l4 - q1 - Pioneer - Unit 2,3, 4 - Word List

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PIONEER / L4 B1 + / UNIT 2, 3, 4 - WORD LIST


mind (n) mindless (adj)

treasure (n)

COVER (p. 19)

non-existent (adj) non-existence (n)

trespass (v)

hobby (n)

not have a clue (collocation) have no

trinket (n)


expect (v) unexpected (adj)

oasis (n)

utmost (adj) = is used to emphasize how

pastime (n)

important or serious something is.

previous (adj) previously (adv)

value (v)

privacy (n)

wasteland (n)

prize (n) & reward (n) & award (n)

waterproof (adj)

2A (p. 20-21)
belong to (v)
- bump into (phr. v.) = run into (phr.v.)
- I bumped into Alice at the supermarket.

prove (v) proof (n)

clich (n)

pseudoscience (n)

colossal (adj) =very large, enormous

react (v) reaction (n)

compass (n)

ridicule (v) make fun of sth, mock (v)

concrete (n)

ring (n)

criticise (v) criticism (n)

secret (n) secrecy (n)

dig (v, n) & spade (n)

ensure (v)
focus on (v) = concentrate (v)
hide-and-seek (n)
holiday (n) holidaymaker (n)
- jot down (phr.v.) = note down (phr.v.)
- Listen carefully to the orders and jot
them down.
membership (n)

2A (p. 22-23)
accuse sb of V+ing (v) & blame sb for (v)
annual (adj)
audience (n) & fan (n)
calendar (n)
decade (n)

- slip off (phr.v.) fall down

distribute (v) distribution (n) & share

- Be careful, your earrings may slip off


while running.

divide (v)
era (n)

souvenir (n)
state (v) statement (n)
stimulate (v) stimulating (adj)

essay (n)
fair (adj) X unfair (adj)

stimulation (n)

- go on (phr.v.) = carry on (phr.v.) =

tool (n)

continue (v)

transform (v) transformation (n)

* The words written in italics are from the workbook or extra.

PIONEER / L4 B1 + / UNIT 2, 3, 4 - WORD LIST

- The meeting went on longer than I

= thrilled (adj)


initial (adj)

gold (n) golden (adj)

2A (p. 24-25)

honour (v)


(in)complete (adj)


(in)decisive (adj)

stun (v) stunned

solemn (adj) =
reflect on =think
make predictions

(in)experienced (adj)
(in)formal (adj)
insist (v)
leap year
leisure (n)
mould (v)
(non-)refundable (adj)
(non-)smoking (adj)
(non-)stop (adj)

get the hang of sth

begin to
understand how to
do sth

occupation (n)
punctual (adj)
spectate (v) spectator (n)
(un)clear (adj)
(un)expected (adj)

turn out to be sth

(phr.v.) is
discovered to be
It all turned out to
be a mistake.

week (n) weekly (adj)

On the contrary
be over the moon

appeal (v) appealing (adj)

take sth lightly =
be casual about

Collocations with play

play board games / tennis / golf / pool /

have your hands

full doing sth be
fill sb in (phr.v.)
give sb more
details about sth
He filled her in on
her mothers
handful (adj) :
difficult to control
stamina (n)
scout (n)
tie knots (v)
put up tents (v)
recognise (v)
dealer (n)
invest (v)
investment (n)

* The words written in italics are from the workbook or extra.

Collocations with go
go to the sports club
go V+ing
Collocations with do
do karate / pilates / yoga / aerobics
Collocations with join
join a gym / club
Collocations with collect
collect cars /coins /stamps
2B (p. 26-27)
actual (adj) = real (adj)
adjustment (n)
advertise (v) advertisement (n)
agile (adj)
compete (v) competitor (n)
convince (v) persuade (v)
cross the finish line

PIONEER / L4 B1 + / UNIT 2, 3, 4 - WORD LIST

defeat (v)

resident (n)

admit (v)

display (v)

saddle (n)

accompany (n) company (n)

district (n)

sand (n) sandy (adj)

broad (adj) broaden ones horizons

effort (n)
endure (v) endurance (n)
entertain (v) entertainment (n)
evidence (n) evident (adj)
exhaust (v) exhaustion (n)
falcon (n)
gift (n) gifted (adj)
heyday (n): the most powerful form
honour (v, n)
horn (n)
in the blink of an eye (idiom)
jockey (n)
leap (v)
odds (n)
operate (v) operator (n)
origin (n)
outrun (v)
overcome (v)
participate (v) participant (n)
participation (n)
remarkable (adj)
represent (v)

- show up (phr.v.) to appear

- Ill be very surprised if they show up on
- speed up (phr.v.) to move or happen
- You see drivers speeding up when they
should be slowing down.
sprinter (n)
thoroughbred (n)
(un)common (adj)
unique (adj)
COVER (p. 31)
acquire (v)
excitement (n) excite (v)
hunt (v)
relaxation (n) relax (v)
thrill (n)
volunteer (v)
3A (p. 32-33)

* The words written in italics are from the workbook or extra.

cater for (v)

claim (v)
compulsory (adj)
concerned with (adj)
educate (v) educated (adj)
improve (v) improvement (n)
in other words
invaluable (adj) : very useful
itchy (adj)
luxury (n,adj)
monument (n)
politic (adj) political (adj)
question (n) questionable (adj)
refer to (v)
reproduce (v)
seasickness (n)
shipwreck (n)
thrifty (adj)
tutor (n)
view (v)
voyage (n)
wealth (n) wealthy (adj)

PIONEER / L4 B1 + / UNIT 2, 3, 4 - WORD LIST

3A (p. 34-35)

on the phone

- I cant take on any more work at the

Prepositional phrases with in

on the run


in a hurry

on the verge of

in a mess

on tour

in cash

Phrasal verbs with take

in charge of

- take after (phr.v.) to look or behave

in debt

like sb

in sbs interest

- Ted has always been kind, he takes

in particular

after his dad.

in public
in tears
in the future
in the long run
in the meantime
in the mood for
in trouble
Prepositional phrases with on
on behalf of
on display

- take down (phr.v.) to lower sth from

a higher position
- Albert took the portrait down from the
- take in (phr.v.) to
understand/remember new
- Im not sure how many of his words she

on good terms

- take off (phr.v.) if an aircraft takes

on holiday

off, it leaves the ground and starts flying

on purpose

- The plane should take off on time.

on second thoughts

- IBM is taking over the smaller company.
- take up (phr.v.) to start doing sth
regularly as a habit, job, or interest
- I took up smoking when I was at school.
Phrasal verbs with get
- get along with (phr.v.) like each other
and are friendly to each other
- Richard and his sister dont get along.
- get around to (phr.v.) to do sth after
you have intended to do it for some time
- I meant to call you, but somehow I
never got around to it.

took in.

on fire

on sale

- take over (phr.v.) to take control of

- take on (phr.v.) to accept some work

or responsibility

* The words written in italics are from the workbook or extra.

- get away from (phr.v.) to move away

from a person or a place, escape
- I would go anywhere to get away from
the village.

PIONEER / L4 B1 + / UNIT 2, 3, 4 - WORD LIST

- get by (phr.v.) to have just enough of
sth such as money or knowledge so that
you can do what you need to do
- My arithmetic isnt very good, but I get

overpriced (adj)
cheer sb up
take into
accomodate (v) accomodation (n)

Do you have any vacancies?

I (do) apologise for...
Im sorry for the inconvenience
Im sorry to have to say this
Please accept our apologies
Theres been some sort of mistake

- get down to sth (phr.v.) to start doing

get into an argument (collocation)

sth seriously or with a lot of effort

availability (n)

3B (p. 38-39)

- After lunch we got down to discussing

book (v)


the issue.

cancel (v)

affordable (adj)

checkout (n)
- get over sth (phr.v.) to start to feel

complain (v) make a complaint (n)

anxiety (n) anxious (adj)

happy or well again after sth bad has

delay (v,n)

apprehensive (adj)

happened to you

depart (v)

approach (v)

- It can take weeks to get over an illness

disembark (v)

attempt (n)

like that.

fare (n) & price (n)

awkward (adj) awkwardly (adv)

food poisoning

crawl (v)

foreign (adj) foreigner (n)

curious (adj)

immigrant (n)

exhilarated (adj)

jet lag

exploration (n)

make a reservation (collocation)

fearless (adj) fear (n)

postpone (v)

focus (v) focused (adj)

3A (p. 36-37)

regret (v,n)

gasp (v)


- set off (phr.v.) start a journey

- get through to sb (phr.v.) to make

someone understand what you are trying
to say
- I feel Im not getting through to some
of the kids in my class.

ruin (v)

irritable (adj)
make use of sth
chill out (phr.v.)

- We set off early the next morning.


* The words written in italics are from the workbook or extra.

- go for sth (phr.v.) choose to do sth

PIONEER / L4 B1 + / UNIT 2, 3, 4 - WORD LIST

- I think Ill go for the steak. What are

wonder (v)

you having?

exhibit (v)
face (v)

haunt (v)


from all walks of life (expression)

itinerary (n)

COVER (p. 43)

gracefully (adv) graceful (adj)

menace (v) = threaten (v)

ancestor (n)

grow (v) growth (n)

menacing (adj) = threatening (adj)

disappear off the face of the earth

hideout (n)

nervousness (n) nervous (adj)


jellyfish (n)

overwhelm (v)

greed (n)

live (adj) lively (adv)

relieve (v) relieved (adj)

inherit (v)

meanwhile (adv)

- set eyes on sth (idiom) to see

4A (p. 44-45)

someone or something for the first time.

aim (v)

(also lay eyes on)

artificial (adj)

- I knew when I set eyes on that car that

assistance (n) assist (v)

it was the car for me.

(raise) awareness

- Have you ever laid eyes on such a

beneath (prep)

beautiful flower?

beside (prep)
consist of (v)

slope (n)
steep (adj)
tense (adj) tension (n)
tie (v)
tight (adj)
to be honest (phrase)
trap (v)
trouble (v)

consult (v)
creation (n) create (v)

motionless (adj) motion (n)

natural (adj) nature (n)
ongoing (adj)
ordinarily (adv) ordinary (adj)
pose a threat (v)
prevent (v)
purpose (n)
reef (n)
regenerate (v)
replica (n)
sculptor (n)

draw attention (to sth/sb)

effect (n) affect (v)

- take sth away from sb (p.v.)remove

endangered (adj)

sth from sb

entire (adj)

- They took her child away from her.

evolve (v)
examine (v)

* The words written in italics are from the workbook or extra.

4A (p. 46-47)

PIONEER / L4 B1 + / UNIT 2, 3, 4 - WORD LIST

- die out (phr.v.) become extinct,

the effect on

install(v) installation (n)


the impact on

landfill (n)

- The tribes traditional way of life is

the importance of

leak (v) leakage (n)

dying out.

the reason for

long-term (adj)

extict (adj)
feed on sth (v.)
habitat (n)
lose (v) loss (n)
Compound words with under / over
underachieve / overachieve
undercharge / overscharge

particles (n)
4A (p. 48-49)

proposal (n)

conservationist (n)
set up a company
rely on (phr.v.)

deforestation (n)
sanctuary (n)
interact with (v)
get involved (v)
companion (n)

undercook / overcook

renewable enrgy
smog (n)
society (n)
solar panel
take action = do sth about a problem
(un)attractive (adj)

underestimate / overestimate

carbon footprint

underfeed / overfeed

carpool (n)

underpay / overpay

chemicals (n)

underrate / overrate

conserve (v) conservation

underuse / overuse


Nouns wih prepositions

constant (adj)

a decrease in

cut down on (phr.v.) use less of sth

a need for

dispose of (phr.v.) throw away

a solution to

dust (n)

a threat to

eco-friendly (adj) economise (v)

an advantage of

energy-efficient (adj)

an increase in

exhaust fumes

damage to

inhabit (v)

* The words written in italics are from the workbook or extra.

PIONEER / L4 B1 + / UNIT 2, 3, 4 - WORD LIST

* The words written in italics are from the workbook or extra.

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