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Page 1 of 3 icTr MONTE Q-ODEBAT oar se.23_ pur: 10 THE STATE OF TEXAS IN THE 241ST DISTRICT COURT vs. OF GUSTAVO ZAVALA-GARCIA SMITH COUNTY, TB) 19.03 Control #: 16-05174 04449 0027__ FX IN THE NAME AND BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: : CAPITAL MURDER Articl THE GRAND JURORS, duly selected, organized, sworn and impaneled as such for the County of ‘Smith, State of Texas, at the July-December Term, 2016, of the 241ST Judicial District Court in and for said County, a quorum thereof being present, upon their oaths present in and to said Court that on or about the 1st day of November, 2016, and anterior to the presentment of this Indictment, in the County of Smith and State of Texas, GUSTAVO ZAVALA-GARCIA, did then and there intentionally cause the death of an individual, namely, Kayla Gomez-Orozco, by homicidal violence through a specific means unknown to the grand jury, and the defendant was then and there in the course of committing or attempting to commit the offense of kidnapping of Kayla Gomez-Orozco; AND THE GRAND JURORS AFORESAID do further Present in and to said Court that on or about the 1st day of November, 2016, and anterior to the Presentment of this Indictment, in the County and State aforesaid GUSTAVO ZAVALA-GARCIA did then and there intentionally cause the death of an individual, namely, Kayla Gomez-Orozco, by homicidal violence through a specific means unknown to the grand jury, and the defendant was then and there in the course of committing or attempting to commit the offense of aggravated sexual assault of Kayla Gomez-Orozco; AND THE GRAND JURORS AFORESAID do further present in and to said Court that on or about the Ast day of November, 2016, and anterior to the presentment of this Indictment, in the County and State aforesaid GUSTAVO ZAVALA-GARCIA did then and there intentionally cause the death of an individual, namely, Kayla Gomez-Orozco, by striking Kayla Gomez-Orozco with a hard object and blunt object, and the defendant was then and there in the course of Committing or attempting to commit the offense of kidnapping of Kayla Gomez-Orozco; AND THE GRAND JURORS AFORESAID do further present in and to said Court that on or about the Ast day of November, 2016, and anterior to the presentment of this Indictment, in the County and State aforesaid GUSTAVO ZAVALA-GARCIA did then and there intentionally cause the death of an individual, namely, Kayla Gomez-Orozco, by striking Kayla Gomez-Orozco with a hard object and blunt object, and the defendant was then and there in the course of Committing or attempting to commit the offense of aggravated sexual assault of Kayla Gomez- Orozco; Original- Pink State’s Copy- Green Defendant's Copy- Canary ‘THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF SMITH 1, Lois Rogers, Clerk of the District Court within and for the County and State aforesaid, do hereby cenify that the foregoing contains a true and correct copy of the Indictment in Cause No. of the State of Texas vs ‘as now on file in this office. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF | hereto set my hand and seal, this day of » AD. 20, ee LOIS ROGERS By, Clerk of the District Court Deputy ‘Smith County, Texas 4 z eo | § & — 3 a4 d z gil 3 ood | fe g Bs5 ig geo ee eS ec | & Q £ £46 Sas lagé [8 gf B ge

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