Font Analysis

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Analysis of fonts

This font is bold but very simple and would give a very clean
look to a piece of text. It is easy to read and even in a
smaller font would be clear and wouldnt cause strain on the
eyes of the reader. This font could be used for a simple mast
head, a heading or for text.

Bradley Hand itc

This font looks as though it has been handwritten. The width
of the font is very thin and gives a smooth effect. This
wouldnt be used for a large piece of text as it would look
scruffy. If this font was in a smaller type face it would be
very difficult to read if the reader was just browsing

Britannic Bold
This font is very big and bold and would make a very striking
mast head. The width of the lettering is wide and round. This
would be clear to read in a large typeface size to use a
headline, block quote or overline. However, if it was used for
a large piece of text, written in a smaller typeface size it
would become difficult to read.

Miriam Fixed
I like this font as it looks like a type writer style which
gives it an old, vintage feel. It would be a very simple but

effective mast head and could also be used to write text if

the magazine was based around old rock or indie bands.

Goudy Stout
This font Is very large and bold. In my opinion I wouldnt use
this on a magazine as it looks as though it should be written
as a log on a childs toy and it could make a magazine look
untidy and cluttered. It looks unprofessional and could only
be used a small amount of text as it would be unclear.

This font looks as though it has been drawn with a stencil as
the name suggests. This could create a very bold mast head,
however would not look very professional on the front of the
cover. It could be used for a creative or DIY magazine.

This font would make a very clear and bold mast head. The
lettering is big and would stand out in shops which would
attract the reader to buy the magazine. The lettering is all
on the same level which looks very clean and professional.

This is a very simple typeface and would be used for a large pieces
of texts such as articles and interviews. It would not be used for a
mast head or cover line as it would not attract the audiences

Harlow solid italic

This font gives a very effective look because It is in italic.

Also the lettering is curly which makes it different from
other fonts. This would not be used for a magazine mast head
as it would not show the name of the magazine clear enough.
This font could be very difficult to read if it was in a
smaller type face which would not be beneficial for the

Lucida Calligraphy
this font is very sophisticated and looks handwritten. It is
written in the style of calligraphy as the name of the font
suggests. This would not be used for the mast head of a
magazine as it is not bold enough. This could be used to
create variation on the page for block quotes or headlines.

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