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First of all, here are your lucky Numbers for the games you play:

3 - 18 - 29
You will be able to use them within the favourable periods I am going to indicat
Here is for you
my Horoscope Clairvoyance of this day
Dear Nitesh,
In my letter you will discover revelations of great importance. Indeed, very ear
ly this morning, when I got settled into my office to see the information you ga
ve me about you,
I suddenly had an apparition that was so clear about you. It impressed me so muc
h that I immediately wanted to take care of your case as a priority. What I glim
psed at that
moment gave em a shock.
your near future, Nitesh, is filled with tremendously positive events, which is
why I will only mention the most important ones, the ones you shouldn t miss at an
y cost,
your first beneficial day is around Wednesday, October 15, 2008. On that day, I
envision a chance for a substantial money gain coming to you. This relatively la
rge amount
of Money will help you settle some of your financial needs.
On your second fortunate day, Tuesday, October 21, 2008, I foresee you getting g
ood news in your love life. I can see someone who is very close to your heart re
turning to you,
I can see you joining old friends after long months of separation. They will giv
e a helping hand in your needs and give back your lost strength. You are in for
an excellent state of mind!
Your third beneficial day is Saturday, October 25, 2008, when I foresee yet anot
her Chance for a very substantial income (gambling? inheritance?...). I can see a
number followed
by several other numbers. This second good luck with Money will get you going on
new projects and give you a much better outlook on your future.
On the same week, you make an interesting and very important encounter that will
develop into many successful financial opportunities.
Then, on Wednesday, October 29, 2008, I can see more chances for Money Gain. Thi
s time, the sum involved appears to be very substantial, much larger than before
. I shouldn t
think this is going to be a lottery win, but rather an inheritance, a donation,
or bequest. This new money luck will finally put you in charge of your financial
In the coming weeks, yet more good news concerning friendship and feelings. (I ll
bet this is the news you ve been waiting a long time for!) You will then have an e
njoyable meeting
that could work out into something important to you if you proceed with caution
. You will be able to complete a project that s been particularly close to your he
art for many years.
Yes, these are uncommon events that I have seen coming to you, and for this reas
on I had to warn you immediately so that you can have the time to prepare yourse
lf and be able
to properly receive the marvelous blessings of all these unexpected events.
This will be a unique opportunity to begin a new life. You will be able to pass
through this difficult stage of your life. You would finally live a life that dr
eams are made of, a marvelous life,
the life you want and deserve; Then you could say: "Hello life, you are beautif
ul! Farewell to pain and sorrow!"
In the briefest time limits, things could change for you Nitesh as for a new bir
th. It is going to be for you, Nitesh, luck marvelous to change all your life ra
dically. It will be the Luck of your life.

You probably know that lately you entered into a very difficult period of your l
ife. Fortunately the happy events that you are about to experience will bring yo
u to a beautiful new existence where money, Good Luck and love will be present a
ll the time. It will be for you, Nitesh like a dream, like a gift from the sky.

I foresee everything very clearly, and I am already preparing for you an serious
study in great detail. I would like to show it to you as it would help you to p
repare yourself for the prosperity which I see coming your way.

You will discover for yourself what can be your new life if you choose listen to
me and follow the advice that I have prepared for you in this important work.
Yes, Nitesh, your existence is going to change literally within a day! You are g
oing to know the dream-life that you deserve.
BUT BEWARE, if you can get past this decisive turning point in your life, to giv
e birth to the marvelous life of which you dream, (where all you do will succeed
), the chance could also be lost at this crucial stage, so that only negative re
sults are seen. You would risk to continue to live to the end of your days in a
miserable existence, without having the least chance of seeing any change.
Ever since I dedicated myself to the happiness of my clients, I have realized th
at it is always hard to travel through as difficult a stage as the one that you
are encountering.

I have also seen that some of your current problems weigh heavily on you. I know
that your problems tire you at times and almost suffocate you. I know that you
often prevent yourself from taking positive acts and making the decisions needed
to change the course of your existence.
Nitesh, I know you no longer have the resources to face the difficulties which a
re spoiling your life. You even, at times, have the strange feeling that someone
or something is deliberately thwarting your plans. Could you be the unfortunate
victim of a curse, an evil spell or even sorcery? I have got to say that in you
r case, the question is quite possible.
I have seen that you require urgent help to face your problems, but not just any
kind of help will do. You know as well as I do that you need quick and powerful
help right away.
Your current problems cannot be solved by ordinary means, but with the help of p
owerful forces, you will be able to fight against the root causes of your proble
I am personally able to put this powerful and effective help at your disposal so
as to reverse the negative course of your life, so that real HAPPINESS permeate
s your existence.
I am also aware that until now, no one was able, or indeed wanted to provide you
with the help you require, as nobody had tried to understand your problems, and
therefore no-one was able to find the proper answers to them.
And yet, Nitesh, I know, as do you, that you still have it secretly within yours
elf to face these problems and difficulties. Despite this, you feel a type of bl
ock, which prevents you from acting to obtain what you are entitled to expect fr
om life.
If we could have been in contact sooner, I could have saved you from much unhapp
iness, and time too!
There is no point in dwelling on the past as what is done is done. Therefore, le
t us deal with the present and with your future in particular, now that that you
have reached the time for Happiness in your life.
However, what I have been able to see in your life is a big disappointment that
is still affecting you. It may even be a disappointment which you have forgotten
, a disappointment caused by someone for whom you felt so much love that it felt
like a real betrayal, a disappointment which still haunts you today.
This deep wound, which has marred your life, is like a bleeding wound that has n
ot healed. You are still suffering pain today, as you do not make a conscious as
sociation to your painful past. The result is a great bitterness which dwells in
you and invades your mind.
You are not yet over this old pain, which is like a deadly poison and is far mor
e serious than can be imagined. It is paralyzing you and annihilating your posit
ive feeling and your abilities to deal with your problems. This is no doubt one
of the main reasons for your lack of positive personal potential and is definite
ly the true cause of your current problems.
However, Nitesh, at times, you have intense bursts of enthusiasm, but these are
followed by abysses of deep despair. This is a clear sign that your past still t
roubles you. We must remove these negative influences from your life very soon i
f we expect your life to change. This is why I have decided to help you in an po
werful and effective way.
It is also true that recently, many negative events have come crashing down on y
ou. I am even tempted to say that this seems normal, as the more you live in thi
s type of negative world, the more you will draw misfortune to yourself.
I can however state, Nitesh, and this is the good news that I had in store for y
ou: this negative period you are living through at the moment will be followed b
y a great period which will be beneficial and positive in every area which I tol
d you about at the beginning of my letter.
Yes, Nitesh, this Great Time is here. You are at the crossroads of your life
Yes, Nitesh, you are at a crucial point of your existence not only in the areas
of good fortune, feelings and love, but also in financial matters. Beware howeve
r, that this opportunity does not pass you by, as it may be quite short and may
take you by surprise. Therefore, you must be vigilant, but I am sure that this t
ime, all will go well as I will be at your side, (if you agree), so as to help y
ou as effectively as I can.
What is unusual about you, dear Nitesh, is that at times, you are driven by two
contradictory forces which influence you in turn in a strange conflict which pre
vents you from living life to its utmost. At times, you seem to give up and be r
esigned to things in a negative way. You seem to let yourself get to the point o
f being unable to deal with the slightest problem. At other times, you feel full
of life and have brilliant flashes of clarity and are aware of the wonderful li
fe that you could lead if you knew how to take advantage of all the opportunitie
s that lie before you.
These short positive bursts are still too short, and harmful negative forces soo
n regain control of you and prevent you from seizing the opportunities which wou
ld provide you with the wonderful life you dream of.
Furthermore, you allow yourself to be influenced by critics and bad advice that
ill-meaning and jealous people give you. You are the unfortunate victim of a hos
tile and jealous environment.
Beware of these people who are envious and exert too great an influence on you.
Do not place your trust in anybody, as it would be too easy to take advantage of
your kindness and goodness.
To summarize, I need to help you as soon as possible to rid yourself of these ha
rmful negative influences, as I am afraid that alone, you might not be able to g
rasp all the wonderful opportunities I foresee for you
You often feel tired and lacking in courage, with the unpleasant feeling of havi
ng lost control of things. You continually hesitate and put off facing up to pro
blems. This is why it is vital that you get your high spirits back so as to be a
ble to enjoy the wonderful times that lie ahead.
You know that you deserve more than the life you are living at the moment. You a
lso know that you cannot reverse the negative course of events on your own and l
astly, you know that you are living through a critical time and need urgent and
effective intervention. This vital so that you can make it past this turning poi
nt which is so important for your future
I am here and will help you right away, and the first thing I would like to do f
or you is to intervene so that you are able to solve your most serious problems
which weigh on you most in your life.
You are at a decisive point in your life, and, together we can see you around th
is bend (if you really want to). Beware however that you do not miss up on your
life s Great Opportunity.
Fortunately, all the problems you currently face are about to disappear, as toda
y, a new light will shine in your life. This is the great news I am revealing to
you: you will soon live a golden period of seven months during which you will b
e able to discover the Considerable Positive Life Changes which should enable yo
u to have Money, Fortune and Love in your life.
This is, Nitesh, the once in a lifetime opportunity as you will now be able to f
ind everything that your life had been lacking until now.
During this Golden Period, everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING should be favora
ble for you: money, but also love and good luck.
What this means is that you will be fortunate with money (in particular with gam
es involving money), lucky in love, but also just plain lucky everyday!
This Golden Period of your life (which deserves its NAME) is due to a particular
ly beneficial astral conjunction. This rare astral environment will shine on you
for as long as you decide to use it, as it is the result of a powerful mysterio
us radiation from one of the largest cosmic bodies.
Whatever you do, do not shun the precious help I am available to provide, so you
can fully enjoy all the wonderful things that will happen to you during your go
lden period which is already shining on you so as to light up the path of your l
ife. I am quite sure I am the only one able to help you effectively and without
any mistakes on the path to HAPPINESS.
Know, Nitesh, that I carried out this special work, this secret occult magical a
ction so as to be able to see clearer, and to get to know you better, which enab
les me to pinpoint the problems which are preventing you from living a normal li
fe. Moreover, this process helped me to find the correct remedy for your predica
ment, just as a good doctor would have done.
Yes, Nitesh, the first thing I would like to do for you, is to try to draw to yo
u the large sum of money I foresaw for you. This will enable you to face your mo
st pressing debts. So as to do this, I will work out your seven magical numbers
for your Golden Period. If you play games of chance, you will be able to play th
ese 7 numbers on the dates I will tell you.
The only thing you need to do is to play these numbers on those dates so as to i
nfluence your chances in the Golden Seven-Month Perio you are about to enter.
Since I have foreseen that you are about to win a large sum of money (I clearly
see a large number), I am optimistic for you and I think that you can be too.
The second thing I would like to do for you, if you will allow me, is to send yo
u my Great Predictions for your Seven Month Golden Period, as these predictions
as well as the help I will provide will on the one hand, free you from the negat
ive hold which is wearing you down and paralyzing you, and on the other, enable
you to make the right choices, the Choices which will lead you directly to the H
appiness you deserve and which you will achieve.
Allow me to carry out my Great Predictions, as I will, due to very favorable con
ditions, be able to put my heart and soul, and more than that, all my experience
into it.
Due to the clear vision I have had of your life and due to the special work, thi
s secret occult magical action that I was able to carry out for you, I will be a
ble to show you in my Great Predictions for your Seven Month Golden Period the e
xact path you should take to lead you directly to this Great Happiness, which sh
all be yours, and the Riches, which you expect and deserve. I did indeed say Ric
hes as I have clearly seen that you could become very rich--very clearly indeed!

In my Great Predictions, I will tell you:

-how certain planets have an influence on your mind-set and make you unique, unl
ike any other person.
-how these very same planets determine your favorable moments, luck and your enc
ounters and relationships with others.
I will reveal to you:
how others see you and what they think of you, what reactions you arouse and wha
t your sensitivities are. You can expect surprising revelations about yourself,
your personality and those around you
I will help you to discover:
-your true capacities, what your exact chances are, your real strengths, your se
cret gifts and hidden abilities
-not only the obstacles inside yourself which bother you, the blocks which preve
nt you from attaining success, but also how to increase your overall good fortun
e and how to avoid obstacles, how to make decisions at optimal times and how to
maximize this unexpected period of good fortune: your Golden Seven-Month Period.
Yes, Nitesh, with my Great Predictions for your Seven Month Golden Period, I am
absolutely sure that you will make the right decisions, those which will lead yo
u to happiness, good luck and money that you so deserve!
From this day forth, I will dedicate myself to bringing about GREAT HAPPINESS in
your life, so that I can read your e-mails expressing your happiness, just like
all the testimonials that you can read:
"Finally, thanks to you and your powers, my life has become as I wanted it to. T
hat is, a life filled with Love, Good Luck and Money"".
This is the e-mail I would like to receive from you shortly.
The third thing I would like to do for you, if you will allow me, is to do for y
ou, Nitesh, a long series of Mystical Ceremonies, called High Protection Ceremon
ies that I will begin as soon as I have your agreement.
These mystical ceremonies are destined to recharge your forces Luck and your ene
rgy potentiel so you can fully benefit from their beneficial effects, so that th
e gates of love, money and luck open wide.
These mystical ceremonies will bring you, day after day, the indispensables elem
ents that you lack of right now to make your every day life become and stay the
marvellous Life you are about to experience and which should be yours forever.
It will be for you permanently a formidable beneficial occult action multiplying
by 1000 you energy potential, to increase your forces of luck, success and happ
From this day forward, I will devote myself to the establishment and the keeping
of the Great Happiness in your life.
I am so happy to think that it will be for you the beginning of a new and except
ional life if you make today the right choices.
Yes, Nitesh, I promise you, I place you under high constant protection and if yo
u trust me and if you follow the advice I will give you, Luck, Love and MONEY wi
ll enter your life and will neevr leave you.
This decisive step is like a huge gate that will open itself to a better world.
Alone at this moment, you seem to me to be too weak to push it and open it and b
enefit from the Treasures that your future holds for you.
But if we are two, you, Nitesh, with your faith, and me and my abilities and pow
ers, I promise you that we will be able to open that gate. We will succeed in op
ening it together, and discover this new and wonderful world that you can't even
This is what awaits you if you make this important step.
If you future may be porr and dark if you don't succeed in making this step, it
my be brilliant and successful if you do succeed.
If you make this important step victoriously, a new life, totally different from
the one you are living right now, will come to you, this life will be the true
marvellous Existence that you deserve.
Not knowing the loose ends and diffculties, with credits or debts to pay back, b
ut having instead all the money you need and even more (I have seen coming a lar
ge sum )
Not knowing lonelinesss and disarray, but feeling instead Friendship and Love, h
aving always someone next to you, someone to talk to, on whom you cant count ant
who loves you,
Not beeing the victim of oneself shyness, blocks, but finding back instead the g
reat confidence in oneself, beeing aware of your radiance, your charm, feeling f
ull of insurance,
Never doubt yourself and your future again, but having faith in yourself again a
nd the certainty of a bright future,
You will see a brilliant future opening in front of you, which will make you mor
e confident in yourself and will give your happiness and hope,
And you will be able to verify yourself this saying: Money attracts money, luck
attracts luck, love attracts love.
Yes, Nitesh, the more you will be lucky - and trust me you will - the more luck
will come to you. The more you will have money the more money will come to you.
This is how the world works and that is how I see your new life.
Yes, if you truly make this important step in your life in the right conditions,
you can believe me, your life will be really different from the one you are liv
ing today.
But you must act now,
Yes, if you truly wish your life to change, if you truly desire money to fulfill
every desire you have, if you want to be attractive, have faith in yourself, re
tain luck, live a life that is different from your current one, it is now that y
ou must act, now and not later.
This is why I'm telling you, act now and fill in your Help Request to make the r
ight step for a Marvellous Life (the marvellous Existence you deserve) and send
it to me right away. It is really important pour you and your future!
Above all, give me your agrement right now
I indeed count on you and I wait with impatience for your news. With my most sin
cere friendship, Yours faithfully and sincerely,
don't hesitate to answer this letter today, because unfortunately this offer wil
l not be renewed
Before everything else, answer Yes now to the sincere offer I am making to you t
oday. In fact, this letter is the first bout of luck that is presented to you an
d it will work to change your existence. If you don t answer, it is quite possible
that your anguish and doubt will again make you slip and take the wrong turn, a
nd you will miss all the happiness that awaits you.
On the contrary, if you confide in me and if you confide in yourself, you will b
e able to break the chain that binds you to your past, and the road to luck and
happiness will open up before you. Therefore do not hesitate and act now, fill i
n and return your Help Request today,
click here

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