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Proposal for Publication in Materials Today: Proceedings

Materials Today: Proceedings welcomes proposals for publishing conference proceedings.

Your proposal will be evaluated based on suitability of scope and quality criteria, including the
assurance that all papers are original, will be subject to peer review before acceptance and
have not been/will not be published elsewhere. Once a decision is made, we will inform you as
soon as possible.
In order to properly evaluate your proposal we would like to ask you for some further
information. Thank you.

Conference details
Short name:
Conference website (URL):
If the website is not available now, an announcement on the conference and/or call for papers is
appreciated, in addition to further details such as discussion topics, a list of the invited
speakers, and the conference program.

Scope of the conference:

Conference Organiser/ Association:

Conference Chair:
Conference Committee members:
Expected number of participants:
% from Domestic:
% from Overseas:
Has the conference been run previously and if so how many times? Can you provide details/URL
of the previous conference(s)?

Proceedings details

Guest editor(s) name/affiliation/email:

Number of papers:
Number of pages per paper:
Number of expected total pages:
When will papers be ready for submission?:
Desired publication date of the proceedings:

Publishing route
The journal offers Open Access and traditional Subscription based publishing options.
Publishing proceedings Open Access means that articles will be immediately and
permanently free for everyone to read and download. The conference is responsible for
the cost of publication.
Publishing proceedings via the Subscriptions route means that articles are accessible to
institutions and individuals that subscribe to the journal: with journal subscribers
ultimately responsible for the publication costs. Those conference organizers opting to
publish via the subscriptions route are advised to order additional print/digital copies (see
below) so as to ensure all delegates are able to access the proceedings.
Please indicate your preferred publishing route as Open Access or Subscription based:

Publishing additions
We are delighted to also offer other Publishing Services please indicate your interest below and
we can confirm the additional cost:
Hardback Copies

Quantity ________

Softback Copies

Quantity ________


Quantity ________


Quantity ________

Required by___________________________
Issue call for papers?


Print Advertising in Materials Today


Web Advertising via Materials Today


We encourage suggestions of innovative supporting initiatives. Perhaps conference posters

could be displayed on the Materials Today website? Perhaps we can interview the conference
Chairs for our popular podcasts?

We would welcome your ideas:


Additional information
Have you been a guest editor for conference proceedings before? If yes please specify which
Have you been a reviewer for journal articles? If yes please specify which journals:
Are you familiar with Elsevier Policies relevant to peer review? (Link to the policies )
Any other comment: ________________________________________________
How did you find out about Materials Today: Proceedings? Please delete as appropriate:
Via Global Events List/Via Invitation from the Editor/Email alert/Banner advert online/Other
(please specify)

Contact person details (of all reviewers):



Thank you for your time.

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