Theoretical Framework

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Theoretical Framework

This study is focused on the System Theory, which states that, "A System refers toany collection
or combination of programs, procedures data and equipment utilized inprocessing information".
A system is mainly made up of three components that representthe units of analysis or the
variables under study. As the result of the study, it representsInput as the Independent Variable
(IV), the Process, as the Intervening Variable (ITV), andthe Output as the Dependent Variable
(DV).The upper portion of the paradigm (shown on Figure 1.0) clearly illustrates how theexisting
system will be processed. The materials used in the traditional method, which is amanual way of
recording files using the pen, pencils, papers and columnar notebooksserves as the input; and
the manager being able to get the incoming files of the clientsserves as the output.The lower
portion of the paradigm illustrates how the proposed system will beprocessed. It illustrates the
new method of recording files through the use of a computer,which serves as the input; the
process is automated and is therefore faster, more efficientand easier to work with. The
administrator can now get the recorded files faster by inputtingthe records.Tom DeMarco & Tim
Lister of Peopleware, 2nd Edition, Dorset House (1:58) cited
that Companies that sensibly manage their investment in people will prosper in the long
run"The author stated that if companies manage investment in people wisely, it will reapthe
rewards in the future as the company grows. It will succeed in the long run because thepeople
within the company are the ones contributing to the growth of the company. Thusentails the
importance of taking care of the people within the company.Caper Jones of a Practitioners
Approach, Fifth Edition (2:114) cited that: "Goodestimating approaches and solid historical data
offer the best hope that reality will win overimpossible demands."The author stated that in
business, good estimating approaches and solid historicaldata are beneficial tools to be taken
advantage of. As to with research studies, one does
not jump to start right away, but the approach should start with solid historical data so thataware
ness of the study be met with a hopeful result that will win over impossible demands.Carl P.
Zeithami & Thomas S. Bateman of Management Function and Strategy(3:139) cited that: "In
today's business environment, planning has become a widespreadmanagement function,
involving people throughout the organization in the analysis,identification, and selection of goals
and priorities."Authors of the book state above that planning is very important for
every individual,work group, or organization because it helps the systematic process during
which decisionsare made about the goals and activities, just like companies using a manual
system methodto carefully plan on what would be the possible solution to make the system work
faster sothat there is less probability of errors in the activities, and in considering the need for
acomputerized system in order to better answer the problem.

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