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Pokemon Learning League

Nutrition (Part 2)
Written By
Timothy Whitfield

(Episode opens early in the morning with the night

sky beginning to fade away. Some of the stars
have disappeared, the moon sets in the west,
cumulus clouds moving across the area, and a
calm & settling atmosphere envelops the entire
area. Now, we pan down to the Pokemon Center,
and we fade in on the guest room, where the gang
is sleeping. Someone knocks on the door and
Pikachu abruptly awake.)
Pikachu: Pika!
(He looks over to the door and hear the knocking
(He nudges at Ashs head until he awakens. He
sits up and stretches his arms out.)
Ash: (yawns.) What is it, Pikachu?
Pikachu: Pika-chu.
(He nudges his head over to the door as if to say,
Theres someone at the door.)
Ash (comprehending): Oh, okay.
(He gets up out of bed, walks over and opens the
door. Siara stands in the doorway.)
Siara: Morning, Ash.
Ash: (yawns.) Morning, Siara. What are you doing
up so early?

Siara: Were going to do some quick stargazing

before Sunrise.
Ash (realizing): I see.
Siara: Want to come do it with us?
Ash: You bet.
Pikachu: Pika-chu.
(He goes over to the bed and gets his sneakers.
Just then, Serena, Cilan, Iris and Clemont awaken
and sit up in their beds.)
Cilan: (yawns and grunts.) Whats going on, Ash?
Ash: Were going out to do some stargazing.
Cilan: Oh. Hold on, well be right up.
(He and the others get out of bed and they leave
the room. Now, they go out to the hallway, where
they over to the next room and knock on the door.
Janie opens it up.)
Janie: (yawns.) Whats up?
Ada: Want to come out and do some stargazing?
Janie: All right, sure.
(Trevor gets up from his bed and the two and put
their shoes on. Now, they exit the Center and head
over to a hillock not too far away from it.)
Serena: How long will it be before Sunrise?

(Ada checks the time on her Poketch.)

Ada: About twenty-six minutes.
Serena: All right, then.
(They put out a large blanket across the grass and
set up some chairs in place. Now, they all take
their places. Fade into seven and a half minutes
later, where theyre looking up at the stars that are
still there. Each of them is looking up in a different
Siara: Take a look at this star over here. Thats
Cilan: It looks beautiful.
Janie: Sure does, but look at this one. Its even
brighter than that.
Quinn: Thats Sirius, and its the brightest one
youll find up there at night.
Trevor: Thats pretty cool. You know, Quinn, youre
pretty good.
Quinn: Why, thank you Trevor. Now, if you look
over this way, theres Orions Belt.
(Now, we pan over to Ash, Iris, Siara and Serena
scanning around for constellations.)
Serena: Look, theres the Big Dipper.
Iris: Good eye, Serena.

Serena: Thanks.
Ash: And theres the Little Dipper right there.
Pikachu: Pika.
Siara: Thats very good, Ash, and you can also see
Polaris right there.
(She points to the tip of the Little Dipper.)
Iris: Oh, it looks pretty.
Siara: Mmm-hmm. Now, look right across from it.
Thats Cassiopeia.
Ash: Oh, thats pretty awesome.
Pikachu (agrees): Pika.
(Now, we pan over to Lex, Ada, Clemont and Diana
Clemont: I hope you dont mind of I ask, but how
often do you guys come out here this early?
Ada: On several occasions, but its usually when
there are certain astronomical events happen, like
when certain planets or stars can be seen at a
certain time.
Clemont: Oh, I get you now.
Lex: Yep.
(Lex scans across the sky and spots two objects.)

Lex: Ooh, what perfect timing. (Calling over.) Hey,

guys. Come and look at this.
(The others come over and look up in the direction
hes pointing at.)
Iris (bewildered): Uh, what is it, Lex?
Lex: You see those three bright spots there? Thats
Venus, Mars and Jupiter.
Serena: Really?
Lex: Yep.
Ash: Wow! (curiously) Howd you know thats what
they were?
Lex: Well, Siara showed them to us one night a
couple of years back.
Ash (understanding): I see.
(Now, we fade in fifteen and a half minutes later,
where the gangs now chatting.)
Trevor: So, heres another question: what were
some of your personal favorite scenes that you
worked on?
Quinn: Hmm, I would have to say itd be the one
where this Rapidish was running so fast that it felt
like it was flying. Wasnt easy to do, I can tell you

Diana: Mine would be this battle between a

Charizard and Tornadus. It was intense and very
challenging, but it was worth it in the end.
Janie: Oh, thats pretty cool. (She turns over to
Siara.) How about you, Siara? Whats your
favorite challenge?
Siara: Hmm, thatd currently be working out the
flexibility of the androids arms & legs. Figuring out
how much each joint can move was quite an
Janie: Oh, thats interesting.
(Ada checks the time again. Its two and a half
minutes till six-thirty.)
Ada: Its time, guys.
(They sit up and look out to the horizon line. Now,
a purple light starts to illuminate the sky a bit and
the Sun ascends along. The golden yellow light
sweeps over the entire area, a few clouds roll in
and a red-orange light fills the sky with a bit of
blue starting to fade in.)
All (in wonder and awe): Whoa!
Pikachu (in wonder and awe): Pi-ka!
Axew (in wonder and awe): Axew!
Serena: Isnt it beautiful?

Ash (agreeing): It sure is.

Pikachu (agreeing): Pika.
(They continue watching it as it rises. A few
moments later, they get up from their spots, fold
up the blanket & chairs, pick them up and head on
back to the Pokemon Center. Now, they each go
into the bathroom, clean themselves up and
change into their casual clothing. Afterwards, they
regroup back in the bedroom.)
Serena: That was very refreshing.
Cilan: You said it.
Ash: All right, now how should the training plan go
for today?
(They all think about it for a moment.)
Clemont: Ahh. We could use this training course
Ive been working on. However, the one catch to it
is, only about three people can use it at a time.
Iris: Its okay, Clemont. Thatll work just fine. We
could spar off with one another sand then switch
Ada: Yeah, and you can do some meditating with
us, if youd like.
Cilan: Okay, that sounds good. Now, as for the
course, how about we start it off by strengthening
the physical attacks first?

Ash: Thats good. Then, after that, well work on

the special attacks.
Iris: Sounds like a plan to me.
Ash (enthusiastically): Okay, lets do it!
Pikachu (enthusiastically): Pika-chu!
(They exit the room and head back outside again.
Now, a brief montage goes on where we see them
doing warm-up exercises, from leg & arm
stretches, turns, to knee and hip rotations and a
short lap around the center, all while Clemont is
assembling the training course. Montage concludes
where Clemont is finishing setting up the training
course. It consists of movable targets, a couple of
heavy bags, a treadmill and some robotic hands.)
Lex: Wow, this looks impressive, Clemont.
Clemont: Well, thank you.
(He presses a button and activates the course.
The targets & treadmill move about and the arms
get into a blocking or defensive stance. Just then,
Serena taps Ash on his shoulder.)
Serena: Hey, Ash.
Ash: What is it, Serena?
Serena (very certain): I was wondering, could you
please spar off against me?

Ash: Sure, of course.

Serena (thankfully): Great.
(They walk over to a small battle field, then they
go into their corners and get into their beginning
Ash: All right, lets go Pikachu.
Pikachu: Pika-chu.
(He hops off his shoulder and gets into his battling
Serena: Come on out, Pancham!
(She tosses the Pokeball and Pancham comes out
of it.)
Pancham: Pan-cham!
Ash: You go first, Serena.
Serena: Okay, Pancham use Arm Thrust!
(Panchams hands glow white and strikes Pikachu
with them, dealing damage.)
Ash: Pikachu, Iron Tail!
Pikachu: Pika!
(His tail becomes surrounded in white sparkles and
then gets surrounded in a white outline. Then, it
turns to iron and swings it at Pancham, doing
damage to it.)

Serena: Use Stone Edge!

Pancham: Paaaaannnnn-cham!
(He slams his hand on the ground, causing glowing
light blue pillars of rock to appear and rush
towards Pikachu.)
Ash: Quick, dodge it and use ThunderBolt!
Pikachu: Pika!
(He swiftly moves out of the way of the attack.)
Pikachu: Pika-chuuu!!!!
(He releases a powerful bolt of yellow electricity at
Serena: Dodge it!
(Pancham swiftly evades the blast.)
Serena: Now, use Dark Pulse!
(He creates a ball of black and purple circles in
each hand. Then, he combines them and fires
them as a beam at Pikachu, directly hitting him
and doing a good amount of damage.)
Ash: Great move there, Serena.
Serena: Thanks, Ash.
Ash: Pikachu, Quick Attack!
Pikachu: Pika!

(He runs fast towards Pancham and a white outline

surrounds him. He hits Pancham, doing damage to
it. Now, we pan back over to the training course.
Iris, Clemont, and Janie get into their positions.)
Iris: Ready to do it, Axew?
Axew (affirmatory): Axew.
Iris: Good.
(He gets into his starting position.)
Janie: Its time, Nidorino!
(She throws the Pokeball and Nidorino emerges
from it.)
Nidorino: Nido.
Clemont: Lets go, Bunnelby!
(He throws the PokeBall and Bunnelby emerges
from it.)
Bunnelby: Bunn-el.
Iris: Axew, Dragon Claw!
(Both of Axews claws glow light blue and it slashes
at a target, but one of the robotic hands blocks the
Iris (encouraging): Come on, Axew. Try again.
Axew: Ax-ew.

(One of the robotic arms throws a left hook, but

Axew narrowly evades it. Then, he goes for the
target and slashes it on the bullseye.)
Iris: Way to go, Axew!
Axew: Axew!
(Now, we look over to Clemont and Bunnelby
working with a large heavy bag with a bullseye on
Clemont: Bunnelby, Double Slap!
(Its ears glow white and it repeatedly smacks the
heavy bag with them.)
Clemont: Thats it. Keep it up.
(Now, we look over to see Nidorino gets on the
treadmill. It starts up and it goes at a fast, but
steady speed.)
Janie: All right, Nidorino, Take Down!
(Nidorinos body becomes surrounded by a blue
aura and charges toward the target, and just then,
two robotic arms throw left & right hooks at him,
but he swiftly avoids each punch, then leaps
forward and hits the target in the bullseye.)
Janie: All right, Nidorino! You got it now!
(We pan over to Ada, Diana, Cilan and Trevor
preparing to meditate. They sit on their knees in a

relaxing position. Now, they close their eyes, take

a deep breath and calmly focus.)
Trevor: This feels nice.
Ada: Oh, good. Now, concentrate your energy.
(They continue to focus & concentrate. Now, a
montage commences where we cross fade to a
half hour later, where everyones switched up, with
Cilan sparring off against Janie, Iris & Serena
mediating and then switch up again later. Montage
concludes with them finishing up their last training
Clemont: Whew, that was intense.
Ash: Yeah, but its all worth it.
Pikachu: Pika-Pikachu.
(Just then, Serenas stomach grumbles.)
Serena: Oh. I guess its time to eat.
Cilan: Hey, no problem. Clemont and I will fix up
brunch for us.
(They all head back onside the Center. Fade in to a
couple of minutes later, where everyones sitting a
large table.)
Ash: What sort of plan could Clemont and Cilan
have for this brunch?

Serena: Who knows? Maybe itll be something

(Cilan and Clemont come over to them and Cilan
hand each of them six laminated menu cards.
Three of them have breakfast items on them, and
the other three have lunch items.)
Ash (bewildered): Uh, what are these cards for?
Cilan: Its easy: all you do is select one breakfast
and lunch item you want from each set and then
hand us back your selections.
Ash (comprehending): Ahh, I get you now.
(They carefully look over the items, then each pick
out one from each set and hand their selections
over to Clemont. He carefully scans them.)
Clemont: Okay, then. Well have them ready in a
few minutes.
(Cilan takes up the remaining cards and he &
Clemont head into the kitchen.)
Janie: Those two sure know how to cook, dont
Ash: Oh, you have no idea.
Iris: Yeah, some of what they make is amazing.
Trevor: Ahh, thats cool. (He turns over to the
Mission Guides.) How about you some of you?

Ada: We sure do. Lex and I make a lot of unique

dishes that you should try sometime.
Janie: All right, sounds great.
Siara: So, while were still on the subject, there are
certain aspects about nutrition that many people
dont know of or tend to overlook.
Trevor: Okay, like what?
Siara: Ill show you.
(She gets out the Pokepilot out from her pocket,
turns it on, goes through it and comes to a section
on the various parts of nutrition.)
Siara: To start with, youve always heard that water
is vital for your body, and theres a good reason for
it. Not only is every bodily fluid based around it,
but it also helps cleanse any bodily wastes,
lubricates and protects your joints, organs, nose
and mouth and it maintains your bodys
Ash: Thats a very cool thing.
Siara: Mmm-hmm, but theres more. Next, theres
the importance of carbohydrates. In recent years,
many people have claimed that theyre bad for
you, but in actuality, theyre good for your body.
Simple and complex carbohydrates are broken
down into glucose molecules during digestion and

then are absorbed into cells where theyre used as

an energy source. In addition, the amount of
energy certain foods provide is measured in units
of heat, or calories.
Serena: Oh, thats very interesting. What else is
Siara: Next up is how vital protein is for your
growth. Its comprised of nine essential amino
acids that your body uses to create tissues and
vital enzymes. On average, a person needs 50 to
sixty grams per day, and it can be obtained quite
easily, from eating meat, of course, bread and
drinking milk.
Trevor: What now?
Quinn: Mind if I handle these next ones, Siara?
Siara: No, go right ahead.
(She hands the Pokepilot over to Quinn.)
Quinn: Now, this next one is something you already
know about: vitamin & minerals are crucial to body
functions, as well as playing a role in preventing
certain diseases. However, what you may not
know about is that some vitamins & minerals are
toxic to your body if theyre ingested in large
quantities, like Vitamin A, Iron and Niacin. So be
sure you know which ones youll need more of than

Iris: Okay, well keep that one in mind. Now what?

Quinn: Another way some can get nutrients is by
taking supplements, which are just nutrients in
either pill or liquid form. Whenever anyone takes
one of these, its usually to help round out a
balanced diet they could be on or provide
protection against a deficit. However, the
important thing to remember about them is,
theyre not meant as a substitute for gaining
nutrients from food and cant help fight off against
Ash: Okay, is there anything else?
Quinn: Yes, there is: the importance of the food
labels. You always see them on cans or boxes, and
with good reason. Theyre meant to tell you what
the ingredients of specific foods are, what the
serving sizes are, how many calories they hold, and
of course, what vitamins & minerals are in them.
They can also be helpful if youre planning heartier
Ash: Well, those are all very interesting facts there.
Siara: Mmm-hmm, they are. So, what do you guys
say we do some trivia?
Iris: Okay, then.
Axew: Axew.

(Pan up to an upper panel displaying three images

associated with different nutritional aspects.)
Siara: Ready to do it, guys?
Serena: Yeah, we are.
Siara: Okay, then. First, what makes protein
important for your body?
Serena: Theyre made of nine amino acids and the
body uses them to create tissues and enzymes.
Quinn: Thats very good, Serena. Next, what are
the food labels meant to tell you?
Trevor: What ingredients and vitamins & minerals
they have, the serving size and how many calories
they have.
Siara: All right, Trevor. Why are carbohydrates
good for the body?
Janie: Theyre broken down into glucose molecules,
absorbed into the cells and are used for energy.
Siara: You got it, Janie. You guys did great there.
Ash: Thanks, Siara and Quinn.
Pikachu: Pika-chu.
Quinn and Siara: Youre welcome.
(Quinn turns the Pokepilot off, hands it back to
Siara and she puts it in her pocket. Now, Cilan and
Clemont exit out of the kitchen with everyones

food on plates. Ash and Lex get apple-stuffed

French toast and ham & cheese crescent roll-ups,
Iris and Diana each get blueberry & almond crepes
and a hummus and prosciutto wrap, Janie gets a
hash brown omelet and a ham and potato soup,
Serena gets blueberry & almond crepes and a ham
& cheese crescent roll-ups, Trevor receives an
apple-stuffed French toast and a hummus and
prosciutto wrap, Siara gets a hash brown omelet
and a ham & potato soup, Ada has an Applestuffed French Toast and a ham & potato soup and
Quinn gets a. Cilan has some ham & cheese rollups and blueberry & almond crepes and Clemont
has a hash brown omelet and a hummus and
prosciutto. They all start to dig in to their food.)
All (contended): Mmm.
Pikachu (contended): Pika.
Axew (contended): Axew.
Serena (complementing): You guys outdid
yourselves with this.
Iris (agreeing): You said it.
Clemont: Why, thank you. We make a good team,
dont we?
Cilan: Indeed, we do Clemont.

(Cross fade to several minutes later, where they

finish up their meals. Ash clears up his plate and
puts it aside.)
Ash: Oh, that really hit the spot.
Trevor: So, guys. Before we get back to training,
how about we do another round of trivia?
Serena: Okay, but lets see if the audience is up for
it before we start.
Janie: Mind if I handle this one?
Ash: No, go right ahead Janie.
Janie: All right.
(She turns over to the audience.)
Janie (casually): You guys up for doing this? (She
casually waits for an answer from the audience for
one second.) Oh, okay then.
(Side wipe to three other images displaying
different aspects of nutrition.)
Ash (V.O.): Okay, lets do it. What makes water so
important for your body? (He casually waits for an
answer from the audience for one and a half
second.) It protects the joints, organs, nose and
mouth and it cleanses any waste out. You got it.
Iris (V.O.): Which vitamins & minerals are toxic if
theyre taken in large amounts? (She casually

waits for an answer from the audience for one and

a half seconds.) Vitamin A, Iron and Niacin. Okay,
Trevor (V.O.): (He casually waits for an answer from
the audience for one and a half seconds.) Round
out a balanced diet and protect against any
deficits. All right.
(Dissolve back to the gang and Serena casually
speaking to the audience.)
Serena (casually): Great work there, guys.
Ash: All right, lets get to it.
(They get up from their seats and head back
outside to the training course. Clemont takes
down the robotic arms and heavy bags and puts up
attack energy absorbers & reflectors in their
Clemont: Here we go.
(He presses a button and activates them. The
reflectors and absorbers move up and down.)
Ash: Okay, lets get this started.
(Now, a montage goes on where they get engage
in the second half of their training session.)
Serena: Sylveon, use Fairy Wind!

(Sylveon pulls her feelers together, and the air

around them start to glow light blue. Then, she
spreads them wide open, sending a strong gust of
wind at a target, but an attack absorber blocks the
attack and absorbs the attack. Now, she performs
the attack again, and the absorber intercepts, but
she redirects it to go around it and hits the target.)
Serena: Nice job, Sylveon!
(We look over to Ash and Oshawatt dealing with
another target.)
Ash: Oshawatt, use Water Gun!
Oshawatt: Osha!
(He fires a spiraling stream of water from his
mouth at the target, but one attack reflector
deflects the attack right back at him.)
Ash: Quick, dodge it!
(He swift evades the blast.)
Ash: Now, Water Gun again!
(He fires a spiraling stream of water from his
mouth at the target, which bypasses the attack
reflector and hits in the bullseye.)
Ash: All right, way to go!
Oshawatt: Oshawatt!
(Now, we look over to Trevor and his Clefable.)

Trevor: Clefable, Shock Wave!

Clefable: Cle-fable!
(It gets surrounded in blue electricity and fires a
beam of blue electricity at the target. One of the
attack reflectors tries to block it, but the attack
goes around it and hits the target.)
Trevor: Yeah, youre getting it.
(We pan over to Iris and Clemont meditating with
Ada and Diana. Now, we look over to Cilan
sparring off with Janie.)
Cilan: Now, Stunfisk Mud Bomb!
(Stunfisk jumps into the air, takes in a deep breath
and fires a ball of brown mud from its mouth at
Gallade, doing damage to him.)
Janie: Gallade, counter with Magical Leaf!
(He fires multiple light green glowing leaves at
Stunfisk, dealing a good amount of damage to it.)
Janie: Now, use Psycho Cut!
(Gallades forearms glow light blue and both of
them grow and extend to the back. Then, it starts
swings them repeatedly and multiple light blue
crescent blades emerge from them and goes for
Cilan: Dodge it!

(It jumps up and evades the attack.)

Cilan: Now use Scald!
(It rises up on its tailfin and fires a stream of
scalding hot water surrounded by steam from its
mouth at Gallade, doing some damage to him.)
Janie: Good move there, Cilan.
Cilan: Thank you, Janie.
(They continue on with their training. Now, we pan
up to see everyone training hard and we cross fade
to the big stadium, where the second-round battles
are about to get started. A humongous crowd of
spectators sit in the bleachers.)
Don George: Welcome, everyone to the second day
of the Tri-Round Trainers Club Tournament.
Todays going to be a
Jenny: Right you are, Don George. Now, lets get it
underway with our first battle of the day.
(We pan down to the battle field, where Cilans up
against a guy named Chris. He has red hair, hazel
eye and is wearing a blue t-shirt, navy blue jean
shorts and sneakers.)
Referee: This matchup of Cilan and Chris will now
Cilan: Lets go, Stunfisk and Houndoom!

(He tosses the Pokeballs up and Stunfisk and

Houndoom come out of them.)
Houndoom: (growls.)
(Chris gets two Pokeballs off his belt.)
Chris: Go!
(He throws them into the air and an Ursaring and a
Magmortar emerge from them.)
Ursaring: (roars.)
Chris: Ursaring use Strength! Magmortar, Power-up
Ursaring: (roars.)
(Its body becomes surrounded by a red aura and
goes for Stunfisk. Now, Magmortars fist becomes
surrounded in an orange aura and throws it at
Cilan: Dodge them and use Thunder Shock and
Rock Smash!
(They both swiftly evade the attacks. Now,
Stunfisks body glows white and its body becomes
surrounded in small yellow sparks. Then, its body
glows yellow and fires multiple beams of electricity
from its body at Magmortar, doing damage to it.
Houndoom jumps into the air, its front paws glow
white and falls onto Ursaring, doing a good amount
of damage.)

Cilan: Now, Houndoom Crunch! Stunfisk, Mud

(Houndooms teeth glow white, then it jumps up
and goes for Magmortar. Stunfisk jumps into the
air, takes in a deep breath and fires a ball of brown
mud from its mouth at Magmortar.)
Chris: Counter with Hammer Arm and Lava Plume!
(Ursarings forearms glow gold and slams them
into Houndoom, dealing damage to it. Then,
Magmortar causes an explosion around itself,
creating a mix of smog and fire to cover the area,
cancels out the Mud Bomb and hits Stunfisk with
flames, dealing damage to it. Houndoom leaps out
of the way of the attack.)
Chris: Magmortar, Focus Blast and Ursaring, Stone
(Magmortar puts its hands together up front, forms
an orb of yellow energy and throws it at Stunfisk.
Ursaring slams its hands into the ground and
pointed light blue rock pillars appear and rush
towards Houndoom.)
Cilan: Houndoom, dodge and use Flame Charge!
Stunfisk, Sludge Bomb!
(Houndoom moves out of the way of the attack.
Now, it becomes surrounded in red flames, runs
fast and slams into Ursaring, doing significant

damage to it. Stunfisk fires a ball of brown sludge

from its mouth at Magmortar, exploding on impact
and doing damage to it.)
Cilan: Use Scald and Fire Fang!
(It rises up on its tailfin and fires a stream of
scalding hot water surrounded by steam from its
mouth at Magmortar, dealing a great amount of
damage. Now, Houndooms mouth and fangs
become surrounded in red-orange flames and it
bites down Ursaring, doing damage to it.)
Chris: Close Combat & Flare Blitz!
(Ursaring repeatedly punches and kicks Houndoom
at a fast speed, dealing a considerable amount of
damage. Now, Magmortars body becomes
surrounded by red-orange fire and it shoots at
Stunfisk like a missile, doing a good amount of
damage. Then, red sparks surround its body while
receiving recoil damage.)
Chris: Magmortar, Focus Blast! Ursaring, Strength!
(Magmortar puts its hands together up front, forms
an orb of yellow energy and throws it at
Houndoom, dealing great damage to it. Next,
Ursarings body becomes surrounded by a red aura
and slams into Stunfisk, doing damage to it. Just
then, little sparks of yellow electricity surround its

Cilan: Stunfisk, Sludge Bomb! Houndoom, Rock

(Stunfisk fires a ball of brown sludge from its
mouth at Ursaring, doing damage to it. Houndoom
jumps into the air, its front paws glow white and
falls onto Magmortar, hitting it and dealing
Ash: Boy, Cilans really doing great.
Pikachu (agreeing): Pika-chu.
Clemont (complementing): Ill say he is.
Chris: Use Power-up Punch and Stone Edge!
(Magmortars fist becomes surrounded in an
orange aura and throws it at Stunfisk, doing
damage to it. Ursaring slams its hands into the
ground and pointed light blue rock pillars appear
and rush towards Houndoom, hitting it and dealing
a great amount of damage.)
Cilan: Those are some very good moves there.
Chris: Why, thanks. Same to you. Now, do Flare
Blitz and Hammer Arm!
(Magmortars body becomes surrounded by redorange fire and it shoots at Stunfisk like a missile.
Then, Ursarings forearms glow gold and throws
them at Houndoom.)

Cilan: Quick, dodge them and use Mud Bomb and

(Stunfisk and Houndoom leap up and narrowly
avoid the attacks. Now, Stunfisk jumps into the air,
takes in a deep breath and fires a ball of brown
mud from its mouth at Ursaring, landing a direct
hit and dealing a considerable amount damage to
it. Houndooms teeth glow white, then it jumps up
and bites down on Magmortar, getting it at its
weak spot and doing a great amount of damage
and causes it to flinch.)
Cilan: Now, use Thunder Shock and Fire Fang!
(Stunfisks body glows white and its body becomes
surrounded in small yellow sparks. Then, its body
glows yellow and fires multiple beams of electricity
from its body at Magmortar, doing damage to it
and little sparks of electricity surround
Magmortars body. Houndooms mouth and fangs
become surrounded in red-orange flames and it
bites down on Ursaring, doing damage to it.)
Cilan: Nice job, you two.
Chris: Dont give up now. Ursaring, Stone Edge!
(Ursaring slams its hands into the ground and
pointed light blue rock pillars appear and rush
towards Stunfisk, directly hitting it and doing great

Cilan: Now, Stunfisk Sludge Bomb, now!

Houndoom, Flame Charge!
(Stunfisk fires a ball of brown sludge from its
mouth at Magmortar. Houndoom becomes
surrounded in red flames and runs fast towards
Chris: Dodge them, now!
(They swiftly and narrowly evade the attacks.)
Chris: Magmortar, Focus Blast! Ursaring, Close
(Magmortar puts its hands together up front, forms
an orb of yellow energy and throws it at Stunfisk,
doing a good amount of damage. Now, Ursaring
repeatedly punches and kicks Houndoom at a fast
speed, dealing a tremendous amount of damage.
Houndoom faints and collapses to the ground.)
Referee: Houndooms unable to battle! Ursaring
Chris: All right Ursaring!
Cilan: Come on back, Houndoom. You deserve a
good rest.
(He calls it back to its Pokeball.)
Serena: How much longer can Stunfisk can go on?

Ash (reassures): No need to worry about it, Serena.

I think its going to do all right.
Cilan: Stunfisk, use Thunder Shock, then Sludge
(Its body glows white and its body becomes
surrounded in small yellow sparks. Then, its body
glows yellow and fires multiple beams of electricity
from its body at Magmortar, dealing damage.
Then, it jumps into the air and fires a ball of brown
sludge from its mouth at Ursaring, landing a direct
hit and dealing heavy damage.)
Chris: Magmortar, Focus Blast!
(Magmortar tries to perform the attack, but little
sparks of yellow electricity surround its body and it
becomes immobilized.)
Cilan: Okay, now use Sludge Bomb and Thunder
Shock again!
(Stunfisk jumps into the air and fires a ball of
brown sludge from its mouth at Magmortar, dealing
damage. Then, its body glows white and its body
becomes surrounded in small yellow sparks. Then,
its body glows yellow and fires multiple beams of
electricity from its body at Ursaring, doing
Chris: Ursaring, Hammer Arm!

(Ursarings forearms glow gold and slams them

into Stunfisk, dealing a good amount damage to
Cilan: Use Scald and Mud Bomb!
(Stunfisk rises up on its tailfin and fires a stream of
scalding hot water surrounded by steam from its
mouth at Magmortar, dealing a great amount of
damage. Now, it takes in a deep breath and fires a
ball of brown mud from its mouth at Ursaring,
hitting its weak spot, dealing a great amount of
damage. Ursaring falls to the ground, knocked
Referee: Ursarings unable to continue! Stunfisk
(Chris calls Ursaring back to its Pokeball.)
Chris: Ursaring, you were awesome buddy. Take a
good rest. (He turns back over to the battle.)
Magmortar, use Power-up Punch!
(Its fist becomes surrounded in an orange aura and
throws it at Stunfisk.)
Cilan: Counter with Thunder Shock!
(Its body glows white and its body becomes
surrounded in small yellow sparks. Then, its body
glows yellow and fires multiple beams of electricity

from its body at Magmortar, dealing damage and

stopping Magmortars attack.)
Cilan: Now, use Sludge Bomb!
(It jumps into the air and fires a ball of brown
sludge from its mouth at Magmortar.)
Chris: Dodge and use Focus Blast!
(Magmortar puts its hands together up front, forms
an orb of yellow energy and throws it at Stunfisk,
doing some damage to it.)
Chris: Now, Magmortar Lava Plume!
(Magmortar causes an explosion around itself,
creating a mix of smog and fire to cover the area
and it goes for Stunfisk.)
Cilan: Dodge it, quick!
(It leaps up into the air and narrowly evades the
Don George: Man, that Stunfisks really putting up
a good battle.
Jenny: Yeah, you said it.
Cilan: Now, use Mud Bomb!
(Stunfisk jumps into the air, takes in a deep breath
and fires a ball of brown mud from its mouth at
Magmortar, doing great damage to it.)
Chris: Magmortar, Flare Blitz!

(Magmortars body becomes surrounded by redorange fire and it shoots at Stunfisk like a missile,
doing a good amount of damage. Then, red sparks
surround its body while receiving recoil damage.)
Cilan: Stunfisk, are you okay?
(It struggles to lift itself up. Then, it slowly lifts its
tailfin up as if to say, Yes, but just barely.)
Cilan: Oh, good.
Chris: Now, Lava Plume!
(It tries to do the attack, but yellow sparks of
electricity suddenly surround its body and it
becomes completely immobilized.)
Cilan: Stunfisk, use Thunder Shock!
(Its body glows white and its body becomes
surrounded in small yellow sparks. Then, its body
glows yellow and fires multiple beams of electricity
from its body at Magmortar, doing damage to it.)
Cilan: Okay, now finish it with Scald!
(Stunfisk rises up on its tailfin and fires a stream of
scalding hot water surrounded by steam from its
mouth at Magmortar, dealing a greater amount of
damage to it and Magmortar falls to the ground,
out of energy and knocked out.)
Referee: Magmortar cannot continue to battle!
Stunfisks the winner! The victory goes to Cilan!

(Cilan goes over to Stunfisk and gets down to its

Cilan: Stunfisk, Im very proud of you. You were
amazing out there.
(Chris calls Magmortar back to its Pokeball.)
Chris: You were awesome there, Magmortar. You
deserve a good rest.
(Cilan comes over to him.)
Cilan: I must say, Chris, your Pokemon put up quite
a battle there
Chris: Thank you, Cilan. That Stunfisk of yours was
(A brief montage commences, showing the other
battles going on, with Dianas going up a guy
named Joey with his Hypno and Manectric and
Trevor facing off with a girl named Mabel and her
Claydol & Braviary, respectively. Montage
concludes at the start of Serenas battle against a
guy named Dominic. He has short blue hair, dark
blue eyes, and is wearing a yellow-orange shirt,
grey sweats and sneakers.)
Serena: I choose you, Sylveon and Braixen!
(She throws her Pokeballs and Braixen and Sylveon
emerge from them.)
Braixen: Braix.

Sylveon: Sylv-eon.
(Dominic picks two Pokeballs off his belt and
makes them bigger.)
Dominic: Go!
(He tosses them up and an Electabuzz and a
Drifblim appear out of them.)
Referee: Let the battle begin!
Serena: Braixen, Scratch! Sylveon, Fairy Wind!
Braixen: Braix!
(Her claws glow white and she slashes them out at
Electabuzz, doing damage to it. Now, Sylveon pulls
her feelers together, and the air around them
starts to glow light blue. Then, she spreads her
feelers wide open, sending a strong gust of wind at
Drifblim, doing damage to it.)
Dominic: Electabuzz, Rolling Kick and Drifblim,
Ominous Wind!
(Electabuzz swings its leg around and roundhouse
kicks Braixen, doing some damage to her. Now,
Drifblim waves its arms and releases a purple wind
at Sylveon, dealing damage to her.)
Dominic: Now use Acrobatics and Dynamic Punch!
(Drifblims body glows light blue, quickly zips
through the air and tries to tackle Braixen. Its fist

glows red and red-orange energy pulses off like an

explosion. Electabuzz then charges forward at
Serena: Sylveon, use Protect!
(Braixen gets behind Sylveon and she stands on
her hind legs and projects a bluish-green force
field, deflecting both attacks at once.)
Serena: Okay, use Swift now! Braixen, you use
(Sylveon jumps into the air and swishes her tail,
firing multiple yellow stars with golden sparkles
around them at both Electabuzz and Drifblim.
Drifblim is unaffected, but Electabuzz takes
damage from it.)
Braixen: Braix-en!
(She points her wand stick at Drifblim and forms a
red-orange flame at its tip. Now she fires a redorange stream of fire from it at Drifblim, doing a
good amount of damage.)
Dominic: Counter with Weather Ball and Charge
(Drifblim holds its arms up and creates an orange
ball with fire streams around it and fires it at
Braixen, hitting her and doing only a little bit of
damage. Now, Electabuzz puts its hands together

and an orb of yellow electricity appears in between

them and fires it at Braixen, doing a good amount
of damage.)
Serena: Now, Braixen Hidden Power! Sylveon,
(Braixen forms a light blue ball of energy in front of
her hands and fires it at Electabuzz. Sylveon
jumps into the air and swishes her tail, firing
multiple yellow stars with golden sparkles around
them at both Electabuzz and Drifblim. Drifblim is
unaffected, but Electabuzz takes damage from it.)
Dominic: Drifblim, use Acrobatics and Electabuzz,
Rolling Kick!
(Drifblims body glows light blue, quickly zips
through the air and tackles Braixen, doing damage.
Electabuzz swings its leg around and roundhouse
kicks Sylveon, dealing a little damage to her.)
Serena: You two doing okay?
(The two turn back to her and nod their heads as if
to say, Yes, were fine.)
Serena: Thats good. Now Sylveon, Moonblast!
Braixen, Fire Blast!
(Sylveon spreads her feelers out wide and gathers
energy from the moon. Then, it forms an orb of
pink energy in front of its mouth and fires it at

Electabuzz, doing damage She releases a shaped blast from her mouth at Drifblim, doing a
great amount of damage to it.)
Dominic: Use Thunder and Phantom Force!
(Drifblim forms of a shadowy portal and floats
down into it. Then, it emerges from another portal
and jabs Sylveon with one of its arms, doing
damage to her.)
Jenny: Ooh, those were very strong.
Don George: Yeah, couldnt have said that better
Serena: Braixen, Flamethrower! Sylveon, Fairy
Braixen: Brai-xen!
(She points her wand stick at Drifblim and forms a
red-orange flame at its tip. Now she fires a redorange stream of fire from it at Drifblim, doing a
good amount of damage. Sylveon pulls her feelers
together, and the air around them start to glow
light blue. Then, she spreads them wide open,
sending a strong gust of wind at Electabuzz, doing
Dominic: Counter with Charge Beam and Weather

(Electabuzz puts its hands together and an orb of

yellow electricity appears in between them and
fires it at Braixen, doing damage to her. Now,
Drifblim holds its arms up and creates an orange
ball with fire streams around it and fires it at
Sylveon, hitting her and doing damage.)
Serena: Braixen, Hidden Power! Sylveon,
(Braixen forms a light blue ball of energy in front of
her hands and fires it at Electabuzz, doing damage
to it. Sylveon spreads her feelers out wide and
gathers energy from the moon. Then, it forms an
orb of pink energy in front of its mouth and fires it
at Drifblim, landing a direct hit and dealing a great
amount of damage. Drifblim faints and descends
to the ground.)
Referee: Drifblim cannot continue! Sylveon wins!
Dominic: Drifblim, return.
(He calls Drifblim back to its Pokeball.)
Dominic: You were great out there. (He turns back
over to the battle.) Electabuzz, Dynamic Punch on
(Its fist glows red and red-orange energy pulses off
like an explosion. Electabuzz then charges forward
and punches Braixen with it, doing damage to it.)

Serena: Braixen, Hidden Power!

(Braixen forms a light blue ball of energy in front of
her hands and fires it at Electabuzz.)
Dominic: Quick, dodge it!
(It swiftly evades the attack.)
Dominic: Use Rolling Kick!
(Electabuzz swings its leg around and tries to
roundhouse kick Sylveon.)
Serena: Sylveon, Protect!
(Sylveon stands on her hind legs and projects a
bluish-green force field, deflecting the Rolling
Serena: Now, Swift attack!
(Sylveon jumps into the air and swishes her tail,
firing multiple yellow stars with golden sparkles
around them at Electabuzz, doing damage.)
Dominic: Use Thunder!
(Electabuzzs body becomes surrounded in yellow
electricity and fires a massive beam of yellow
electricity at Sylveon, dealing a tremendous
amount of damage to her. Sylveon collapses to the
ground, passed out.)
Referee: Sylveons unable to battle! Electabuzz is
the winner!

Serena: Sylveon, return.

(She calls her back to her Pokeball.)
Serena: Youve earned a good rest. All right,
Braixen, Scratch!
(Her claws glow white and she slashes them out at
Electabuzz, dealing damage to it.)
Dominic: Electabuzz, Rolling Kick!
(Electabuzz swings its leg around and does a
roundhouse kick at Braixen, hitting her and doing
some damage.)
Dominic: Now, Charge Beam!
(Electabuzz pus its hands together and an orb of
yellow electricity appears in between them and
fires it at Braixen.)
Serena: Dodge it and use Flamethrower!
(She narrowly evades the attack.)
Braixen: Brai-xen!
(She points her wand stick at Electabuzz and a
white flame forms at the tip of it. Then, it fires a
round orange flame from the tip at Electabuzz,
landing a direct hit and dealing a considerable
amount of damage.)
All (stunned): WHOA!

(Serena looks on with a stunned expression on her

face reading, That wasnt Flamethrower. What
attack was that? She quickly gets her Pokedex
out of her pocket and analyzes it.)
Serena (understanding): Oh, I see.
(She puts it back in her pocket.)
Dominic: Electabuzz, Dynamic Punch!
(Its fist glows red and red-orange energy pulses off
like an explosion. Electabuzz then charges forward
and punches Braixen with it, doing damage to it.)
Serena: Dodge and use Scratch!
(Her claws glow white and she slashes them out at
Dominic: Counter with Rolling Kick!
(Electabuzz swings its leg around and does a
roundhouse kick. The two attacks collide and
cancel each other out.)
Dominic: Now, Thunder!
(Electabuzzs body becomes surrounded in yellow
electricity and fires a massive beam of yellow
electricity at Braixen.)
Serena: Braixen, dodge it and use Heat Wave!
(She jumps up and narrowly avoids the attack.
Now, she points her wand stick at Electabuzz and a

white flame forms at the tip of it. Then, it fires a

round orange flame from the tip at Electabuzz,
doing a great amount of damage.)
Serena: All right, use Fire Blast!
(She releases a -shaped blast from her mouth at
Electabuzz, delivering a great amount of damage.
Electabuzz faints and falls to the ground.)
Referee: Electabuzzs unable to go on! Braixen
wins, and the match goes to Serena!
Ash (calling out, enthusiastically): Way to go!
Pikachu: Pika-Pikachu!
(Serena runs over to Braixen.)
Serena: Oh, Braixen. You were fantastic.
Braixen: Braixen.
Dominic: You were great, Electabuzz. Come on
back and take a good rest.
(He calls Electabuzz back to its Pokeball. We fade
in to over an hour later, where the gangs taking a
break in the resting area.)
Iris: Serena, you were amazing out there.
Axew: Axew.
Clemont: Yeah, and your Pokemon were very

Serena (appreciative): Aww, thanks guys.

Ash: Youve really gotten a lot better with your
battling skills.
Serena: Well, lets just say I picked them up from a
certain someone.
Clemont: You know, things are going to get
interesting with our next opponents.
Iris: Mmm-hmm, and one things for sure: theyre
not going to hold anything back.
Ash: Yeah, and neither are we.
(He ponders for a moment and then gets an idea.)
Ash: Hold on, guys. Im going to do a little
changing up.
Clemont: Yeah, I better do that, as well.
(They both get up and go over to the next room.)
Janie: So, which Pokemon you think theyre each
going to get?
Iris: Who knows, but theyre going to do good.
(Now, we cross fade back to the main stadium and
the next battle, where Ash is facing up against
Ash: Oh, its you.
Chrissy: Yeah. Im Chrissy. Nice to see you again.

Ash: Same back to you. Im Ash.

Referee: Let the battle begin!
Ash: Talonflame and Unfezant, lets go!
(He throws two Pokeballs into the air and
Talonflame and Unfezant emerge from them.)
Chrissy: Bronzong and Kangaskhan, I choose you!
(She tosses up the Pokeballs and Bronzong and
Kangaskhan emerge from them.)
Kangaskhan: Kangaskhan!
Ash: Talonflame, Flame Charge! Unfezant, Quick
(Talonflame becomes surrounded in red flames and
charges at Bronzong, dealing damage to it.
Unfezants body becomes surrounded in a white
outline, flies at Kangaskhan at a fast speed and
slams into her, dealing damage.)
Chrissy: Use Round and Thunderbolt!
(Bronzong swings back & forth and rings a note.
As it does, blue rings resonate from the bottom at
Unfezant, doing damage to her. Then, Kangaskhan
fires a powerful bolt of yellow electricity from his
body at Talonflame, dealing a good amount of

Chrissy: Thats great! Now, Bronzong Zen Headbutt

and Kangaskhan, Sucker Punch!
(The top part of Bronzongs head glows blue and it
gets surrounded in a see-through reflective shield.
Then, it lunges itself at Talonflame. Now,
Kangaskhan throws a punch at Unfezant.)
Ash: Dodge them!
(They both fly upwards and swiftly evade the
respective attacks.)
Ash: Now, use Razor Wind and Air Cutter!
(Talonflames wings glow bright white and
repeatedly waves them, creating bright white,
crescent-shaped energy waves and fires them ay
Kangaskhan, dealing a good amount of damage.
Unfezant flaps her wings and fires a stream of light
blue X-shaped blades from the tips of her wings at
Bronzong and Kangaskhan, dealing a varying
amount of damage to both.)
Chrissy: Kangaskhan, Ice Beam! Bronzong,
(She opens her mouth, forms a light blue ball of
energy inside it and fires it at Talonflame, doing
some damage. Now, Bronzong flexes its arms and
a ring of energy appears around its body, which is
then blasted at Unfezant with incredible force,
doing considerable damage.)

Ash: Counter with Steel Wing and Aerial Ace!

(Talonflames wings glow white and strikes
Kangaskhan with them, doing damage to her. Now,
Unfezant flies up and dives down at Bronzong so
fast, it becomes a blur and slams into it, doing
damage to it.)
Chrissy: Bronzong, use Round! Kangaskhan, Sucker
(Bronzong swings back & forth and rings a note.
As it does, blue rings resonate from the bottom at
Talonflame. Kangaskhan throws a punch at
Ash: Dodge them and go into Brave Bird and Sky
(They fly straight up and swiftly evade the attacks.
Now, Talonflames body becomes surrounded in a
light blue aura. Then, it flies straight at Bronzong
and slams into it at full force, doing damage to it,
while also sustaining recoil damage to itself.
Unfezant dives down, her body becomes
surrounded in an orange and gold sparkling aura
and flies into Kangaskhan, dealing a great amount
of damage to it.)
Chrissy: Oh, were not taking that easily. Bronzong,
Hyper Beam! Kangaskhan, Mega Punch!

(Bronzong puts its arms and creates a ball of

purple and black energy in between them. Then, it
fires a dark purple beam of energy with a dark
black energy around it at Talonflame, doing a
considerable amount of damage. Now,
Kangaskhan balls up her fist, which is then
surrounded in a gray orb of energy and punches
Unfezant with it, doing damage to her.)
Ash: Those are some awesome attacks there,
Chrissy: Thanks, Ash. You have some cool ones,
Ash: Okay, Talonflame use Steel Wing and
Unfezant, Air Cutter!
(Talonflames wings glow white and strikes
Bronzong with them, doing some damage to it.
Unfezant flaps her wings and fires a stream of light
blue X-shaped blades from the tips of her wings at
Bronzong and Kangaskhan, dealing a varying
amount of damage to both.)
Chrissy: Use Ice Beam!
(She opens her mouth, forms a light blue ball of
energy inside it and fires it at Unfezant, dealing a
good amount of damage.)
Ash: Use Aerial Ace and Razor Wind!

(Unfezant flies up and dives down at Kangaskhan

so fast, it becomes a blur and slams into it, doing
damage to it. Talonflames wings glow bright white
and repeatedly waves them, creating bright white,
crescent-shaped energy waves and fires them at
Bronzong, hitting in its weak spot and deals a good
amount of damage.)
Chrissy: Bronzong, use Payback! Kangaskhan,
Sucker Punch!
(Bronzong flexes its arms and a ring of energy
appears around its body, which is then blasted at
Talonflame with incredible force, doing
considerable damage. Kangaskhan throws a punch
at Unfezant, dealing damage.)
Ash: Unfezant, Quick Attack! Talonflame, you use
Flame Charge again!
(Unfezants body becomes surrounded in a white
outline, flies at Kangaskhan at a fast speed and
slams into it, dealing damage. Talonflame becomes
surrounded in red flames and charges at Bronzong,
dealing great damage to it.)
Ash: Nice job, you two.
Chrissy: Kangaskhan, Mega Punch! Bronzong,
(Now, Kangaskhan balls up her fist, which is then
surrounded in a gray orb of energy and punches

Talonflame with it, doing damage to it. Bronzong

swings back & forth and rings a note. As it does,
blue rings resonate from the bottom at Unfezant,
doing damage to her.)
Ash: Flame Charge and Air Cutter!
(Talonflame becomes surrounded in red flames and
charges at Bronzong, doing damage. Unfezant
flaps her wings and fires a stream of light blue Xshaped blades from the tips of her wings at
Bronzong and Kangaskhan, dealing a varying
amount of damage to both.)
Chrissy: Bronzong, Payback and Kangaskhan use
(Bronzong flexes its arms and a ring of energy
appears around its body, which is then blasted at
Talonflame with incredible force, doing
considerable damage. Now, Kangaskhan fires a
powerful bolt of yellow electricity from her body at
Unfezant, doing a great amount of damage.)
Chrissy: Now, use Ice Beam and Hyper Beam!
(She opens her mouth, forms a light blue ball of
energy inside it and fires it at Talonflame, doing
damage. Now, Bronzong puts its arms and creates
a ball of purple and black energy in between them.
Then, it fires a dark purple beam of energy with a

dark black energy around it at Unfezant, dealing a

great amount of damage.)
Ash (concerned): Can you guys still keep going?
(They turn over to him and confirm by nodding
their heads.)
Ash: Okay. Unfezant, use Aerial Ace! Talonflame,
Razor Wind!
(Unfezant flies up and dives down at Bronzong so
fast, it becomes a blur and slams into it, doing
damage to it. Now, Talonflames wings glow bright
white and repeatedly waves them, creating bright
white, crescent-shaped energy waves and fires
them at Kangaskhan, hitting in its weak spot and
deals a great amount of damage. Kangaskhan
faints and falls to the ground.)
Referee: Kangaskhan cannot continue! Talonflame
Chrissy: Return, Kangaskhan. Youve earned it.
(She recalls Kangaskhan to its Pokeball. Now, she
turns over to the battle.)
Chrissy: Bronzong, Zen Headbutt!
(The top part of Bronzongs head glows blue and it
gets surrounded in a see-through reflective shield.
Then, it lunges itself at Unfezant, doing damage to

Ash: Dont worry, Unfezant. Counter with Aerial

Ace! Talonflame, you use Steel Wing!
(Unfezant flies up and dives down at Bronzong so
fast, it becomes a blur and slams into it, doing
damage to it. Talonflames wings glow white and
strikes Bronzong with them, doing a little more
damage to it.)
Ash: Great! Now use Flame Charge and Quick
(Talonflame becomes surrounded in red flames and
charges at Bronzong. Unfezants body becomes
surrounded in a white outline, flies at Bronzong at
a fast speed.)
Chrissy: Dodge them and use Round!
(Bronzong floats higher into the air and narrowly
evades the attacks. Now, it swings back & forth
and rings a note. As it does, blue rings resonate
from the bottom at Talonflame, doing damage to
Chrissy: All right! Now Payback!
(Bronzong flexes its arms and a ring of energy
appears around its body, which is then blasted at
Ash: Unfezant, dodge it!
(She flies up and narrowly avoids the attack.)

Ash: End this with Brave Bird and Sky Attack!

(Talonflames body becomes surrounded in a light
blue aura. Then, it flies straight at Bronzong and
slams into it at full force, doing damage to it, while
also sustaining recoil damage to itself. Unfezant
dives down, her body becomes surrounded in an
orange and gold sparkling aura and flies into
Bronzing, dealing an even greater amount of
damage to it. Bronzing descends to the ground,
passed out)
Referee: Bronzongs unable to battle! Unfezant
and Talonflame win, and victory goes to Ash
Ash: Yeah!
Chrissy: Bronzong, you were really awesome. Take
a nice, long rest.
(She calls Bronzong back to its Pokeball. Now, she
goes over to Ash and his Pokemon.)
Chrissy: Ash, thanks for a great battle. It was really
Ash: Hey, no problem Chrissy.
(They give each other an affirmatory hand shake.
Now, a short montage begins, showcasing two
other second round battles: Janie pitted against a
guy named Winston and his Ampharos and

Swoobat and Adas up against a girl named Taylor

and her Chesnaught & Hariyama. Montage
concludes with a fade-in to the next battle, where
Iris is up against Lorraine.)
Referee: And begin!
Iris: Clefairy, I choose you!
(She throws a Pokeball and Clefairy emerges from
Clefairy: Clefairy!
Axew: Axew!
(He leaps up Iriss shoulder. Now, Lorraine takes
two Pokeballs from her belt.)
Lorraine: Go, Lickilicky and Boldore!
(He tosses the two up and Lickilicky and Boldore
come out of them.)
Lorraine: Lickilicky, use Power Whip and Boldore,
Take Down!
(Lickilickys tail glows purple and swings it at
Clefairy. Now, Boldores body becomes surrounded
by a blue aura and charges towards Axew.)
Iris: Quick, counter with Psyshock and Shadow
Clefairy: Cleeee-

(He raises his arms up, closes his eyes and three
masses of light blue and purple energy form in
front of his body.)
Clefairy: -fairy!
(He fires them at Boldore, landing a direct hit and
cancels out its Take Down.)
Axew: Ax-ew!
Iris: Now, use Dragon Rage and Flamethrower!
(Clefairy fires a red-orange stream of fire from his
mouth at Lickilicky.)
Axew: Axxx-ew!
(He opens his mouth and fires a powerful blast of
black and blue energy into the air at Boldore. The
beam forms into the shape of a black and blue
Lorraine: Dodge them, now! Boldore, use Rock
Blast! Lickilicky, you use Stomp!
(They both swiftly avoid the attacks. Now, the red
gems on top of Boldores body glow bright orange,
and the protrusion on front glows silver. Then, it
fires multiple silver energy waves in the shape of
the protrusion at Axew, one after another, dealing
significant damage to him. Lickilicky jumps into
the air and lands on Clefairy with one foot, doing
damage to him.)

Lorraine: Now, Shadow Ball and Stone Edge!

(Lickilicky puts its hands together, forms a ball of
black and purple energy in between them and it
fires it at Axew. Now, Boldores body becomes
outlined in white and two rings of white pointed
energy orbs appear and float around its body.
Afterwards, the glow on the orbs fade and form
into multiple gray jagged rocks. Now, it lowers its
head and fires the stones at Clefairy.)
Iris: Dodge them, now!
Clefairy: Fai-ry!
Axew: Axew!
(They jump up and narrowly evade the attacks.)
Iris: Axew, Dragon Claw! Clefairy, ThunderBolt!
Axew: Ax-ew!
(The claws on his hands glow light blue and he
slashes at Boldore with them. Clefairy fires a
powerful bolt of yellow electricity from his body at
Lorraine: Counter with Power Whip and Power
(Lickilickys tail glows purple and swings it at Axew,
hitting him and cancels out his Dragon Claw
attack. Now, the protrusion on the front of its head
glows white, and it fires a light-blue beam of

energy with a bright white energy around it from it

at the ThunderBolt, colliding with it and cancelling
it out.)
Iris: Clefairy, Moonblast! Axew, Dragon Pulse!
(Clefairy gathers energy from the moon and forms
an orb of pink energy in between his hands.)
Clefairy: Clefairy!
(He fires it at Boldore.)
Axew: Axxx-ew!
(He opens his mouth and a turquoise ball of energy
appears in front of him and fires it at Lickilicky.
The Moonblast envelops the Dragon Pulse,
combines into one attack, and hits both Boldore
and Lickilicky, dealing a varying amount of damage
to each of them. Lickilicky and Boldore get scuffed
Lorraine: Lickilicky, Shadow Ball! Boldore, Rock
(Lickilicky puts its hands together, forms a ball of
black and purple energy in between them and it
fires it at Clefairy, hitting him and doing damage.
Now, the red gems on top of Boldores body glow
bright orange, and the protrusion on front glows
silver. Then, it fires multiple silver energy waves in
the shape of the protrusion at Axew, one after

another, dealing a good amount of damage. Both

start to get scuffed up.)
Iris: Axew, Outrage! Clefairy, Meteor Mash!
Axew: Axew!
(His eyes glow red and his body becomes outlined
in a red aura. Then, he jumps up and punches and
kicks Lickilicky continuously, doing considerable
damage to it. Now, Clefairy balls up his fist and a
silhouette of a golden meteor appears around it
and throws it at Boldore, landing a direct hit and
dealing a heavy amount of damage to it.)
Don George: That Iris sure is taking a chance with
that Outrage.
Jenny: Yeah, but Im sure she knows what shes
Lorraine: Boldore, Stone Edge! Lickilicky, you use
Giga Impact!
(Boldores body becomes outlined in white and two
rings of white pointed energy orbs appear and float
around its body. Afterwards, the glow on the orbs
fade and form into multiple gray jagged rocks.
Now, it lowers its head and fires the stones at
Axew, dealing a great amount of damage. Now,
Lickilickys body becomes surrounded in an
invisible energy, then a bright flash of yellow light
appears in front of its face and turns towards

Clefairy. Now, it shoots itself at him and an orb of

light purple energy with spiraling light yellow
streaks around it appear around its body and
slams into Clefairy with great force, doing a heavy
amount of damage.)
Iris: Clefairy, Flamethrower!
(He fires a stream of red-orange fire from his
mouth at Lickilicky, doing damage to him. Now,
Axew jumps up and continuously punches and
kicks Boldore, dealing it a considerable amount of
Lorraine: Lickilicky, Stomp and Boldore, Power
(Lickilicky jumps into the air and lands on Axew
with one foot, dealing damage to him. Now, the
red gems on top of Boldores body glow bright
orange, and the protrusion on front glows silver.
Then, it fires multiple silver energy waves in the
shape of the protrusion at Clefairy, one after
another, dealing damage to him.)
Iris: Use Moonblast!
Axew: Ax-ew!
(He jumps up and continuously punches and kicks
Lickilicky, landing a direct hit and doing a great
amount of damage. The aura around Axew
disappears, but his eyes still glow red. Now,

Clefairy gathers energy from the moon and forms

an orb of pink energy in between his hands.)
Clefairy: Clefairy!
(He fires it at Boldore, landing a direct hit and
doing a great amount of damage. Boldore faints
and collapses to the ground.)
Referee: Boldores out of the battle! Clefairy wins!
(Lorraine calls Boldore back to its Pokeball.)
Lorraine: Great job, Boldore. Take a long rest. (She
turns back over to the battle.) Lickilicky, Stomp,
then Power Whip!
(Lickilicky jumps into the air and lands on Clefairy
with one foot, dealing damage to him. Now, its tail
glows purple and swings it at Axew, hitting his
weak spot and dealing a good amount of damage.)
Iris: Clefairy, Psyshock!
Clefairy: Cleeee(He raises his arms up, closes his eyes and three
masses of light blue and purple energy form in
front of his body.)
Clefairy: -fairy!
(He fires them at Lickilicky, doing damage to it.)
Lorraine: Lickilicky, use Shadow Ball!

(Lickilicky puts its hands together, forms a ball of

black and purple energy in between them and it
fires it at Axew.)
Iris: Protect Axew with Flamethrower!
(He fires a stream of red-orange fire from his
mouth at the Shadow, colliding with and cancelling
the attack.)
Iris: Now, use ThunderBolt! Axew, Dragon Claw!
(Clefairy fires a powerful bolt of yellow electricity
from his body at Lickilicky, dealing damage.)
Axew (snarling): Axxxx-ewwww.
(Both his claws glow light blue and it slashes
Lickilicky, doing more damage to it. Axew shakes
his head and eyes stop glowing.)
Axew (normally): Axew.
Iris: Well, glad to see it finally wore off.
Axew (happy): Ax-ew.
Iris: Okay, use Dragon Rage! Clefairy, Moonblast!
Axew: Axxx-ew!
(He opens his mouth and a turquoise ball of energy
appears in front of him and fires it at Lickilicky.
Clefairy gathers energy from the moon and forms
an orb of pink energy in between his hands.)
Clefairy: Clefairy!

(He fires it at Lickilicky.)

Lorraine: Dodge them!
(It swiftly evades each attack thrown at it.)
Lorraine: Now, go into Giga Impact!
(Its body becomes surrounded in an invisible
energy, then a bright flash of yellow light appears
in front of its face and turns towards Axew. Now, it
shoots itself at him and an orb of light purple
energy with spiraling light yellow streaks around it
appear around its body and slams into Axew with
great force, doing a heavy amount of damage.)
Iris: All right, Axew, use Dragon Rage!
Axew: Axxx-ew!
(He opens his mouth and fires a powerful blast of
black and blue energy into the air at Lickilicky. The
beam forms into the shape of a black and blue
dragon. The attack hits Lickilickys weak spot,
dealing a great amount of damage to it.)
Iris: Now, Clefairy Meteor Mash!
(He balls up his fist and a silhouette of a golden
meteor appears around it and throws it at
Lickilicky, dealing a great amount of damage.)
Lorraine: Lickilicky, Shadow Ball!

(Lickilicky puts its hands together, forms a ball of

black and purple energy in between them and it
fires it at Axew, doing damage to him.)
Iris: Clefairy, Moonblast!
(Clefairy gathers energy from the moon and forms
an orb of pink energy in between his hands.)
Clefairy: Clefairy!
(He fires it at Lickilicky, doing damage to it.)
Iris: Finish this up with Dragon Pulse!
Axew: Axxx-ew!
(He opens his mouth and a turquoise ball of energy
appears in front of him and fires it at Lickilicky,
landing a direct hit and dealing even more
damage. Lickilicky passes out and falls to the
Referee: Lickilicky cannot continue! Axew wins,
and the victory goes to Iris!
Iris: Yeah!
Axew: Axew!
Clefairy: Clefairy!
Iris: You guys were awesome.
Lorraine: Well, that was fun. Return, Lickilicky.
(She calls it back to its Pokeball.)

Lorraine: Youve earned a good rest.

(Side wipe to the last battle, where Clemont is up
against a boy named Victor. He has black hair, red
eyes, and is wearing a red-orange t-shirt, blue
jeans and sneakers.)
Referee: This matchup of Clemont & Victor will now
Clemont: Go, Luxray and Heliolisk!
(He tosses two Pokeballs in the air and Luxray and
Heliolisk come out of them.)
Luxray: Lux!
(Victor takes two Pokeballs from his belt.)
Victor: I choose you!
(He throws them and a Togekiss and an Aromatisse
emerge from them.)
Clemont: Luxray, Thunder Fang! Heliolisk, Focus
Luxray: Lux!
(Its fangs glow yellow and sparks of yellow
electricity surround them. Now, it bites down on
Togekiss, dealing a good amount of damage to it.
Heliolisk forms an orb of yellow energy in between
its hands and throws it at Aromatisse, doing some
damage to it.)

Victor: Counter with Air Slash and Energy Ball!

(Togekiss flaps its wings and fires multiple light
blue glowing saw disc-like energy blades from
them at Heliolisk, dealing some damage.
Aromatisse puts its hands together and forms a
light green orb of energy in between them. Now, it
fires it at Luxray, doing damage to it.)
Victor: Nice job. Now, use Aura Sphere and Echoed
(Togekiss pits its wings together, creates a light
blue ball of energy and fires it at Luxray, doing
damage to it. Now, Aromatisse opens its beak and
releases bright white soundwaves from it and
blows Heliolisk away, doing damage and it hits the
Clemont: Luxray, Swift! Heliolisk, Thunderbolt!
(Luxray jumps into the air and his tail glows yellow.
He swings it, firing multiple yellow stars with
golden sparkles around them at both Togekiss and
Aromatisse, dealing damage to both. Now,
Heliolisk fires a powerful bolt of electricity from its
body at Aromatisse, dealing more damage to it.)
Clemont: Now Heliolisk, Bulldoze and Luxray,
(Heliolisk stomps down on the ground and creates
a shock wave, which then crashes towards every

Pokemon on the field except for Togekiss, who flies

up above the wave and Luxray leaps above it.
Aromatisse gets hit by the wave and takes damage
from it. Now, Luxrays body gets surrounded in
yellow sparks of electricity and fires multiple of
yellow electricity from his body at Togekiss, doing
a great amount of damage.)
Victor: Aromatisse, Disarming Voice! Togekiss, use
(Aromatisse opens its mouth and releases a beam
of purple hearts in a loud shrieking voice at Luxray
and doing damage. Next, Togekisss body
becomes outlined in a white outline and it charges
towards Heliolisk at a high speed.)
Clemont: Dodge them, now!
(Luxray and Heliolisk swiftly evade the attack.)
Clemont: Heliolisk, Focus Blast! Luxray, you use
(Heliolisk forms an orb of yellow energy in between
its hands and throws it at Togekiss, doing some
damage to it. Now, Luxrays body gets surrounded
in yellow sparks of electricity and fires multiple of
yellow electricity from his body at Aromatisse,
landing a direct hit and doing a good amount of
damage to it.)

Trevor: Man, their Pokemon sure know how to go

Quinn: Mmm-hmm, and it really demonstrates the
strong bonds on both sides.
Clemont: Use Swift and Thunderbolt!
Luxray: Lux!
(Luxray jumps into the air and his tail glows yellow.
He swings it, firing multiple yellow stars with
golden sparkles around them at both Togekiss and
Aromatisse, dealing damage to both. Now,
Heliolisk fires a powerful bolt of electricity from its
body at Togekiss, dealing even more damage to it.)
Victor: Togekiss, Air Slash! Aromatisse, Echoed
(Togekiss flaps its wings and fires multiple light
blue glowing saw disc-like energy blades from
them at Heliolisk, dealing some damage. Now,
Aromatisse opens its beak and releases bright
white soundwaves from it and blows Luxray away,
doing damage and it hits the ground.)
Clemont: Thunder Fang and Bulldoze!
Luxray: Lux!
(Its fangs glow yellow and sparks of yellow
electricity surround them. Now, it bites down on
Aromatisse, hitting its weak spot and dealing a

good amount of damage to it. Now, Heliolisk

stomps down on the ground and creates a shock
wave, which then crashes towards every Pokemon
on the field except for Togekiss and Luxray, who
the latter leaps above the wave. Aromatisse gets
hit by the wave and takes more damage from it.)
Victor: Okay, Aromatisse use Psychic! Togekiss,
Solar Beam!
(Aromatisses eyes glow light blue and raises up its
arms. Heliolisk becomes surrounded in a light aura
and is lifted a few feet off the ground. Aromatisse
lowers its arms and Heliolisk gets slammed onto
the ground, taking damage in the process. Now,
Togekiss glows a faint greenish-yellow. Numerous
green & yellow balls appear and float it as a larger
ball forms inside its mouth and fires a green beam
of energy at Luxray, doing a good amount of
damage. Both Pokemon get scuffed up.)
Clemont: All right, then. Luxray, use Wild Charge
and Heliolisk, Parabolic Charge!
(Luxray runs towards Aromatisse and its body
becomes surrounded in yellow electricity. It lands
a direct hit and deals a serious amount of damage
to it. Heliolisk spreads its frills and fires a blast of
electricity into the air. Now, a sphere of electricity
is formed in the middle, which shoots out multiple
blasts of electricity at both Togekiss and

Aromatisse, dealing varying amounts of damage to

them and then absorbs some of it, healing itself.
Both get scuffed up.)
Victor: Togekiss, Extremespeed! Aromatisse,
Disarming Voice!
(Aromatisse opens its mouth and releases a beam
of purple hearts in a loud shrieking voice at
Heliolisk, dealing damage to it. Togekisss body
becomes outlined in a white outline and it charges
towards Luxray at a high speed, landing a direct hit
and dealing a great amount of damage.)
Clemont: Use Discharge and Parabolic Charge
(Luxrays body gets surrounded in yellow sparks of
electricity and fires multiple of yellow electricity
from his body at Aromatisse, doing damage to it.
Then, Heliolisk spreads its frills and fires a blast of
electricity into the air. Now, a sphere of electricity
is formed in the middle, which shoots out multiple
blasts of electricity at both Togekiss and
Aromatisse, dealing varying amounts of damage to
them and then absorbs some of it, healing itself.)
Victor: Aromatisse, Energy Ball! Togekiss, use Solar
(Aromatisse puts its hands together and forms a
light green orb of energy in between them. Now, it

fires it at Luxray, doing damage to it. Togekiss

glows a faint greenish-yellow. Numerous green &
yellow balls appear and float it as a larger ball
forms inside its mouth and fires a green beam of
energy at Heliolisk, landing a direct hit and doing a
good amount of damage. Heliolisk passes and falls
to the ground.)
Referee: Heliolisk is unable to battle! Togekisss
the winner!
Clemont: You did well there, Heliolisk. Come om
(He calls Heliolisk back to its Pokeball.)
Clemont: Now, Luxray Thunder Fang!
(Its fangs glow yellow and sparks of yellow
electricity surround them. Now, it bites down on
Aromatisse, dealing damage to it.)
Victor: Togekiss, Aura Sphere!
(Togekiss pits its wings together, creates a light
blue ball of energy and fires it at Luxray, doing
damage to it.)
Victor: Now, Aromatisse Energy Ball!
(Aromatisse puts its hands together and forms a
light green orb of energy in between them. Now, it
fires it at Luxray.)
Clemont: Dodge it and use Thunder Fang!

(Luxray quickly moves out of the way of the attack.

Now, its fangs glow yellow and sparks of yellow
electricity surround them. It then bites down on
Togekiss, delivering a great amount of damage.)
Clemont: Now, Swift!
Luxray: Lux!
(Luxray jumps into the air and his tail glows yellow.
He swings it, firing multiple yellow stars with
golden sparkles around them at both Togekiss and
Aromatisse, hitting both, but deals more damage
to Aromatisse. It falls to the ground, passed out.)
Referee: Aromatisse cannot continue! Luxray wins!
(Victor calls Aromatisse back to its Pokeball.)
Victor: You did amazing out there. Take a nice
rest. (He turns back over to the battle.) Togekiss,
Aura Sphere!
(Togekiss pits its wings together, creates a light
blue ball of energy and fires it at Luxray)
Clemont: Counter with Discharge!
Luxray: Lux!
(Its body gets surrounded in yellow sparks of
electricity and fires multiple of yellow electricity
from his body at The Aura Sphere, colliding with it
and cancelling it out.)

Clemont: Now, use Thunder Fang!

(Luxray quickly moves out of the way of the attack.
Now, its fangs glow yellow and sparks of yellow
electricity surround them. It then bites down on
Togekiss, delivering a great amount of damage.)
Victor: Use Extremespeed!
(Next, Togekisss body becomes outlined in a white
outline and it charges towards Luxray at a high
speed, slamming into it and dealing great damage
to it.)
Victor: Now, Solar Bream!
(Togekiss glows a faint greenish-yellow. Numerous
green & yellow balls appear and float it as a larger
ball forms inside its mouth and fires a green beam
of energy at Luxray.)
Clemont: Dodge and use Swift!
(Luxray jumps into the air and his tail glows yellow.
He swings it, firing multiple yellow stars with
golden sparkles around them at Togekiss, doing
damage to it.)
Clemont: All right, finish this with Wild Charge!
(It runs towards Togekiss and its body becomes
surrounded in yellow electricity. It lands a direct
hit and deals a serious amount of damage to it.
Togekiss faints and collapses to the ground.)

Referee: Togekiss is unable to battle! Luxrays the

winner, and the victory goes to Clemont!
(We cross fade to the gang regrouping at the main
Lex: You were all amazing out there today.
Cilan: Thanks, Lex.
Siara: I must say, some of you guys certainly pulled
quite a few punches.
Ash: Yeah, and therell be plenty more like that
Pikachu: Pikachu.
Jenny (over P.A.): Attention all trainers. The pairing
for tomorrows first third round matchups will be
shown in a moment.
Ash: Lets go check it out.
(They head over to the main lobby, where
everyone is gathered around the stage and a large
monitor. Jenny steps up to the podium.)
Jenny: Now, before we get this going, let me say a
few words. You should all be proud of yourselves
for making it this far in the tournament. Youve
really gone all out to show your skills here, and to
that we say congratulations.
(The crowd applauds and cheers with pride.)

Jenny: Okay, lets get this started.

(She presses a button and the images on the
screen start shuffling in a random fashion. Now,
we see the group watch on with great anticipation.
We pan up to the screen with the pictures of the
trainers randomly flash by per second and the
words, To Be Concluded Next Week appear in the
lower left corner of the screen and we fade to
black, ending the episode.)

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