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About the Editors

Diana Morton-Thompson is a consulting geologist in both the

energy and environmental fields. She has a M.A. in geology from
The University of Texas at Austin, where she also worked at the
Texas Bureau of Economic Geology. She has ten years of
diversified foreign and domestic experience with Chevron U.S.A.
and ARCO Research and Technical Service, performing applied
research, through the integration of geological, geophysical,
geochemical, petrophysical, and engineering data, on reservoir
characterization and management. This work has focused
particularly on fades analysis of modern and ancient depositional
systems; facies effects on reservoir quality, distribution,
continuity, and behavior; and how hydrocarbon recoveries can be
subsequently enhanced. Diana is now with Wilkins & Wheaton,
Inc., in Kalamazoo, Michigan. She is currently involved in corporate training;
multidisciplinary project management and team building; and integration of
multidisciplinary data to describe surface and subsurface soil-rock-fluid systems for
reservoir and property evaluation and management, environmental site characterization and
remediation, and environmental regulatory compliance auditing. Diana has been a member
of the AAPG Committee on Development Geology since 1987, and in 1991 was appointed
Chairman of that committee.

Arnold M. Woods received his B.A. in geology from San

Francisco State University in 1976. Following graduation, he
worked for two years as a mudlogging engineer and unit
manager in California, Alaska, and Canada. After receiving his
M.A. in geology from The University of Texas at Austin in 1981,
he was employed by Phillips Petroleum as a development
geologist, successfully working shallow and deep oil and gas
plays in the Anadarko basin. He started with Conoco in 1986 as a
member of the International Operations Group and worked
exploration and development projects in Egypt, Tunisia, and
Angola. Since 1988, he has been assigned to the Casper Division
office, where he is presently evaluating EOR potential and
performing detailed reservoir studies for fields in the Williston,
Powder River, Bighorn, and North Park basins. His interests span a range from clastic
sequence stratigraphy to dinosaur extinction. He is an active member of the Wyoming
Geological Association and of AAPG and has been a member of the AAPG Committee on
Development Geology since 1988.


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