Controlled Assessment Task 2017

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Business and Communication Controlled Assessment Task 2017

Background to the task

World War One ended at 11am on the eleventh day of the eleventh month in 1918, when
Germany signed an armistice. Many businesses create products to mark anniversaries of
such events. Your investigation will involve the preparation of publicity materials for the
launch of a range of commemorative pottery items. The items will include a plate and a mug
and coaster set. Each item will be produced in plain white with a design to represent the
centenary of the end of the war. You should give the business producing the commemorative
items a fictitious name and address.
Your task is to prepare:
a graphic that will be used on the mug, combining text and image(s)
a data table to store customers contact details, with one record entered
a mail merge letter to be sent to shops purchasing commemorative pottery to introduce
the range of products
an A5 flyer to send to shops to publicise the items, with an order form for the reverse side.
Research and Planning
You will have up to eight hours for this section of the work.
You will need to research the following:
basic information about World War One and the armistice
the ways in which merchandise commemorates events
how designs are applied to ceramic items
using mail merge and the contact details that will be needed for the letter
the structure/design of flyers
the structure/design of order forms and the software tools that can be used to create them.
You should keep a record of any sources that you use and indicate their impact on your
Final Submission
You will have up to four hours to write up your work and to produce the necessary documents
and materials. This can be split over a number of sessions.
Your final submission should contain the following:
the graphic
the data table showing a single record, printed in landscape
two copies of the mail merged letter one copy showing the data from the data table and
one copy showing the field names from the data table
the flyer, complete with the order form for the reverse side.
You should also hand in:
a second copy of the graphic and the flyer, each annotated to explain the judgements that
you have made and how your research informed these decisions
a record of the sources that you have used and the impact that they have had on your

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