Doubly Reinforced Beam

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Design of a doubly reinforced beam with equal tension and

compression reinforcement
Consider the doubly reinforced beam with following data:
D = 400mm, B = 230mm, fy = 415 N/mm2, fck = M20, Ast = Asc = 3 Nos
#16 = 603 m2 ,
effective cover at top & bottom, d =40mm, d= 40040 = 360mm
The computation of moment of resistance of a doubly reinforced beam is
essentially a trial and error process.
Xu, lim = 0.48d = 0.48x360 = 172.8mm. For a doubly reinforced beam, xu will
be less than this, due to the presence of compression reinforcement.
Take xu = 100mm as first trial. Strain in compression steel,
esc = 0.0035(xud)/xu =
0.0035x(100-40)/100 = 0.0021 Corresponding stress,
fsc, from table- A of SP-16, by interpolation = 331 N/mm2.
The equilibrium equation is: total compression = total tension.
0.36 fck b xu + fsc Asc = 0.87 fy Ast
fsc*Asc) /(0.36fck*b)

Thus, xu =( 0.87*fy*Ast-

Xu = (0.87*415*603 331*603) /(0.36*20*230) = 11mm. This value does

not tally with the assumed value of 100mm. The neutral axis depth is still
Take xu = 55mm as second trial. esc = 0.0035(55-40)/55 = 0.00095.
Corresponding stress in compression steel , fsc = 0.00095/0.00144 * 288.7 =
191 N/mm2. [by extrapolation, using table- A of SP-16]
= (0.87*415*603 191*603) /(0.36*20*230) = 62mm > 55mm.
Take a third trial value of 57mm. esc = 0.0035(57-40)/57 = 0.00104
Corresponding stress in compression steel , fsc = 0.00104/0.00144 * 288.7 =
209 N/mm2. xu = (0.87*415*603 209*603) /(0.36*20*230) = 55.4mm .
This almost tallies. Take xu = 56mm as the final value of neutral axis depth.
Now, Mu = 0.36 fck b xu(d-0.42xu) + fsc Asc (d-d) = 0.36*20*230*56*(3600.42*56) + 209*603*(360-40) = 31203809 + 40328640 Nmm = 71.5 kNm
If we go by steel-beam theory, Mu = 0.87 fy Ast (d-d) =
0.87*415*603*(360-40) = 69.7 kNm.
It is interesting to note
that, here, the values of Mu calculated by exact theory considering the

contribution of concrete and, steel-beam theory seem to be in good

agreement. This may be by chance.
Now, inquisitive to find out Mu if the beam were singly reinforced with same
quantity of tensile reinforcement alone:
Total compression = Total tension.
0.36 fck b xu = 0.87 fy Ast
0.36*20*230*xu = 0.87*415*603
xu = 131.5 mm,
xu, lim = 0.48d = 0.48x360 = 172.8 mm
xu < xu, lim hence, under
reinforced section and xu = 131mm Mu = 0.36 fck b xu(d-0.42xu) =
0.36*20*230*131.5*(360-0.42*131.5) = 66.4 kNm.
This shows providing equal steel as tension and compression reinforcement
in a doubly reinforced beam does not considerably increase its moment of
resistance compared to corresponding singly reinforced beam. Shifting a few
bars from compression zone to tension zone may be highly beneficial.

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