Space 66 Retail

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SN i 026 BSCONTENTS 094 PUBLISHING HEE MANAGENENT 1 Pale HARA George Lam #8 eprroniat sm Direct Line Trandate tt Reece 1 + Exclusivites, Hong Ko! cific Place, Hong Keng helberg | Hong Kang Paldr Marino + Associates, Archit , Nebraska indy Brown Architects 5G | |Srown Thomas & Co., Dublin Burdifilek Blanc de Chine, New York 'S. Russell Groves ri ty + La Vita, Bejing DPWT Design Ltd. Sunwear, California sensler Kiejn|Dytham Architecture 1 Epenny. Lenn indleysides: Ep pps orga aces Joks & Lhoas Architectes 2AFIC, Ontario Johnson Chou inc. ash Handbag Shop, Maastricht Maurice Mentjens Degign 107g Ping Tea House, Hong Kong val Design Ltd, ‘Teamwork Design Studio Ltd. Desion sett Lyaut BB Tous ProwreR 8) nea Ce) RLY ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE BEI TTT] 132 leicht kitchen Showroom, Shanghat Steve Leung Designers Ltd 4138) American Standard Flagship Store, Beijing Mare & Chantal Design Lid. 44.4 TOTO Neorest Showroom, Fi Pavlik Design Team 448 POSH Showopm, Hona Koha POSH Office System (HK) Ltd., |n-nouse Marketing Dept. Acrylic) Tokyo: 156 On Byinam Architecture 160 Samide! kung Jewelry Store, Hong Kong} EDGE Design Institute Uta. eatin Hoh Kong 164 cee Leu Desipnes Ld 41168 Jewelers Market, Florida Pavlik Design Team Das, S20 Paulo 1 72 HMKM A178 Weynn & Company) Watches Boltique, Las Vegas David Ling Interior Design iam, Las Vegas 184 avid Ling nfergr Desig 190 Mare Jacots, Paris Steprien Jaklitsch Degign inc. 4.96 Lu tY Cheung Fashion shop, Hong Kon ‘Another Design Lid. Mecredor, Aner 200 Moreen 206 FCUK. Nonwi Din Associ 210 es Lid ARE BAR SE DESIGNERS’ PROFILES 1on 948 FF PREFACE SESMRUTR AME REBORMETZEl A) Fai HCA NN - AIRE AIPA I A 8 - RGAE SA - RARER Age 7B AAR] RI - BORN AREACODE 7 boon RE AaaRat PRRTRMLER SENSI SE MTATDAR RHPA PS SRPAGh - REAR EME RE T fe] CRRA TE EZ OS REP MME WSO MURA» ANITA AA IMR » we teABEM A VERA» ASI ARMA» SR SOMME HAE TREOEAEDaslu + StiShts RUAEER te SU RAEI HE AUALRERHSWAZ—- HAHPLEREE HAAS S-WSRRECAHSSOM TES eM - me + hal LARRAD RENAE RMA TREE « ARR «RECO R RERARETATTAOEEAS Bibi RH A ReROneR STAM © Bizarre Eh His. Bli— We » ADEA Randy Brown, Architects iQ Ra - SRLLB A Msn ams + nt A AAMACOM KGAA - mK esl A MAAN na 7 A METRIGiHN MOHERE » Tralee TAPS A HUE MARAE RIE ALAR TB + UBER » CEA RRMA RIT RES « CRRURE A ERO7FAE HERE °F Maurice Mentions 84:81 Stash FAROE: AUVEMACOME RE MHTAMAE 20S (8h) EB bey Bi RM OR) ERE RE BRUTAL EOI CoH LIAR + AEE EDGE Design Institute Lid i83t## Samuel Kung HERS + 5 SCION T SEN SEAL « NINE FEAL PRUR » FRAGA OH OREO ELA - LATA T UR RP ARE Although retail spatial proposition has numerous possibilities. they share a common Characteristic - the offer of a dynamic and unsurpassed shopping experience for consumers to trigger their consumption impu'se so as to expand business opportunities. This is the essence of shop design. Shopping is @ unique personal sensation to satisty desires; however, since consumers have varying favours, how can a single store with the same commodity satisty the spectrum of needs from different individuals? [A shopping spree environment is created in respond to these needs. Through the 30 shop. designs in this edition, we attempt to illustrate the “catalyst” provoked by designers 10 trigger consumption impulse; now brand images are strengthened through enriched shopping sensations Amongst these 20 projects, we include a versatile and diversitied selection of shops which range from a 20-s9-m compact store to a large department store of multiple levels. Designed by HMKM, Dasiu in Sao Paulo, Brazil is an excellent example: no matter in its product nature or retail format, itis a unique store in every respect. Being one of the most extravagant department stores in the global market, it sells branded luxurious automobiles and helicopters. However, retall space for tnese luxurious commodities does not necessarily bbe glamorous or magnificent; it can also be simple and basic to emphasize spatial comfort. {An inclusion of extravagance is still needed though for @ unique experience, therefore a bar area lined with books and installed with state-of-the-art audio system has become the spatial focus of the entire space. In terme of spatial treatment, Bizarre is a one of @ kind configuration. Inspired by paper ‘olding and cutting arts, Randy Brown Architects of America created a folded and curved space in wiite adding delicacy to the products. Can the space really trigger consumers’ consumption impulse? Although no concrete statistics are available, it has undoubtedly aroused public interest and attracted consistent traffic to the store to look at the design, Consumers can fee! dynamic spatial quality the minute they step into a store; however, breakthrough in displays cannot be east identified, The Stash handbag store designed by Maurice Mentjens in Holland offers an innovative magnetic system, The designer sees that handbags are “hung” when they are worn, therefore they should not be "perched" on shelves, thus @ dynamic display format of utilizing magnets to stick the bags on steel plates were initiated. Designed by EDGE Design Institute Ltd., Samuel Kung Jewelry Shop in Hong Kong adopted the Penrose pattern to construct lattice screens that form the showcases for the fine jewellery. The lattice installation also creates a gallery like retail space making the products and the shop itself part of the display exhibit Yelou Pushalberg Lane Crawford Pacific Place, Kong Kong Whig eas EH RATE Miasbe TRA Teves AON RE ea RRNA RAL Bie YP «NE i A ARAM « RENRSIHELIEA Bae FEEAE_URDEYSR HERE amare > HE) 8 ARRESTS RE ano) SITE era AD Hi SARTRE FES8iE + [COHE] Mab-podt mi BOSE 2 Bae 12 (8 SAW DISIEE HS » OTE CRRA AOL B+ [ODm@| dhe esi aioR Se aMNINRTLRDIER iaeketeeHT SeHBAOS A » AOE RT PORE © (COE) SAREE ‘Soe ed ee URE RNIUEL eee AR NaH TRIE AICTE Sim « RIM RR RRR APPL «CTR RA 2a mF te en 4ouaaed a (BADE “4 SERN Rae [TERT SESH RRMOHI «MAROON IME | «im HAURRIRATE At « MANTRAS» eH ALEMETT Bo MAAR SOR» HALT SARIN » WHAM IRI = {ORG P RSE AM ALEMSILER OR « BrP - AREA AHIR Hrotoshi SawadiSit + FD RANE TURNS TRS - MAIS «pa T— TRAM AE «(HAR TH « BARRERA T SIRE « ERMA MMS Reh CTSA «AE HE RAN AU © FABIA He LA RSI - ACs ABAMOMEMG «BET Yau Pushelboryiikit Ha) JTRRIML AR - REA RIR HARI ERE « “he ore Oeertent ghes of nega fe wih he evisic tee ss fee” avy tom te wallceetnga Prescirensial dil kr eschende, This 4,645-sq-m store combines innovative and interactive interior design with an extansive collection of tp intemational fashion, home ‘and lifestyle brands. Geared towards a younger cliantele, ne space has been tensformed into a dynamic snowcase spirited and edgy. is graphicaly strong, with herd edges and a lot of energy. In an age where shopping exoeriences are taking place online, technology has been placed at the foraont of design. The Bar. a long sculptured counter, is the "hub" of he store. Customers gather here to inquire about in store services, check email and browse alternative and riche magazines from around the world. The CD-Bar features ‘ped sound stations and a BOSE sound system with 12 ‘separate music zones that host live DJ sessions on weekends, With ‘an exposed high celling and hard rellectve polished stainless tee! the CD-Bars custom siding panel surrounds an internally It frosted ‘curved counter. This area celebrates the youth and energy that ‘encompasses the design of the store, ‘Across fom the CD-Bar and throughout the stow, customers find thelr lowing experiences transformed witn the Hi-tech Conveyar Belt used to.dsplay merchandise, The Conveyer belt resis on a track made of ‘tee vith & modi hanger that rotates to Bring constant “newness ‘This serves as a unique storage system that is able to display more in stock merchandise, allowing for less “back of house” storage Besides, Motion Graphics are used to create interactive spaces betwen the pubic and their retail experionce, This forn of tne-based laual art playe en important role By acknowledging the pudlic’s presence i the retal envrorment. Behavioral tecnnalogy responds to customers by projecting images on glass panel screens that morph and change. Within the contemporary saction the projections occur on aglass surface with a grid-patiem of white dots, painted in vibrant ed with brighty co qs" as lh ne = ea . ‘The Home Department gives off an art gallery feel with the artistic synthetic strips that “pest” away from the wall creating a three dimensional display of merchandise. Opposite is a wall with floating shes folowed by another with ceramic discs. As you turnthe comer, the home section is transformed once again withthe use of stong our which changes with every season. A glass staircase s situated in the middle of the cosmetic area and acts asthe focal point ofthe Onthe secandleve, the Womens Designer Colsctions feature ranch like metal screens designed by aris Hirotosti Sawada and set on tracks so they can be moved tocreate diferent spaces, The centre of Ins lors he Jewelry Area displaying backsIt walls made of fiberglass to resamble charted wood. Suspending showcases highight an array of fine international jowoly lines. Custom acrylic circle patterned screens are made with cut eylindical tubes defining this glamorous Every aspect of the store design links together to form a whole. Yabu Pushelberg’s goals to create a shopping experience thats not only ‘enjoyable andeniertaning, but aninspied, furtilad adventure, SF chen Tone cron {NEE Projet Manager ‘red esate evecprien LTD ‘RBM Lgting Constant teen IMATE Spc Ergo aia vn Covering Soe, fae, praseckt meta ass, sasebyO At se Foorng {Cstom eapetsty Ta Pg BR Atwerk ‘Seulplures sd mobiles by Hitoshi Sewnds and Boris tn SBIERAR AY Syst Stree Me Syston and Pea Sound ‘Syoumbyeose Photoart Necmna Pawo ec, RbertChampasre Peter Marino + Associates, Architects inco's Building, Central, Hong Kong Chanel, Hong Kong Ce ee ees ae es eset tei eT ee «raya ropes cf camel which Rave enn ltd on tbe upoer hn flr x00 gr «a he ARR Peter Marina PA AIRE it) LED 2A) RESALES Marina BFFBE < [gt Chanel No S@k#K + blMBebeo Ria Howe RAKES - AMAL ARH 28 SE AULEIE® | ey LEDEURE ° LED: Waa 21a H+ ch RHA WEROE—e ER HRA RATE ALTA AMAT, « w= Reser [SL] HORI sha + erm ERAOMTSEHe «HRP aera « 2hRRER INEST Coco Chanel i282 rue 2M bikes Sra « BONAR T HAF FEARARS: BHA: Si: RAS » ARPT ARM RETRO Chonel £fE7 we RHE RIEL (HIE BRT AWARIAAD A fh, aeRO AR ET HL Peter MorincotBiit » (assHeeat TERRE » YAN He PERLE ROR Seb LED PLATO RABI 2 RASA TSE OR Bey aI RAH © Having nestled among the spectacuiar ofce towors and hotels n te financial dstet for twenty years, Chanel Hong Kong is dramatically transtormed by New York architect Peter Marino A five-storey LED facade rises. above two new boutiques in a daring statement of intent forthe Asia Peciic region, The iconic Chanel No. 5 perfume box - pertect proportions with a thin blac line - was the idea for ne ‘acade,” Marino explains. "We added the elements of transparency and ight with wtite luminous glass that wil change as often as fashion does, therelore making ithe utlmate fashion stow.” ‘The original building cadding has been replaced by a curtain wall of glass panels which cover 210,000 individual computer-contolied light-emitting diodes (LED's) The LED system, which has been conceived in New York and California, is run on specialy-programmed software, The facade screen now has the capacity 10 SR) NARWENcRA—sa—0K Sia racoe Xaver Lale nae Ctonon wnt eee maces feta esas Parent TR) LASEERBT WERE Be vadkineey hess Ravstewan ‘aration room isa peo C003 ‘Ghat mae of dcr it tested by Brac ot BF che EWR Project SSRI Main Contractor Halcreeng Cerencten Co, (NSS Blksng Sevens CormltingErghoors BERRI OLy Coe Conan, Janta srmatng& Panning Cosutat STIR serutlEnginoore AWM Lighting Constants Rohe stte Sn nS Stabe Lertng Din Senate Constant Bi curtsn Wa orate Heke, Acie 8 Aeon; Cotter (Garner Crracting i 1: super leona Pens Terao k= cD [ED xtra — SOF Actos rcortacor— LED Efe be feettdan apt arg etn RB motcary roe project ultra-high resolution monochromatic mages that can be seen all around Central and rom the seashore Tne fashion boutique nas been ressled and set on tree fos, embraced by a “tating” staircase that twists and tums eight times as itmeanders trough the clothing, accessories and shoe rooms ‘As a contast, inspired by the eclecticism of Mademoiselle Chanel’s apartment at rue Campon where she used to live and work, he tine jewellery and watch salons are dolicerately designed to be intimate, Rather than a fine jewellery boutique, the concept has been to create a living space where customers can feel very comfortable and enjoy a spocial experience. Incorporating the bast of what both modern luxury and bygone eras affer in the form of comfort, design, relevance and style, the idea isto create @ == z Es 3 5 C3 = CUTER a evra ea} CD ‘SEAR Joan aichelOronis GREATER OREN «BEY HB Ma SRWVORAENINATI AE aD « repre by Pebend saeco, ho ere art Jeanie Oren nos esas supe cf cascaarg Manages pers, Se retes keh usps omoaex of Pe Sson ecuiang stwateva Unique and appropriate retal environment for one ol the wor most prestigious tne joweller, Maintaining their glorious heritage of ereation, tne brand have Commissioned several acclaimed artists to collaborate on works that rellect the creative eneray and innovation ofthe building ist cons ‘which have become synonymous with Chanel over the years are relsterpreted to set the one for a new era It a great exampie of art and architecture collaborating forthe benefit of the public.” Marino cone'udes. By combining fashion and fine Jewellery wih LED technoiogy and contemporary ar, this lagship store recontirm the compary’s unperaleled creativity and modernity a Randy Brown Architects Beare BPTI Nobraska, US 160 F5K/ sam = x oe Bizarre, Nebraska | A veut Su udediid SA MAORRRR ARTE eT MAIER ‘ne crtrvcis aroun toe adie py marc 2s cone cen Located in Omaha, this lingerie boutique provided the perfect, ‘oppextunily for the US architectural fem Randy Brown Architects to challenge the typical retell store convertion where the walls, fixtures, callings and foors ae all separate elements talso provided a chance to test processes of blending these elernents to generate space wnere tne store itl! becames the podlum to display the mercnandise as art The interior space is developed from experiments withthe folding and cotting of apiece of paper, thus simpliing the design language. This continuous surface bends and folds to display merchandise and conceal the mechanical, elacvcal and structural ‘for that conjures up origami and a visually pure backdrop for a memorable shopping experience, Tne space plan accentuates the long narrow bay by separaling the store into 21 open space and an enclosed space, The open space has a series of pods which are equally distributed for the display of different merchancise, The custom shaiving system wes designed to (SRA ENES RAPID RRA ROS « MARDEN MT ASIAN: ORT + {he je en anzertinas he erg raven ny by soning Be er sm an apa ron onus The cpan scat santae cf pk veh aw ely ete ‘Robey oldies mercana, disappear allowing the merchandise to jump out at the buyer, The white space creates ‘@ museum ike quality and with large part of the budget spent on lighting, the merchandise are presented in tha best and ‘most enticing way. The magic comes fram the lightness and transparency of the design, whieh creates the illusion of ‘merchandise floating in the completely white space. The ‘enclosed space houses the check-out desk, restroomsanda stair leading to a mezzanine above, Thisproject allowed the architects to use a conceptual design ‘methodology for tne expiration ‘space and light. 57 RANDY BROWN ARCHITECTS ~ Burcfiek ABA REP Dbl, Imotand Brown Thomas & Co., Dublin PmmLayetcin shige ermswes rans Pee garerwome Ihe eotear depart, este oe ‘Shed toring suru by Luce ‘leo parte Pat oe ahs ‘Somttnes w cate a reumibe visual eee, Brown Thornas—ERRBE Si HRBIRE- SPREE Burdflok Aube R16 A aA aA BARAOTESH « msiemInA2 TOF DAMN SOS TREN RE CHER SETS IONE + Burciflok MANE ADiego Burdifil | (iG) TERENAS Fm - OHARA SRPMS EI OO i ae RE Eh a+ | ROBT RESNE me SEF RRMASMAE SHERI ACI IORDNE «AE PAR HORROR SRM SRR RmE ADE URAL, RRA « RETA THAAD eg ABEL RCOA « AR MIREMAmERenmH TS, FER 0 = FRE APE et LEM «TERE OR OREH MIAME SSTEARACMOCRANAR Tre erd nes bien agora eck wall af asoreac exter is sotenes by estar fn ols nat ZS HRHMMMMRIINA TUMCRNREKeOR ROR ARI ‘in gurl dangn of he womens designer area incoporates an ars hat on 02 ‘ransomed ine frum or feron shot, srg aoa of cram oe a8 Brown Thomas has long been a benchmark in uxury retail excellence. ‘The retaler engaged Toronto-based Burdiflek to create a signature ‘etal face for their historical company. The 2,700-s9-1n renovation of the flagship store encompassed the footwear and women's department. It required @ concept that ‘embodied a progressive sensibilly to international luxury retaling Diogo Burdi, Creative Partner of Burdifiok, explains that “retailing at this level is about creating a fashion theatre for rue stysh voyeurs ‘The materials inthis space need to be completely customized with a (global sensibly, but also vetlect the natural and textual qualty of te Ish landscape.” ‘The footwear deparment exudes huwury where the shoes take conte stage, The design concept embraces an intimate shopping experience which culminates in an “amphitheatre” seating area to celebrate the indulgence of space. Custom arc shaped seating is surrounded by Lusite sculpture parttions that refact ight and sight ines to create a dreamlike visual experience. The warm siver cour palate is infused vith layers of textured material and bursts of colour. Sand coloured sede paneled walls ere set of by tres tyoes of zebra wood; and the hand finished britiant magenta featire wals adda sense of excitement The women's designer area is infused with an international soptisticaton and a classic refinement, The 750-sq-m space Fouses a premium selection of luxury fashion collections displayed in an ‘mosphere of extravagance. The overall design corporates an area tmat can be vanstormed into a runway for fashion snows, adding a sense of performance and drama to the space. A palete of whites Including alabaster, frost and ecru are all manitested in refined architectural form and complex materials. The environment is punctuated by coffee toned lacquer walls and brushed steel and Lucite floor fotures, and the overall space is softened by custom fay colowed carpets Paul Flek, Managing Partner, states that “the future of luxury is about fine detain botn the product and environment. Shopping at this level needs to be about a commitment to opulence and an atmosphere that '52 complete oasis away rom the every day corwention. Brown Thomas. has been a phenomenal carwas forthe frm to putthese ideas into play.” The Brown Thomas redesign nas a distinctively feminine attitude in @ handsome and sophisticated architectural language, but most of alt is a boautfu contemporary interpretation ofthe retailer’ rich cual history. BE Chet Erne ‘28a Detgn Teor, Sep AE way vse ‘elexrma, Dene Pac Wiles La Michael Sick, na dutcewer, Cav Rayes, AeberyTey ol Buck EB Conauting Areiact Dagestan SDRETE Lighting Corsutrt Ceres SRR SE Constant Giney smh RRA Construction Conmltont aS ‘RpIMVAF eo Engvoorie Consultant on sm Flooring Wood adept Sulion Source ‘2s eta Werk ‘etrrabics LR awork FAR pin Fie Fite 2A Furture (Cast macsby Louris EEEMAKM Focures kes (Cava by Formic ayes by Mar Leg aren alae Acs sss ‘Soca rh anew by os La SREP, S. Russell Grves Blanc de Chine, New York peered Bam mS ANeH” ‘Seeeonarectainiestecanrs ie. MMAR Autos IRAE ERT MLCT Seay maa Blanc de Chino FA>EM eA a RROD « UL SURE SCASMAOADE - BLAURELASEAETADSPSLER « RAINE as SOSHELS URE TRRERCiMWSt » SLETBIIRETEeALS eH AUR SRLAAIIRARNS | SIRT AEH AR AAR MAME Fk BURA ORSON - RAR fo PRANTL * AR ARRRRE A AA «TEE BRL RR AMOR « ilk AWIRME TA «Bi PGA « RIMSII AARADI FETE» PR « — HIER FAIR ARAM T SOTA © CERI NCORtA NARS» — AED KORA L RSTO aay ‘eel aR OUIS HOHE ELS RE ARTA OURCRND » LOATH ELM st RTH BEST. Hen INO © Located on the prominent corner of ith Avenue and Fity:thied Street, this provocative cation isa study in ‘contrasts ‘The clent, Blanc De Chine, known for their undated interpretations of traditional Chinese apparel, specifically requasied a contemporary setting; one that alluded to established Chinese motifs and foxme, but also retlected thelr progressive vision The concept pushes beyond cliché imagery such a red lacquer or gold. Instead, the space relerences the dichotomy of the modern versus the traditional sensibility inherent in the clatning by the use of hatd metalic elemente set agaknst rougner, natural ‘objects. Its these natural tems that also reflect a (SOVbaRMR eT EIRONEARAIN « traditional Chin ance for nature featuring deep brown variegated wood flooring, walnut plinths with a beautiful natural edge, and ebonized rit oak cabinetry The extorior cents on a large, expansive window which due to its ‘great dimension, opers the store tothe street and invites the customer witha. This c 10! and glass is provided textural relict by @ single column and door of warm natural ipe wood, Benind tis caret composition, a sculptural spiral star nasled among an expansive bed of grey palm seeds, ascends a dramatic three-storied avium, stark assemblage of The tional iconography with modern tectnolog) culminating in @ series of vacuurformed acrylic screens. This Innovative technique uses te traditonal Chinese element of bamboo ina fresh, creative way and results in a unique ethereal mage of the mater BF Clot Bisa Cine ‘3424 tn Contactor ‘838M Lgrtng Consutant {AA Lighting Fores & Fitinge FsaLiguny Uo eocenPrecLhtrg fA Fume sa Uprotsion am curate AE Prerovey reeeeeod ak cabot) at DPWT Design Li Baling Z6C Sport City + La Vita PBL Being, China 0.000 F547 sqm Sport City + La Vita, Beijing =m) MESURE RBS ROT fe RREMEAAIOA® (lot go) eyecaing cistoner sven utes oe aratagealy alected Gecthiabe catores Ala Via (ARM) MR TRE ASR AON DRY AR RSTO RD AM st ee ee eS RSTO A: Bit Aart DBE Henle - RONNRTSE AE ANE A CAR ARE Himsa: teva BIARMAD « EAPAtHL CT LOTTI EMER a ee SerLERBIA + RGR» 5 Fi» — Ags eatRieeimisate Fame Ha» wens a8) MEM MCORRT IRINA © [ema se 7S RE ARE EERIE tOIm I fate < TRRSAETAR f femAa ne PR Ree, PVC seman baa HRS BoP SMRAT RA » SEAT MEEPS « RIPEARAPHED IRD eA SI RHE A He Bro — HBG « RIS « HT AS ACTIVA © LAER MME ERR maar mete tach ROSE ROL ERI © SOMATA A A es ee ee [2S Sty! La Viera MBE MERE BeOS Beam PRANK MME SR TAME «Ek SRAFEA SRT RS OS RATA » BULAN AT SP LOSRIR + Aaa RaRRST— AAR © (RMAG RARE RAR RARMIOMRER TOR 9H, TOE ALEADAT OREO > | OPT HERE Sey So MS © anes » se AnaRaek (etmnt, ResemeaaeNeR auank mmcXeRE tenn Pre thoirg wm ccurtlstps mle hespace Qremicerdecoakivtelrieessto Spor Oy hasa ung end ret eprewarcs 1st We Yon whan ope ita (octerwas coined undogroud omer hese a canal stra CERI AAT (Top) the cng mace gyi beard Sali Satan tr ae 7 BRERA RATA WE LA Visor sein The department stow is composed of La Vita and Sport Cily seling causal wear and sportswear respectively. Itis situated in Zhong ‘Guancun, Haldian district whore universities, research laboratodes and technology-oriented companies set up ther bases. This moles that a very distinctive consumer market is formed here and also thatthe potential customers would accept new and vogue goods. Therefore, the designer has explored to develop a unique shopping environment Moreover, the mall is located in a two-level basement without a signiicant ground floor access. This bacame one of the challenges the designer enceuntared; haw to create access that atracts people 10 go down, and algo now to generate efficient circulation within the exoansive underground foors leading to the holitic spatial layout The existing escalators were removed and rebuilt in another direction to forward the circulation flow. On the other hand, a feature spiral staircase is bull to link the to basements and forms a focal point hat helps customers to orentate themselves inthis huge bazaar. The Sport City combines a wider range of sportswear brand names under one roof to provide @ one-stop-shopping experience to a ‘customers, Diterent rom tradtional department sires, thas @ young and energetic appearance to set the trend while an open celing gives of ‘a causal atmosphere. PVC flooring with colourulstrins make the space dynamic and also add visual interests to the otherwise contined ‘underground environment, A mulsfunction area containing a stage and a smali-scale basketball court allows ad-hoc events 10 be held. tis believed that these actwiles can act as a magnet to attract young people to hang around i the mal ‘La Vita nes @ gypsum board ceiling featuring “craters” of ferent sizes whicn form tne accents inthe bright and clesn space. The foral pattem (on the wall helps to manipulate tne scale while varied flooring ike wood and ties are applied to define diferent zones. In adaiton, there is @ ‘clubhouse that includes a function hall where shopoers are offered fre coffee - a sip forthe taste of lite, ‘The transition fom Spar Cty to La Vita is designed as @ tunnel with colour changes in LED inground slumination, Besides, as there are more ‘han 400 shops saling diferent brands, t would have caused a busy eevaton ite dosigner over plays the graphics. Hence, custom designed ‘signage in neutal tones creates a more “play down” backdrop achieving a consistont image throughout the siore “We believe that designing a department store lke this kind isto create a visual drama that ti in the operators needs rather than to full the designer's ego,” conciuded Sey So, director of DPWT. SPORT CITY + LAVITA = OPHIT DESIGN LT at EF Cher Sonat SRP Tas chan, oot ina ier Oe Bes setae conc, Git try Becontree Ca, Seay ee ‘easing Consort Sevres {8A tng Fores 8Fetings SGN Ve caer, et Aware (Cromare os On At Galery sets is, sara Sopra’ scarce Techretony Pak Caan ie am tn en Prose mm mune wor ware eer SES a en ‘er REREBT an ‘eFSRERIEZn PWT DESIGNLTD - SPORT CITY +LA ITA Gensler Pacific Sunwear, California {8 Pooiic Surmear Bie Gensler i Galleria at Tyler tO. HE SPARERMERY MMR ADT AI RM MRSLAENG ANAT» Joh RENTS aU | TERRI TREN « ARES ONS - URS ASRS CD sista © ARR E MAHER REOTORAL - AE AHECMES NIN REARITELAET SMITE StHRTMER MACH Oe MAMTBM RESTA STERSHOF TRL RII « AEST» lA SERA aa A eR egy age «A CURB ARIA IRA) [458 238)» SNES HESS — I TLR LR — EAR AAO WAR T RAIA ATi» ENERO A RHO KRG OIA ~ SEHK SAAVEDRA ICR AREER IS « ED BiraeMSIm © MNT SHORE T ALAR TIN « IS ‘SEHR HELI CERES A + NCTA AVM ERROR Lem ARMA ABsCIIEOT + ‘a evened Kea ced hati ety rvs te bears epatanse he Mrcorase ed cree sn eyscnang, ase See |= When Pacific Sunwear asked Gerster to reinvent thar store design in Galleria at Tle, they wanted tofrly establisn themselves as the premiere retaler of world-class surf and skate apparel and accessory brands In adattion, they wanted to ceeate an immersive retall experience via a fexibiekit-o-parts that could be Liized in grounc-up concents, as well as adaptive to multiple rencvation scenarios for over 800 existing stores To help achieving their goal, the design team balanced programmatic functionalty and flexibity with a ‘meaningtu and unique design aesthete and customer shopping experience. In aditon a inti design ‘and product zoning, a myriad of custom produc and ltesyle story-aling fixtures, materials, finish package ‘nd marketing materials were also included inthe holstio store design, Beginning withone of the most distinctive aspects ofthe store's design the design teem creeted en eye catching, iconic storttant- an inverted Koa Wood hal-pipe enty that invokes the board spert focus ofthe ‘merchandise. Upon entry, mannequin ined “lfestyle runways" guide customers to another focal point of the store interiox, the tee shirt rotunda, The rotunda sa cong hig enciosure that showeases the latest tee-shirt styles and brands wrile allowing formassive folded capacity. Situated on the back wall, 2 expansive, internally liluminated, Koa Wood footwear wall serves as @ primary draw enticing customers to the rear of the soe Overall, the new store concept dimensionalizes the various, brands by showcasing product catagories and a wide spectrum of product types in a way that creates a unique and meaningful story-telling journey and experience. gPctent SABE Prec Team Dente ed dcr, Boxy Ts, Eh Nae, Gavel Goreies Ganesan Fc ot iki lan Contactor Heron & soca ne SRL Liging Consutarts Aehtocurl Ushing Bearer Suc, ete Ficus {Gesrep esr by Bsr a Dasa, hy aly Hanon Fue es S0FIeorng Fibber fstab Exerko pohartare ‘eer ty Cee Feo Corry sesame MEP Engh Ehatsonesona Assosaes GEA) ‘a8: Protogety RUORMRANUR RESET ANCTOMNME CAMAKALRENNIS LERMAN SO LOTEANTEIS Dnenentve red xporeceis entd wa ancl part fo coud be lensin ouneup concep, anc apne mp ARANR ARKO. AERA OREO RU AEN ETM RRMEA [srocimiva, mel Humes Hon ocd tear al saves m8 pay cr emo anoners toe tein Dytham Architecture , Tokyo Uniglo SOFIE pn 00 1 pin ictal [aeaepatare a i , oie dae SIFTS pen Uniqlo Bi ‘Uniqiot SORRET THETERI REA OMAION AMEN RS iAeT RD + Ea tor doses pasar din ed es ods ares vn lass The any lve ros gael sharp cronies ar campo Uniqlo SRE Ginza isthe commercial heart of Tokyo, and of Japan. tis aiso the SRA RRO byword for luxury and class, In the midst of flagship stores of global yore ma ISAO © ltoury brands ike Louls Vuitton, Prada, Dior..there is Uniqlo - Japan's TRE HRN, mast famous casual cothing brand ‘2 mE In —ee ACME COA HRHEIES » ADI ‘ese buldings functon essertialy as walk-in advertisements. They AAMT HOLE conjure desirable images to wrap around thei products, aiming to HEMT - BANE seize attention end admiration, which may eventually lead to sales, SARL RRRR EET “These brand images are largely communicated through the facades [mee] seamtam ay [HE ‘which have heavy resemblance of video screens. For stance, the JL + iRebeni eae rE Chane! store uses @ facade composed of hundreds of thousands of RRR + LEDs - highesolution building sized screen, an exception tothe high end brands in to the eleckness of tne other facades, ts design a it provides basic clothing at reasonable prices. Soin contrast proach ig simple and basic. If facades are multiple seveere, Unigio's facade is @ plated “electo-eto" version. It is made up of a matrix ofone thousand iluminated celts which can be individually controlled to produce chunky Teris-style pattems on the facade. mitrorinish stain placed over this screen has the effect of breaking up and burg off its sharp edges. The foursquare Uniqlo ago shines through al lt up with a bright LED arvay. Luxury yet revealed at low-resolution. rid usualy sols at warehouse outlets in functional shed-tke spaces in the suburbs, but Ginza demands a warmer, more differentiated t Each floor displays diferent products for distinctively targeted markets, andis distinguished by colour - rom gallery-wnite on the entry level for sharp promotions and campaigns, through magnolia and cimamon, to deep chocolate at casual menswear. A flexible, modular display and rack system ‘porgoia” element and domestic se € devised compising a 1g a sense of SF Clot ‘e340 tn Contactor ‘#3tMALigrtng Consutart ait Wat Covering sb Feoring sar metogaety Timberland Boot Company, London fama Re ‘Timbertand Boot Company ti 28° SHREK LEMS fH — WARS « AN BARE (David Kira HHA BR © Timberland #1 (FOR + 3 #8 » RI) Chocktand Kindleysides (C9 nme amuaRtH [RBM CSET [A FERPA) AOI HERA MARCA e+ BAER RABEL IBA HAH SRRBOM ASHE SERED Sparse ee «aR He BI ERAL EA TRL ° awecrentien Bess aia isos of eced ear, rare sd ome ell SOS ‘is get ess ier sesh mc ash ‘SUC HIMCARNARR ERAN emKemeR BE ne vary ft store of Timberland Boot Company (TEC) located in te Grade I ised building at 1 Fournier Street, Sptatielés, London, teding under the facade of “David Kira Banana and Tomato Salesman’, who previously oecuvied the building, Inthe words TAC is very serious about its values and history. Therefore, UK-based creation team Checkland Kinaleysidas (CK) has taken on board these principles, whien bring together the best tradition of mass manufacturing with thelr ideals of ereftsmansnip and wraps this up vith thei culture of community responsibilty in creating anew type of "rading space’ (Ck has adopted a "Pace Based” approach which seeks to engage in ‘postive and susainabe way wth the communities and surroundings while at the seme time providing an effective base through which to trade. The aim isto identty the “spr” ofthe place so the concet for the new trading space evolves out ofits context, and exoresses the company’s desie to “nelong” tots cal eFctent act architect mis byson SSR AMan Contactor Gaia cores A Fortre Fatt ard repped tans turin n ober ey sul Bt ere ty Cocina krone We roorng ey srrcinos ter ” enn In its previous incarnation, the building at 1 Fournier Strost was a banana warenouse. Tis provided one of the key display concopts - boots are displayed in clusters nung trom the ceiling resembling bunches of bananas as they grow on the plant. Steel box roling racks unearthed from the basement have been given a new purpose as display tables and cardboard banana boxes stacked on specially designed racking, creatng a stacknolding wal atthe rear of the siowe Ithas been about being inventive, prysicaly building as litle as possible, and developing inexpensive but effective solutions by recycling, regenerating and re-purposing, reflecting the brand's insistence that an environmentally efcient soliton tothe store concent is vita Besides, the retail space is used te hold community-based events and display arts projects in order to forge connections with the neighbourhood. ‘The stowhas been suecesstlin achieving the best esut forthe “Place Based’ approach which provides @ unique and iconic look for the brand, andi relaton tothe chosenenvitanment. MenmOREReM saEAT Hh Perieiae RS AEE TRE ABT SEHR ER he uslding ae once ¢ banana reno Te promos eng okay Sere cocops. bets ae ceed sts hu foe cig ree ‘uns ars hey row on Pe re OWN Clothes Store, Bruxelles pEELyeeen ImiPitras Haraccoitt y—AIRO)R » » L JRA + “The cae tom t stten We Guan for a foresee The arch Ge isp wow ako he Sere tobend Mo Ee SuosTINDS zee WER \Lhoas & Lhoas Architectes fit! OWN, ry aR EWA « WAY EAT TAA » BY SA [AORRE HHH » UBB AMA RI Ae REMMERRIEI AGRE RAMESH SOS PUMPER SLR R TRPRNE sSNA IEF « —ARAPIAROR | eR mE 6 Ph «ARORA» SRT EAM BEEN Mk + Fat _LITASEEDI AAA © RMR ATS AINA MAET — AS OER HEA In this project, Bruxelles based Lnoas & Lhoas Architectes was asked to redesign a commercial ground floor and invent a new identity for tne clothes store OWN, The line of thought has led to a fui objective Intervention ancttne home of transparency i developed. The aosence ofadisplay window, or athe its unlimited extension results avolume which perfectly fits ts surtoundings. Therefere, the store forms the clisplay window itself, and the limits between inner space and pubic space become blurred ‘Shapes and materials coring fem industry play the ready-made game: once implemented in the arcnitectuxe, they ae transformed into well thoughts yet atthe same time rather raw objects. The foor is typed bya modestmaterial, asphatt an implied elerence to transparency of the shop on the steet. The lighting fotures, of all kinds and pleasarly designed, do exist as an alternative to ordinary, undiflremiated and harsh comenercialligntng GRAFIC, Ontario se ane genereios en aporkro-tko fost container enclosing four di osed to engender ss n ent, the entrance “tube” defines \gned to form an extrusion ot the with its lowered celing and doptn ofthe boutique from the si in sk din figurat within the Je" dis intended to engage sent deep into the Boutique. usted of walnut veneer and extending the length ofthe space, the Di nwith storage above. Placed at! cena it creates two distinct spatial experiences - the fist responding to the client's desire for voluminous space for casual wear and a second artower,inimately-scaled space for exclusive brands. Rather than locating the racks against the enclosing wall in a more conventional manner, the strategy of consolidating the merchandiee into a single vertical element nat only permits tne vision of space but also alows the enclosing walls to be clear and unadomed, underscoring the ‘concept of a “mute” container. The custom designed fat flexible and can be easily reconfigured. By maximizing the available height of the space, the extraordinary presence of the wall was achieved by locating storage above the display fixtures thereby cffectvaly reducing the size of the storage room and fortuitously increasing the retail area, The Fiting rooms and a Lounge that anpears to hover ae enclosed within a rectangular “vesse" that penevates the Display Wall A sheet of chromogenic glass physicaly and visualy defines the Fiting Rooms from the Lounge and transforms according t0 use; clear wihen the doors are open, cpaque when closed for privacy. Providing a moment of surprise, the Lounge visually expands when the glassis transparent land when opaque, the glass wall also functions as @ screen for projecting images and video SeuNENR Rae EER faces nanmamoee me EOE aaa em Etaeh LaskeoR= ‘chest c carrer ss shyly freeway dons te Hig cone, fensoms sesoring bo we coe et BF Clot EM Prfect Team Haye, Reon Bar ream ‘Shecn Grou Jfrenn Grae sa Min Contactor SME Ligring Consort Sen oan BR Lighting Fixtures 8 Fatings Fetessas hacen Totes fan Fumtare ism dred by Jobson Chu ne Iain vt Covering PomPant ‘6 Flooring EREEHE AY Sytem AE Pretoraty Neha Secs heegraohy Maurice Menijens Design Stach Harditag SI ifs Maastricht, The Nethortands WARK qm Stash Handbag Shop, Maastricht AUREL TG MERU OE Beecurersacr: “The dap cage ene a mognal tem sot ne Frog conto steed or pod auton oval Sesh E—-RERH- ASMMEAER MERTON SOS + HRaEE (ih) Ee 7D PR) ERO Fi Maurice Menions(0285|38:+— (FT FUERA BINS» ABH LAST BPR ERHITHIIL - BRLET FR SWTGEM RET [HB ARO WALE IDG CEATRAV MN « Ara SAT ROR ES © CENA » RR TAL SiR ATION © PURO RS AS EERE T HERR «A AROABA COURT OME Hy BIRR ONT A BTA > ALOHA SEM SIAA BL STS paca ane sera ACN 2b SO + RMT TRA PU 22 + (OS POTTER IE HRSA SUZ RET « SBS ee ee ee MA BERET RMRIEN ‘Stach sels modernbage. Most shops display bage perched on a shel bu bags do net “perch when they are wor; theyhang. For his reason, Maurice Mantjens wanted a hanging display for tne bage 9 Stash, Tne idea was quickly conceived to work witn magnets with which the bags could be "stuck" to stee! plates, Customers can then remove ‘each bag from the wal to look at and then putt ack in place. In this way, optimum use can be made tothe entie wall surface ote faitly limited space for the presentation of bags, In the middle of the shop are to siee! coves suspended from the caling with pedestals underneath, This not only increases the display area, but aso strengthens the architectural element of the shop by creating two passages where a lerge mior walls installed et the end, making the shop appear much larger and wider Tne cove and pedestal treme can alse be seen in the shoo window with a smaller space in between, This adds more intrigue, as it segregates the shop window rom the shop itself and aso hides the view ofthe courter (wich has its back facing the window) from outside the shop, ‘The red coating on the walls and ceiling makes the shop very appealing to passers-by. Moreover, this colour perfectly complements the often bright colours ofthe trendy bagssold here. The floor, counter and pedestals fit in seamlessly due to their grey PU coating. The rounded joints between the celing, walls and coves give the interior an appearance as if having been pressed out ofan extrusion mould, Lastly, above me counter are storage cupboards hidden behind the red steel piates. ATAU RAA TOSI RS SSSR EMRE H “hw euros eter cla, els a aves get Fler epee as ‘anngueun seed et of en eta #PChont BRE Gopi Design Uogoby Reo Bas Wench BABI gring Conant #80 Lighting Fours BFtings Shop: Paogersots PL no Habgerspts, COMTAgS BI Future Mr, uscoating (Skene Wapex) ruins Streamers We Footing PUcoring tSkkensNapen by Aleser ‘tar Breen IE Yial Covering Seal parce NOP irre fecatng Habe, patra {885 Pretognty ‘ae Schone Maat (Oval Design Li {BFF Ngong Ping Tea House ‘878A Bul) Lantas Island, Hong Kong BOP RA/ sam Ngong Ping Tea House, Hong Kong ee (op) The Tea House sts a Coneco hg mene oe F) ma cams es cs sn {Bedi A wratrfl eture tthe ery Seer peel amen ge Ghar resent can cars cats 8 [F260] Baie ERE «fo TARR TER STARE eMC ERNIE © HRS TEROSRE IADR « AAS RR TARRIAR* ARB SSRN TE FS » FRB HRNRMOR «A BimaaeauenaNst F & ZORA IRN « St RSL — ATR 78 «ASRS ED AARNE «DHA BMRA ed eaQaime ese se AEBS CIES « AaB RENE iE» PRL RE 5 am SRE Bere nee DA tEAM 2: OUD IANS » SG ee ee ae! FLOATERS REGIE Sepa RAT RIPNEE RT PERRO ‘anti, ie space mopar be mre ar conte ploncring wales ep ertias os RENEE LORI Sy er oe oc te tee Seared oes utter righ oo Seay Balni pavallouragemaes AONE pin JURE SMI T OMIA RROD - HRDtRROR BIRO ERAN ROKMT AIT RMR SHORE SRIRAHSE (RARER OCA » SNARE OETA «MIT Tim Hea CT «DIED TARDY » BEE RIAURILS, RMSE CREE TRARY 7 — RO Saat - mRNA HEY ie « RAAB - A PMOINRICS RRMA + We TEEPORRALS) + Oval Design Lic sR AURIEPO BARR. ~ Bett DURE IRM » OH be PONG ME HOH | A 8-8 EMERGSREZR CONT RMR— MRE mal 8 RPASALATA NRE TTR twa storeys. The entire design dosign.of window lattice, lighting fxtures and etching ‘Awateral feature with 1 ontry xual Zon, Angular rocks can be seen in the pool constructed by sandstones. clear ripples while quiet bickers provide lesurabie background music fort people feel ree and independent space interns of architectural planning vith dsinctive mosphere trom me mae oullding. The hexagonal space on the ground foo: is used for rata cute, while on the first lor it accommodates an elegant and trangut VIP tearoom, * APF on 12 Tea ceremony demonsitation area is also located on the ground floor, Customers may taste various teas in @ comfortable environment before making their decisions. The back wal is created as the Chinese chemists cabinet and locks outstanding in high gloss red epoxy spray. Four Chinese characters in calligraphy and gold foll celebrate the sophistication o! tasting Chinese tee. Overseas consultants are committed to seek unique materials, for example, the long table is made of solid rosewood, coordinated with wooden chais, the texture of wood is accentuated, The backrests of chairs are designed iow inienionaly expanding the entire space, Ming Dynasty style and wedge-n technique are adopted. Also stainless stee! planes are nserted in the Backrests to ge off a contemporary appearance, Since client expects more than just vending tealeaves inthis space, an educational exhibition cere thenestablished onthe frst loor Here tourists can receive information regarcing tea and play interactive games as an occasion o experience local ta culture ‘of Hong Kong. Exnibition theres wil be changed regulary to maintain the freshness of the space (Oval Design Lid. isin charge of the exhibition content, display modes and product packaging design in adaiton tothe interio decor. Grahic design on packaging echoes ‘and intogrates with the exhibition on the fist floor. The ground and fist foor owns their Unique features but meanwile share @ uniform atmosphere. Iis the clients desire to eesabish a favorable idently and enhance the market postion tiyough this prot. Zone of the 5 INGTEAHOUSE - OVAL DESIGN LTD BF Ctent ‘Reni Feo Marat Lt ‘uEAE Crozve Consutant wii Art Dector Dens ierg, Donic Kan ERE Project Seatarg ee sax ste Super Seam {PRN val Pwetatn -ERst GophDesn Ramone ‘4M Maln Contracor Gaibesin ‘Use BIRINEERecoarch 8 re “Suuatm7 Munsee Presentation neue PRR AY Sytem Kove Pease 28 Protety Patepern So Gm) AU MROS RUE Tae narra cea ReeraRRRSOOR a: Sh See Emo {ng page) The 20-s9ftexiton aca Feige enc rece ares ‘Se enectaaor b enorenee Mave ke ‘trot Heng Hana. OVAL DESIGN LTO Teaimwvork Design Studio Lt, Exclusives ‘870K EAT Duco Sect, Contra, Hong Kong 2600 FF %/ sam Exclusivités, Hong Kong io ‘Sa ERRGE pin ACIRER Sey RaLESUREENHS HA = Groot re urigue estas of doef tho two soy Sorvosae enters [RASS ESO TR EER SRERTAE RRSReMN ROR 2 ~ SERBIA « HORSES ER © mE Rew RAT Em ORR) OATES SERIAL MERE » CHAR RAR RVORR A RMT RTA 2: ear RENE AO ea HAMA SARRMMAE AT HAE - MERI OMS HERA BERT SUES Ay ATE 2 0 6 BRRAGLARheM STke—en (nA zuTsi MESO Phuaua mavemsxent« ‘Totter erghasze fs ese ere. 2cstor-nace at ciece raed “Fhing Cingosodoffesch LEDaard cobed gossis poniendy hangar te cle SRAAIHON LN ARAM RR eR SOARS [MEADE] 255 TRUE UNARMED © ARSG ARE! - SAPRRAM ROR RR PO: ERAT ROTA ASTRA RISRET OPA IIE « — HAT OREO HORA + SABLE TRA ATE ik RASA TCH - Me (NAN) RAIMA 2 FERRARO oR MEMES Sma EAR - AEROS SERRE MR MOLT M+ RASPES «SENSO TRC AEH STATS « Sse) [ARR] eG THOR MURR ARE RIAD (IR) OO 8 USGA -PREMAU RTE RTS sh Hoa EEDA Lalique Lounge = excuusiwres Exclusivtasis Hong Kang’ renowned retalirof luxury testy brands, Ite lage stoo boasts ve lors of prestigious brand-name silverware, crystal, porcalain and colectbles eto. for a one-stop lifestye shopoing exparience. A relaxed yet sophisticated ambience pervades the 2.600-s-m space Starting on the ground for, a custom-made art piece named “Flying Bird" is prominent hung on the ceiling, Composed of hi-tech LEDS ‘and coloured glass, t further amphasizes the illetyle tneme and symbolizes the store's peaceful atmosphere, The colours and free flowing motions inject a soothing etfect to the double-volume space Likewise, the custom-designed tral and tableware insiaation at the staircase ectioes the antsy of te store's treasures. ; Cs Lil Sa SR nSTa Beat RRCNNEC ENC es nec Seen Sracee roraer teresa wowinIROeRARE TRE {Csr osjned foe an tawarerstlen eich ho en rase, {SRR SRRIRCEEET Rane eNeRN eral ye | heres Peete ee atc echt od hash ot Conpiel al os. The layout nas baen careully dasigned to enhance one's shopping ‘experience, Each floor has a unique theme, The basement Gourmet Tastee caters a wine cellar end a Chinese tea shop. The ground loce featuring items for "Fragrant Living’ sees more as an ovent area where fashion shows and launch parties can teke place. On a reguler day, it has a gallery-ke atmosphere where the best products from each catagory are displayed in a special designed showcase, The tist ‘oor is all about the arto intemational styles, hence this sth location for world-famous brands, each of which has it oun designated ret space. On the second toor, "Tendy Tastes” takes centre stage. tis mainly for household items and is contained under one roof with a homogenous desiga. The overall white tone ses of the products and makes them look sparkling, Adopting @ layering concept where ARS) Te Baa aero eet ocr SAMA EAS OME ACHRUER NINE ER ANEW [a oi a ein tain ova eye Sects Gore ae ncenpas ny rage nace pce bia he pc. EXCLUSIVITES - TEAMWORK DESIGN STUDIO LTD ‘customers are encouraged to 2igzag through the maze-ika space while brawsing on the products, the result is an interesting shopping ‘experience tnt is ctfeent trom the ordinary department sore layout ‘The third floor is the Exclusive Club and features an extensive home decor section, complete with a “health plows counter. There is also ‘a waddlng egisry service, a boutique speciaizing in Chinese antiques, a VIP lounge and the exquisite Lalique Lounge which is completely decorated with tne brand's breathtaking interior collections. ameconsmaRnGrans- ‘Tre real wits te as oe resis arc mates ha kk spate, TEAMWORK DESIGN STUDIO LTD 3 on, sean contacter sumo ‘omits Fae een ‘AA Licino Ft Seas eas mm Coming nga Sy Renea wc Lanter FES caer ‘2AM Pe rongenen ST 83 Cris Pésecion exclusnres Leicht Kitchen Showroom, Shanghai Apne) Rewien seco Roem) MaRS EES exeumes Gol tts detorers ter ig fognesledtagirg edars asomect ane. STEVE LEUNG DESIGNERS LTD ‘hm Layostlan ANB MERIT AMT + AMARA A ate LoichtiaReee ER ROR IRIR » Rat AML RIAN TSN « ( SMORSTA ROTA RM CTSMRS MMAITA BEREAR - THAD TARA USERDK © ARH HMTM - SOMSMNNCTAREE - MaTeTEE AOS URIS AOR TE HATE: AATEC SEMAN «HTL ABTTEOMR «BRE » BETAS — BPRS A ARR IS CHRRERAUSIM TA SME RSE NRA nmin ESR RecN Fam» THEIL « ise en eR «HRA ISLAM + PRUE RH AIBA TAREE AS, «PERRIN ‘ACER «EIEN - AA SRIRAM FT EREANAER - RATAN SHARE - ROM MRA REA FMA TRARUIET SHS GRAMO MERA - RRA OTOT TEMA © LEICHT KITCHEN SHOWROOM Qpaon ney=eamtIREO Bini. Sa pero omst « {ere ests of acti aiing ftsnon ‘Bourassa te ancy crow Besinpy eosaig aut re crynsly ‘hie nent rac ae ) RAFTERS AaB Skee vaccine Seer ioe (Cop rig) The sies of ne stoncases Sey are Greerteg bene ne {fers renaned penodkaly okeop Sowcon eres. To breakthrough the monictorous convention of product showrooms, tne nigh-end German brand klichenwara, Leicht, Brings a striking ‘Shopping experiance to is customers. Highlighting the exclusive brand identty and matching its customers’ contemporary tastes, an elegant ‘and mademn character carried through in this showroom in Jam Tower by skillul manipulation of space. ‘Showcasing kitchenware certainy requires ‘space usage three setsotautcmatic sicing ktchan showcases, which can be easly drawn out by simply pressing a button, re compactly installed. inthis way, tne designer not only saves space, but also ‘allows customers to conduct a comparison conveniently whileenioying fan amusing display of products. Moreover, the sides of these showcases are used 10 display a huge eye-catching brand image thatis synchrerized wit he catalogue cover that ctanges periodical, ‘0 a8 to Keep tne showroom refreshing nple space. Tomanimize The main idea isto create of spaciousness. The lighting treatment on the calling Is specially featured as a "Road" by a row of fabric glass boxes which directs customer’ attention while the general sot ighting endows a sense of temerity The natural walnut fooring runs trough the ente showroom and extends up to the wall, crating an illusion of endiessness and spatial exension of the ila sophisticated aura yet delvering a sense Black granite flooring subtly defines a meeting section, which is sheathed in hee sides of cool grey mie to provide a sence of pevacy and also to ennance the feeling of spaciousness. Accompanied by the stunning modem chandelior end lavshly-designed furniture, the whole area reveais a fascinating sophistication BF Ctent an Future ‘ate Covering Bock mir famed eck ro farting Se Prctoacety More & Chantal Design Lid, American Standard Flagship Store, Beijing IE eometeencerng 8 mise tat r ‘eslamewssia = (Leta) They aa once se by anopen ae corer ‘ay wae gigs 3 pled tack Storm fos Oesecing te cpt ibe foaing caved ganas provcnga giao Pe peice boyd cE) MUSK RAIMI - SRNR ACR EI shenohias (ir page thesereccrpis apie, sos ferisge wth oer fa ane rng ty fara ard Sy ‘BRAINS Oh SBE OAS AMR «ABT ‘B/8RLGTAF| Marc & Chantal si SHRINE | MRSA SR ARP Ao RES R ee ee PIR SRURMELS aOR BOWER QIRARRLERD RaieRa MEM Sma ARSE AOU MER aera RAWTRER Amie ih aatcb Ds - FARO RITA ASFA «REMAN RIL « REET ee ord (mtansetteh « ome ST avepteraunate ca —aleoneast AUER NRNORRE sniRSHAIET BOER EZRA FRAT - MIRO SA > Sak ORT: SaxraRORmR Rs CARTE fH 16 Ae AT RR aN» REBT RT ene AMM BIRR T: i BBE ANAL dove «RR OREORARAO Se Oe S| a aD ATE He RRS + SNL RNA eat « ee TS BUA oe PA EMRE HE RSA OER + DROBO Wh NRE SANE aR Raa aR 8 EERIE) + EMM ata ee Fim © RioeMBIG en —eRS PROUD TORRE KetyKSEAR « = MAN «EIA EARLE BLE em: PiU i eR AR SOIREE «EE APTI JS - RRATRNRINRS ERA AMEERA ° [BR ‘he a eS] A mse Sh_AORASIO REMAN bXMnMRIRTINC Tmt—sommMT The dees rest sveensshoustes ub sone pfiec 4 wor Stas provcesa crak onedtecksep altho poms ndaarine fi eh EO aR Y Marc Brathan BEEBE» 250 1s fe ARIA east SN we. penta 8 + | Bruhart i RETR a HAHEI Different from a conventional sanitary ware showroom wich normally has chrome and sterilized sutroundings, this fragship store created by Hong Kong-based Mare & Chantal Design has an o aging, mut functional and customer-focused The store occupies a prime, sveetievel frontage with floor coling giass windows inviting plenty ofnaturalightand visibly The s between contract clients such as developers and architects who want 10 source co-ordinated selection of products fo Bulding developments, and direct rota ‘customers ooking for upgrades in their bathrooms at home. fe is apportioned throom is perceived as the yollness cantre of the house where a person is by oneself with no interaction or interruption from others. Therefore, the design highlights this aspect of privacy and tranquility. With product message invisibly blonds tend:-setting design with ;chnology and functional reliability itis important for the qualities in the design, Ener the space, the lobby i larked on one side by an open plaza ‘and conference facility wricn highlights @ polished black stone ti ‘and lene design for private censutations, product launches or pubic! press functions. The conference room contained in a 16m acrylic wall -cut nto @ surface of invicate bubble fs backed by a black mirror creating a jewel-like finish, It transmits natural ight without ‘compromising pxvacy. and.can also be hosted up tocreatea horizontal canopy expanding the space fr larger gatherings or presentations, Dissecting tne iobby.on tne opposite side ae a series of foatingcuned panels providing a glimpse of the products beyond. The overriding of space and subtie doin the reception area where there is private consutation space, a reference i Lup designs. ‘ry and a room for constructing mex \With the key functions and visual prories, product integration can then be achioved. Freestanding white iow walls, blocks, and columns Create a meandering maze that stimuates surprise at every twist and turn. n realty the layout strictly zoned although the art ies in making itappears deceiving. Thera are suites of itings kom single designers. ell as generic product areas and wall-mounted faucet disp Pause points where clients can stop on-tie-spot and evaluete the products with catalogues and flat-screen monitors are randomly available around the modure of showcases, ‘The insertion of mood:-boards composed' various palettes of materials 18 mosaic es, miors, tmber and glass, Nelps contextualise the bathroom products without detracting attention trom them. "We Want to introduce a hint of materials to ilustrate how a bathroom {environment might look but keep it confined toa small ar Marc Brulhar, irestor of Mare & Chantal interchangeable so that materias can be updated a mese installations are ds change, The same applies othe signature information stands which are mobile to enable easy re-confiquraion. “The overricing empnacis is on the ‘product ad is discover,” concludes Bruthar."etitis cleat coded by these panets so that one altays has a point of visual reference, The danger of becoming disorientate ‘concern, but when te interior and products are so intertwined, i's @ pleasure to lose onesel! in the experience, in the store is obviously @ eras carepy opordng Pospaca ° gFctent ass van Covering erteorng Syrat wed, pol euRR Satay Ware tera acoe Pai Design Team — = 2 ay ee ee, ie ES. TOTO Neorest Showroom, Florida RA RRRMRMO RRO TO IRIS RMRMANATIRMERERLEA reba reeting es theo spate ely grt pe st Ushap tere ro cined and susapng sup ci ung tee Susans he Store PavileSiSPERIS HOST « AEE REARTAR ATRIH TRB Neorest IMIR PRIOR © RAPIER T BRETT 6 RUTH ESL my HE MEARS ASIANS Hea We AURA RUS RIOT FOE BOUTS» MeMARSLAREA Hh i» aa ATCA mela1eP ‘oan ea Lat 7 SEN i ee BS SRIEARSEATENR » ICUS ARHONS EPRI ake ALSALHIA Sau RRR RDN AE mM A RF AERA + FARES SN AEAUE TOTO fy ASRMGERROREA RUNS! EREmANEE Gece mcntirigoerncs Poh ea ence eee “Through the design ofthis showroom, Pavlik strengthens the brand Identity and establishes a luxurious environment which reflects the qual of tie Neorest series inclucing high-endaury tle, whic represents the rex generation in bathroom opulence and tygiene ‘The design is elegant and minimalist, complementing the sleek, modern, and revolutionary design of the tllats. The bubble-like projecting glass show-window and patior bolaly highlight the products, forming an attractive shop front while the curved and ‘sweeping shape ofthe ceing invites customers into the showroom. “The gente curve of the focal wall showcases tne interactive tolets and the sleok frish of the textured wave-wall gracefuly extend up int the celling, disolaying product accessories within a dramatic stage-tke setting The creative theatrical lighting design reveals tha products in a dark, yt dynamic space, Distinctive blue accent lighting emphasizes the tlud design and compliments the nature ofthe products ‘Accombined use of unique end original materia is used to accentuete the modern style and sophistication of the design, Besides, plasma seteens ae strategically located throughout to inrocuce and educate customers about TOTO products and features, AORSHONBLEFMNERR ARBOR {hal eepd sorrseren tent ty heen tae nn #F chant TOTOUSA Ie 8A Nan Contractor ith Corot Coe, RIM Lging Conant nee Tats $80 Future onto ole Sc by Siro ‘Govan ee Flooring Focatan sin OA Tap ‘OLR pect Merle Het pres by The Ga Co {ovaved wave way Naw She ULC BARR Merchandise Hardware Menno 8 Signage {885 Pretogy Banat Seto POSH Office Systems (HE) Lid, house Marketing Dept > POSH Showroom, Hong Kong eae BX SOHO nrc won ag at (RLG HAO FIN @ennenono SHEIRAMNRIEA AABIAR RUMP TARERRREA ‘he dees es hen aes eh iy. Te Po 4 nT — ae « 2 ior tors neni tor tine Scour hecho pay heck fice 18 ain " = Ser: Semen SAARI DAMES T SEMA vA MAT kee TAA NNSA + WANA HeaRnTS Rea SvOHRIA PSE 12 SRA ERA BREA LIAN AREER TR DR «Ahk AT AROS AA FB 7 aa A baa od SHER: © 22S RULER - RAT RAE Paso, « BSR RCIRER RRR RSREBR THEIRS RERETAVEMS “MEE ROMERARRE + “Theil dsc sock a oats ol ser econ. Bag class a vse \ith anistory of 17 years, Sun Hing World stands inthe midstof many industrial ‘materials shoos. Lacking commercial budings in the neighbourhood, the building had once been the landmark of this district. The showroom is revamed to cater for the transformation of retell business, but the brand ame is kept unchanged 1o retain patron customers and maintain its historical value and landmark ieature. On the other and, the newy constructed modern ‘malls and offce bulings naaroy are attractive to young consumers, Thorefoe, relreshing and vivid elements ave combined in the new design to draw in young clientes. Environmentally trendly is always the focus in production and management ofthe company, tus green is used as the corporate colour as well as the ‘main palette of interor design recurring inthe entre fourtoor shop (nluaing basement y from the front door on ground level, the black marble flooring directs ‘customer’ views to the large poste a the end, The fiques on the posters reveal the targeted customer as executives and SCHOS, which make it easier to find out the funiture matenes your style an whit, they intuse an appropriate atmespnere 2 too, The wale ara covered with mircors; complemented with small and sot lighting, the layers of spa enhanced with a sense of upscale and mystery. I also works well wth the black marble tlooting, 80 functions a8 a demoe! The designer ingens a mezzanine floor within the 5.5m ceting height, Household office workstations are displayed inthis level whore beautful colours accentuate the ‘space, and the happy faces on the posters creale 2 elaxing and pleasant ambience, Inaddition, the seamiess wooden floor makes customers feo ike deightuly at home, Office turture such as executive chairs and conference tables are showcased on the sacend for. Dark green sets up the solemn kay tone incorporated with commercial ‘and dimmed nue and lighting, Even so, dynamic wallpaper i ‘add vitality 0 the golem atmosphere and echoes the environmental protection pillosopry of the corporation, IE a Corrigin Constant aA Fumtore PSF tie Fut fos Sts (F4) Ls,incuse Make Dt BAMSRIAR Diepy Cone Act oma NEVA OTE TEMET RRR AE ene ks lise te tre oo nega che on ene of Pe os caerence ery toe chs an ator angie Me Klein Dytham Architecture Acrylic FOREOR Tolgo, Japan 168 FRY sam Acrylic, Tokyo cm) Sal) REWER RIL. LE ZASHER KN E+ (iis page) Tn bear eaking a Toon, tcescrey nom mao, stag 8 Beams A (pat architecture) » EMRE ever MR RTD REP EL IRA |S te Eo REAREROREES [REMRBSE| «LEA Kloin Dytham REST EA — CS = tahi22 FH JAMZ» MCE Te ODO Si © REPRE) > (Rm ST VAR «REEMA FIGS ELE RURS LLM PNR Tare Ae —$ RRR era BH Fi TTRcHESBIRa «ECKL ERE RRSANRD + (BUREEATPTUAALAE EH | I ERR SLM LARD T URED AT AAD E+ SPAR AR + mA ARAL BOR 8+ | LiBABA2— Mark Dytham 42 BOR: Meee ATA LA Lk» MASAMI HHA LR + Suma) — IT» ERE Acrylic SRE ENT NRE «EE FA REDCAR ARENA © OC CUM were Ra emu SbeeRc age CT ‘Soran rence paramere hee (22 ex. ome hmeamnRMMERTR SaLAGaNEORSIELE TES ‘agp The gagticen he faa baxar tg Sedat tet arcade a dopa awe te ‘Sayan garcrasowotery pod tobe dyed a apa cigtanatocu “Tokyo's filed with tiry buildings on avkwarc sites - what Tokyo-based architect Yoshinaru ‘Teukamoto nas caled it tne “pet architecture These are wedged onto tiny slivers oflard itt over from the slicing and dicing of urban planning and property development processes. This building is a kind of pet architecture as interpreted by Klein Dytnam Aechatectu. The bulding i tiny. tsa 11m long, two-storey high wedge, siting in a 22.5-sq-m site with 2.5m wide at one end and tapering to just 600mm at the other. Although amet, thas a prominent position facing a well-atlicked road, Being nearly el ront, the designers let t be what it 0 obviously wanted fo be - an inhabitable blboerd, Facade becomes image - image becomes facade. Suddenly the possibilities mutiptiod ‘We might have baen hired to bute a bulding, but now we could pretend to plant ireast We used a strong, simple image of a bamboo ‘rove stencied in white onto the lass facade, and painted the back wall bright green,” said Mark Oytham, one ofthe partners of ne studio. By cay, the graphic becomes a striking and simple form of sun-shading; by night green light dapoies over the intersection -a uminous bamboo plantation in the heart of the metropots ‘The building is now eccupied by the jewlery store "Acryio® where shiny and glamorous products ftwelin ne play of ight and snadow. Samuel Kung Jewelry Store, Hong Kong (immiLayutrin EPEMhMEETRS TD ‘th + Samuel Kung HE RVER RAR - EMA J+ RIO F HH + MMR THE MATIN BERR Edge Design Institute Ld at) CRA CASO SEEGER APRA DI 9 EHE « APRA OME: wR @: CRAUER AS TSE RAE RREWER «SHORE RAMUS RRR be» HIQ6 ARIE 72 BAF TORRE fe « ie - AON RADAR MLL ONO - FIGS PABA aeOmAUER LE: » AT HS MOR ETHER «MOAT Be + OF aS MT SAR SHE HEART AREPRAPOR— RR SOLS See Ater experimenting contemporary Chinese fine jewellery on jade for many years, Samuel Kung finally opened his gallery shop in Hong ong. Despite the controversially smal siz of tne snop (only 19 sqm) ‘where rare and valuable gem pieces are on display, Edge Design Institute Ltd. designed @ space which resembles a maze of lattice screens at a distance and a calm exhibition covidor when situated inside, Lattice ie @ traditional Chinese spatial element vanslormed here to achieve different degrees of transparency, reflection and ilumination, The patter ofthe lattice s develoned from the Penrose tling in which rnon-epeating pattern can be achioved lrom 36 degree and 72 deqree parallelograms. The same pattern in five scales and materials ere Applied to a suraces and fxturos inside the shop. ‘The latice concept provides a bold interplay of tne carefully scaled patter which disguises the smalinass of the shop and makes it a ‘memorable at instalation in the mall envrcrment. The ade jewellery intum becomes exhibits within archer exhibit (he lattice installation) ean wena mine TRIMMNA » APRN She shop deo : seen sho aimostaen condor wen skid sie ReSAALE HATA] Steve Leung Designers Lic. he Peninsula Shopping Arcade, Hong Kong Qeelin, Hong Kong fem Layetsin shoe emmamena rp Bein Ramesmade Aa BEAneal soumvevene A cyaalcrnaair be sau ste ‘lie Ws acalocien tt ootres Be Supe cta gous) hanged at fe erate die cneemevaree ty FPARNTRMEMME BB anata: veReT 2 Uo ms ETO MEER surtigateh + HATS PR sm ODIRMOSE - 27 (5 BL ee IR > Wulu (BAAD « RI Baan ER) BRA WATS RA AC aRARID » NEA ROBRELOS « SRIARE SRN IRORLR » RTE ANISH - VAR kt + SA 7a ESM See Zhe FRE ASCE «SUNTAN The aera, se Cree ptr iy carts nH con re yrs e oa hg ests gat A dedicated minimalist-style advocate, Hong Kong based designer Steve Leung nas skillfully merged eastern and western etyies that align withthe ‘eonceot behind the shop design cof he jowellery brand, The leather furnishings, subtle Chinese patterns, display ‘cabinets and light sources are placed precisely to boost their aesthetic value. A crystal ‘chandelie’ in the sensual shape ofthe Wulu (the brandis signature collection inspired by the “8 ‘shape of a gourd), hangs down {rom the side of the entrance to Wve a touch of toating inte a e red and black interio together with the special lighting effect, creates a quiet tranquilty land shining luxury ambience, ‘akin to a Chinese painting tat invites meditation, #F Clent SSE Nan Contractor (8 Lighting Forces & Fitinge eA Fume Uae BB Ya Covering Fabrobrinaod daty Crertp see Foorng rote tog Jo ky {885 pretograhy Paik Design Team Jewelers Market Se ih I 1,900 F%/ 9 Jewelers Market, Florida enelers Markel 872 RSICAACE «BI ZAMIBEE « FIASEBIRPORES eNOS » FOR BPHRA REET AER DSR sm « IRAs. Q00F KM ANNA NETRA - abo ie (S| BERANE © MSWRNREAHTE SmUTAORIES SUCRE SEAR ep TOM «2 emia ia « URANO SAARI RAT ORAL ATE AOR ERRNRATIMIBE T SmAEERE AK SHOWIN TI - EAMES Hie TEE AIR RARITIES RCRRRRARIAERE PS » MHTORLA A © SANT ARORA OTR ELT RRR TE « MUN AURORA CMERO AE RAR ARR Ten) aay eeraE A « AAORS AMARA SH URNIORUURU STRAIT ~ RRA AiO - ST SA Reema HERES « CR) ARO PREESREMORARE ee ERR at fine) exariessrteal (Lot pane) The otal eps ae coneerenndby aes roe ate uncer lover Funan sels Beveind “ere AR) SOR ATED LILICERMRS EAR 2S: RaNMU REA GINTAa BSR “The street ostres tl co wih omit vis ‘Redueena doneran vrage box ar vata Giberd alana teen we sophie aa Located on busy boulevard, the storefront of Jewelers Market ‘features tall windows with dramatic views inte the store and a glamorous vintage black and white ollboard that draws atention to the sophisticated facade. ‘The soaring double height 1,900-sq-m space features a sleek contemporary “steets of stops" concept The undulating caselines in ion dark wood and luminous metal create elegent boulevards and plazas that are easy to shop and circulate. Geometric patterned sable carpets andlmastone arval points use light and dark tones to datine trafic and specially areas “The undulating layout provides total tenant Yexility, as wall as, containing work areas behind layered wal panele of wood and frosted glass. The sleek, rich design and palette is balanced by an exposed industrial celing in cream and open halogen lighting ari ‘The central piaza’s high celing is defined by larger floating elliptical rings in sable fabric and translucent metal sheers, The ollipses are complemented by curved, sweeping ceiling planes that bring lower human scale height tothe perenater “streets ‘This unique concept brings a sleek, sophisticated, upscale ambiance to a typically street bazaar environment with contemporary architecture and warm rich materials to create a memorable and value-focused dramatic jowellary marke. sFctet Jove: Marat i Parertip SBA Man Contactor oe Aen, Deelah F. ‘ectane Lignin Consutant NLighing Fotos 8 Fitings Buowey tac, dowrahsmive by ey Coping. (3, Eee sania seFeorng eet rd by CRA Pt, ii artwarc ois porn by sewers eUpholstoy (sess by ANREU WORLD sR Curaine Grerheed ring by Moss Ine. Simmer ‘a85Protogacty Brnerant ty TRAP UCAOR AR TRO Ah ARETE «| ‘he eral pam nical Str Exe fet eps gs alae HulkMt DDaslu- Men's Technology Fleor ERIE Soo Paulo, Brazil 1.200 F778 sqm Daslu, Sao Paulo PEEL umm mom» oa “The last note egies ae daoajed etencjconb of ecosss a gay tke cre ou astu Dash Bara HAE) 2 DRC em AO Ta > EBM THANE cso BRB HMKM ARH BR AE ARSE T 1200F BEAR» Eek AQER- RESTA SHS Fe RT Sa ONE JEL SHRI Mercedes coupe ei » Semi sen amNAR - MEET HALA Hook 8 GF. SEE FONG Fa IE ## ERRMAICD + EES SHRINE eR ire - eR Pe aT ROR IIS E+ ERI RIT AA» SAO (EAR 2: EMRE —HFoeoE « REAR TM SSL RAMU TRS ARGILRAN) « ERTL BURSERAEAEHRE— «EMMIS AER ORES AR BSI AMSEIRARINE [ies | « MOREA T LSM aR 2 ADA SMAOEIE, 5H + ANTE 1960S RANK noe E+ Sie AERO AEE + RRSMEE ARO - we EPRI ABNER T RES HREARAT Bong & Olufsen 2 APTFIDA eERES LeRNeaE ‘Re SAR RIS RRMA RH EGON BOIL F « Dasiu, one ofthe most exclusive deparment stores inthe word, has built on ts drop-dead Braziian glamour with the opening of an enormous new landmark store in Seo Paco, UK's HMKM has designed 2 1,200-sq-m Mens Tachnotogy Floor. Part product gallery part exibition space, and part private club, this space represents a whole new concept in reiting, (On ths Hoos, custorners are able to admire the latest Mercedes coupé, gear up in the hotest sports waar, buy ahelicopter, uograde their App -book or have a drinkin the leatner,book-inad bar while listening to the latest CO. The space ie lke @ Technology Studio or an atelia of the new. Floors in white lacquer parquet and glossy ‘white lacquer display pinths with iluninated glass tops, st within etcred glass pavilions, reinforcing the ‘white neat of tecrnology. Ae a oto this, eaesical columns create @ formal walkway on either side of the floor. A gallery is formed at the back to highlight tne latest mobile telenhones, set in a honeycomb of sepnensmenrsnne Pusey ss Scioaselrants SE a ipoamemirecnecer Fees nepart To escape tne pressure of the busy world, customers can kick back at the Club Bar situated in the centie of the space and designed to be evocative of that sublimely iconic British sporting ‘machine, the Jaguar. The foor o the space is of the finest green leather. Relax on a 19508 Knoll leather chair at he “bone” topped bar, or brome atthe wine shop, set intoa green glass cube. The Club Bar also contains @ ibrary with shelves made of Braalian wood to add a touch of traditional library atmosphere, (One can relax on a leather. covered wing beck chair vist istening to the latest music fon a Bang & Olufsen system, Alternatively, race your friends using radio-controlled cars on the race track set under the lass for, esr TARmeRaNATE « Greon glass ane plist’ sss sel et Emgeem noses mesnae Fe David Ling interior Design yn & Company Waces Bose Wynn & Company Watches Boutique, Las Vegas SR) ROG RATRARAR AMER RICE — RR (Latpge) Teepe a cncaved as 2 wale welch wih ndoring dock cr the Ey RE) ERBSRNMENR THERA ENOM MAE Apiseranin = (itp) The scott ts at te cna nr wth @ bowed gett sho “Nedowwhte tees cue oposite ising Moston srve ae deay Oh ie ERA + Ling WERE A TT DERM AAR « RSMO) EER «HM TI «TRACI 8 SAH « Riches MEATS Et HAS WUE WT HieoRmibASTa » een LT Bs ice RAR SR + Ling #7 BEBE RT ESRB FARE « svat BR HRumtieraWp ORS + EH ROSEN) © GRP RINT SHRP SCORER A BARRA RIOR» AT MRA FoR B HONEA testo IE « CREE « ATER UPR EAL EH sem RUE 7H Ri ORAL A oRaee RAE Tim (= DEBICRIA IRB © In this project, Ling conceived tne space 2s a walk-in watch. The space is chain mail lined cylinder with a watch lace on the cailig. The ceiling isa functioning clock with hour and minute hands set to Vegas time. The walls ae ined wih nickel col raperio over gold walls, reminiscent of metal watenoande, Ling markedtne movement fie wth four types of glowing displays. A central glass dispay inthe fom ofa 3A crescent eaats the conto pivot ot the space, which spins around metaphorical st 2s re watch hands spiniteraly Excanding temne centre arothee layers ol dpa: teesanding cylindrcal glass vivines, rectangular glass vines engagoa ito te wails and uly recessed riches that orm a LAGE | = yicelhorzorta moverontin convast SEO gg tobepecuatin db rts GER ga sNATommEnmMEROM Ao cuba te {Lencng Acer ge eye ca HORE cais faa tate, wate hana er mer (ge pesemamy ownmne we CF age penn othe cane rete Gers of soy teasing yo gees Nites octal ds vires Cuaged HD Fe Valance ne Pee Thovalbareredifrialcat depuis or gues overt mete nabs he lighting concepts composed of indiect iting inthe wall and celing coves atthe perimeter of the \waten face rendering a toaing celing appearance. ‘At four displays are luminated from within and it {rom above with grouped lights that form the hou markings, A private viewing niche tucked into the cor provides a more dlseret viewing experience he French limestone floors and spider marble facade top off he palate. The storelront hints atthe cxlindrical interior with @ bowed gold-tramed shop window. Three round openings in the existing limestone eaiice serve as digplay ocul Gizmos, Las Vegas fy = rv E Gizmos ii. Reach se COORI AOE R: RERUEE RHR NCAR PRN © FR #8 SNES - eA ARLE + WHET BE a A AMAT E A mI A RT 2 T 48 AOR OR AOE BHA BEER EE Hrs wea te DBR RARE TRIE - RAS RRM S IR + SRT METS ASHER » SBR + Lig LOR TAMATORIATIO + LAs NAOH RIE AR 2 RGR NERA: ammeeTi Mt SEM RSE TL aan Ss Aatsorg laura macsca ebay isa eth fom Pe tackct te chop. On feend Seen tom fort ack er poe sive sponded tte wal ato ee wal areal TV manors opr by Na. Pak «violations. Brea alow ae encod er says a ae Ne i Laem RCV eS a HNL Tre erotic rene cre ng edad bey Mi. Gizmos is conceived as a theatrical suring experience riding a 14-4 high wave of luxurious macasser ebory issuing fort fom the back of the shop 23-' int te floating luminous disolay cases. ace. The wave is fozen between walls ot Continuing the tlow from font to back are three layers of luminous displays that line the shop, Stretching from front to back are upper facyic virines suspended off the wall at eye evel. Dectly below are enclosed lower acrylic vitrines at table height. On axis with the asymmetrical entrance is a centre-oatng tabie that completes the display with an ebory clad cash wrap that matches the ebory wave. Completing the axis from font entrance to the back are a grid of TV ‘monitors inspired by Nam Jun Paks video instaations. The lighting concept is composed of indirect lignting in the wall and celing coves atthe perimeter, Al three displays ae iluminated from within and it rom above wit adjustable track lights located inside the celing coves. Furthermore, a4 diameter iluminated acrylic column lads the original structure, he spider marble toors top of the palate. Located atthe comner, the storefront hints at the techno nature of the merchandise with an all lass floor to ceting holographic shop window. Rounding the coxner, Ling carved lyrically placed irregular openings into the St thick storefront that truncata to narcow sits inside the store, ROR NAA {Let A. dame mnt oe Am) AREER TOMER + (eh i at Pw shatters et Sea te shies Sia ‘arias cna BW Soren ee te Opty Cases Pens: KBR Hordvore Btiswone ‘tit Paint MELA Cabinory itsch Design Inc. Stephan Jak Mare Jacobs, Paris SWERERANE EAR Sen ETE {mF OF pn ‘S28 Montpensier it Marc Jacobs » A:akaBi@z=BUiMi 5 CL RII SHAM STARR 17O-F HA OTT A ARORA: WAS RAO HIRE 12077 HP RK WARES + BLAM - RAMS A ATC «A SEBO AD BRIAR 2 RT HGRA » HAE Montpensier A IEA) +P MRE AREA FPS BER Mare Jacobs AH MK RM Aw AES SWAT Dark EmperadorA iG BK Eo ia BL + HANMER « NAR AERA BESA HOPDIit SERE + Sa RB: ATRL Christian Lisigre PRAIRIE «IE BLRARPS RANTS IE A RC Mk MAREN R B Located at Rue de Montpensty, this Mare Jacobs store isthe first in Europe forthe brand and serves as @ Paris lagship location, Te challenge here was to inser a luxurious, contemporary retal store into seven bays of the Historic Palais Royale. A series of architectural strategies were used to create an architecture thats simultaneously ‘modem, luxurious and consistent with the brand identiy, even as remains sensitive to the 17th-and-18th-certury architecture of the palace. Three adjacent spaces were combined i ceate a 170-sq-m continuous ‘ground level that houses the Men's and Women's Collection and Accessories; while the 120-sq-m basement contains offices, stockrooms and other support spaces, The result s jewel Box lined In mirror, glass, nickel and sycamore, with a crisply detalied, contemporary, vaulted celing that unites the entre store, Within this larger space are three distinct retail zones: Women's Collection, which is enchored under a nine-square vault by a large tlass-and.mirored-rickel armoke for furs and gowns: the Men's sales SGMSHOM TORR TOES KR ERENCE LENORE AMER ANRC CPR UNRLER « inves agocen spaces ware combnedta ete cntruois ound iva a houses Men sand Women Calecton and Accesses Aco oaled,conteporay, auted ‘rea, whichhas a separate entrance and a more private scale: anda calery of Accessories lined with glass and mirror that is flood with light and tinks the two primary spaces. By opening up the ear lacade directly to the Rue de Montpensier, the designer created an important cross axis trough the sto toimprove circulation, Mary established Marc Jacobs ‘inishes underscore the real identity from a contemporary viewpoint and are used here with an assured senge oflnury and tmelessness - Dark Emperador marble and mauve sik-and.vool carpeting on the floors; syeamore paneling: colished. nickel and glass vtrines with satin-ricke! frames; palished-nickel, antique-glass and sycamore armoites; custom Christian Liaigre furrishings and lighting (including pendants for the storefront); end ‘chocolate-coloured leathar ining te titing roam vestibues. All new stool-and glass casement windows open the stow tothe Palais’ contra Courtyard. The historic granite walkways weve cleaned and repaired few Marc Jacobs marble signage was added tothe threshold, ¥ a am 40a Lu Lu Cheung Fashion Shop, Hong Kong ‘ram Layton setae iganieeebneerm anes BRO AR RS ORRIN « AURA EMC (Pal Pang) Lu Lu (Cheung Fashions (8 2 8 24832 Stet» imeem Lam ee OORT MHRA AE BRUNER 248 Ls Lu Cheung AH © hE TAIRA RT ROR OMEMN RAO (WE RTOS TLE BUSS MER » Pal RAT AERA SMO - Bauer TRO + Ain ee ORAMTCNE ME + mie HMR ALARA ARATE > | Palit > PolaROM MEA MRS RINE EAA FOP RACER ARAL RR BNE SHIMMER + foals — ARNT TE ERAT SERA BE SHA « PALME BNE SS ATMAERSIRER » ARAL FAURE LIRA + teen RT eC» ATE 55 RRP ANON IT ARAD © AAUEORH KASOMENTERANRE ALLAN SR: {aerate hopes cheery Son I = SA chent RHA Main Contactor, cor a2ER IER Lignin & Future saproworaony “Today, custorners have higher expectations on fashion and also more choioas avaiable for heir purchases. An excellant store dasign would be a substantial advantage to atract potential buyers. In designing the shop for one ofits famous fashion brands - Lu Lu Cheung Fastioa, the creative director Pal Pang aims at projecting a sense of harmony and high fashion. He clavery holds up a streamine design forthe sto display that retlets the image of Lu Lu Cneung, The theme ofthe design captures the idea of Asian spr, It rellets the consciousness of tallor made and proportion for the store, The design elements include suitable materials and colours to present ne image. Pang has adopted piain colours such as off while and wooden brown to create a warm atmosphere which makes one feel comfortable end want to stay longer ‘Colour should be interacted with the brand image. Along with high cutiag design, it can present the nature ofthe products,” said Pang. He plays with space and colours rater than using elaborated decoration as ne believes that the best way to highbght the uniqueness of the brand ie 0 bring out ts elegance through simply Different from conventional fashion stores that focus on functional use, the design ofthis boutique ingeniously matches functionality with ‘aesthetic. Pang postions the store as high fashion, and stimulates customers by Inttoducing the Asian spit. The design bonds mage and message in a mild manner. It successfully atracts the sight of customers and gives them a comfortable shopping experience in a stylish Gerster Mocregor McGregor, Antwerp ‘SINE GF ran REA Steen of me mene doperment PARE ATR « ARIEL AIH WERE incase » ABT et Meese MROEE AR BARRA RIB Het Mi RCRA ERE RORRARE RMI RRDIN ATS «FERRERO AREGEUR ee OTM Ro RAR MM IONE RAL RRA FARR SOMIEAMAR > BAGIORAEE UMRE Oa Lm EGE L Gensler Stusio 585 was appointed to create anew etal design concept {or McGregor’ fist lagshio sto loceted in Antwerp, Belgium. The store combines, forthe first time, the entire McGregor men's and women’s collections. Materials are caralully chosen and used to differeniae the depariments whilst maintaining the distinctive brand styles. The concent design vill be subsequently applied to other European locations. The store ise le on two levels eet within an historic facede along Leyssiaat the busiest shoosing stroet in Antwerp pooulated withotier leading fashion brands “The concept was to create a series of individual stage sets"for each collection within an averat “envelope”, Using a related but varied ‘material and finish palette, Gensler designed tne store in a united look and feel while celebrating each collection in ts own indivicual environment. These individual stage sols are separated horizontally ‘and verticaly by the McGregor blue envelope and light-coloured limestone tlocring, The ground floor men’s department has walnut flaring outlined in stainless stee! whist a siched bve lecther wall a backcroo, A dramatic starcase invites customers tothe woman's department on tne fest loor where limestone, marble and natural oak create a more feminine atmosphere, The women's deluxe collection features units of black lacquer and black glass lined in Thai sik and accented by Polished stiness stee!contrbuing tothe lturous nature ofthe store, A gass-fronted mezzanine, visible fram the steat, is designed as a coffe area for customers to relax while shopping and to observe people in the store and on the street outside, The large glazed frantage has een retained to produce views penetrated into the store and up the new limestone stars. SIMORREM AAROHUINLIES. 5 —RaeEMSERZAR ‘oved bs ethr wal sewen a0 eke. sr chen BAEProjec Team ‘Riv Contactors ‘tgoy Barend Bursa o Konze EE Lighting Constant 28 Lghing Futures & rings {285 wat Covering tea Fooceg Sere, bbe supp by Contac 188 Photography Han ro xe AweaAmma moe Steasntenm: \nren's epanmet ene roo FaRMUNZE RARE: ‘alssteted mez Seip Din Associates Lia. FCUK, Norwich DAA fea BUGS hatte French ‘Connection (FOUK) #58 fe HUBER * Din Associates Ltd ‘winst Teco Wh CM» INA 950 FH eas eT «RRS HORS, amma FRM ROARS + HAREM AARNE «RET Pea Asia + ORAS RHEIN Pea) EE ere SHORTS + RS SNR ie + ANREB SSP Ae OR ° FARAH ALAA SATANIC « EMEP 2 RMEAMAMEMLEATE 20 VISAS ARERR REAER Bam ane mremiRs: Fata noacmann at: RORUHRADE XRT ‘As part ol an on-going ‘elatlonship with fashion brand Franch Connection (FCUK), Din Associates Ltd, developed a new retail ‘concept for this 350-69.m store inthe heart of Norwicrs Chapeltid Shopoing Cente, and the concept willalsobe implemerted to omer stores es pert ofthe brends rong store update programme woridvide The need for anew concept came about asa resut ofthe continualy developing market of the chant, The brief stressed that the update should be seen as an evolution a te existing 2,000 concept stores, tn the same stengths end values, eut bring more crama and a sense of theatre into the space This has been achieved ty moving on fram the more precious, “white ‘box’ concept, toa raw and edgy scheme wit exposed mechanical ‘and electrical sewices, changes in pace and more interesting Use of materials. Te delicate 2.000 palette has been replaced by reclaimed pine and resi Hoos, « Stiring board shell, back-it white lacquer ribbon walls, huge photograptic lightboxes, oak joinery and fiting rooms. Gahenised stee! forms the backdrop toa softer, lower-case treatment ofthe brand which sts above a cramatically-szed opening 1o the sto, flanked on both sides by vest picture windows — ie paar ay * i ERS’ Name Projets ( yy Another Design Ltd, Ta Yuen Sretecevelopeent Chang gt Sibu Jesgn cam /anctner@anoinerdesgn corn Buraititex 009! Germany Halrerfre Canada Cheekland Kindleysides Tmberand Boot Company rt concept Boats the Chemist rstere mechending, Soy PsP retal angsomping uy, Cada Boateng -Sefuages Corcessan, Mel Bugaian Teco Feta concept Seng Are 3008 Top nr aban eg Te {axegory fo sony Psa . ‘ial Gan Ard 005s Proton & Port chaste Bos No? Meraneang ney tremeoe hoes Day es fee Nan nn Bt Ove oor Noy neereng ney www cnecind com / / David Ling Interior Design DIO Bousaue, Pars Aba Feet outque, Pars Page Elect New ley terior afeeeenton Lnceverereungart, Ba -oce Bang ApoB ogre ar piesa. ce utne aon vow dacingorettectcom an Din Associates Ltd. Athorp Veter Cente & Exton Celbeatng the Lie of Diana Princes f Wale: Haro Sone Bapatent snd Manshep Terehnals Heathvow pot Ricole Fest showoem aed Bond Stet Fagan sore, Pang Showroom phasor os rr tecnica UNF cs 98 is ie etanercept ae aes fringe Sheorccn- Wie Bet Sa Shop Caegery Ges Wath Rares 3005 whowierain cou PWT Design Led. jog tong Jockey Cub Bayng Cup House Aberdeen Marna Cub Renowezon Spanghst New {grid Spot Cig the Grand LJ Fuerton Conte engi VU htematonal He EADAOS Aaa Metin patel Cease ences Sitar bs cr Sree Desoto Canc Copeton Heng Kang eh an Carper none ae cca regu Se hie Sxkrg Bp remit ong kag Tm Sta Ta Prema atin Open Campton fees of outico Cental ak Desgn Conpeston Creoyangrerie Ses. Bsa. EDGE Design institute Ltd. Sucese House, Commune ty The Great Wal. Being, MegaiNteartage Data Contre Hong oh ler Tower Showin. ops Tehwr: Rfsbinmert of Hana Kare ts Cente Aan, gpg Kang: Kung ua Tea Set tor ALES cate and Teo Towers Ean se on rei re nan hte gy asus tesa eres Pais aes emmtanre tee erence, erie set a Ue Phen RES pe fee rs rtnattar ac yeaa vp ecgedesion comm Gensier Oe Thoussnd Steps, Alda Prototype, Dean & Deca. Gap, Grgio Arman in Sere Age-Datot Don Pa Sue) hen Sere Ae So oe Fle So res 5 9040 500039) Pe Sure apna Ksaeeon osc atreNerfees:Avecrng Faas Pc uF Wa Pc menor ‘you gener com /tee_Jacosgenser com / jalan com / Jenne freee opm Kasten Roney Boerster com Gijon Ltayene— Lingerie / Womens Aecessores Sehegs tnare/ Hamer Acneres/Desgrer os Reguacrer Sure Dyn oF teear Johnson Chou Ine. eeu of Canadian Contemporany At. TNT Weman,Yols Residence, Grp Lid. Boneh ‘exe naa, 203, 2001 2005, 2004 Orta Asecetonct res, exon ts nd \ewohmonchou com /Jtrser jasc com Klein Dytham Architecture Leaf haps, Rscnare resort, Kebuchzawe, Japan Unido Ging, Toya Japan Boomoerg I= Inractve Seen - Manuncuc, hyoc 4, Taya. apa Undercover la siya, TOK. Japon ewer ham com / kash com Lhoas & Lhoas Architectes Socio Per Brass Panis des Beaux Arts eerson Char Gaery ema ecey Bniedesqn oft ruses dacelon, Maca Heschung shops Pans on, Amenrovence, Strasbourg \ewnnaae os cam /petesinat naw can FpattomInow-eas. com Mare & Chantal Design Ltd. Wn Ch Poe Headauares Swite A vion of Hong Kong Cutural Hero enttition (Genel iecire pic itty corporate exnexien, sicanesNowroom and Paste Siowoom Snorer Word Lave Lats and Paete Journey exons gesgn ROE 2e Boat ance DOE Sher Mor Neon Vek or Ou See, Saire Popes ‘A ute net Dag as S005-rahcsbirdfor ‘A Vier of Cara Hat ‘Aaa rane Frere Avec 2001 Horauere Monon fr Gana ene Sean MoM. iter Detar eat Maca Pie 2008 xcere Aner Sroc et Maurice Mentjens Design shes design “on tte" a Bonnetatenmasum, Masih Ssh Maastricht Ws, Maser Narang Marne Teeree Steel Museum Rosner SctondPree Deign Aue wa orauatth Sy Pare erry Sue Hare cesay rat ih mute gcse (Oval Design Ltd. {Caner Expo. The Chinese New Yer ight Parade. KCR West Inauguration Ceremany, MIR {itung Kevan © Extension Launcrng Cereoany, Word dank Conlrence Siognre Des Anantha Medan Be Dey Aad Shape Harts, Gd nod hah & et Far Hang tang Benge des Ecos rd \shvcraidesan com / Pavlik Design Team Fgderated Deparment Stores General Motors, Mis Coorporaton, El Palacio de Hera, Lotte Depermere Stores 3 ae Erne NSE dis Pansb cco Fee rua a ‘ehvacandikdesigncom / Peter Marino + Associates (hare tuikingsTelyo, eka Hang Kona, Pais New Yer anu condominium highrise {5h New Yorks User Eat Se: The Nes County Monet oft New ork: The sagogie of Ie vowsr Cengregaton of coke on Long sand, Zinger Poxceion Maser in Geren POSH Office Systems (HK) Ltd., inhouse Marketing Dept. ‘AI POSH brenches n Shangha, Being. HK. Sherehen | ren Die Reser oc Future Casa) Cina eran Fae Fa 2003, tncamnaon eco Macy revo Peri a 002 Day Ceagnfuctcin Cs een Puro 200) Randy Brown Architects = << ‘ehvtoncybronnenchiees om — alt le m 'S. Russell Groves Neeran Marcus Cosen Giorgio Amani Fredric Flat Bend, Teabon at akisnnaya (Daeguere 68) Baton tren Aces vsraseigroves com ‘Stephan Jaklitsch Design Inc. Marc aco tres Los Argel. Boston, Kuala Lump Tyo, eel Seu et Fshion showrooms ae fiat spaces er Stat a Dania Doki Fed ane Snel Stee 200 avs Lette Den Ace Hone enon here aca ses na gi, 3 Gea rrr ore Nevo’ Acoso cf Soe Fit ances tet Wee re teres Cheago Pie Compt arin Ses corp fing an (crucagr Cera st en ‘Steve Leung Designers Ltd. Novot! Giygate Hotel, Roya! Garden Hotel, Dong Lai Shun Chinese Restaurant, Maxims MX Fanwood Cae Monty igre es rer Caan ces tena Caepy tr ep at (RO LPS tse” et aaa cys a ae ‘Teamwork Design Studio Ltd. Pati Pere sop lst Gna Soop dsungecrmerdecorcom ‘Yabu Pushelberg St Reals san Franesco rn saan, (at Vga intro Deg Gey Aner! 205 bu, Lae ose (apiy ergn ned S005 Narcan we at Tas (Sepa rim of reves aot ner esgn Nagin Pisrim Cle Ard 2001: tay Bess (nkeyidercesevenscom

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