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Chapter 5 Project

1. Sample Space: M&M bag 1.59 oz bag 30-35 pieces

a. Blue: 9
b. Brown: 3
c. Green: 4
d. Orange: 5
e. Red: 6
f. Yellow: 5
2. P(blue)
a. A= blue
b. P(A) 9/32
c. 28% chance of picking blue
d. Not picking blue
e. Complement A= 72% not blue
f. Together they equal 100%
3. P(Brown)
a. B= brown
b. 3/32
c. 9% chance Brown
d. Not picking brown
e. 91% not brown
f. Together they equal 100%
4. A and B
a. Independent- an event that can happen on its own without
another variable
b. Dependent- an event that happens with another event
c. The events are dependent
d. We know because each candy we take out is not put back
into the bag
e. P(blue and brown)= 9/32(3/31)
f. We multiplied the probabilities together using the dependent
probability formula
g. 27/992 chance blue and brown
h. P A given B means the probability of picking an A given that
you already picked B
5. Compound Event
a. If they are mutually exclusive they cannot occur together
b. Yes
c. Because you cannot pull a blue and brown colored m&m
from the bag
d. P(blue or brown)= 12/32
e. We choose the addition rule under the mutually exclusive

f. This means that there is a 37.5% chance of picking a brown

or a blue
6. Vocab
a. Multiplication Rule of Counting- Consider the series of
events E1 through Em, where n1 is the number of possible outcomes for
event E1, n2 is the number of possible outcomes for events Em.
i. This is used for events that follow each other
ii. It can be used when scheduling shifts at a fast
food restaurant when multiple people work different stations
b. Permutation
i. The number of ways to
arrange in order n distinct objects, taking
them r at a time
ii. Arranging events in order
iii. It is used to arrange the
number of ways events can happen
iv. You can use the formula or the tree method
v. Order of where nine people sleep in six beds in
the formula n is 9, the total number of people, and r is 6, the total
number of beds. There is 60,480 different combinations for the
number of people to sleep in beds
c. Combination
i. The number of objects or people into account
for the order of events
ii. The order that the events occur in matters
iii. To find pick objects out of a list at random
without the order or what was chosen mattering
iv. Use the formula
v. You are given a list of 12 different colors and
you are asked to pick 5 of your favorite. In the formula 12 is n, the
total number of objects, and r is 5, the number that you want
choosen. 792
of colors.

For our chapter 5 project our group was assigned the topic of picking m&ms out
of a bag. For our sample space we choose to use a 1.59 oz bag that can hold between

30-35 pieces of candy. In each bag there are six colors: blue, brown, green, orange,
red, and yellow. In our scenario, we found that in a bag of m&ms there were 9 blue, 3
brown, 4 green, 5 orange, 6 red, and 5 yellow for a total of 32 candies.
First, we found the probability of finding a blue candy out of the bag. We found
that the probability of event A (picking a blue) was 9/32. That means that there is a
28% chance of picking blue out of the bag. In contrast, the complement of picking blue
is 23/32, which is a 72% chance of picking a candy that is not blue. Together the two
probabilities equal 100% because if you pick a candy out of the bag it can either be blue
or not blue.
Then, we found that probability of picking a brown candy of of a bag of m&ms.
We found that the probability of event B (picking brown) was 3/32. The likelihood of
choosing a brown out of the bag is 9%. The complement of event B is 91%. This
means that there is a 91% chance of picking any other color from the bag but brown.
The two probabilities together equal 100% because when you pick a piece of candy out
of the bag you can get a candy that is either brown or not brown.
Our groups project, about picking different colors of m&ms is a dependent
experiment, not independent. Its a dependent experiment because when my group
picked out an m&m we didnt put the m&m back. So the total number of m&ms left
would be less than the number that we started with. If it was an independent
experiment we would have to put the m&m back to keep the total number the same.
After finding out that it was a dependent experiment, we started to do some
probabilities, we found the P(brown given blue). To find this out my group, and I took
the P (blue)=9/32 and multiplied it to the P(brown)=3/31. By multiplying them we are
using the dependent probability formula. The answer to the problem, after multiplying is
27/992. This means that the likelihood of pulling out a brown out of the bag after picking
a blue is 27/992.
An event that is mutually exclusive means that the two events cannot occur
together. In our experiment of picking the m&ms my group, and I decided that it is
mutually exclusive, because you cannot have a multi-colored m&m that is both blue and
brown. Each m&m has its own solid-colored coating. This makes it almost impossible to
find an m&m that has two shades instead of one. As a group, we found that the
P(brown or blue) is 12/32. This means that there is a 37.5% chance of choosing either
a brown or blue m&m from a bag out of six possible colors.
In any scenario relating to probability, there can be a probability of many events
that follow each other. To find this, you can use the multiplication rule of counting.
This calculates the series of events E1 through Em where n1 is the number of possible
outcomes for event E1, n2 is the number of possible outcomes for events Em. The
formula for this rule is: n1 x n2 x . . . nm. This rule can be used for events that follow each
other to calculate their probability. In a real-world application, this can be used for
scheduling shifts at a fast food restaurant when multiple people work at different

A permutation is a way, especially one of several possible variations, in which a

set or number of things can be ordered or arranged. An example would be to order nine
people to sleep in six beds. In the formula n is 9, the total number of people, and r is 6,
the total number of beds. There is 60,480 different combinations for the number of
people to sleep in beds.
A combination is a selection of all or part of a set of objects, without regard to
the order in which objects are selected. For our data the order that the events occur in
matters to the results of the probability. To find combination pick objects out of a list at
random without the order or what was chosen mattering. Use the formula for
combination. You are given a list of 12 different colors and you are asked to pick 5 of
your favorite. In the formula 12 is n, the total number of objects, and r is 5, the number
that you want choosen. 792 different combinations of colors.

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