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SCORING: 90 points, 10 points granted
A. Write the correct from of the verb to be in the AFFIRMATIVE 10p.
Scrie forma corecta a verbului to be la AFIRMATIV
1. It___________________ cold today.
2. I___________________ at home now.
3. They___________________ Korean.
4. There___________ a pen on the desk.
5. My name___________________ Nikita.
6. We___________ from Ukraine.
7. That___________________ right.
8. I___________________ OK, thanks.
9. Clara and Steve___________________ married.
10.She___________ an English teacher.
B. Write the correct form of the verb "to be" in the NEGATIVE: - 15 p.
Scrie forma corecta a verbului to be la NEGATIV
1. Ben___________________ my friend.
2. She___________________ my favorite pop star.
3. The cat___________________ black.
4. You___________________ in the park.
5. My mum___________________ in the office.
6. We___________________ sixteen years old.
7. It___________________ two o'clock.
8. Cecil and David___________________ in London.
9. Vicky___________________ fourteen years old.
10. I___________________ at school.
B. Write the correct form of the verb "to be" in the INTERROGATIVE: - 15 p.
Scrie forma corecta a verbului to be la INTEROGATIV
1.___________________ you from Indonesia?
2.___________________ this your car?
3.___________________ we at the right place?
4.___________________ I in the right classroom?
5.___________________ she tall?
6. ___________you always early for class?
7.___________________ they doctors?
8.___________________ Bill in Anne's class?
9.___________________ it hot outside?
10.___________________ we ready to go?
C. Write the correct form of the verb "to be" 15 p.
Scrie forma corecta a verbului to be.
1. ___________________ they at home?
2. She___________________ not here today.
3. ___________________ I right?
4.___________________ she coming?
5. She ___________________ in the shower.
6. The shop ___________________ not open.

7. They ___________________ in my office.

8.___________________ that your bag?
9. The dog ___________________ in the garden.
10. I___________________ 11 years old.
11.___________________ English difficult?
12. Jane ___________________ not on the train.
13. I ___________________ not feeling well.
14. How old ___________________ you?
15. My sister and I ___________________ leaving.
D. Put the words in the correct order 5p.
Pune cuvintele in ordinea corecta

a book / is / it.
not / I / hungry / am.
10 / am / I.
Sue / my / names..
twins / they / arent..

E . Correct the mistakes 10 p (5 x 2 p.)

Corecteaza greselile

They not at school.

She isnt not my friend. .
Your French. ..
Its a dog! ...
We isnt hungry.

Complete the description of this girl. Use verb TO BE: - 20 p. (10 x 2 p)

Completeaza descrierea fetei. Foloseste verbul TO BE:
Hello! I Maria and I from Madrid in Spain. I 11
years old and I love music. Ive got two sisters and one brother. My brother
Alberto, he tall and thin and he loves computer games. My
two sisters younger than me and my brother. I the oldest of
my sisters. My sisters 3 and 4 years old. They like playing with dolls.
I very funny, I usually go out with my friends Marta and
Noelia on Saturdays. They 11 and 12 years old. My mum loves
cinema and my dad loves sport and nature. I very happy!

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