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1st trimesterFor the first trimester, standing Yoga Poses are advised as this will help strengthen the

promote Circulation, generate energy, and may reduce leg cramps. It is also advisable to do some
stretching such as the hamstrings stretch to avoid Sciatica.
Pranayama- Yogic breathing, Nadishodhana, Bhramari
Meditation- Nadanusandhana
Relaxation- QRT & DRT
2nd trimesterIn second trimester abdomen stretching asana, pelvic floor strengthening exercises along
with pranayama and meditation are advisable.
Tiryak Tadasana stretch
Marjara kriya
Upavishta-konasana (Sideways stretching)
Pranayama- Yogic breathing, Nadishodhana, Bhramari
Relaxation- QRT & DRT
3rd trimesterIn third trimester abdomen stretching and asana acting on s.pubis are advisable along with
pranayama and meditation.
- Vajrasana
- Supta vajrasana
- Upavishta Konasana
- Badrasana
- Pranayama-Yogic breathing, Nadishodhana, Bhramari
- Relaxation- QRT & DRT

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