Bulusan Sorsogon 12°45 | 12408 | January-72 | December.06 (0534 | Magallanes Sorsogon 12°60__| 123°60_| January-72 | December-00 (0536 [Prieto Diaz Sorsogon 13°02 | 124712 | Janvayy-72 | Decomber-00 A42-3 LOCATION OF SELECTED SYNOPTIC AND CLIMATTIC PAGASA STATIONS A42-4 Legond © Synoptic Staton © imate station LOCATION OF SELECTED SYNOPTIC AND CLIMATIC PAGASA STATIONS A42-5 Legend © synoptic Staton @ ciimatic Stason an » of LOCATION OF SELECTED SYNOPTIC AND CLIMATIC PAGASA STATIONS A42-6 ATTACHMENT 4.3 RIDF of Selected Synoptic PAGASA Station uoners ondoudg uebiA 72z w0 eesst Srolese eo ~«<0e ~«eSelss CU 00r 160 SELL OszszbLz wo ez dylesa st os 060 = LLEYL GELONZE z oo} zeze — c0'e96e 4 rd a(Lt9)/Wau Zz evo | vezt COOL z seo us'8s_ deteres ik oO (gtO)/Vau ob veo = Z0LHL oozess oe0 sgh zzais ok s uonenby adh, wo zyse seize Seo 069) __ye'ease_ z AI 4GIY PERS §=——— a 2 Vv gk q 2 Vv. 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