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Assessment Plan Table

Type of Assessments
Formative Assessment 1: Exit Ticket

Relevant Goal(s)

Learning Objectives

The purpose of this unit is to

-The students will be able to list

Attitudes/ Beliefs/ Actions
Students will be thankful for what

introduce what it means to be

objects/people that they are thankful

they have and show gratitude

thankful for something or someone


towards others by writing something

and how showing gratitude has

-The students will be able to actively

or someone they are thankful for.

positive effects in your community.

engage in group-reading activities

while participating in collaborative
conversation about Thanksgiving

Formative Assessment 2: picture sort

The purpose of this unit is to

The students will be able to compare

Students will be accepting of others

introduce students to Thanksgiving

and contrast the Indians and the

and work collaboratively.

as a National Holiday, familiarize


them with Thanksgiving customs,

and introduce the basic history of
the holiday.
Formative Assessment 3: hand signals

The purpose of this unit is to

-The students will be able to

increase students ability to compare

compare and contrast how we

and contrast now and long ago

celebrate Thanksgiving today versus

thorough the exploration of the

how the Pilgrims and Indians

differences between the First

celebrated the very First

Thanksgiving and present-day



-The students will be able to actively

engage in group-reading activities
while participating in collaborative
conversation about Thanksgiving

Self-Assessment 1: smiley faces

The purpose of this unit is to

The students will be able to compare

introduce students to Thanksgiving

and contrast the Indians and the

as a National Holiday, familiarize


them with Thanksgiving customs,

and introduce the basic history of
the holiday.
Self-Assessment 2: sticky notes

Summative Assessment 1 Post Test

The purpose of this unit is to

The students will be able to actively

Students will be thankful for what

introduce what it means to be

engage in group-reading activities

they have by exhibiting their

thankful for something or someone

while participating in collaborative

understanding of gratitude.

and how showing gratitude has

conversation about Thanksgiving

positive effects in your community.


-The purpose of this unit is to

-The students will be able to list

Students will be thankful for what

introduce students to Thanksgiving

objects/people that they are thankful

they have and show gratitude

as a National Holiday, familiarize


towards others through and

them with Thanksgiving customs,

-The students will be able to

understanding of what it means to be

and introduce the basic history of

compare and contrast how we

thankful for something/someone.

the holiday.

celebrate Thanksgiving today versus

-The purpose of this unit is to

how the Pilgrims and Indians

introduce what it means to be

celebrated the very First

thankful for something or someone


and how showing gratitude has

-The students will be able to

positive effects in your community.

compare and contrast the Indians

-The purpose of this unit is to

and the Pilgrims.

increase students ability to compare

and contrast now and long ago
thorough the exploration of the
differences between the First
Thanksgiving and present-day
Summative Assessment 2 Project

-The purpose of this unit is to

-The students will be able to list

Students will be thankful for what

introduce students to Thanksgiving

objects/people that they are thankful

they have and show gratitude

as a National Holiday, familiarize


towards others by retelling the story

them with Thanksgiving customs,

-The students will be able to

of the First Thanksgiving and how

and introduce the basic history of

compare and contrast how we

the Indians and Pilgrims celebrated

the holiday.

celebrate Thanksgiving today versus


-The purpose of this unit is to

how the Pilgrims and Indians

introduce what it means to be

celebrated the very First

thankful for something or someone


and how showing gratitude has

-The students will be able to

positive effects in your community.

compare and contrast the Indians

-The purpose of this unit is to

and the Pilgrims.

increase students ability to compare

-The students will be able to actively

and contrast now and long ago

engage in group-reading activities

thorough the exploration of the

while participating in collaborative

differences between the First

conversation about Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving and present-day



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