Thesleff - Studies in Intensification in Early and Classical Greek

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PA hoe BH . BH * Studies on Intensification in Early and Classical Greek Hoon ‘tusstxre ers. 78-03% Rag Prt Intredacion (Gh I Baia 22-21) The (hea Kigra igs0— 183) Zpoea ti ties) ma leze@os 8 181) Supslaive 962109) Cangas i 19010) 212 eae rate 8) Espey doing tay oot 38 minnie expen (250-2) ‘Mette #25) ‘sree diem x i nf Sy Quatacve sperm 3899) Vane ih 3000) PREFACE “Lite research ha been made into the prot of adopting diferent ori and loeutions forthe grammatial purpose of expresing high Ugre. Its my hope that tin treatise wil contribute towarls beter Knowledge and understanving of patter and tendencies within the Tian rytem herein question, ai the history of sme dividual swords aul phrases in Grete “Although inemificaio in the sence here employed constitutes 8 rather specie entogry, Im well awaro of the fact that its relia tive numberof ther phenomena should wot be agleted and, ulimately, Ite wide base the use of expwomive and valet logutions in genera. Ate treatise on the Greek wuperatve, which wil soon fellow, my intention to atempt « general survey of thi field of problems with pecial repand to Abie owe my thinks to the Chancellor of the Univerity of Helsingtrs anil to the Svenska Vetonhaplign Centulidet fr fawndal supt Tal wish to express my Usiks to University College, London, for 8 schiolanip, nad expecially to Professor T. B. L. Webster, who on dit ferent oceions has taken the trove to elp ie with my work. “Tam very grateful to my teaoher of Greek, Professor Henk Ziiacas of the Univesity of Helaingfor, for is constant interest and valuable Cite. Further T with to express my’ thanks to Professor Jobones ‘Sundwal, ete from the Abo Akademi, Professor Gudmond Bjirek fof the University of Uppeala, Profewor YM Blas of the Turan Yi piso, and Dr. 0. J. 1, Sestonényi of University College, London, for help and advice at various stages of ny Work Finally T should lke to exprow my gratitude to the Pink Vote sept ager fi tn ang er omnen Hotkingfor, September 14th, 154 Meter Phot BIBLIOGRAPHY hak Bats Bor mg dor Arig ind peal Dimon iat IEMs Clee Gach wa Meta in do tien >i Soest ag 12 90H) p seta TK Dh ais he Tn neu Dey Helo 1008 ‘Gatien Le Gate Langue de XSeopon, The Geni 191 ‘con: Herring te Piya hs wl me a: Hh own ye Hts 8 Yoon ~ #3 Homma Compoun a Eat Gro, Langage Gab iS Hg 9. Bom Hay. nana: Heroes Wester os ahi Auf Hoong 1990 ig BL et) . Ania vi Syne ol il i) 08 lyr The tr a8 ne, Sh Fa: Go Ha ite dei <0 Lats Beer aera max Apa Mit Lig. A Natt ingstqus hong engin pir, =U Kd tn. May: Di tint Verve Nomi Zo a Wir fe a sna iSeries Cam. Ah Ve Hae tn “ar loko BY eo Ba Sev: ia! Hx inPh, h sui Pa HE Sen Cook Hc Sali Ceres Hl Star Co's Dara Tart: Calton, Soni rovers, and Wont Waal oy, Woskmat Yeags rot, ba @Lits ‘apeohoge j Be age he ACRUE mt na ttn 9 eng INTRODUCTION 1. The present study b concerned with the formations, sor, ad Incations ined in erly and elaaeal Greek’ for expressing intensity in the seme of intensive degree. The sate view predomi rate For practical reanoot it will be necmaty to sonvsntrate on the wie of the adverbs win, wdvv, adore, ayoboo, an tazeed- A gence survey a clasification of other mane nf intewseaton wiih em to bo worth noice, will bo add, 2 Intesity (intensive degre) ix an anpect of conceptions which ‘requires exprotsina an even formations ofits ov In every language ‘ther are aloe nealasatble potentialities fr enpresing or niating intensity in one way ot another. Some of thowe mea grow habia in ai intomifying fonction atl ene tobe wand more or let Pedaminanty {i inamive Formative. ‘They play an ewential pat inthe stu ‘ue of gg, ot wy the senso that they wee feuently every id of mpeeele, but abo ithe seve Ut hey ar esd to be, i sorporatel io the smechauien of lnigoages, gramusticlize® Nevers, eaten ates ts ve La me, fo ay ng ope to toot the phenomena wf inteaicaion sgatematiclly even cated rs E. Hofinns's sats foce BL) cone two reparate Meernweniction in TE lnnggen Other mena tea mostly AE asst typos of espmsin refer to the otic of salvia Sluice, by Walffn and: Wemer Male for Lat, a by Borat far Bagh? Force, there in & detailsd study of the compan. with an xmas un intensification of adjotives and adverts, by Sobweab (oe Sar is het interest the wr ofthe comparative, but x6 oF the Fat ieh he reco about the superlative asl intensive veri fine lon teen of great value to me. Unfortunately Sehwab docs not vane the Hippoeratin, — K. Mofoann teats the Greck expressions Srevtammary way? Though his book has been of litle deet help, whe campmetive method aie some theoretic nul termnologeal re meric are interesting aul siggestive. — Denniston’s monograph whe Geek tices ore Bb.) as nugested in sence my conception crn and strengthening, and mu of ny evry of inte tu net or intiretly to itn ~ Stromberg’ pot tis Teh anti somo valsable remarks on intestiaton, — Other (Ruste fam lei toa greater or leer degree wil be referred Twi de coset cer Stuicant of the comparatively tle attention yt titer ‘enon? st nfne il dena toiology is lcking. The mers "toa Graven im Raghaton, AnghForch, 10 Heiberg aes Bias veto wim hr ite BES OIE on oe i dagrese (serge, extremely, sgratys, ete) lave naturally been ‘nares Fst plac, al he toms ntensifieason ad strength Ringe are commonly employe o dea thee fanetion, Grammars Jaton boon acustome ointenivee formations of verbs, Leica vite tae about antensfyngs or meetings pars, einen, ee Prom a atic point of aw mtrengtheingy (or wintwifcaion) Aide oro or satesity to an expression. German scholars frequently Mes hvcdracksjverstarkungs (— steengtening) in» wider soos than, ‘Stegonngy (sbeighteningf degrees oF aensifetiony), and Ste ‘Page ina wider sense than ots (which is oval app only Berne aectsten superlative soe diecty ecnparable expressions: in Hench operate often an equivalent of the lust-mentionod term. tepetdinn, spleonasny, a other frm of aabunances oF samp crate ottimes rysrded as wtrengbeningy, and sometimes a8 cetustons Fre mignalisatione, se, aBamphasio (P-lse eek) fen anderstve to be-a kind of stregtnings, whiek rvals the ployment of the term sintentye bv phonetic. Augmentation or seantecmnents wmetimes ecu in tne seoes, On the whole this Fld ‘Siobloms fr characterized Ly redundancy of terms al anacked Theonsstency in their employment S.A onder to establish sulisinty sod asi Fr the distnetions ade nal the terminal wes inthis, we have to eee & ramber af fet which appear tobe typi of the expression of intensive {gone in TE, langue, nal which ave eleven for Ue Greek conditions ‘iwriclat. They wil serve an a working hypothess for the folowing inventigation, 6. Ose fist aypronch to the phenomenon of intensifinton stars onennnty from the use of avert of degre with jective, Constr Cons with verbs auch a avery, which denote infemive degree (WU eall dra later with the type sawolutely, scompletly: § 2), for Maine Stee te met sgn type of intensification atl the Wildes Yor te applications tt tem Te is well-knowot fat that many iru have a wide range of employment: ¥ refer to istances hich hae ques) dite commande in seats at Fong, Shes ery oft very ight very evel: rr me emp cept macs me very ie, wery iportante ad fal inteletya fw eostractons, much aw Keay of sets aye, ale very classical “Tne lst mention example reprvente a type of adjetive whic, in ite wal employment (eg. eaasial iterates, slusical cholate, tr even speaking about sehuwial nye aa a general eategor), dows bot take werys “The oondition reir for constructions with ndverba of degre i rer ena Tor ewan), ensure, oF rather SEwrei ging WUT nepe Tatond a ng ot rvemblselasial Be in any repel, ar Te fou rome extent chun, or some Tinie vac, I expese my Judgment By a egre of slam, putting the eoneep, ne wore, on the Rel nthe folloing sll une the termi concept of value for sng rt which is subject Uo the aspect of sgh, Le. any Concept of which tensive degre can be (or are) felt. or the sake of flail be pointe ove that Te wweighings and ence wales, ina miler see tan philorphy and eatheties uso wevaltations an tralue, nl that the smote de valeucr of Mauss should not be Confused with wat I mewn by seoncept of values “The existence of concept of valve aa 8 acpnrate category is more him very miei, Taube W very mucly cas, without altering the seme of the term. be as justly cll iaenifications ae sHe la very dear fomecltic very doubtful, xYory) muchs denotes herintensty rather than yonaity (Ireueney), Buk eg tle weed to walk very teh it has its proper notion, beenane the sunoept oto wake Snot, (nial a ape PT of He Seg, we my be to mm, woman of value: i other wor, we do no think of deg of ving. In this connie the sintion woul be note between sate sity 4 the sense bene eI PONT TERETE AT “ekaaenee Taleo, ere To Tonote Herr of aw Seok Tae “Biter ae we my’ ibe constructions uch at To trike vilently, To walk energetically, Bat in thowe examples the wntenstyy ie ex ‘ros aa an extemal qualiintion, and not ax an internal degree of Istikings,swalkngs whereas. sTo love veliomentys many be regan ‘a stteniication at well as a uniinton, because the concept Io love, contrary to so strike ox eo wa, eet aya eoncept of value However subjective the differentiation may sometimes be, there is somos ‘videnoe Fhe we of more unsinbiguus adverbs of dgnecruteueions Such ae To stvike (wal) highly (arate would at make Senet, and tery much wouk! wagget qwantity (equeney) with auch verbs 8. Furthermore, on the sine condition of wing concerts of xa. sstantiven ny be raged ax ine, Ime. 6A great supine, Teak Ail, the adjetive refers to intensive degree, whereas ines g. aA great ity it haw ite proper motion of extent 10, fn TE. Inygunges concepts of value oveur mainly as adjectives (adver), verbs, or mubotantves. Oseaionally they may bo regarded fe propniions (e.g. Hagl. mest in avery par the hows), But for ‘pronoun, particles negatives, suffixes, ending, ete, we shall not ne to aarume concept» of value. Linguistic unnge tf, for istance, adverba of degree, supported by our feling that not all concepts ar liable to ‘ecighings an to intensive degree inthe above-mentioned sone, pina to the fat that tho ditinstion b eocnsial betwen comexple of wale ‘and ether concept, 1, That we have vo separate ne aoa a se aE ae, SET oa 2 Loving the term sinfensifoations forthe present, we may (iweepis et salue han inten de pes oan efor b) lety frm a special category ee neduntve degree of a concept nny be teint ar the degree of ste manifestation — A pei Hee fh the nature of that doe fom a pycolial stapeint llbecary ber, beonuse the Gemantie) distinction of eoeepts of aan ane (oval nul semantic) evince of ulverb of degre et Teen fora Knguntio purpice. Conky refer to the possibility STi rome case (uch ser mets, woey hot) a sintenive TES semation evrrespuning etly 40 the inkemive degree exprewed 13, Intensity may abso be taken ana dimension of a concept Tere toomstiitese the eomeept just a8 the matin extent Sfecnaete things manatees cr caneeption of them, Fur ittance, he urautys of posture aay has intensity in the ame senso a i Frame abeaye hae height * Hh Up to now L have refered ty intensity at amy degree, sign Ae aalaraet ee tain testy Iie the spent nplation ” ate Wren dea Spl Tae PETERS Tr comets of vale foquently express a high degree of Tnvewitys nea inert present in amr degree oF a degre above rel: isi obwious with, for stance, words for felings. But even aaannssis vhich more frequently have an inulterminats inte Mocha suede for apetia davesions or tine, eat ee example of at portant spl hgh dee, JEL ask cays alow Hoang ave pot oo ao a seer ae mowers wi, X have on fare 4 To ng ine! rere ange fis ge hig tan Um A question. Thee Bo ply several ravens for thi tenes, Ono by the single nc that we are ot very olen nv poston tak abou oral eee eet at incnity swe normals i frequently, i accordance aa tice poyctologeal ruling, thought of in term of an opposite Concept wie aos, the full senae of most wor for concepts of value Tmislioe a high degree of intensity. Purcly (or amost Pilly) relative words, sch as temperate for evant or eh Bee) ions for engi of tes are often intellestualerentions The prefrenoefor eeing igh drgre of inennity in « concep “of cules inportnt. forthe expiant of Hingis act in several serene Te partularlyinprtaxt hero as contributing t the x nation of sinensfeatione as & phenomenon. 15. Intensity of w concept ie nrmetimes exprensel by means of the reeatimcar wor, oF psicinasy, oF ler Minds of stpolgist sere rrheninge om, more generally, Urge of rrdnation (or eon Fae ee schantially related ols Ruch 24 an aceunilaton of “Byte ot our Kinds of pleonacie (abundanen)? eal 6 the RE eon amplliction for those phenomena Mo Ryn Araupianes (8.5) ware adtne, 26g apc tt aigerenane, meena SNS sustiafectory to explain the tostexpresea by antonio, cpus, ee (ab very shiek), My dene dene frien, oa TE itt eccpeuingnay, we erly & eine uf an adlition, though {hus dons to Dold good to ore extent of repetition and pombly of SNE yee Frequently another explanation bar to predominate: Cristie sonpified concept x concept of vale, the am pit - cation may abvwly wrve lopoint oat the high degree sPietenoity whish le impo! inthe words, appeals ns it were, pene eng for hat ination, appeals to on Feling for the ing of mor (forma ete) which uo nt cover consepts of vale, Mae ame, conse, redreat08 Sone the fact that anyliinton i Sauamentally toutologial iacae te shat it werke sith a kl ili in bth tera (except funy ative repetition), nothing finlamentlly new Ia ea Dy “tenn bout the other ne ah amplification isnot the Fst pee Thieatons orm aepeifiotionThouglsinsome type, such as Aesch, Tish dh wed movsn kink of apesifieation acumpaniy the npiteton, the tensity expeese ie rinepaly eed on the erent Ig inte of the words 1k Eophasia in 9 yore rsticted sense perfor a sine fanetion, ether He putey intonational or eharacteried hy worbonder or by ‘Xpnvate wore rach as emphate tile? With a word Tora concept bina wh eattent he Sparen amas. veto abe si 8 ehh ot value, emphasis my point out the high degree Geintemstty which i impli bt the worl; eg. ob Like that stunts [ak ke ie very sale), i 3 1 vl be wa in he following wo have #conmnon ame fr the thee Tone porn bya ean sa Say ern ten Goring for Wht regu an typo rong eT TE ET AT-TES i the apmhor (und pnebolial estat sword whi is infin ax mck or earings, quiet and characterise’ and rm te pnt af we of the iene ent Iinguti nays, hat the menting ofthat woe is pot sera the Les standin we hove toate hat the ela Taam ai tin dr «To, howeve? 1, HERE ion nentining an lac ebeterization (unico, Fe) merely magn a were, eas Whih exile ® ana oe stnered at Tsp the torn tennis tn wane eifvent sens Iron sinensis itegaeding wheter {ho areal mo (fennel) eres a coca of valde OF Bt Goenjuently T sll talk shout mirengticnede (but swt sinkesfied) Sepuliven zengtheneds (but not witeritids) pronouns, ete (6 above § 20) 18 These cumiderations are slficint to support the main points of m definition of sintensifcation ice im ea mo) » sy heath enstcation is the linguistic indication ofa high (yl hy nate SATE TAT Taw FATT TFTA) wl seman ‘ryetologial)cansxption of intensification, to takes a «tera erie ne worl a 8 ounkge (attributing) of intemdty. I a certain 80 Secould be ryanted ax an saugmentatios of the intensive furoe of = fcoeept; in other words, ae atrngthening of a word for a coneept Stvatue Twill wot be ntensary, however, to pot the ter teeth Sng as fare to cover can nl a sli surprise wns gent A sttict Aktnitation ofthe applonlity of the Ietor tern isnot ede hee because intesifiention in the above-mentioned sense applica lho to och ones The satenent is aufficiet, that an y strengthening of word” (on exprosim) Tora eon! notte nalabie pot ic Tat Seo lo exes Ue Sent aw apts won (expression) Sarat rave Tie sae STS Tana we Oe In expen Whee TAN WHR Fo Fld Hat aeptxad TTeTae aT caanple uta gonmn Greek typ, cannot be regan as ai intensification beesuse there ie no adjetive to be iste! (4s in éetmopyc Dave ot ah inoorose (or at Teast atisfactary) eo ‘xptin ot intesiaton. The ferentiation of suck types has to be nde within the Lint of iene. "From formal point uf view, we shall have to eegard a a exterion of iemAfiotion The exits of two terme (eaenty) ox BesEsed, of wich one ilestor Ce Tigi degree of atest pen — vie omen while repesented by te other one (or pols, which ually inteeify cath ter, as i the ease of leone prope. Tho anes where nteiication ie ehoneteriaed merely by wurde oe ot concern hte, Tan icici fe mit a questi, eget e surpee entty, we itive sel moti, i han wt east orn ier {ve at ie he ener toetie with the tet the essen! Pe ot value Te THRE thore i no nee for the intensfiod 19, We have ne toenniler proper leading of iteieation in Tengonge, ‘Certain cosets of vac ‘eel fan intensive ae Thi i i fle by the coe of ate Diging eqyreseime; formatives of the type of ery which normally gy «high degre of intensity without slesly fle Imitation of it fre not appeoprate for expressing the parieolar hind of intensity of tose conse. We prefer tn say, fr instane, ‘Weny ewatfa, but aAbuoltey wonder, {ike him very ane, ut abwautely are hms, Hier great beauty, ut sHer complete perfection, Sometimes te sume onl bt weed promiscuous for eoncopts of| In tyyen e.g Wey neces and sAbvalutely necesaeys A ferctation Is tn be mole betwen eoneepts of lative value ul comeapts of absolute value, in of Funota nportance Be ek ae el av i other 20,1 ie vey ia wisp to ding concn fade Se Hone SE SAE ETE Ts Tl SATS aemrtngy ap Deo eagtiene Ua not oid Samana os eee enna ala Treen ERE on™ Seal taal or completion, conveniently called absoltte concep te ally romps, snpoaitey way, Ti testo oevia, Sch wos ay be engtion hy ex resins athe type salou), complete (mang oes, but Uevsrngthening imple intestine far th aaste onvepr nt eae of abst ii. boned a neni. Pere trestlen menial hacer of sha difrene ext, pos, a vera afesion of the wit, an therefore the ener of 3 Inglpnetive On thease coneryadpyingan eration inthe piaophtal ec of the tr (rome sar, pret tinks samo ofthe tases were intensifies seen probable. The jude nt alls) mpl 6 no went comparatively easy enly when he mie wor abe en el svat ve (vest, abe) then iv be or sora ato et wre ate of aba 1 vomects whi lak the joint inthe distinction Item, Treguiit lnmrver acum Constretanal the type eonmpetely falls erly wort, sto hide completes, enmplete destructione Ihave tu fe conmslonal se a separate ester, dered in the fit place whether not the words gover wneryta nf value. The point Freely such sonaiructione nay be naga as the wuenee of edge Ufa conception where diferent dient eet, including the eventual) Sintenaivedimenshnw (§ 13). Titeaity Iv not necessarily referred to Ceplcly: There is no justification for equating, without further con- fileration (oes efen done), constructions ml ax voompetly fule Sd intensifiations conserning conoopa of relative value auch as wvery easy epemions of the type of sable ely, ei eer, asi werent total contont of meaning ofs wor, eed» denomination ithe following, sal cal them completve. 21, Thus a distinetion is conveniontly mando betwoen die means of nomenon, sch as eeyo, sterilyy, wuper- eae; ad indie, sch a inenatinal emphasis ot eonpietire adverin in strengthening Function with concepts of valuo (of § 409 fF) + PART |. A. Sita Oeewrenee 22 pion anu logy (ete) ‘Tragedy ‘Home tas esc HL Hom. Soph Hesiod Ea Eich mi rag min ‘erpanier (Bex) comedy Heras ich Binpeoct Arotoph, armen nn in enophanes Ionic Prove ‘Thongnin Democrt, 2 ste feralitus 158 Psctineyh Hipyoor, Tyres Asie Prove ‘seman ‘Antiph. Rb. (fee aida) ayeun Lys. 1 (20 dia) ‘Sinonidex ‘Tho, (elena da) Xenophon 211 (97 in Holl) 320" (more than af contin) 1 1 Pindar 0 “Arehilohs Bone Pate Sapa 2 oe in Dement Text.) Atwohines 17 Hypesih. 3 (aden mi) Phiten, Lene, 1 1 adden da) 2%. Adda is remunably espline ws engnate to Lat maior, a, the Iasie meaning the soot ting wtrnge oe ascot Te ange also Inve: more sieet cnowetions with wade (6 § 153)2 In historical times, however, tere are ign in pth (na, sore) ofan original qualitative or ssanttative noe, From Homer onwards pia i em ployed os at averb of degre. It other fanetions ean be ely derived fromm hie we Mia intensifying sere 24 Inthe xses marked with aster a ollows The fe column foncemns epie and relaiel) ul Isrie poctey; the ight, aaa and owe ‘Obrinus iatances of intensive dia ayauoe B-Pla. Ci, de al ‘ete X. An 3.63 ‘tbs he Mon. 3. 381 dioxtrnae SG 5 ww Bink we § aaron ‘Tg, 1204 va ppt Grdlve Bind P,0, BL Padsors aio (6.2. 104208 xa aoa Hh 4287, 6. 382 dal Grete Ou. 20. 272 p36 Gdivonar TL 8 S51 a. Ye drone Xi Hall 6. 4,16 0 BATT dita p Aeuees see § 88 Ou Lut yen 16.16 ror wep ote ft $0 fosiquan seit Seats yma Syroest itibopae Eason 2s sidouytn pio Ne Symp 4.68, Au. 3 1s He, 3.4.11, 3.4 15.81 xated So Tiels 5. 2 a et Te 15, 6 26 068 3, Bate, 48, N. Mem, 2104 sa art The. 1420 itis pons 1 1, 7286 04, 29. 400 yt Th 4 318 at, 10-229 "61.788 opt 3e eV Nl toa 17 904 ye, n. 2.406% 86,395 p86 A 1.20, 468 27 sve wseofale X. Hel Xo Am 8k 80 xa ‘ine Beira (68620) Xo Mat 6. 1 Aesth ff, 300 aa ae ‘eh, Choe. 07 pat se § 46 ‘ewok, Choe. 879 Hal Ten wen Tins 2, Ie Ali O11 86 aga salut, eh 8 wea Socye 8 te ibis haute 8 $20) soya wlnpopan neon gna Pink, 0. 1 (1), 56 6 (pedordns ein) Cents Mo. 18 ate pt, ast W439 nat ap ‘Thga. sus. M18. 317, 18.375, 16,60, 1, Dsl 2 28, Od, 2 ‘gn 93" LMS. O17. arg pat, Ol. O17, Wetaee a Pec Epis 38th a ett U4. 241, 5, , 2, 4m, OM 10. Tas 8, OM 2 pede 1. Mell 6 5,21 nal ace "mont, PE Kat 3408 wad ark Xi Oye 7.5.90 wal sereat wen X. Mem. 3 Pl, 8. 10, 38 X. Oye 5.4.8 fy sivees mujpron 630, anna, Pl. 62h part, Hpi. Det wad je parts Ch v. 9re ae PL Soap 22th, The 7, oh Fees nets oreo youd Belts ide alexa HU. 71 didi Zaonubove 235 dada prt AL X. Symp. 2.17 part, Ph-PL Amat. 132 b nal Hes, Op. 310. re BL yi 00, oy 1, 5 ma prt, xe, ‘od. 7 208 nat. part Pind. 1.5 (0) 06 6 HLT. 15t of 8b. Hom OL 18 6 a X. An TT. op pdr: wbminively, OL % 316 aia. ace part, Demet, 179 Disp, 16.34, ind 0.2 28 yap, X. Cyr, 4 2k flowing at prot distance m3. 5 1% ain. 1 OU. m 815,26 402 QeL XR A A Be eva, he Hom. 5.225, 1.0, Terpaler 3D, Piitoxen, ewe, 24D cogs OL 5A of al a OL 2 2440 are pari ‘Mt gee ya Nt. 215, ap ae at pore ptt, Bh Terdio) see § 0, 25. Similarly intensifying compler vera expressions: — UL 44, 104 ita ric pe wadineo Douay eyez f dgvatiy. — 1 17. 309 018" ef pin pur 460 ¢ THoe — Od. BSH pda MOG por Zee Qedras Gngefésy xen — Xan 4 8 15 wugis term, — XM 2.4. wai pdt” edyweeins obeys. — Xie, 6.4.14 pita yeewares dyzos. Seo farther some closely related Inatancer in § 4 of also §§ 49 and 62, 25, There are till no sal iui in aes nteive yu in the following yassages, though the verbal expres are mst obviously concepts of value fm our point of sew 21. With verln for seat or risent ation (ef ori, once) 19, 319 al pia tig wo hep (S04 15. 390 Saunier Ty rive ier Boni, 11.371 fre wal Feponden mike ee zeae deb WL 28 too 268 pit ar ao zeptew atx inylqer (eth avec zivesoc in alot won ae 3, 62 ote tp nay be ee Ae pattie, ef §§ 57 and 52), Aewh, Suppl. $87 (yr) dda Dye N.Helk 2.4.24 gaiuddn retaeayyséeos, X Hell 62,20 ida rerepayudvon 28, With verbs refering to preplion, eeration, undertanding, fand the ike: e218 pia nk vey iret I 7, 31D ele roi pda pir 1dr ie (Doren (el. Il 7. 280 asrie iyo nite seioouay, whete pide may be imply pace, ef § 38), Hl. 8 yeida neo m9 4dcmry Ol 2, 20-228 pide jp te ay © pro ¢ darin, Od. 8. 388 pila woe dani sete unten seas (6h below), Od. 19,219 = 28. 185 mad jit? Evy taper X. An 3. 2.21 (an similarly Hell & 118) pila pe har topere gy, X ame Deoneaipe rest X. Wel Fruit, Archie, LAM ak ik Mell 48.6 pda tas eid vers. be Plats Fey dibe (urpnartie), steba, l Se 2 Forth ta sstwe bah Fa aha ic pi Sw patie we 240 (yd), ye is confimatie Gos $48), — OF PL Le sve i Sulibg dr nites nai pila donforw aénie xe oodond (hut ws allamative sai pia § 41), X. Hie. 3 pide pg Glos pn wet be 29, In the Inst mentioned passaye Boxer ie not relly intensified by twit; i acts axa medium, an Ke were, for the sonstzuetion of pcZa with dokize. There is a fly lage number of smeditarys done, Shas, ete, which T have roomed with regard te she ultimate pola of rference of adda. In one panage (of, sao § 42) ia vem to be at ‘ally refering to a verb of tia ewe: Mon, 3: 136 vdeo pi! ot Foes jon Dt thin ave bs better explained a a prt (39), rather thn ae pucely intensive 30, With veel for the eaneption wo come wwar: I 13. 146 or Ge pik Uy perm eed (wnilaly 23. 338) Il, 1, 708 Ge sab aefepucre pid Carson dij toc (unk pia i wimply a ae fila of § 50) Mardy wich sini eomorption: M12 602 88a yi? Iporcores perayednn se § 87. Boe lies ea Dace § 36 04. Spos 31. Furthermore: — Ul 33. 6 pide yop xine gaibun y vie (bi ef §49).— HL 1% 5 piin 06. zee pd acon. — Hem Op. 708 iia abiacias vee. X. Ansty taiptba..- ety darter SUX. Gy LA 2 pli ala goader nacodperor to ening (dake cover bbs). —X.Cyr. 5 86 pda. pehneeg SX Apel 27 pita po koyovperw s bj. — X Well. 2.3 sai pila ote yevdondvo (Lash), X. Hell. 4. 6 10 yada water zor Baddovres of--» (xin tho upper bands). — X. Hell, 5.4. Ib oweeryive pila ovr rerayyeror Egum vo aredreme (in onder, 32, In tho Mippooraties wah rather fee use with verb whit ‘to not normally represen eonep of teatve Yalues AW 0 pee Mabe ia ver for dl Hpoken Bugnage, The ling ease is oot sity explana Jp, Prue 7 guide pip 0) ai por: 9 Gonos uk Hany ins 0 Ue GE een. whee we weal expert salar tnt et Mp Aca 's § 69, Jn eae Htipyecaten ease ale (4 § 2) pase ts sane 38. There area few ease with verte which nec sme farther sosider: ation: —IL3. 25 ufdayag ve x0 £00104 (~ 21-24, th ofanamaln, in niles). Though this ease nag live some connection with the alien, tive idiom yuiza yg (40), Tam incline to ne in it an voensonal we of intensive peda: mavdaiier ie ok properly m cone of relate value ut hee i suggete a iow uf the Hind refereed to in § 20s es. Op. 700 pdia tor tereleapiver jue, The very tehde ‘often implies & yualitatice notion (elle), Tes eepteentation howe of ‘concept of relative value i prulubly to be understot frm that implication. — Suppo 43D pida df xenvennéres. TBayor ‘This enee desnanis similar explanation note the bad meee of the Brticpl. AC any rate pddu i intenive (ef. Auser 9D} =X. Hel 4.1. 25 wai pdr gant cur nic otgurenieloves This surly (oe wells, as we wa prefer to say), with dperiZor as w concept of relative valve, But w present fr tat omen improper use Levin th eommen expression: adie (lial) al péha + participle (ef § 4), X. Hell 7. 1, 25 fonOjoareeg the olingvorplrors... tois...'The verb soZmende here. think, meat fluor wo press CL § 27. ~ PLLA 6436 pala arsasiomdoun opsea (Gee § 35 nv, opddea) ponibiy tak here. — CE farther 4, 4, and 50 eats hiding then ery a 34, We observe & proportionally tow funy of intensive pide with verie in all authoos except Homer anit Xenophon (ll) ‘Nomully pia precedes the very yn 1 85, 13708, OL 400, an Pill O. 2 28 ff. dows it follow. CE § 30 ian intensifying anvtives Asteria am elu a sow (Obvinoeimtanoes of tensive ytd Aye tou i isp <8, ae Syads bros on (ely debi amie anne acess aupctapie dere es desdpyrinbs Seuraadls 1) drie dyadis cree Noel, 3.3. To 1, 6, 70, +28. sy, #700, 24.126,01.6.60,*19,201, 1 Hom, 26,200, "207, piok, 06 Kaib, aus. aldo) Sop HI M5 nal Sop HL 1178 nado part, Bur. Or. 205 ne eA 64.25, Hel 14.24 16.441, 10.35, 20.2, 23, “54 (all dz pO. 1, 326 yee, he Hom. 5 Soph. Kaa. fr. 6:20 Page 00 § 58) Dom. 3. 2 wal OF § 81, 8 X. Cyr. 6. 3. 20, Bh, Pot, 503, Phd. 2540 PL Bpin. 080d wal. Ch 5 X- Hell, 6. 2. 7 PLL 54, yep cerws of. § a, Ph Phi. 2508, Bake G8 1K. oh § 4 PrThe 12 watt ds son. 23, 20 Soph Phi, 825 dye, T12, 6s (ute, Limes n. PL Bp, 0780, 23, 926, 1, Hes Op 42h, Peete. Seat 16 (bth de) PLL. cape. Ch $0. Od, 12. 8, 1X. Gyr 7.2.18 wal a PL : ‘Soph. 2400 wal wy Pol 286 (adv. wat po Tim, 20d, Le 0984 ade) al 065 bp rg PL Bae wal Cr § 2,10, 41, $27, 08.1179 ch. § 8 od. 8 108 Dein, B, 38.2 xe Ac Sept. B15 (i) on. 9, 194 PL Le THB, XL Gyn. 13. 10 sal PIR, 500, 5270. Cf $4 PL The, 104, Pol 2740, ew. Pers, 1087 = 2005 oe. a, 06 aap. 1X, Mei. 1.2.46, An 4.6 16 wai poy Ph Phil. $86 seat pu (in anewer (0 8 $4), Dem, 1.16 M5, 58, Moa. Th, os th OL 19, 384 *Xenoplanes 2, 19D. Cypea fe 15 Kink ce § 53) wae tom, 2. Ta 0. 4. PL Le 22h, so $9 PLR 4146, Bol, 2108, Dom. 18, 16 (all xa.) eng a8 PL Symp. 218d, Amt. 139d al Xian 5.9.6,2.9.39 ade) X Symp. 02 PL the, 162, Le 5 PL Tim, 196, Agee 1.36 a, Xi Ge 1 Xo Hell 63.7. bons (5 20) & cea, Aewtin. 11 fale) xa seo § 24 X. An 5.7.4 (ul) a Se er et 3. 68, Phevorn. 152 K (exam, both ii etxeuros PL Pod 272d ap habs PE Soph, 48 euadie PL Epat, 2876. eeneeis ouch fh 4d K dr Ko a2 (ye) al . ‘Amand, 9, 6K sess SOU. 18. 85 wa 8 ee Hewaves X. Hel 43.6, 6 1. 6, sere XG da, eiredas feo $43, tere Bunip. Pith, fe 18, 1 Pago (= Cetin fi, Diel) nai peaddos Uh serene NX. Holl 2. 4 eixeeios PL Pha 7 wal Sew ABT. 64 ai torends PLR 106 aai a U1 378, 08. 6, 440, Eplyeus fe 3K, Com. ‘900 (all ade. nulesp. 421K (a), X, An 9. 2 adv), Hel 5k (ad Soe 43, ina su, 20, 40, Hee 1.9. 300, Ot 19,299, 2, 186 20 Bronco: he Hoan. 4. 219 1 ge @pnceniedos Ui, ay In. 3 Pane Ni Mell 5. 3.4 ute, 1.056.519 ut) mai sre N. Snipe 2 fay. 38 al pj Pt PLP WF bea X. Ago 2.5 Erbe oasis ante dares peretepetno jas Rook 2 aa inte) mi Hone sen. cy On a Sina Ties 2 wade 18, 11,21.447,00, Bape (a, at 1. a0t mpieal2 16, Kemi Se sol lt me, La ae nip, te wie thy, srs, 54, on be ag ui Hom. 538 (ale) Cone ashen halt Se. Geniyad). Pa 2570, Dems fe Neh 3 ae) wm Ct 5b el ant 118, 541045 me ‘ood tine Beale) heriestt inten Gob (a) pin Tod tut) pd 18 36 a Bip i 8 18 1 Ca. 4 wa 15.209 wig, 8 07 fad In 102 ate) Wea ae dedep, Obst 36 Wig. ita int nage ‘mpc 28 Dt na Od. 11. 373, ih. Hom, 2, m PL Ie 2574 9a Xian M9, 9 of 852, 04 XH on 5a as ediita. tee yal, tae ak te (oie 8 Se ne 25 Gdaas hh 46 AD duedeyenptoms . Hy 290 141 S076, 869 evi, 8. 120 na) CL$, Xcel XG 4. 240 nel py 2 3 wal PLL ze wal «. : XN. An 719, PL The 04.15. 596, 16,121, 17. PL Then 16 init, of Hone bul with certain contin, shale) An L, 10 (ys 1.7. aun, 17,628 I. 6.1.5, 6.8 10 aij DL Ale 11058, PL Cra, B40 sal p. ith m certain conti. ale), He 63 6 et ph yb eos Tye. 3. 45D pi? Honor Gaovor (vonibly. to the verb, of the verbal ox: reson a whole) wee § 3 "Od. 5 388 Bars Hel, 290 (ye) ll 6.2.14 (ad) X.Syimpe 8.28 wa joo PL Lge (ade), Tor (lv pin TT aed za es Di 8.48 (a) fia jo, 10.38 fade) ah es Aovain, 27 ale) eae eh fe 1 OL 1 a Ph Pots ate a. rr Pi bie 8t1 wwe § 81) renrendoos mohsies wdutdes molerdipor Hp. Aout. 18 4. ie (016,210 be Hoan 1 see § 28 MA, tas, we § Thy GOL wal ps ae. BL. 612, 710, Od. 1a 419, DIL Rpt. tie riney PL Phair, 2626 PL Pull 624 val ery comnon in Homer Hp. rat 21 saya, XA Wines TL, 20 OU), 4 1, He 3 2h cop. inthe phtwes ida 4. 6a, 4.77, 3. soit ant lw fe) 454,051,921 soit pita. Note I 1. Pru 3isd sal Oi. 1 sat eter sal po (wth cera lle oy AMT el wal yao) Ta ey 1. etwaige Further Epin i766 Ch a9 ad Hew “On 609, "tin, Arh 9 (lg. Than Os, Hat 8, PE 107, Panna Di Ou. 118 soa. 18 317 MOL 1S 64 mare wo f $7). ier 10035 ead NeCpr 8. Le de BL BOBRe al gos Soph eaghins xrdonnss iuroeos ord: al, Pol 288 6 L670 Hee. Op. 461, te, 211 Kink HL 18, 318 (adi. Od. 14 «589, Hom, 2.189 (ade) 1 15.152 al (of. § 1.3 381, 15.302, 18. oo, ‘0. 444, be Hon 3 350 407, Hea Th. 419, Op, (at following, 0M, 20,302 (ade. )a7p, roy Pat. BL 387.8 (a) See § 48 Aes, Bun, 268 (yr) ead in X. Samay 3. 10 fae), PL te, 2580 fale) Dem. 16 85 (adv. 18 35 (ade) Holl 37 wots (oe of. § pin S30 wale fuot doxogre (§ 20) coat. acne & 1D X. Hell 6.6.17 Teopemp. Com, Hersli. Com. 1. 4K, XCAn 5 418, Hell 2 43,7. 1,10 wal Ph Goat, 380 al jel RS ‘The, Ue, Ps tes Mitt the peti, cosa oxetie rozbos hid Saweyiadeg | Pikadipaoe ‘tending U5, wr, 9, 908, 1 6, 13. Ane, 409, Ld 4 X. Hell 4.3.5, Agen 2.9. Hegomon 1K, X. An. 3.4 Bur, UE 1496 (ye) pe WIL 6.14, 28445, Hes Th 1, *Pasi, #28 biel 16,498, OM 6.312 ef mal e714 ad al th 99, 24.541 sco § 51 PL Rpts 3800 sad X.Holl 3.3 2 (ly), Ph Up. la see fade) wal a Det 19,48 fod, ‘Acshin. 3,238 wal Xo Hel, 3.8 On 6, 274 Neel 3. 1 22 wal Xi Mel 3.4.11, gee. 1.18, BL Tim. ate, Aesehin 1 110 xa XoHul 8.3.9 aig 2. Symp. 4 99 Gd yp LA, 361 Srp, Ou. 6288 Cypria’ fr 13 ‘Kink, Sapp 119 (hora X. Gye 61 28 a “un deeas (§ 29)» cea. iene Soo, $419 ate, te wey 8 tate 8 Bh ti! be xeimns xitin ee woreee PL Pht 250 as omnen in Hee Tiny Od 1s ote sit tn co 3s Tie aM pyr OF wert 83 ewes tering. 3.21 (70) sis Se "Sox to satin of atta with pty Tats, a econ above which ate compe with dprinaliam, auch an Soc Ener sean farthemere Sipe deplore Boyne iSoains pote, porto, poe rh Hoe apy «roe cur of io § 10, oS the ting ymags nal esx snitetion Adverle mth spatial notion I 2, SIT ed aoe pda, 76089 ame He: Op 0 tye nia, Ae 217K Hh ‘asco he Sn on Thong es io {Stes a ht ner ces ee nto tion ‘Epc, 0, tn neva mening ot pa poy ob rete i ney ih fy ta dD) ey bor thre Gr veh 322 9h poly woes with djs — OM, 8 189 pda Hyde aor, every sleeples, but prot with x verti eoutinatve shade forthe advert er nlon § 40) or Ou 3. 20 eter ae § 3, In New Hell. 3.5. pide qeyapu kbps diye the adjative ples the notion of abi toute races, at Hs eptestats eo et of relative value (ve woul aay we gual ives). 38. Hp. Vrog. 15 Dara rd Seo dirs pike nai 03 aspuivortes, Aout, 17 pia 84 roig cow¥tove of dozsinn Pin tae ducer ‘ra, ae tobe understood ts fev wen of intensive ad on the ame ea ‘whit was mentioned in § 52. Thine peal nso the ence in Up AN. 80 fp J8 Gaextivay wad 22 20-8 phan dmmezontra where addea liv inne properly a euncet of relative tale The ois iy Kind of intensive aa with aljetivescecurs in tho Hionratsn only with nagadjowe, an (ot wal ide) with xodés Tn gers ef § 0 Mia intowilying prepositional espresions, 30. Uh, 15. 296 Ol. 8. LM pila todo tne: xa Th potear une. CE a pia wit navi vod, mos Aeon, § 48, — Xe Hel A 5-96 txexpivavo xaipdia xa td Fas ¥6 i based on similar omecp. tom of sre, sn accordance with, slike, The preposition repre & ‘onoypt of relative value! Similarly abo: Plat, Prot. $36 Kaitos Me borat por wdia. x @i< Hew rayécow sna, ~ For ip. Ar 08 ita avi pd any vip vy direo, 1 oer to what wan sin $52. — Purr: Od. 20,25 16 08a! ¢y ele mean lee tev ineta (Qut of § 52), Pat Phi. 2660 vnaidy tow Eguve Plmddeqoe nll? a Oxy. —InXen, Hell 4.5.1 nila air n0418 pé pe dnepioom, 1 would rather take (wal) da (yo in intensive sense) wih the expression a8 4 whole, than with the aljetive alone Mika intensive, 40, The eases which ving here from & formal point of view, are Imoatly ely akin to other shay. CE eapvilly $25 Nye i HL, 35 Yu AB gy U8 ANS (olf 2} botions as 8 web Siuitaty 0 Epin, ot zor eat a alontives 0 2-185 dod pdr sing Gx? abuse — osu sul me verily sweeney) i ot fn rive ad pis a cove lg “heel such nse lus suggest Bur, Kn, 85 636 sal pia enue 0 Gretgr ot: Hes. 210), ~ Xen. Cyr 42S ydda oem pee iy wove fpotyec™ van The mutants Ft almust ak ajetie, CH tho Xn. 15, Hell, 2.402 6.4. 14, $25. — Xen ell 6.2. 30 Kapeion nite ot ga #7 8» ropitsprvor With regard tothe emp hte ittanoe ida xenenodévec jo (§30)* T would take pda with reac, and net with msdn, Bat there any bo somo aoiation Sth the idiom J aire (G0), Pint The. 155d pidayae pete ed go Testo 1 ado. The genitive yuiaodpor rprenenta an adjeative nee, iencteritio of m guddonpns, oda (nie) mot necemaily 10 be Caplaned a8 affinmative (of § 49) Kat wile 41, We have uinerved that ae it frequently precy ale thhuer examination shows that the combination i on the whole to be fmverpetedifevently in Homer aid elaseal Bteratire, Th Hamner wad lef pide normally haa a conermivecimacto sense, deren if ever sm, which refers tothe whole wentenee (or the verb) father thant joie el fae mane steuctarl relevance; ga (often {allowed by neg) i» abmont subordinate to thst xa eg. TLL 217 Huss wal pha neg Duy aegodepirn? There isonly one ease in ftomer” whete nod sooms to go with ia ag am expt wal without 2 caocwive sue toi: ML 1- 318 nal fla akin di (of, ine 32). ‘Bat note the pres uf the partsiple even hee In pot Tomer Titerature the sHlmnerics type of wa ida vous ton att then (eg, Xo A 3.3.2 Hell 6.20) But fom teagey Crovanls emphatic sal with and subornate to) ade is mel more tomtom even in ptiipial ees, Thi a not kl to be nooner deveement tthe omer a,b a tent piso wie mt fv mk a Hn, fa ems Homes, eAthice nasa hae « inte aneton fr Aspley swans 43, tad tat ase it peor frequen lato aul Aewhines, and fily fount in, Neoplon rnin An (Cyr Hell), Other authors! make oosmaional we of i emarkably often oAttie wai pile hasan allimative sd of mean ing’, which may be due to some extent to ite onfinative we, bat which spends in general on the alfimmative character of emphatic Yat (of. § 280) Oscnionally val pia rooms to be uae i st alot truely afficmative mtn ef, in nome choo before the negeive (4), find Hat. 7. 11 da ad ida ovetesuortoe (bat ef § note 2 and $50), PLL, G68a eb al pia your dr ad Bradiyendac (bat Gf, the confirmative uo}, Dean 20. 162 fore 88 wal wil! Faw ros Shir melas. ut onthe wil te intensive meaning ston vo edo ate; exoeyt for the bat-amentinel ease, T have therwino reorded tea wi together with intnsive wa CPL Phi 441 § 5 8. a For Pl, 1, 8109 me § 26 Coniemalse pie 42 The very common use i elslcal Greck of intensive adverbs foc stressing the truth of some iden expressed ! by the interlocutor ine dilogur, hms a fundannntal parle {nthe tao of waperatve in eeoind ff §§ 164, 169). T have cae hin ‘ue and meaning canfimative, au applied the tern not only to wore (or superiative forma) sich refer directly to what the ielosutar ton aud by inten (or lo, ntrongthening) ene of in wor, by raring agen, tt abso to wor (or ayperatve forma) which atoes fn asentienjuijment, or even A remark in wider ve (thous ot a negative) in comnestion with what been ma — all on the foruition that hey neem to hawe none sllimmaives refrenor to a reeling en of § 48) — se we hal so, the inate sey ‘cnet be ditnetlydelnitad, nut wide mee ofthe tern i theefore TH i ts bs elucev tet ayy the tern snfimatiees tthe sallirmaties funtion of wl ste, In re jainder au dh 2 oF le for 0, ‘he ten uficmuicy aesin, Liwe of any word cic. which ex presser airiies ws real or true (ol $274 If). Tnejsue the uteri wer easily taken a bearer fw coniative potion thomaelses, and thus they took om fanetion eoreponding (9 That af our sade, vestaialys, sen, ste! Tho proces probably took plac on n wile frome with internal crow influenoes between the diferent verbs and betwen tov types of se (of. § 410), wil be convenient tote ue eotirnative function of verbs ytematicllyin Gro dws Sh reeset those fe types (6) 43 and 48), 48. Clou A: Afiia in context, intensifying another wont, ‘bet having pale contirmativefunetion. Ong to the clone affinity tthe next lan, tho ene whic, Teco here cannot be equated so petely with entivary inte ize, There not be any doubt abon The phimon sluraster of this wnge. Only few casen with » posible SiaRematise she of chvionsly ssomnary importance bare been treonlalabove. The flloring passages wa i fund everywhere (wometines folkneed hy ye), exept when otiseise noted. Ts Tee clan concern Plato oly. With adjectivos and adver ayaade ans drayraing Te 6D pd 7 Grdornae Phe. 2650 Bee R. tobe. dorioe Gong. 4479 ye) ‘eonog peu 2046 (ote), Bo 7 fap, 2008, Le pois bons Bi asl eva Niels 1 10% ror in ral whi in dle rat fa me iis sIeety9, tw Ample LK, Dew. 1,284 opis. Hak) oe atpme The 2086 fe, of. $53 Seton X. Symp. 49 ‘sis ‘lout 162K ol p57 beers Pha. 1050 (e), Pui 906, nalig Ton 5330 (ade), R465, ise, Ie Glo (ade) fede 1. tind, 028 p pvois, Asin, 2 polte iyi 2096 (yy Te te Aes Ly UGS wal fe 3 ye (oe), 3800 Baliye 2084 X. Ose. 28 Gh ops 1, Phe. 200d (00), ‘Siph 267 ordden 2 oui in PL, ace § 148 With prepositional expresions: xard mir Phil. 306, Tim. 17 (ye) els Lyon PaoPL Ale IL Tb Ge) With vert: ba R508 ola An Lt (Lawn) ey? ea Soph. 2406 neler Lite erm Phu. 2680 Fecandn rlnerae Gat er Sen 259.0088) {In Us lloring. ce with ver intensive notion OF ae ve manny ey are ha heel the sewn seas My is pil in nee lake we ef uns atve (sonny in mre language of Mis type af Uke Hid gery uth, foals hie awlly it pray se whe coupe with dann tr mde tga hu genera of § 280 44 Claas Bh Sia with oF without content, Dut obily ite ees atensitying funotion wih a yord in hit Sotto Ip same owes there my be m zefletion of wit probably SRE clip state, i, when jd may rem to refer to 6 wor in fhe preceding sentence, es (Pumibly) th to essen i Astophanes {tee below nute'3), be Plats R692 (6c p. 47 noto 1) But sch cases fe ina aneansrgula, Thoug the poeiity ean be denied het Tein adhe wan voncelved we intebifying the word Ie eet i recto principally eonfiuative. The function i af lest fully developed. hy tth century Att The conbomative ence B i more atint than tho clas A. But it i not, in my opinion, weeoondary development of it, There ace pralls incnuy gang ofthe alee sucrtioned use of an adver of deg in tery with fence to-9 word which is not taken up agi: oe Bare aye Verge (oo. warns); though such use bas woul, 10% Fea to the thange of meaning whieh ix evident in Gree, Tow vere rat hve ben atrng aoucations betwen te to classe, Cam ened qasame a more of fe independent oxigin forthe clas ‘Tl bo autfiient only to give talstic, Not tho fact thatthe cases ith contest ate fisly few ant eonfined to PIsto, eg. Pl. 10 wal [lu b) sévoe, The. 1480... dxgor, — x) rr AC Byore wal wide re ve ngondven. CE the last cases recone in § 49; ef leo § 48 aide phi ye pba ye Other combinations Aristophanes 1? Ales 1 Xenophon: Mem. 19 Pater It 4 an 1 rg 1 v ide dnoy Baty 2000 sep 96 Ph 78 vit vat, XL xu a 45, Wo observe that more than half of all cates of wie in Plato ro confimative. "The coreesponding figure for Xenophon is [10 O™ Aa a rule, only val dia (ye, bf) opeurs in this function, and wide Fein the Inter writings of Plat, The latter phrase may’ be dus to analogy YE ne eth and TEDL La gar o doe cay 48. The somantie refaranoe of ua following & negative isan intricate probe? Sucl ees are unvally explained meaning properly aot veryy (nid reer to nuthin wor, the negative referring ta pda oto the ‘ensified expression ax a wil), which throggh ltotes may mean tmotat alle (on e.g. Kher Gerth Il p. 180 nota 3), On th other hand there are eases where in the opinion of sme sebolas, ade simply strengtlens the negative: st at als (this view i apparently beld by L & 8. nv. pide Lb). It will be noorenry here to investigate the problem somewhat nore lol. me (or with only a partie we notin Ter, adhere only in © sexta typo of leat, has a TLS. 18 f dnp W var dug vr elpscaoatte, oe wil Updos. Similarly, with certain variation and with 0682 wa? rs I, 12,38, 24, 5, Ol. 28, 19, plda ran in a nar elation to the negative ‘6 vo matin the sHomerce type of wa wii (flo context such 38 140" edpdiay eto) Tne Sohne pinay Ooo neages xordove, grein the frat place with may (6531 aul 210) wiles vend pid ob boned tows iv ye ural sin epi pote er Bete 1416 = 18 878 7 pi Ca a ten: M0. 118 9G eee ye faa ter Hy ELH), 2 308, Oy 13.40, 2,201 Hen Ce ae asate of the lsersatios of Donny at omer totes De Rhy intend Ip seenthoning of the agate (he loses id aaeone Namen it hand wae that die Ui not vee at all MeN Saneept of ale wil alway follow i thew instances Te may see Gn nprolae that o¥8 pda coukl have two meanings ns widely {latrent oe mot (ven) very (end not a alls, On he ober ad ares that the sentra es in susk ese of tots is te nezative wa the tamwept i ulate refers bo, the construction with wide soe being a real intensification, For w correct entinate of tone pages we hve to ool pst pie mage, Theve ue fw oe of litte in pets, whic fll ene ceiuons gis 8s pc 08 ve jd! dodauz, Avec, Suppl 47, 025, Joon ho ret of he caso i yoy, ao all prow cues, rida sfaay ng together ina please whieh etantes betwe Pe co aang, WOT ¥eiy> (aa having 8 ly Taw on ie comrape of value mot bei really intensive), ot NeUige oven gap Hp.) apobably note maul ets, an pose Uy’ tuk at ile Thgu, O17 of el eines eran adore rien auch. Pers. 284 mob gt) "Bidjyar ergasic, xeursi JES iso eadto rane, Sop Phil. 610 (ye) data 9 08 wa, Pio Tray. to 18 Nar W118 69 of iid 4 808 wi, Hae 1 04, 2.37, 2, 8 ue Ogun Zant, 2 10 aos des 08 wus pvt, 3, TB Hi Tok 7 1,30, 4, 8, A 8 (i) 10, Teg eat pia iver, 10, 30, 40, 68, Rent, 95, VO. My ATE 2 Kophon Ooo. T, ai ida eng yo2drv brea, An. 2.6. Vy See ta, yen 1 Tye Mell 2.28, 8.1. My 280 08 aide dee ese Sena, 321, BY Meets 4, 4030 ele eotrur oe wie airbnay 08 ses iadzovon of rr loan Ft 1, 1, 15, UL ty Pato Symp, rata 8 of mile Syper at resp nal Plate yoosngen it pes to take oa tw any seen negative, Bt on he whole oi aparently ds We fe a sn the star Hee ise (oss PL SON ep hay res don mgs espa ene ing of 0 pa 41. The origin of the phrase oi jize bs evivntly to be see iach ces Mise ize pies wit nother sued. Maser usage (a the (Siltece ot cher adver, we salle Laer) indicates that tos ‘Maye impurtant pst in the develpenent. We are fry sao reeTalsing the ecemption and taking ob pia lyr ct. a principally eeetiows exprenions, whether they scout i Ltotes or not! By an cay prose of hypoeits, prtoalaely nderstandablo Dosa the aaa atte a Oe eed Hoe Tal probly earried the aces, wd TEE dated wi of tate than seth tie following word. The Jina then meant mot veuyn wot realy; o it doesn Homer Eero ater irate, Th shade of reaning not at allo possibly heures hind step of ussaional chaser which ea be dived fons ecnudary litte, Dut in ty opin is sulficent to render hn norco 0 nt rallye (fin peineple the emphatic fet ot wd ete, § 301) There: Homevie pasagor where Uhre ie wot only a partne oF eaween the negative al ei, soem Uo refect the pine: I 10 89 Pee we pak bee wire veveine, 20. 10L od pe aéha ela Moujan, (OL 32 0 8 pig Gebove atte wT? doDeinaes dagzoreaed 148, Aldi in we in Fpe pty before 8 negative to srongton i Be a Baaat pda” abe Aga qlee peeab, 5.403, O13. 103, EM, hy Hom 4 25 "The content (4238 yo, Ott oH 3) inion tthe lata ee was here ooerived me pil (ff 0 al 57 Tniatrlertare only maida coeur amodtey before negative RGN BG wl AA? OF BADE ewer es UI The yb dpa na pl? ob pater Bipor an atower to pronation) This lovin ene seal note (ets § 41). Tho same applies to the Tallow eames wheve noida be eparated nn the negetve: HL 2 Tis ul pee tnd woe win emery ibd.) Mt Tk AST, hae 26 fn thn ens ead aidan only akin to enim weit) Leste, AMirwatce meaning 49. Sometimes, especialy i Hoey, oda tems to have an emphatic ‘ston in tho seatec, In ch positon an siznalive notion reli ‘trulys, and tho lik) with eeference to the whole wate, may stand ‘out. Most cnes are flowed by evident cneapts of val’ and Cannot therefore be farentinted.feom the purely intensive estegory, But some instanoea of the combination ae yg int a te wnstovee ot fn affirmative, though not quite distinct, phim with a ntengthesing fine UL 0.419, = 696 dia rig dr eSesone Zeb sate tp éacedoge = Mh. Wo. 251 aaa” iouer yd iy Wf dv van, type he OL Od. 17, 180, where there san aversativewidsera proximately, alta, £5 168), but whee correspond directly to avin the former page <8. 226 ihn pip me izys Exsdoro wal ddan akneg I 12. 67 pita yy inpir Sg niger But here the veal expreaion zhogir Sie: niget (arly the metaphor inde lane) may repro ‘oonoept uf velative value, Het: Op. 703 ike ye ve ior nexenanong Gara. Hece pide nny be parcy intensive, but note te haerive tone oC the page, — Peobbly afimative: Aegch, Age 1001 se) gata rie ter tig awdhds tues dadgenror xégua (hd), Bam 12 lye) Inika yig oer diopéea dvbenter Bagoncon® 1H 1, 6 pa af opt yous yor” duporéeader I prefer ta se alfirmative ize, Decne the verbal expretion poe de iso key to bo a eonoupt of wale (ls § 40, In Xen. Csr. 64 wal le, fp, pease jue 088 de 22h ebeinyudu, iddi zogstinse, th nvr seine alo to hove taken ot ‘an alfative notin. Te ean batilyeefer to the ative none; bet ie can powibly be psc 0 far at to be taken a Jnteraive ith te x reson abe de ul? Ab any eat he instance represente an ecco, foee use of pide, which, If aliemative, ic coined hy the wre ‘hist Nenopton normaly gives to the nver Teall be woted that the fimative shade of meaning in pate (oten nok pred bys} Bats conion with iy eminent Cet et te aeeraon a eens pet se bbe ‘Phe porticte pita 50, We have been chief wnoctne with ida asa inteusive adverb ask with diwetly derived special var We sly explained the phe se of ka before negative deriving from its fnelion ae 4 partile, However, in many of the Homeri este of intensive yc cond shove; the aver cul aswell o perl bata, be el an vnpate. ticle Fam thinking of the very common types uf eonest, such ‘ (ed) nal pia (with vooncomiven wa), 965" el da, Of he) DC ‘tia, dit tia, and consteactions mich an noid pd sod, where iia is fusly woak in fore and (apparently) unstiewel I genera of. tho ctes where ue flown tho worl which it intersition (onarked with an asterisk in th sts above)? ye de seem toa geatetent tw bo 6 ather wom word in Homer? Yom such uss toto isa hort at Yo the flowing constructions here aia ix probably nut coeived xine, bt sinply al ge ally emphatic ke a, Te ix notable that aie appears ava 0 be 51, With ngs an epio phrase: — At the begining of verse, ee (odin) pi 16 ce, Od. times, tes Op 0, be Hom Lette, The 1342, Ant. tr 16.1 Kink, coming ao Th, 10 asutarly Ol 2 203) ivea id! dngextos dyoseseuer where ya has an smivalns of reforence; wo. Hom. 2. 303 sda peda iar indgcame, whine tO, 4,3 tau in the vere, CE X. Cyr 4.6, Hell 18, where judi is probably to be taken a an intensive adverb, — In the vere ida aubtae (ms, aoar, va), I tie, Of Usa ‘a Hom, 110, 5, 417, Bmped, 110.9 Dil, Bo-PhevyL 15, outing also two eases of o pdt belore ade, § 367 ry ye loys Bh Mn 2 357 eSerg pi? Peares Zor Bit ue ont iw Manors Ah 1, 97%, ML 718 383% wi air U2 TH OAL Tr 2th prom, 38 oi! wid, Note th typical context, ‘With sayz, only Hoes ap wa at the beginning of he env, I 121, (hk Ht 86% ees pbb yz OM. 17. 217, 22 oo ofse pn nije Hl 14 403 (where 1 take ayo with ofme, sa, : Mire pio, yrobably modelled on Homeric agp» jie, in Pato Pha Sho Pacts vegnin fayors odvor, Ovo, mal sire pe T reir ttake dias mcmplitis petite, Desuiwe wither ofthe avers Wiikey to repeement eunecpe of value 152 With jan opie psoas found oveasionally in Iter potey. Te eye fudke (0) haw aobows aa af fementve sense in the fst see te Beno posible separate Foon the sl pate sch Re wheve = eonoept nf value follows, aul to refer yea tothe ater ier hn tone Ue 16 786 pd? ped dai, Por iteiying ef, § 261, — Statntas of vooureencr: HOR Ep min, Thyn, Pind. ar Nie ue 5 pide 34 6 SSometinen therw are one or mors wunds between jf nl aida. In the Thing cats Kel to fh, 12 372 9 pe wi ese aya, Ta ute, Homa, 3. 382 But in aun other passages the reerenan of pita i a Just bivalent I nae lity intensifying: M9. 197 we ike ue 1-228 i or eda Bho, 21 38 89 mw ik” Zona, Ou tk 361 pon dba Bye Gates? 5 With aly? an opie pass ap yoda osu 4 ne Hh, 3 tes AoW Oged eh esoh wa dr Eony? ay ates won ie wenn mmc oval ae tate ta Heajne 6 hb ant Tn, seg he ging of ens, a Oe hima te Hon 3 2, alas he context pron. DE wiz With cia! "his iv momen inn in ALLE. “These are C40 inet i mer, th We Uy 13.424, bot in the comtext ot aeieits mit aeica voure Sure tice in comedy, ArT. 75 Uh soe K (crt cued), Tit vray pe Fallows (ruts iey Shae atae $100 open, Aes 14 tes, The. 4118. 14, Xew. 1 sen, Pink, (EY? and XU) 7 nes, Dem. (mainly In the speeches Te, but not 23) 24 times, Aeahin 5 tines, Hyper twin, Leu haw, Ato in Ati ierptonn, 1B. 2. 5, 80.47, te Witt a en, Epics te 217 Kal, ro xe Dagar pil” Sedo (ereca peiye. ‘Soucy with eSanis wich T fa hard wo take ae oneepe ‘of values Ok #1, 196 alr Foe ie wa? Bante wal 6 Deis Tonir dnbeat CF the context pron. 38 wa ‘58. To Herovotus, «polar usage ix enumeration, messing somethin Tine saguine 1 184 ote 8s of 88 pas. 1 USL xa Zens wie Tho, 8 06, Thin gat itu is nauraly not to be confteed wit th Thilo liom wae day which in fact oceurs also in Hut. (2. 145, nan Tn Auto, eorenponting ase after Ere Ar, B89 nal sus dacenrow dows bes tobeos ita, VL ste festa of the ws afer interestions G50 Be Bobs nade. as xa pda vor Tap, Antipho Kh B17, Paola, Heys sia Daora empha asin sxgely at Adatophanes: Aes, um 3 Gea Spa pil ab ietood ve ne el the uve in exhortations, § ST ‘Shaul Soph EL. L400. Burther Ar. Le 144 (Lacon) det iz eters ME a, fe ‘inilay, aid wore often, gi” as, manly afr dnterjetions oF ited for Tin) Ava (Ag. 1845 ct.) 3 tne Spl 6 tows, Bur. 3 Lihat toss evunting abu Av. HIG rarcoueerge anata wl ‘Frac (wlve occ lly Debnig the ver [55. —Wit daepten wont Pink P27 are OW ei robe eebutton 17h, Msi. 12.3 Hunt 0 i a ha) Betti tn seme uP age Persea 8 Ry Ate My Te 34, 38, Wh interjciona, tragedy aad Artanis (of § 94): Asch (Cue. si0 Za Za pai, Soph. Phi 786, Ion. 109, Hor Two 722, Cy (iy Aes 28, 49,486, Le 1308 (Laon). An Aceh, Pry, 10 of pa said" dys, ida gona probably in tho first pce withthe intrjeation 51. Sometinen, exp. in Hamer, the patti judas used fr atening ‘evttons. Note in the following passes sone ene of 23k pide ‘ounterbabuicing the negative, which sound ileatie 1.122 pe iF LIN 254 dupl poia yeteode, ilo, Ol. 6.42, 0.258 G88 (nia 50" Feder? Shnialy M12. 02 i) i pe danger deder Faas, add pid? Gurovioreepevapelrg, and 3 dyes ay afte ink tee hi dp 46 Pepi, whee the exh tine easement wrt orn. ther: Spl eh 1 Tits. — age wide, OC 1402 tbe ya wépae Feineeas xrdaos, ‘wheve jada protubly goot in te fit place with te, — With to per tise. ier od be ple to he taken ea patie eather than a an meri degece, eg: Tender 21) dada, drat, wide tee (§ 4) No ponibly al U3 Duporons pike sind § 24) 158. A similar eather affirmative emphasis soos tbe seca by india in the flowing posages, where the verbs aro in 18). Pats I 286 added dda nfo, 10108 oe Se oi? Soy? Bye, UR 07 testo GMa wad” dey acon, 3D. 362 06. 2 pina a gated, 30 (382 ave) Ba pi ntti patti te flowing page ~ he pen Spe. yee pid ugar enw Me % Wy 11. NH, BUF Roncbe Menta ake pc with ieorden, whi ween tome me ‘rote lly tn an phe funtion it woyeas — Hl We 136 wb ado nectgns wid ayes, Like 9 with snporstives® (6 ‘Slow Deno 4.38 1G ne pid He des at Gg, Boe Te, of 135g me pO dame.» For the oniesty of Kong, Ob oftes- dah pil uldgy néxvarasdredae, Note the typical enter, Ou, 63104 4 pid Spdgeen, Sau toioro il pit “Oden. Note the spa ote os $8 Mi plane certaineference tothe ernie: lye wo Hak. + fie eS ednve cat) OM, 18 370 dgee wa arp. Pb bly toe Hom. 156 7 0 pi of. 30). — Demon. (Demo rato) 90 Dis iss ghey rie Tar xalemredoy pia, Dat Ste feo we of inthe Hipporatin (mp eats 7s § 32 Mac 840 Mtgout wai Mion pdbw Cowon of debe veda of Nea Gye 15 ain ih i Dy Sorc wd ha Baer TIDE topense yeiosor padi nagdres. With rgasl 0 the iWut-jmaug th may bo an Ton Mom 60. fn three pamages the context of wea bs apoilt: lowe, 121.4, Mean 1, 8, Sion. 15. A. b, 21 D. Conluion 6. Keays hatte history of wal a the whole two ie ‘The Hanus ne tharacieriaed hy a fly weak foro of intenive jails sun parka iendeney to vin pda wey as an emphatic pa {ike Gute often, however has a empliatie poston, which poly Eecants an lier wage, owe bev the fficwative hoes pee icrensonally in ater poet) “Ai pve pla eure ner Meet, expel in ot ee Me plates ee Hct easiest fond iin Toni pe al evo, ino RoE, me hy tar ith on

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