Aileen Alcuran Duño AB Psychology: Philip Crosby: Zero Defects Thinker

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Aileen Alcuran Duo

AB Psychology
Philip Crosby: Zero Defects Thinker
Philip Crosby (1926-2001) was an influential author, consultant and philosopher
who developed practical concepts to define and communicate quality and quality
improvement practices. His influence was extensive and global. He wrote the bestseller Quality is free in 1979, at a time when the quality movement was a rising,
innovative force in business and manufacturing. In the 1980s his consultancy
company was advising 40% of the Fortune 500 companies on quality management.
W Edwards Deming: Total Quality Management Thinker
William Edwards Deming (1900-1993) is widely acknowledged as the leading
management thinker in the field of quality. He was a statistician and business
consultant whose methods helped hasten Japans recovery after the Second World
War and beyond. He derived the first philosophy and method that allowed
individuals and organizations to plan and continually improve themselves, their
relationships, processes, products and services. His philosophy is one of
cooperation and continual improvement; it avoids blame and redefines mistakes as
opportunities for improvement.
Robert Cialdini: Influence and Persuasion Thinker
Professor Robert Cialdini (1945) is a celebrated social psychologist who has
undertaken extensive research on the psychology of influence, persuasion and
negotiation. He is the most cited living expert in the field of persuasion research
and is best known for his 1984 publication on persuasion and marketing, Influence:
the psychology of persuasion which has sold over two million copies and has been
translated from English into 27 other languages.
Charles Handy
Charles Handy (born 1932) is well known for his work on organizations. This has
culminated in the formation of a vision of the future of work and of the implications
of change for the ways in which people manage their lives and careers.
His observation of work in modern society has identified discontinuous change as
the (paradoxically) continuing characteristic of working lives and organizations. He
has forecast a future - already not without a good deal of accuracy - where half of
the UK's workforce would no longer be in permanent full-time jobs.
It is Handy's understanding of the ways in which organizations are changing to
meet the accelerating changes and demands of new and diverse markets that we
shall concentrate on here.

Aileen Alcuran Duo

AB Psychology

Albert Mehrabian: Nonverbal Communication Thinker

Professor Mehrabian (1939-) believes that there are three core elements in the
effective face-to-face communication of emotions or attitudes: nonverbal behavior
(facial expressions, for example), tone of voice, and the literal meaning of the
spoken word. These three essential elements, Mehrabian argues, account for how
we convey our liking, or disliking, of another person. His particular focus is on the
importance of such nonverbal clues when they appear to conflict with the words
used and/or the tone in which they are spoken. Mehrabian developed his early
theories on this subject during the 1960s. Drawing on the findings of two
experiments he conducted in 1967, he formulated the 7-38-55% communication

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Human Resource Organizational Chart

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Employee A

Employee B

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