PSO2 Time Attack Quest - Lilipa Map

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Area 1

legend: Line - Wall | Dot - Switch | Crossed Circle - Enemy Spawner | Red Area - Enemy
You Start at bottom right:
1.Go up the ramp, kill bots and hit the purple switch
--1.Don't step into the red marked area as it'll trap you in the area and spawn enemies
--2.Rangers should use Concentrate One and Forces Ra-Zan
2.Go E4 to hit the switch, break enemy spawner and kill all enemies to hit second switch
3.Go D4 and kill bots
4.Repeat step 3 in C4, have one person hit blue switch with ranged attacks
5.Go C5 and follow the bridge north, killing bots and hitting switch along the way
6.Repeat step 3 in C3 and C2
7.Go towards the exit, kill enemies along the way
Area 2 (Party Mode)

legend: Line - Wall | Dot - Switch | Star - Teleporter

You start from the bottom left:
1.Go up the ramp and kill the enemies
2.Split into 2 Groups
--1.One group goes east towards E3, killing enemies along to remove walls along the way
--2.One group goes north towards D3, doing the same
--3.Ranged characters can hit the purple switches along the way to disable traps for the other
3.Both groups splits again
--1.One player gets the switch on E2 while the other stays at E3
--2.One player gets the switch at C3 while the other heads towards E3
4.Hit the 2 switches in E3 to make the jumppad spawn, use it to goto map exit

Area 2 (Solo Mode)

Basically the north D3 lane is same with party mode.
1.Follow the yellow road (North D3 lane) and go to point A and hit the switch (Clear Traps in
2.After kill the 2 bots at the 1st star symbol, move to 2nd star symbol and kill the bots.
3.Follow the white road and go point E and hit the switch.(Clear traps in E3~E4)

4.Go point F and hit the switch. (Clear traps in E6~E4)

5.Then go to the 3rd star symbol and kill the 2 bots.

6.Go 4th star symbol and kill bots.
7.Go point B and hit the switch. (Clear traps near point D, E3~E2)

8.After opening switch at point B, do not press the blue switch at this moment. Use the
teleporter and go back to the starting point, then follow the green road (East E3 road).
--1.The traps on the east road are cleared if you had hit the switches stated before.
--2.The explosives at the east road had been unlocked, use it at your own risk.
9.Then is the Important steps during solo mode:
--1.Then follow green road go to point C and step on the blue switch.
--2.Immediately follow the road back to point D and step on the green switch.
--3.Go downhill to point E and step both green and blue switches.
--**PS: When you see the switches, please step the right one (blue switch) only the left one
(green switch), due to the switch will disappear.
--4.Go back up and there's a jumper, use it to jump like the party mode.

Area 3
1.Kill the boss to clear the quest.
Misc Notes:
*(Area 1) There's numerous switches that enables explosives.
*(Area 2) The switches in E3 (point E in solo mode guide map) will only appear for a limited
time after hitting previous switches
*(Area 2) If you failed to get the E3 switches, then you need to get the yellow marked
switches (in the party mode guide map) as well to reach the exit.

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