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Name: Joel Enrique Guillen Sulbaran

ID: 24.349.771
Section: 2
21st Century Skills in Reading and writing
21st century skills are very important because they will prepare students for their future
studies, their future careers and their future as adults, these skills are critical thinking,
collaboration, communication and creativity; all these can be applied to improve reading
and writing:
Critical Thinking is an important skill in reading because it makes the reader evaluate the
information that is presented by the author. This evaluation is all about examining the
information care fully, asking questions and checking others points of view regardless these
ones go against the authors ideas in order not to take everything is read for granted and
form own opinions. When it comes to writing critical thinking is also important because
writing and reading go hand in hand, it means if reading skills are poor it is likely writing
skills are poor too. When someone wants to write something, it is important to have a clear
understanding of the topic which the writing is about; this clear understanding is the
result of a successful reading. So all the opinions in the writing can be supported with good
arguments based on what was read.
Collaboration and Communication, the first one is a skill that involves teamwork in
order to achieve a common goal; group readings can be very useful for students. Reading
paragraph by paragraph and pausing allows deepening in the relevant parts of the text, so
every member can interprets the text and share their points of view with the rest of the
group in order to build a collective knowledge. In writing group team is also possible when
every student reads its own text to group it allows detecting writing weakness in the text
also give the chance to give opinions about how the text can be improved. Communication
skill in writing is about articulating thoughts and ideas effectively in a way that makes
sense to the reader and about the purposes the writer have which can be to inform, educate,
motivate or persuade and also about expressing these ideas in other languages.

Creativity is about create and when someone read something , it creates pictures on its
mind , so the reader become part of the story it see the colors, hears the sounds, feels the
textures, tastes the flavors, and smell the odors the writer describes. This helps a lot to have
better comprehension on the reading, however when it come to writing, creativity goes in
hand with innovation so it is important to find new topics which no one has ever studied or
not necessarily new ones, they can be topics that already have been studied but the
difference here is that now they must be studied from a totally new perspective.

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