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No.10A, Pusat Komersial Ara Ampang, Jalan Ampang

68000 Ampang, Selangor Darul Ehsan
07 September 2015 25 December 2015



Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement

for the degree of
Bachelor of Science (Hons.) Mathematics
Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences






Firstly, I am grateful to Allah S.W.T for giving me the strength to complete this project
First and foremost, I have to thank my academic supervisor Pn. Raisnee Lumbihan and my
industry supervisor Pn. Nurul Ain Binti Shaaripuddin.

Without their assistance and

dedicated involvement in every step throughout the process, this research would have never
been accomplished. I would like to thank them for their support and understanding
throughout my industrial training journey.
Most importantly, none of this could have happened without the support of family. To my
parents, it would be an understatement to say that, as a family, we have experienced some
ups and downs in the past three years of my undergraduate study, in fact often times I was
ready to quit, but you did not let me and I am forever grateful. This dissertation stands as a
testament to your unconditional love and encouragement.

.Date: 1/1/2016

Name: Muhammad Bin Ismail






Background of Industrial Training


Background of Organization


Background of Department Attached



Task 1(Receive goods from warehouse)

2.1.1 Introduction

2.1.2 Implementation

2.1.3 Result and Discussion

Task 2(Return goods to warehouse)

2.2.1 Introduction

2.2.2 Implementation

2.2.3 Result and Discussion


Benefits of the Assignments


Summary of Industrial Training


Background of Industrial Training

Bachelor of Science (Hons) Mathematics is one of the programs offered by Faculty

of Science Computer and Mathematics. The duration of the program is seven
semester. During the first six semesters students are required to attend lectures and
tutorials in campus while the final semester i.e. the seventh semester students will be
attached to a company of their choice for industrial training. One student can only be
attached to one company only. The company involved for industrial training can be
either government or private sector. The allowance given to industrial trainee
depends on the companys jurisdiction. The duration for this industrial training is 16
weeks. During the training, the student will be supervised by a supervisor from the
company and a lecturer from UiTM. At the end of the training, a report about the
training must be prepared and submitted to the faculty.
As for me, I have chosen 99 Speedmart Sdn Bhd company to do my industrial
training and the branch I was attached to is located at No.10A, Pusat Komersial Ara
Ampang, Jalan Ampang 68000 Ampang, Selangor Darul Ehsan. My industrial
training started on 7 September 2015 and ended on 25 December 2015.


Background of Organization

Mr Lee Thiam Wah

Founder & Managing
99 Speed Mart Sdn Bhd

99 Speedmart was founded by Mr Lee Thia Was and one of the rapidly growing
chain of refreshing 'new and improved' mini-markets that meets consumers' needs for
groceries, offering unsurpassed value and absolute convenience.
" Our goal is to fulfill customer's needs by supplying various types of daily use
products with reasonable price."
" We strive to provide customers an 'ideal shopping environment' that incorporates
with the elements of time and money saving. Therefore, our slogan is NEAR' n
To keep up with our image as one of the market leaders in grocery markets of
Malaysia, we aim to continue the concept-oriented mini market associated with
3500+/- types of daily use products to all customers.
We are able to achieve optimum economies of scale via bulk purchases of goods by
leveraging on a large chain supported by 3 fully-integrated distribution centres
working in synergy with an advance logistic system, thereby achieving increased
efficiency and reduced costs.
Together with our passionate teams, 99 Speedmart has from a grocery store in 1987
grown to open more than 440 branches by July 2013. We are looking forward

growing even bigger and serving our customers better as everyone's favorite
neighbourhood mini-market.

Our company logo represents the shopping environment in 99, completes with trolley
and doing our best to achieve 99 marks.
SPEEDMART portrays a fast, easy & convenient store that focuses on quality and
speedy customer service as well as cleanliness, tidiness and safety.

Background of Department Attached

The department that I was attached to was a branch operation department where I
become management trainee at Ara Ampang 99 Speedmarts outlet. During my
training I have learned and done several tasks such as;
a. managing the outlet,
b. managing the staff,
c. doing managers paperwork,
d. receiving goods from direct supplier and goods from warehouse,
e. returning goods to direct supplier and warehouse.


Task 1
Receive goods from warehouse.


Every week, there will be 3 lorry trips coming to the outlet (99 speedmart
shop) to send goods from the warehouse which are Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday. On these days, before the lorry arrived at our outlet, a staff from
the warehouse which is warehouse 3 Balakong Jaya will notify us through
phone about the lorry trip so that we could arrange a convenient parking area
to make sure unloading of goods is done smoothly. When lorry arrives, the
driver will give an invoice to the manager and the manager will check the
cable tights number at the lorrys door with the invoice serial number to
make sure that the contain of the lorry is indeed for our outlet. If it is the
same serial number the manager will then cut the cable tight and open the
door. There are two cable tights that needed to be checked. The cable tights
that have been cut will be put inside a particular recycle bag and sent back to
the warehouse by the same lorry. The bag also contain invoices from direct
suppliers, bills and reports.

Every trip comes with a new bag for the

manager. Unloading of goods from the warehouse can be done in two ways,
it can be done either manually or by using roll cages.
For manually, the manager needs to check all the goods in the invoice before
goods is unloaded. After unloading all the goods, the driver will then unload
the green box which contained premium items, followed by green basket
which contained loose items and black basket which is vegetables. After
checking on all the goods is complete, the manager will then write d/o if
there is any adjustment needed to be done on the invoice before sending it
back to the warehouse. In the adjustment, the manager needs to write the
invoice number and code item that has adjustment. The d/o adjustment also
needs to be put inside the particular recycle bag. An outlet is only given one
hour to unload goods manually.

For roll cages, the procedure is still the same as the one done manually but
the warehouse give 24 hours to check the goods. If it has adjustment,
manager can fax the d/o adjustment within 24 hours after receiving the
goods. It is because the goods is in the roll cages and it is a little harder to
check as compared to the one done manually. The manager needs to return
empty roll cages to the warehouse and to make sure that the number of roll
cages returned is the same as the number of cages unloaded. Warehouse only
give half an hour time to unload roll cages.
A lorry is not always for one outlet only, it can be shared with another outlet.
In case of shared lorry, the manager in the first outlet, after receiving goods
is complete, will close the lorry and seal it back with new cable tight for the
next outlet.

After learning and doing the tasks, I believe I have the knowledge to
implement the procedure when I am assigned to a job which requires me to
handle the process of receiving or delivering products. I now understand the
importance of check list and recording the items involved. It is also crucial to
get the necessary information about the products I am handling to avoid
inconvenience and error when dealing with stock checking and ordering.
I have also learn how critical it is to manage the time given especially when
you have limited time to implement certain task and when extra second could
cost the company. Quick and efficient without compromising the quality and
meticulousness in doing the work in hand is the key ingredients to a success


Results and Discussion

The results that I get from the task is I learn how to manage the goods, deal
with warehouse, and procedure receiving goods.


Task 2
Return goods to warehouse


Returning goods to the warehouse also following a standard procedure. An
outlet can only return goods once a week accept for vegetables. Vegetables
can be returned every lorry trip. There are three categories of goods that can
be returned to the warehouse, they are either damage, expire or with
approval. Items that allowed to be returned to the warehouse are not more
than six boxes of vegetables or eggs, and not more than 4 boxes of processed
food or nonfood items. Goods to be returned will be scan by using handheld
scanner to record the data. Each box has its reference number and we can see
it at the handheld. For damage goods, we can scan goods until the box is full
and not too heavy. Each goods must be packed in a plastic so that the person
in charge at the warehouse can easily separate the goods. For expired goods,
a box can only contain 5 types of goods but not required to pack it separately
in plastics. Other than damaged or expired goods, other goods to be returned
have to have the approval notice from area manager.
After scanning, packing and putting in boxes are done, the boxes have to be
sealed and the name of outlet where the goods come from, outlet code, date
of scan, date return, reference number and remark are to be written on the
each box. The manager have to put the scanning record slip or receipt on the
boxes for the lorry driver to sign. All returning goods have to be scan one
day before the lorry trip.


Result and Discussion

The procedure of returning goods to warehouse has taught me that returning
anything we acquired can only be allowed on certain conditions. Goods
cannot be easily return because it will increase the cost of the company. This
is to show that the manager has to make a carefully consideration especially
during stock checking so that the goods ordered are what the outlet really
need. A mistake done be the manager or staff in charged will cost time,
energy and inconvenience to other workers in the outlet as well as the
warehouse. The amount of goods ordered also has to match with the
consumer consumption to avoid too much expired items.


Benefit of the assignments

The assignments have been very beneficial to me. Both tasks that I have
learned and done at 99 Speedmarts especially the system and the procedure to
handle the day-to-day operation at the outlet which now have reached 700
outlets proves that their way of doing business is very efficient. The knowledge
I gained from this assignment would definitely be useful to me in doing my job
in future either in other companies or maybe my own business.


Summary of Industrial Training

This industrial training had taught me many things especially retail area but
also how I work with other people. I have experienced a real life working
experience, dealing with real people and working with real co-workers. I have
learned about discipline, time management and the consequences of every
decision I take. I have also learned business management, looking into area that
will increase sales, product marketing which through all these have increased
my communication skill and self-confidence. With all the experiences I gained
from doing the industrial training at 99 Speedmart, I definitely recommend that
this course work to be continued to give students the experience they most
needed before they embark on their real jobs and working life.

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