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Thinkprint UK Ltd DR & Backup

Prepared by Lee Wrall

T : 0161 452 3233

Lowry Mill
Lees Street
M27 6DB

This document outlines the backup and disaster recovery procedure for Thinkprint UK Limited. The
document details the product being used to backup and recovery files and expectations on the time
to recovery.
Basic File / Folder Restore
Product Used: Apoyo DR
Backup Periods: Every two hours (incremental)
Storage location: Local BDR server plus cloud storage
Backup Type: Complete Server Image
Process to restore: Thinkprint to request file / folder restore via The
initial restore will be from the local backup device
Estimated Time to restore: Less than one hour.

Server Failure
Product Used: Apoyo DR
Backup Periods: Every two hours (incremental)
Storage location: Local BDR server plus cloud storage
Backup Type: Complete Server Image
Process to restore: We can boot entire servers on the local backup and disaster recovery device
Estimated Time to restore: Less than one hour

T : 0161 452 3233

Lowry Mill
Lees Street
M27 6DB

Complete Site Failure

Product Used: Apoyo DR
Backup Periods: Every two hours (incremental)
Storage location: Local BDR server plus cloud storage
Backup Type: Complete Server Image
Process to restore: We can boot all the servers including the Terminal server in the cloud and give TP
users access from home on any device. Users would have access to email, accura and all network
data as they do in the office.
Estimated Time to restore: Less than three hours.

T : 0161 452 3233

Lowry Mill
Lees Street
M27 6DB

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