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Strategies for the discovery of new words (ENCODING)

Analyze part of speech

Analyze affixes and roots (i.e. identify different parts inside the word)
Check for L1 cognate
(i.e. see if its a transparent word)
Guess from textual context
Look up the word in a bilingual dictionary
Look up the word in a monolingual dictionary
Ask teacher for an L1 translation
Ask teacher for paraphrase or synonym of new word
Ask teacher for a sentence including the new word
Ask classmates for meaning
Discover new meaning through group work activity
Strategies for consolidating a word once it has been encountered
Study word with a pictorial representation of its meaning
Connect word to a personal experience
Connect the word to its synonyms and antonyms
Peg Method (
Loci Method (
Group words together to study them
Group words together spatially on a page
Group words together within a storyline
Study the spelling of a word
Study the sound of a word
Say new word aloud when studying
Use Keyword Method (
Paraphrase the meaning of the words
Put English labels on physical objects (e.g. with post-its)
Keep a vocabulary notebook
Strategies for adding the word to active vocabulary (RETRIEVAL)
Write sentences with new word
Make an effort to use new word in speaking
Make an effort to use new word in writing
Verbal repetition
Written Repetition
Testing oneself with word tests (e.g. Quizlet, Cambridge Dictionary
Use spaced word practice (e.g. Memrise, Anki, more on this here:
Continue to study word over time (e.g. fill in the blanks activities)

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