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Questions for Chapters 4-6

1. This is the goal that the individual pursues that serves as decisive factor.
a. finalism
b. dynamism
c. superiority

d. ego-ideal

2. He chose the term individual psychology for his conception personality because he was
interested in investigating the uniqueness of the person
a. Harry Stack Sullivan
b. Carl Jung
c. Albert Ellis
d. Alfred Adler
3. It refers for ones position within the family in terms of birth order among siblings and
the presence or absence of parents and other caregivers.
a. superiority
b. family constellation
c. style of life
d. social interest
4. This is the ultimate fictional finalism for which all human beings strive, and it gives unity
and coherence to the personality.
a. social interest
b. finalism
c. goal for superiority
d. style of life
5. An urge in human nature to adapt oneself to the conditions of ones environment and
a. social interest
b. superiority
c. finalism
d. creative self
6. Adler agreed with Jung that teleology is necessary for a full understanding of personality.
a. Yes
b. No
c. Uncertain
7. ___________ tend to be more like older children in that they enjoy being the center of
attention. They tend to mature sooner and to adopt adultlike behaviors earlier in life.
a. oldest children
b. second children
c. last-born children
d. only children
8. Sullivan conceived of _________ as any painful feeling or emotion that may arise from
organic needs or social insecurity.
a. neurosis
b. anxiety
c. fear
d. dynamism
9. According to Sullivan, ________ is the expression and discharge uncomfortable feelings
in ways that are interpersonally acceptable, such as releasing anger verbally rather than
by hitting or kicking the object of anger.
a. as if behavior
b. selective inattention
c. sublimation
d. displacement
10. This interpersonal device is used to minimize anxiety. These are healthy if they increase
our security without threatening our competence in interpersonal relations.
a. security operations
b. defense mechanisms
c. escape mechanisms
d. coping mechanisms
11. The group of feelings, attitudes, and thoughts that have arisen out of ones interpersonal
experiences. It can relate to the self or to other persons.

a. dynamism

b. personification

c. identification

d. inattention

12. _____________ is the self-awareness that is organized around experiences to be avoided

because they are anxiety producing.
a. good-me self
b. bad-me self
c. not-me self
d. fine-me self
13. The prototaxic experience perceives causal relations between events that happen together.
It involves making generalizations about experience on the basis of proximity.
a. Yes
b. No
c. Uncertain
14. In Sullivans stages of development, its focus is on chum relationship, the beginning of
intimate reciprocal human relationships. This could entail overt homosexual genital
a. juvenile era
b. early adolescence
c. late adolescence
d. preadolescence
15. ____________ are the result of the formative experiences that create basic anxiety.
a. neurotic trends
b. basic needs
c. fear
d. neurotic anxiety
16. What coping strategy will be fitted for an exaggerated for affection and approval (a
neurotic trend)?
a .moving away (detachment)
b. moving against (hostility)
c. moving toward (compliance)
d. none of the
17. The three basic orientations toward life are intrapersonal in nature. An orientation that
entails an appeal to be loved is ___________.
a. resignation solution
b. self-expansive solution
c. self-effacing solution
d. compliance solution
18. The _____________ represents what we think we should be. We use it as a model to
assist us in developing our potential and achieving self-actualization.
a. idealized self
b. self-concept
c. real self
d. normal self
19. In an extreme neurosis, the individual may completely abandon the real self for the sake
of an idealized glorified self.
a. tyranny of the should
b. alienation
c. hostility
d. detachment
20. She pioneered feminine psychology- focuses on womens experiences-that was
stimulated by the fact that certain clinical observations appeared to contradict Freuds
theory of the libido.
a. Melanie Klein
b. Nancy Chodorow
c. Karen Horney
d. Margaret Mahler
21. Fromm also distinguished ___________- which is orientations that seek to live life and
___________- as being attracted to what is dead and decaying and seeks to destroy life.

a. eros; thanatos

b. biophilous character; necrophilous character

c. thanatos; eros
d. necrophilous character; biophilous

22. There are five basic needs that rose from the human condition of freedom. A basic need
that focuses on relating to other people and loving productively is called ________. On
the other hand, __________ demands becoming aware of ourselves as separate and
unique individuals.
a. relatedness; sense of identity
b. transcendence; rootedness
c. frame of orientation; object of devotion
d. stimulation; excitation
23. _____________ personalities experience themselves as commodities; they may be
described as opportunistic chameleons, changing their colors and values as they as they
perceive the forces of the market to change. This is one of the five character orientations
by Fromm.
a. hoarding
b. productive
c. exploitative
d. marketing
24. A mode of existence which depends solely on the fact of existence, the source of
productive love and activity and leads to solidarity and joy.
a. relating mode
b. being mode
c. sensing mode
d. having mode
25. Escape mechanisms do not resolve the underlying problem of loneliness; they merely
mask it. _____________ offers escape from the problem of freedom through submitting
to a new form of domination.
a. moving toward b. automaton conformity
c. destructiveness d. authoritarianism
26. Anna Freud used the term __________ to refer to a series of id-ego interactions in which
the children decrease their dependence on external controls and increase ego mastery of
themselves and their world.
a. developmental line b. diagnostic profile
c. maturation d. ego virtue

27. Anna Freud produced a classification system of childhood symptoms that reflects
developmental issues. She also devised a formal assessment procedure known as
______________. The therapist uses it to organize and integrate the data that he or she
acquires during a diagnostic assessment.
a. developmental line
b. diagnostic profile
c. developmental assessment
d. personality test
28. The statements below are included in the developmental line. Except for one;
a. egocentricity to companionship
b. sucking to irrational eating
c. dependency to emotional self-reliance
d. play to

29. An appropriate balance of trust and mistrust leads to the development of the ego strengthfidelity, a basic human virtue without which we are unable to survive.
a. Yes
b. No
c. Uncertain
30. The fifth psychosocial stage that is within the range of adolescence (12-18). This is a
major stage in development where the child has to learn the roles he will occupy as an
adult. It is during this stage that the adolescent will re-examine his identity and try to find
out exactly who he or she is.
a. industry vs inferiority
b. trust vs mistrust
c. ego identity vs role confusion
d. intimacy vs isolation
31. Girls emphasize _________ and qualities of openness versus closeness. Boys concentrate
on ________ and qualities of highness and lowness (Erikson).
a. inner space; outer space
b. having mode; being mode
c. outer space; inner space
d. being mode;
having mode
32. At this period of psychosocial stage, children are active in their environment, mastering
new skills and tasks.
a. industry vs inferiority
b. generativity vs stagnation
c. initiative vs guilt
d. autonomy vs shame and doubt
33. In Eriksons theory, the ego strengths that develop out of each psychosocial stage called
a. virtues
b. syntality
c. press
d. vijuana

34. The virtue of this stage is wisdom. Wisdom enables an individual to bring life to an
appropriate closure. It is the ability to stand back and reflect on ones life in the face of
impending death.
a. generativity vs. stagnation
b. ego integrity vs despair
c. intimacy vs isolation
d. ego identity vs role confusion
35. McAdams has focused on _______________, concern for and commitment to future
generations. It includes beliefs in the advisability of investing in the future of others and
commitments to generative actions.
a. generativity
b. ego identity
c. intimacy
d. stagnation

Engler, B. (2014). Theories of Personality. Pasig City, Philippines: Cengage
Learning Asia Pte Ltd (Philippine Branch).

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