Course Syllabus: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Virasit Imtawil Semester: 2 /2016 Dr. Puripong Suthisopapan

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Course Syllabus

Department: Electrical Engineering Course: 192 231

Communication Systems
Instructor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Virasit Imtawil
Dr. Puripong Suthisopapan Time: TuTh 9:000 10:30

Prerequisites: 192 204 Electrical Engineering Mathematics

Textbooks: B. P. Lathi, Modern Digital and Analog
Communication Systems, 3rd Edition,
Oxford University Press, 1998.
, 2544
Recommended Readings:
1. Simon Haykin, Communication Systems, 4th Edition, John
Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2001.
2. A. B. Carlson, P. B. Crilly, J. C. Rutledge, Communication
Systems, 4th Edition, McGraw Hill Company, 2002.
Examinations: 1. Test#1 25%
2. Midterm Test 25%
3. Test#2 25%
4. Final Test 25%
Language of Lecture: Thai
Language of Examination: English or Thai
Course Descriptions: Review of Fourier Analysis,
Classification of Signals in Communication Systems, Power
Spectral Density, Amplitude Modulation, Angle Modulation,
Performance Analysis of Communication Systems in the
Presence of Noise, Introduction to Digital Communication
Communication System
Analog and Digital Messages
S/N, Channel Band Width, and the Rate of

Introduction to Signals
Size of a Signal
Classification of Signals
Some Useful Signal Operations
Unit Impulse Function
Signals and Vectors
Signal Comparison: Convolution
Signal Representation by Orthogonal Signal Set
Trigonometric Fourier Series
Exponential Fourier Series
Analysis and Transmission of Signals
Aperiodic Signal Representation by Fourier
Transforms of Some Useful Function
Some Properties of the Fourier Transform
Signal Transmission through a Linear System
Ideal and Practical Filters
Signal Distortion over a Communication
Signal Energy and Energy Spectral Density
Signal Power and Power Spectral Desity
Amplitude Modulation
Baseband and Carrier Communication
AM: Double Sideband (DSB)
AM: Standard AM
Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM)
AM: Single Sideband (SSB)
AM: Vestigial Sideband (VSB)
Super Heterodyne AM Receiver
Angle Modulation
Concept of Instantaneous Frequency
Bandwidth of Angle-Modulation Waves
Generation of FM Waves
Demodulation of FM
Interference in Angle Modulation


FM Receiver
Sampling and Pulse Code Modulation
Sampling Theorem
Pulse-Code Modulation (PCM)
Delta Modulation
Principles of Digital Data Transmission
A Digital Communication System
Line Coding
Behavior of Analog Systems in the
Presence of Noise
Baseband Systems
Amplitude-Modulation Systems
Angle-Modulation Systems
Pulse-Modulated Systems
Optimum Preemphasis-Deemphasis Systems

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